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Our 2nd MAGICal Disney Cruise!


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So soon Jeff was up (with no alarm again) and after roaming around and grabbing the sunrise shot....




it was time for him to wake the rest of us.....


We were all really excited to be seeing a new port today, so up on deck we went to check out Grand Cayman as we dropped anchor....


It's flat. Pancake flat. So not that exciting or beautiful to see upon approach. No mountains. Just flapjacks.....


We were all ready to go pretty fast because we had heard horror stories about getting on early tenders or being stuck waiting..... And McSparklesons do NOT like to wait!


We were on the second or third tender, mainly because we had a bit of confusion regarding our excursion.


Let me just say up front that this was the BEST excursion we've ever had in 2 cruises. So much so that we booked them again for next year's Royal Caribbean cruise.


But when I was doing final confirmations a couple weeks before we left, I was exchanging emails and asking what time we should meet them upon arrival. I was told 10:00 am.


But we were getting in at 7? No, I was told, GC Port Authority had us coming in at 9. But everything I read on DCL's site and our DCL confirmations, showed us arriving at 7.


They wouldn't budge because they have to go by Port Authority since they are the "authority." Hmmmm.


So I emailed Grand Cayman Port Authority and was told......"We have you scheduled at 9am but really anytime after 7 they can come in."


Well, isn't that just clear as mud!!!! No problem, we'll just hang out and enjoy the sights of Flapjackland until our excursion begins.


Even the map showed us tendered just off a pancake....




I think we made it on the 2nd tender so we were off for the short trip to the mainland....








There's just something about the lines of a DCL ship. Beautiful.




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Once on land we wanted to get our bearings. Knowing we had to meet our captain (not Bobby, but my NEW favorite captain... Jordan ), at the Hard Rock Cafe at 10am, we quickly found the Hard Rock and just decided to kill some time until then. We told Tammie and Tori to just meet us there.


Ally quickly made new friends....




We were all getting antsy, wondering if our captain would show up early, knowing that we were already in. We tried everything to make a local call from the island, even trying one of the 6,457 pay phones advertising, "Call Home!" I felt like E.T. the entire time but still couldn't make a call!


That's when Jeff made a friend.


We asked this lovely lady at the "soda cart" how to dial local from the pay phones and she asked us for the number and called our excursion operator for us and told them we were ready.


They said, "Tell them we'll pick them up at 10!"


No problem. Because that's when Jeff said, "Well look who's coming...."




Here comes the Fantasy!!!!




At first I felt silly taking all these pics, but before long the street was full of other people just like me, all getting shots of "history in the making" again!






Nah nah nah nah nah nahhhhhh, we got here fiiiirrrrsssttt!!!!

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Before long, we saw a van pull up with "Fat Fish Adventures" on the side. Here comes our ride!!!!!!


It was shortly after the Fantasy arrived that it was time to say....


"Hellooooooo Captain Cutie!!!" I do believe that Tammie and I may have drooled that out in unison, but her reaction may have been from almost being knocked out cold getting into the van!


They don't let her out much in Colorado I don't think....




We were told to meet our pickup van outside the HardRock Cafe and I think we tried to make it way more difficult than it was. HardRock is on a corner, so which side should we meet him - how will he know who we are - what will he be driving - should we jump up and down - should we sit - should we stand......


When in all actuality, they arrive down the main road that faces the harbor, and turn the corner by the "main" entrance of the HardRock and they are driving a minivan with "Fat Fish Adventures" emblazoned on the side.


It really wasn't that tough.....


Well, again, Tammie might argue. Poor thing cracked her head so hard getting in the van!!! If she was going for mouth to mouth from Captain Cutie she needed to at least draw blood or lose consiousness. C'mon Tammie, take one for the team next time!!!!!


We had about a 15 minute drive to their waterfront office where we signed our release forms, paid our balance, got fitted for fins and life vests, and then we were off!


Captain Cutie introduced himself to us as Jordan, and apologized for eating a McDonald's biscuit while he drove us to the office. Jeff said that was one of the things he liked about him, that he was just a laid back, beach bum kinda guy, maybe even a little bit hungover from the night before.


I just liked pretending I was that biscuit......


OK, I digress....... But it's so much FUN to digress!!!!


We had such great service when we got to the office, there was a woman who handled all the paperwork and finances, while Jordan and another Captain (almost as yummy as our Jordan!) helped us all get fitted for fins and vests. Second Captain then headed off to take a jetski tour group.


It took us no more than 10-15 minutes to get everything together, store our things in the boat, and off we went!


Now one thing I learned about Grand Cayman is that there is way more waterfront property than there is oceanfront land.


That's because the whole island is built with canals everywhere! So that's where we started. It was almost a residential area, built on this particular canal. It only took us a minute or two to get to the mouth of the canal and all we saw in front of us was beautiful blue..... WATER! Get your minds out of the gutter! We were here to snorkel, right????


Do I look relaxed yet?




Cause I wasn't. Not yet.


Kara: Our ship leaves at 4. We need to be back by 4.

Jordan: Don't worry, I'll have you back by 2.

Kara: Back on land, or back to the tender?

Jordan: Don't worry. We've never been late before.

Kara: I just want to make sure we don't miss the ship.

Jordan: You won't miss the ship.

Kara: What if we break down, or something happens? We just can't cut it too close.

Jordan (to Jeff): Sheesh, she's a little high strung, huh?

Jeff: You don't know the half of it.....


Jordan told us we were going to go snorkeling first, then to Stingray City, then to Rum Point for lunch, then to Starfish Beach. Okie Dokie!


About halfway out to the reef to snorkel, he changed his mind. He noticed that there were only a few boats at Stingray City so we went there first before it got too crowded.


Not gonna kid you, I was nervous. We you tubed a lot of Stingray vids before going, and all three of us were a bit hesitant about this part of the trip.


Until I got there. OMG!!!! I want a pet stingray!!!!!


Ally, however, would be telling me its either her or the stingray! And I'd have to make a list of pros and cons and that point....


We all got off the boat on the sand bar, the water about up to our waists. Jordan told us to shuffle our feet so as not to step on the rays (they let me call them that cause we go way back....) and break their spines. Well, there was no chance of Ally stepping on a ray, cause she grabbed hold of me and wrapped her legs around my waist and made it perfectly clear she was NOT swimming with stingrays this trip.


The worst part for me was that I was missing these magical creatures. I never had a chance to get scared or nervous. The only thing I was nervous about was having a wardrobe malfunction since I was wearing a strapless suit and Ally was all over me! And if you know the McSparklesons, you know they have wardrobe malfunctions on cruises.....


I had to take Ally back to the boat, while she was clinging to me like a baby chimp to its mama.... wait, what does that say about ME?????


She was not very happy.....




Sorry, but as pitiful as that photo is, it just cracks me up!!!


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I made my way back to everyone else, all feeding the rays, petting the rays, kissing the rays, and then I realized - that Ray is one lucky dude!!!!!


Oh, I crack myself up!


OK, so back I went to our group, and I fell in love instantly. Sorry, Jordan, you're OUT! The rays are IN! Like I said, all the hubbub with Ally allowed me to forget my fears by the time I was back in the water.


They were magical.






I couldn't get over how SOFT they felt, and how gentle these creatures are. Then Jordan told us how the numbers of stingrays are dwindling due to shark attacks (Kara the worrier's first comment "SHARKS? Where?") at night when the rays leave the sandbar and head out to sea. They bury themselves in the sand at the bottom of the ocean to hid, and the sharks have learned to dive into the sand, hitting the rays and breaking their backs, paralyzing them. Then they eat their wings. It's so sad!


I can't remember the exact numbers, but it was something like 600 rays 5 years ago and now down to 125. It was a drastic reduction in a short amount of time.


And to see these beasts, so sweet and "cuddly" it just broke my heart.


I asked Jeff if he'd get one for me to take home.... didn't happen.


But Jordan had his favorite. Freckles. He said all the captains have thier favorites. And the rays have their favorite captains too. They are just like dogs, or horses! Only they are flat. With long tails. And they swim. JUST LIKE DOGS, only not.




They would brush right up against you looking for food (see? Just like dogs!)....




When Jordan asked me to turn around for a backrub, I thought, but Jeff's right over there!!!!! And then I realized it was Freckles giving me a back rub!!!




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I also learned that nobody has ever been stung in Grand Cayman. Some "say" they have, but if anything, it was a slight sting on the foot if they stepped on a ray, but nothing requiring a hospital visit.


Of course, Jordan knew how to put my mind at ease. Because OF COURSE I researched stingray injuries in Grand Cayman!!!


The long tail is NOT the stinger. The stinger is only a few inches long, and its under the tail at the base, up by the body.






See? He's not just a pretty face, he also taught me something.....




Pretending I"m Freckles now.....




Awe.... Jeff gave Freckles a kiss!!!




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Aren't they beautiful???






My underwater camera picked this day to die..... so thank goodness Tammi's got us some good shots!!!


Jordan and Freckles - VIDEO - click to play!




The worst part of the day was trying to get back into the boat on that sandbar. It was bouncing all over the place - I'm surprised Ally wasn't tossed out while she was sitting in there!


Once we got in, Jordan looked out around the water and decided on a snorkel spot where there were no other boats. He was good to take us to reefs where we could be alone. It was so romantic.... uh, I mean, it was nice of him to offer such good service!!!!


Again, I don't have underwater shots, but I did have my Flip turned on, in the underwater case I bought, and didn't realize it.


Snorkeling in Grand Cayman - VIDEO - click to play!


What is so funny is that at about :11 you can see the camera go all wonky. That's because I saw a "wild" stingray that I wasn't too sure of. I know, I know, they are fine. But there was something about them at Stingray City - even though it's wild too, I just didn't like the looks of this guy. He looked like he was from the wrong side of the reef, if ya know what I mean....


The water was so salty here that we didn't even need our vests, just relax and float on top of the water.....


Ally did great, too. At first she would only hover around the boat, until Jeff and I took her hands and started flippering (my word) out over a reef. She forgot her fears and loved it!!!!


Looking back, I really wish Jordan had taken us snorkeling first, then maybe, just MAYBE, she would have been okay with the rays at Stingray City.

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We soon had to hop back in our ride and head to Rum Point for lunch. Along the way we passed near Stingray City again and I waved goodbye to Freckles and all my new friends....




You'll notice all the larger boats, commonly called "head" boats because people are packed in so tightly that all you see are their heads as they pass by. The problem with these types of tours is that you don't get the one on one attention that we got from Fat Fish and Jordan. And who wouldn't want one on one attention from him????


I think Ally was a bit relived that her time in the water with unknown creatures was coming to an end soon...... Tori on the other hand, was ready to snorkel some more!!!




Well we got to Rum Point, we had to drop anchor out in the bay and wade into shore. Made me feel all piratey......


Then Jordan advised us to NOT go to the counter to order lunch, but rather to just find a table and someone would come to us. Hey, he's the boss and he knew what he was talking about!!!


Our view from our lunch spot....






We invited Jordan to join us for lunch and the view just got even better!!!



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Jordan told us to order the mudslide, said they had the BEST mudslides anywhere!!!








I got a fish sandwich of some sort.... seemed kind of wrong since I'd just made so many new friends today who might be on the menu tomorrow!!!!




Ally got all crazy and went with a grilled cheese.....




Some more shots of Rum Point....





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Once we finished lunch (and a couple of mudslides!), it was time to head to Starfish Beach.....


Following JOrdan back to the boat....




The Reel Nauti...... Oh yeah, my head is filled with thoughts right now!!!









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I had no idea what to expect from this stop on the tour, but it was kind of neat..... but then again, if I go back (as in next spring!!!!) I'll ask Jordan to skip this stop. Been there, done that. Definitely do it once!!!! But after that, not again. I mean, how exciting is a starfish?


Jordan picking up some jellyfish... and he got stung. Good thing he's so cute, cause that wasn't very smart.....








He told us we could pick them up for no more than 15 seconds, and Ally was so upset watching other people keep them out for much longer. Again, Jordan was very concerned with the wildlife and even though he wanted to make us happy, he had rules and he respected nature....




By now the girls were getting a little bored. A lot of sun, a lot of water, and our bellies full, I think we were all getting a little tired.






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Soon it was time to say goodbye to the starfish and make our way back.....




I really did not want this day to end, it was the PERFECT excursion!!!




On the way back, Jordan really opened up the engines for the girls and we were FLYING across the water! But I just didn't want it to end.....


Sadly, it did. We got back to the dock, and piled back into the van and Jordan dropped us off at the port.


As much as I joked about how cute he was, he was a FANTASTIC captain!!!! I always felt safe with him, I totally relaxed, he was laid back, fun, easy to talk to, and that is why we booked him again next year. I cannot recommend this operation enough!!!!


Once back at the port, we had a little bit of time to kill, so we decided to go ahead and stay on the island a little longer.....





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Once we finished our drinks in Margaritaville, it was time to say goodbye to Grand Cayman and love me tender back to the ship....


I must say, I'm glad we were one of only 3 ships in port this day because tender service was a piece of cake!!!




Behind the Magic was a Costa ship, and I don't know about you but I don't think I'll ever look at Costa ships the same way again....


BIG Disney ship.....




Little Disney ship....






We had lots of time to get ready for dinner once we got back, tonight was French Dinner in Lumiere's.....


Ally posing in front of our door....




Watching the Fantasy blow by us!!! Showoff..... I mean, we are both going to Cozumel the next day, and we left first, so why the rush????




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We stopped on the way for a little rodent lovin.....




Time for Ally to show off how little butts fit in the portholes....




But we were all starving so no more stopping for photos.....




Jeff and I both started off with "Gaston's" Escargots Gratinés

Herb-marinated Snails with Finely Chopped Mushrooms, topped with Garlic Butter




Oh yummmmm!


Ally, who had been ordering off the adult menu most of the trip, was VERY excited for her Three-Cheese Lobster Macaroni

Lobster Meat, Gruyère, and Cheddar Cheese Sauce tossed with Tubular Pasta and topped with a Parmesan Wafer






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And that's when it happened. We right then and there discovered.... Ally is not our child. She didn't like lobster!!!! I mean, surely she was switched at birth?????


I had the Lumiere's Seared Sea Bass

With a Mushroom Herb Risotto, Sweet Onion Marmalade, and garnished with a Potato Crisp




It was just "okay." Nothing to write home about, mainly because I would have gotten home before the letter, and what with email nowadays, why would I write home anyway? That's just silly!


Besides, I think my palate was crushed after learning that Ally belongs to some other poor saps.....


I'm pretty sure that Jeff ordered the Slowly Braised Lamb Shank

With a Creamy Polenta and Portobello Mushroom in a Red Wine Sauce, but I can't remember. What with trying to figure out whether I should email or text home, since I'm sure as heck not WRITING a letter, I lost track of photos for a minute....


He ordered a lot of lamb and steak on this cruise and seemed to enjoy them all.


My favorite dessert on the cruise..... Yes, I love it more than the Palo chocolate souffle....


Grand Marnier Soufflé

With Vanilla Sauce




I guess because I've got the recipe for the chocolate souffle and I've made it a handful of times, that's why I like the Grand Marnier... it's special!


Tori ordered nothing for dessert.....




And did I mention we were celebrating another birthday at our table???




Happy Birthday Daddy!!!



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We didn't have time to stop at see the squirrels.....




But they saw us!!!


We were on our way to officer pin trading!!!




And look who walked in right in the middle of it! I saw him coming and said to Ally, "Oh no, who's driving the ship? Is it Goofy????"




To which Captain Oblivious said, "Oh, yahhhhh." I really don't think he was there for officer pin trading. He just wanted to check out the McSparklesons... yeah, that's it!






AFter hanging with the officers, it was time for me to see ALL of Villains Tonight! If you remember last year, there was a bit of a wardrobe malfunction caused by a certain child that I thought was mine but just discovered this night that she belongs to the wolves.... So we made our way into the WD Theater and were ready to go! Except Ally bailed on us again. She was out with her new friends, and having the time of her life.....


After Villains, it was time for bed - the sea and sun (and cute captains!) about did us in for the day!


Up next: Cozumel, home of the ALL INCLUSIVE excursion!!!! Put the Plow in the Ground, Ladies!!!

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We were all up at guess what time? "Half past bright and early!"






It was another gorgeous day waking up onboard the Magic - but then again, even a bad day on the Magic is better than a good day back home!!!!


Ally wanted a sit down breakfast so we made our way to Lumiere's for a carb overload, to get ready for our day in Mexico!








I'm not even going to bother with descriptions of that food - cause it was, well, breakfast!!! And it was yummy, and fattening, and so bad for me, that I feel guilty even talking about it any more!!!


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We passed this guy on our way up on deck....




He and Ally danced for a bit....DSC_0642.jpg




Even Goofy is ready for a FIESTA today!


We headed up on deck and look who we see!!!!




We will be docking alongside the Fantasy for yet another FIRST!!! First time two Disney ships have been docked side by side in another port!


DSC_0651.jpgNot sure how long the Fantasy had been there, but passengers were waiting to see us arrive - it was sooooo crowded on that dock by the time we got in and we were debarking at the same time that all 4000 Fantasy passengers decided to debark! Crazy!


We met up with Tori and Molly on deck - these three spent a LOT of time together on this cruise!!!! Wait until you see what Ally and Molly did the last two nights!!!




And Ally was so happy in that pic...... <queue suspenseful music now>


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Because it was right after I took THIS photo...




That Ally came out on deck (she and her pals had left for awhile while we were waiting on clearance from port authority)..... crying.... and said.....


"I lost the wave phone!"


Jeff still swears that Ally's arm came OUT of the socket at this time. Because I grabbed her, spun her around, and DRAGGED HER back into the ship to retrace her steps.


In case you don't know, it's $250 to replace a wave phone......


Tammi and Tori already knew it was missing - apparently Ally had put it in her pocket and at some point realized it was gone. Ally went to Tammi first, because she knew what kind of reaction she's get from Mama.....


So Tammi and Tori were already retracing. Then Tori hooked up with Jeff and I and helped us look, while Ally and Tammi looked in other areas.....


We all met up at our cabin about 15 minutes later and there it was, in our fish extender!!! So THANK YOU to whoever took the time to return it!!!


After all the drama with the wave phone, we relaxed a bit, and headed into our cabin to grab our day bag and head out for our day in Cozumel.


Check out our cabin steward across the hall, yelling to his friends on the Fantasy!




It was so obvious that everyone was excited to see other DCL ships in port....


We soon discovered this was a BIG day out in port for crew members. We saw a LOT of them debarking with us.


Right in front of us was the band that we saw several times in Rockin Bar D...






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As we made our way between the sister ships, we were amazed at how much larger the Fantasy was. I mean, I KNOW it's bigger, but it's really BIGGER!








We had our designated spot to wait for Tammi and Tori so we could make our way to a taxi, and soon they were there and we were off!






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I did a TON of research on Cozumel and we decided we just wanted to do a "beach break" since Ally would have Tori there with her. It's tough sometimes having an only child, even though Ally is very outgoing, so we wanted to take full advantage of having another kid along that was the same age.....


So we decided on Mr Sanchos.


I was torn between Mr Sanchos and Nachi Cocom, and what I concluded was that Mr Sanchos was a bit more lively than Nachi, and that fit our group.


The taxi ride was $25 each way, and that goodness for the Taxi ****s who were standing at the curb doing nothing but snagging cabs for tourists coming from the port. It was crazy and hectic, but all in all, it made sense. Does THAT even make sense????


The ride took maybe 15 or 20 minutes and soon we pulled up out front. We had already reserved our spots for the day, and got a 10% discount from a site onlne. I believe it was about $50 per adult and about $30 for kids. This was for the ALL-INCLUSIVE pass, which included all you can eat and drink, plus use of the oceanfront pool, and water park (mostly inflatables in the water).






I was really afraid this place would be PACKED with 5 ships in port, but maybe it was because of the overcast skies that it was not crowded at all.


As soon as we arrived, we were taken to our own palapa where we made ourselves at home and ordered the first of many drinks!!!








The girls headed straight out to the beach in front of us and we didn't see much of them for awhile (of course you know we mamas and daddys kept that one eye on them>.......)

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As soon as our fruity drinks arrived, we ordered some shrimp ceviche and nachos..... Now I must say that the drinks came so fast we didn't even have to order them! Literally. As soon as they got low, Luis was quick with refills, which may explain why we didn't need much to eat. The food was very slow coming out, but the blended frozen drinks really filled us up.




Luis was a hoot, as were Julio and I cannot remember the 3rd server's name! They were so much fun and very good at taking care of us.




As the day wore on, the beach filled up a bit, but it never felt crowded at all




Jeff took Ally and Tori to get snorkel gear and they spent all of 30 seconds snorkeling off the beach. It was very cloudy though, so they ended up meeting another girl and just hanging out on the beach.....




This day was just so relaxing. And the drinks just kept flowing.


After a little lunch, we made our way over to the pool, since Ally and Tori were tired of the beach and sand where it shouldn't be......


And what did they have at the pool? A swim up bar!!!!



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