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Review of our Spring Break '12 Cruise on Carnival Liberty


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Ahhhhh, it's sort of like the Soup N azi. ;)


Order it wrong = NO SANDWICH FOR YOU!





No sandwich would have been better. :) I suspect my mistake was the cheese that I had to specify; I don't know what it was, but it sure didn't taste like cheese. :o

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The cabanas come with comfy chairs inside and out, Cold AC, outlets for electronics, and a nice view. One of the best features is having a waiter come by and take drink orders;





We each ordered drinks and when the arrived the boys discovered their drinks weren't virgin; they didn't specify virgin or no alcohol so the mistake was ours. Karen ended up drinking hers and theirs; she said since she couldn't taste alcohol that she wasn't going to let them go to waste;






We enjoyed the cabana for a while and then headed out to zip line;




Lots of nice photo ops along the way;









We opted to walk instead of ride the chairs back to the port;



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Walking back thru the port it was a lot less congested than I expected;






We zipped with Clip N Zip on our last trip to Roatan and opted to use them again this time. Nothing can beat just walking across the street from the port for convenience;





The guides began outfitting us with rigging just as soon as we arrived;






Karen ready to fly;





Loaded up and ready to roll;






As we were riding up the hill in the back of the truck to the starting area, Karen announced that perhaps there was quite a bit of alcohol in the three drinks;



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There's a nice walk after the truck ride;







There are many impressively sized trees along the way;






There's nice cold water waiting at the top of the hill;









The views from the top of the hill are amazing;



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Karen zipping (Check out the size of the tree limbs);












What happens if you use your brake too much? The guides have to drag you end hand over hand;





Near the end of the zip they have a photog getting pics that will be available via CD to purchase after you're finished;







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Ahhhhh, it's sort of like the Soup N azi. ;)


Order it wrong = NO SANDWICH FOR YOU!



It's like going to Pat's for a cheese steak lol if you don't know how to order right, you will stay hungry lol



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Glad to see you back!


My husband and boys did ClipNZip when we went to Roatan last August. They loved it and thought the people running it were terrific!!

My daugther and I got the Clam Shell Beach Package... with the Flying Chairs and Mats. It was a great deal for the two of us, but next time we might just get a Cabana!


Were you able to lock the Cabana when you were gone?


How would you compare the Cabana vs. the Cabana at Half Moon Cay?


Thanks.. and looking forward to the continued saga!


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It's like going to Pat's for a cheese steak lol if you don't know how to order right, you will stay hungry lol







Perhaps my mistake was that I went ahead and ate it even though I didn't like it? I should have tossed it and ordered something else.



Glad to see you back!


My husband and boys did ClipNZip when we went to Roatan last August. They loved it and thought the people running it were terrific!!

My daugther and I got the Clam Shell Beach Package... with the Flying Chairs and Mats. It was a great deal for the two of us, but next time we might just get a Cabana!


Were you able to lock the Cabana when you were gone?


How would you compare the Cabana vs. the Cabana at Half Moon Cay?


Thanks.. and looking forward to the continued saga!





Thank you.


We had a key to lock the cabana, but Janet (Mama) stayed at the cabana / beach so we left it unlocked. It would have been real handy to lock our stuff up if Janet hadn't been there.


I like the Cabanas @ Half Moon Cay better, but the cabanas @ Roatan are much nicer if that makes any sense? To me, fancy doesn't mean better and Roatan's cabanas are certainly 'fancy' by anyone's standards. I don't feel that Half Moon Cay's cabanas would be better if they were like Roatan's and in fact if they were like Roatan's they would diminish the experience of Half Moon Cay. Half Moon Cay has a rustic appeal augmented by comfort of the cabana. Roatan has a bit of a spoiled traveler appeal due to being man made and thus the fancier cabanas are better suited to Roatan than they would be Half Moon Cay.


We will definately opt for a Cabana @ Roatan everytime we get a chance even when we end up doing a lot of other activities; perhpas not for just Karen and I, but for sure if we have our boys or other cruisers with us. Who am I kidding? If it's just Karen and I, we'll still get a cabana. They are worth the cost!




Always love your reviews!! :p Thanks again for sharing!:D


Thank you.

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So loving your review. I just booked the cave tubing in Belize. Never been there so were excited.

Now to figure out mahogany bay. We want to do something different but not sure what...any suggestions








Thank you.


Clip n Zip is a great option, but for your first time you HAVE to get out and see the island. IMO, Victor Bodden's various tours offer the best option for seeing the island and having a great time while you are doing so. He has multiple tour guides who know the island and the island's history very well, and he has a very nice zip line on his property as well as several native animals to entertain you. Make sure you include a stop at West Bay AKA West Bank AKA by other names; it's one of the nicest beaches in the Caribbean and very similar to Grand Cayman, but with a Mountainous background. He has a website for choosing the exact tour you want, but you can always tailor any tour to suit your desires.

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Keep up the great review! We're doing this itinerary next May on the Dream.






It's a great itinerary. I'm sure you'll have a good time.









The Pro pics taken by Clip N Zip;







Yours truely,


















After the final zip the guides met with us on the landing area to gather our gear and discuss the experience with us.





Several of the guides have been with Clip N Zip since they opened back in 2009 and a couple remembered us from then since we were one of their first customers. We tipped our guides some extra ca$h for their outstanding performance and they suggested that we try out the 4-wheeler excursion next door since we zipped thru the zip lines so fast. They offer a two for one price to do zip lining and 4 wheeling and they extended the offer to us for 4-wheeling even though we didn't buy in initially. As I recall it was $40 each for zipline and $40 each for 4-wheelers? $400 total for the five of us to do both is a very good deal.

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When we walked over to the four wheeler muster area all of the cycles were currently out on the trail so we waited on the porch area;




The garage area had several mechanics busily repairing and servicing four wheelers that weren't quite ready to be back on the trail;





Before long our four wheelers returned from the trail and were prepped for our ride. The guides like to make sure that everyone has a helmet that fits properly;





We have four wheelers of our own and our boys grew up riding four wheelers on my Dad's farm in WV and the terrain is very similar though the soil is much sandier in Roatan. Our guide didn't have to spend much time with each of us familiarizing us with the controls so we were soon lined up and ready to roll out;





The guide rode in front and said he would go as fast as it appeared we could keep up. I brought up the rear and tried to get pics, but by the time I'd get stopped and get my camera out most everyone would be out of sight;





We drove out to a rocky beach and the guide checked the water depth to see if we could make a run, but it was too deep for the air intakes;



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A pile of Brain Coral (sp?) makes for a nice foot prop for photo op;






I guess we should have taken our helmets off to make this pose more picturesqe?





Our guide explaining that since we went thru the trails so quickly that he had led us off the normal trails so we would cover more terrain and not crowd groups ahead of us;





We had a blast running trail after trail and spashing thru bogs;





We had a bit of a power slide contest in this area while our guide met with a 'Turtle Man' to see about letting us join a turtle swim tour;





The 'Turtle Man' had a tour underway, but our guide negotiated for us to try it out once they were done;



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Spencer and Bryson checking out the turtle swim;





I don't know that Karen had ever touched a turtle in her life. Granted she grew up in Webster Country WV and is a country girl, but she's a country girl that won't even touch a bug. I guess the three drinks along with the sweltering hot Caribbean Sun convinced her to strip to her bathing suit and jump in with a pen of HUGE turtles;





In no time she was in the water petting a medium sized turtle;





Bryson saw one of the large turtles take off like a torpedo carrying the turtle man on it's back. He said that was all he needed to see so he returned to his four wheeler and proceded to travel the nearby trails;






Spencer, who had definately never touched a turtle, was emboldened by his Mother's odd behavior so he joined her;






A sight I never thought I'd see;



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Spencer was a bit shell shocked after the turtle, which he assumed would take off slow, began beating the water with it's feet and took off like a rocket;





Karen post turtle swim was shaking with excitement. Britt was a bit more reserved much like his Father;





I had battery issues and missed the best shots with the turtles. If anyone wishes to swim with the turtles I'm not sure what the normal booking procedure is. It wasn't part of our four wheeler tour and we simply tipped him afterwards per arrangement of our guide.


I asked our guide what the turtle guy's name was and he said he only knew him as 'Turtle Man.' Turtle man obviously loves his vocation;





We enjoyed a few more burn out donuts and power slides as we left the turtle swim area;






The boys were all within a safe distance of us while riding the open trails along the coast;





After we finished the trails and headed back to the staging area our guide thanked the boys for making his trip so enjoyable. He said he normally just gets to creep along, but that he really enjoyed his time with us. Throughout the tour and especially while at the turtle swim area he asked us repeatedly if the boys were OK riding like they were and we assured him they were experienced riders. It took a while, but he finally relaxed and began jumping bumps and splashing thru bogs with them.




Our boys all began riding four wheelers before their first birthday and have ridden full size cycles by themselves since the age of 9. They've NEVER went riding with friends and have never ridden on pavement. My 17 years as a Paramedic blessed me with too many ATV accidents and the common denominator was always pavement or unsupervised riding with groups of friends. Granted there's an occasional roll over by an older or experienced rider, but all of the fatalities I've ran involved pavement, inexperienced riders with friends, or alcohol.

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Karen offered one final word of advice concerning the ATV excursion; Don't wear white and don't wear new shoes;





Heading back to Mahogany Beach Karen had to hit the saddle along the way;






We opted to ride the 'Magical Chairs' back over to the beach. Along the ride we show off our day's collection of wrist bands;








For those curious about connecting with friends back home, they do have free WiFi near the bars;





Once we arrived back at the Cabana we enjoyed some hot wings;



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Why did we rent a cabana then spend half the day running around the nearby hills? I wondered that too until the sky opened up and ran everyone else off;










There were a few hearty souls left along the beach, but to escape the pounding of the downpour they were all in the water;





Perfect snorkeling weather. Not so perfect picture weather;












There's nothing quite like a cool rain massage in a hammock;



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She may jump in and swim with Giant Sea Turtles, but she won't come out and play in the rain no matter how much I encourage her;






How can anyone sleep thru the best part of a day?






Karen made sure she curled up snug under a towel out of the rain, but left my LowePro camera case sitting out on the edge of the porch;





Luckily my camera case is water proof!

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We had placed orders for food prior to the rain starting and even though it was still pouring, they delivered our food;





Please forgive the poor pics of food that might not look all that great, but trust me it was VERY tasty;





FishEye pic of the cabana interior (Please overlook our mess in the floor and on the table);






Our cabana porch as the boys feast on wings and fixings;












The cabanas in the middle are less private than those on the sides;



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After the storm clouds passed over the color returned to the sky and highlighted everything;









The colors are a little blown out in this pic, but I like it anyhow;





Three worn out boys ready to travel;






Spencer kilted up ready to go;







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The walk back to the port was certainly not crowded;







The rental shack was just closing as we passed by;





A Nice walk spoiled. We had ridden the 'Magic Chairs' several times throughout the day without an issue, but Lucef chose to cause issues.





Lucef insisted that we would need to return to the rental shack and get additional wrist bands. We explained to him that both on the ship and at the rental shack we had been advised to just say we're all together with a cabana. Each time we rode we told the magic chair folks that and they waved us on. Given that the rental shack was now closed, Lucef's answer was moot.


Lucef stated that none of us could ride since we didn't have the correct number of wrist bands and when Karen gave hers to Janet he insisted we could not do it. Here's Lucef stoping the boys and Janet from boarding the chairs;





Britt and Janet flying away on the magic chair;





Spencer flying away while Lucef scowls;



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The white clouds behind the ship blended perfectly with the ship's white exterior;















Nobody was at the ticket booth to ask about Lucef's attitude. It was nice of him not to interfere with my family boarding the chairs even though he said he would not allow it.






Nobody was manning the chairs on the port side when Bryson got off;





When Spencer arrived there was a man there, but he didn't know anything about Lucef nor did he know why Lucef would have said anything to us.



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