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Threads like this one make me want to SCREAM!!!


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I'm up to 4 daughters now all under the age of 10 and since my first born, we have been on 6 cruises. I've never really had a bad experience with other passengers reacting to my children. If anything, it's been the opposite where a lot of older passengers seem absolutely delighted with our kids. The cruise staff has always been exceptional when it came to the children. Yeah, there have been a few times where we had a toddler flip out in the dining room but I have always marched her out of earshot right away until she calmed down (which I believe is the appropriate action in that circumstance). The reality is that cruises have really become a very family friendly vacation option and the cruise lines market heavily to families with young children. Yes, cruises in the past might have been more adult oriented but times have changed.


I just wanted to add that some of the loudest most disruptive people I have every heard in the dining room (not that it particular bothered me) were many of the older passengers who don't seem to have a volume control when it comes to laughing out loud at everything their table-mates say. :)

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I second the sentiment that the most obnoxious people we have seen in the MDR in our numerous cruises have been adults who shriek with laughter at everything and drink WAY too much before they come to dinner. And people can seriously be disturbed by a child coloring? Well, I say if that disturbs you...TOUGH. If it does I recommend a Michelin star restaurant rather than a cruise ship.

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Bottom line, these people are morons. Sorry, but thats just the way it is.


I had a very interesting conversation with staff aboard the Crystal Symphony, which I just brought my 2 little ones aboard for the Grand Mediterranean tour. Staff members hate that idiots on boards like this ruin their reputation as far as children cruising are concerned. To them, it creates a negative image of luxury cruising, and drives away high paying customers.


I was very nervous about bringing a 5 yr old and 1 yr old aboard a high end luxe line, but it was my parents 50th anniversary wish, so we did it.


My children were welcomed, doted on, catered to and loved. I actually had a staff member hug my daughter and cry when we left.


There were just a couple moments where the kids were restless and we walked them outside the dining room, or stayed in the room to relax instead of going out. All in all, however, the kids were fine and our reception was incredibly WARM from staff and 99% of fellow cruisers. I had total strangers come up to me, who had heard of my baby's name already and wanted to hold him and say hi. I was shocked. From the crap I read on this site, I expected to be treated like we had the plague and it was the total opposite.


Once I posted on a thread regarding using the ship's group tours with the family and the logistics of it. People said that wouldn't be right bc we'd hold up the whole bus and tour, making people wait while we fold and unfolded the stroller....so I didn't book any group tours.

Do you know how many people there were in wheelchairs? Or that needed assistance getting in and out of the buses, or tenders? NO ONE would EVER tell someone in a wheelchair, 'don't go on a group tour, you'll hold up the bus!'....?!?!?! (btw, folding our stroller and boarding the bus takes a total of 45 seconds more than anyone else)


My point is, what I thought would be an issue was no issue whatsoever. And between you and me (hahahaha) my hubby and I think that fellow cruisers read some of the internet garbage regarding family cruisers, and went out of their way even more to be nice.


Other than the couple informed writers on certain ship boards, don't listen to anyone over there. Its a bunch of nonsense. These people need to get a life. Go watch some CNN and learn what real problems are.



We had the same experience on HAL which I read on this site was an old persons line that hates children. Ours were the only little kids on board and they had a ball, the so called old people were cool too.

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A few points:


1. Carnival, RCCI etc. are cruise lines that market to families. Therefore, people making ridiculous observations and setting parameters for children on these ships is just plain stupid. Just because it how a person or group wants it, does not mean it has to be this way.


2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.


3. Do what you think is right and don't concern yourself with the perception that other people may have. The problem with boards of this nature is that everyone is a supposed expert and sometimes there is the mentality of junior high. While I value the reviews and input, you have to take it with a grain of salt.

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A few points:


2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.



This behavior is becoming increasingly common, even in everyday life. I am sometimes embarrassed for people when I see how they treat people who are serving them. Common sense and respect have almost totally evaporated from our society. Ugh. :mad:

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All those haters or on the CCL forum had me so stressed out before first cruise with DD with all the negative comments I saw when people posted about kids (didn't click on the link here, but I can imagine).


DD has now cruised at age 1 and 2 and we are about to leave for cruise #3 with her. We have had a great time on each one and never had a problem with people being anything but sweet to her on a CCL ship. The board def isn't representative of a cruise on CCL.


Reminds me of a friend flying with her girls recently. Her girls were quietly reading in their seats when a guy came to sit in the row behind them (bumping everyone and not saying excuse me to anyone) and said, "Are you girls going to behave on this flight?" Without missing a beat my friend said, "They will if you will". Apparently the guy got the hint and looked embarassed when he realized he was being rude.

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Reminds me of a friend flying with her girls recently. Her girls were quietly reading in their seats when a guy came to sit in the row behind them (bumping everyone and not saying excuse me to anyone) and said, "Are you girls going to behave on this flight?" Without missing a beat my friend said, "They will if you will". Apparently the guy got the hint and looked embarassed when he realized he was being rude.
When DD was 8MO we were flying back home. We had reserved the bulkhead seats and a guy in a suit and tie came in shortly after us -- when he saw that he was seated behind a baby he immediately bellowed to the flight attendant that he HAD to be moved immediately. He ended up in the second to the last row (:D).


Shortly after takeoff a gentleman from first class came back to apologize on behalf of his colleague. DD slept about 2.75 of the 3 hours of the flight -- being in bulkhead we had pretty much zipped right out of the plane


Turns out that the guy from first class was actually the loud-mouth's boss -- and boss made him catch up with us to apologize -- guy wasn't really too thrilled about it and the apology seemed a bit forced. Boss caught up in time to observe and I could tell he was giving the guy an earful as we left :eek:. Often wonder how this guy worked out in that job ;)

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Oh, I've got a funny plane story too. I was traveling with my two kids, ages 1 and 3. It was late, and we just got on a plane from Seattle to Fairbanks. Woman sits in front of us, goes on about how she better be able to get some sleep, and can't fathom why I'd have kids on such a late flight. I explain we started much earlier in the day in Nashville...this thoroughly confuses her. Apparently, she was flying east...and somehow managed to get on the wrong plane.


So folks...before you complain about kids on your flight...make sure it really is your flight.


BTW, kids did fine, except the oldest had hurting ears on descent (especially bad since we had three different flights).

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A few points:


1. Carnival, RCCI etc. are cruise lines that market to families. Therefore, people making ridiculous observations and setting parameters for children on these ships is just plain stupid. Just because it how a person or group wants it, does not mean it has to be this way.


2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.


3. Do what you think is right and don't concern yourself with the perception that other people may have. The problem with boards of this nature is that everyone is a supposed expert and sometimes there is the mentality of junior high. While I value the reviews and input, you have to take it with a grain of salt.


Isn't point #3 actually telling people to do point #2, which made you give someone the "evil eye"? :confused:

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Plane story, I was flying back home from Atlanta seated mid plane and in front of me was a man in his 70's. Talking about people who think the world owe's them something, The old man flagged down the flight attendent and said, "I would like a cup of seven up and I want it now!" The poor lady said, "when we are up in the air sir, I will provide you with your beverage." He turned to the lady and replied, "I said I want it now! You know I pay your wages!!" I looked at him and said, "You know what? She pays your wages too!!!" The lady looked so shaken the rest of the flight. The man never stopped with the demands the whole trip. Oh, note to those that like those pillows!!! He had her bring him a few so he could sit on them!:eek:

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A few points:



2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.


Yeah, not a big fan of people like that.


Seen that in many places. My wife and I are of the opinion that, for the most part, if we can do it ourselves, we will. Especially when it will likely take longer to wait for someone to do it than to just grab the chair (after checking with the group at the table I'm taking it from).


A natural exception would be cleaning up barf - even though we are both perfectly capable of cleaning that up, we would ask the crew to do so, even if one of us made the mess. I also have no issues asking the waiters to bring us our drinks, but at the same time, I'm perfectly willing to walk over to the drink station myself. We will teach our kids the "rule" we use - if the waiter comes to you, hand them your cup. Otherwise, just go do it yourself.


The crew is busy enough and insisting on waiting on them to do something trivial like that for us would ruin our vacation.

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It amazes me how well the staff tolerates the passengers; I guess its just not in my DNA. I'm sure that they run across these sorts of requests and demands several times a day. While there is expectation that the waiter will bring the drinks and perform their normal functions, it is not the 17th century and their role is to not to act as servants to the self proclaimed king or queen because you paid 1k to go a cruise. Go on Seabourn or one of the other luxury cruise lines if you want extreme pampering.


I have found that I since I taken my daughter on the cruise that our family has received more individual attention. I think the crew members, for the most part, love interacting with children. Many of them have children but do not have the opportunity to see them for the part of year. My daughter loves to go up for breakfast and interact with the crew. She would give high fives etc. and draw pictures for the crew members.

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A few points:


1. Carnival, RCCI etc. are cruise lines that market to families. Therefore, people making ridiculous observations and setting parameters for children on these ships is just plain stupid. Just because it how a person or group wants it, does not mean it has to be this way.


2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.


3. Do what you think is right and don't concern yourself with the perception that other people may have. The problem with boards of this nature is that everyone is a supposed expert and sometimes there is the mentality of junior high. While I value the reviews and input, you have to take it with a grain of salt.


Yes, they do market heavily to families with children, but they do not market exclusively to families with children. How did so many decide that marketing to one demographic somehow means that all the other demographics marketed to don't count? That goes for adults who have decided that children have no place on cruise ships because the cruise lines market to various adult groups (the honeymooners, etc.). Just because the cruise lines emphasize romance packages, specialty restaurants, spa services, and such doesn't mean that the ships are only for adults; just because the cruise lines emphasize kids clubs and activities for both parents and children doesn't mean that the ships are only for families with children. Cruise lines market to a wide variety of demographics, including families with children, honeymooners and other "romantic" couples, to single young adults, to retired people. It really comes down to respecting each other.


I do not consider it ridiculous for there to be parameters and expected behavior for children onboard, just as I don't consider it ridiculous for there to be parameters and expected behavior for adults onboard.


Your point number 2 is that many people feel entitled to do whatever and have whatever they want whenever they want it. This includes parents who ignore their children's inappropriate behavior at the expense of the other passengers. Would it be acceptable for me to give the evil eye to a parent with a child who was running around shouting during dinner or at another event? That behavior would certainly affect many others and even cause possible safety issues (which we had heard and seen).


I'm not sure I understand your point number 3 because it basically says "Do whatever you want, whenever you want" without regard to how it affects others. Isn't that in direct opposition to your previous point?



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Plane story, I was flying back home from Atlanta seated mid plane and in front of me was a man in his 70's. Talking about people who think the world owe's them something, The old man flagged down the flight attendent and said, "I would like a cup of seven up and I want it now!" The poor lady said, "when we are up in the air sir, I will provide you with your beverage." He turned to the lady and replied, "I said I want it now! You know I pay your wages!!" I looked at him and said, "You know what? She pays your wages too!!!" The lady looked so shaken the rest of the flight. The man never stopped with the demands the whole trip. Oh, note to those that like those pillows!!! He had her bring him a few so he could sit on them!:eek:


My mother tends to misbehave on flights -- a major reason I refused to travel with her since our last trip together in 1993. She would be demanding a soda right away because of her motion sickness (I had motion issues too, but I would rather not be a bother like that), and other bad behavior.


About some CC members, they tend to be intolerant. I've seen many who have posted about kids (as in kids don't belong on cruise ships, etc) but if you call them on their comments, the mods tend to delete pro-child ones as opposed to anti-child ones. I think other people here would agree.


On our last cruise, it was some elderly passengers who were the ones causing the problems. In fact, there were some seniors who were complaining about their peers. My teen complained to us that some of these would come up to she and her friends and start making rude comments (for example, one kept commenting on my daughter's hair). We also saw one senior being verbally abusive to a few teenaged boys. This was a cruise during the holidays so you would think if someone had a problem sharing a ship with kids, he would avoid one during the last week of December.

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A few points:


1. Carnival, RCCI etc. are cruise lines that market to families. Therefore, people making ridiculous observations and setting parameters for children on these ships is just plain stupid. Just because it how a person or group wants it, does not mean it has to be this way.


2. It seems to me that the biggest troublemakers on this ship are the ones with a sense of entitlement. For example, I was on a cruise a couple years ago and we were setting up at the observation bar as we pulled out of port. A group of people came in and wanted to add some seats around a table so they could all sit together. To do this, it only required to move a chairs a couple feet. The men started moving the chairs and a woman said don't do that "we are on vacation." She told the men to get the waiter to move the chairs. You need to understand that these were fit men and could have easily moved the chairs a couple of feet. The woman bellowed to the waiter who was taking our drink order that she need assistance immediately. I gave here the evil eye but she was oblivious.


3. Do what you think is right and don't concern yourself with the perception that other people may have. The problem with boards of this nature is that everyone is a supposed expert and sometimes there is the mentality of junior high. While I value the reviews and input, you have to take it with a grain of salt.


You know I read this poster's points a bit differently than some other posters did.


Point 1 - I agree with this poster that if you, as a non-family customer, of a ship that does market to families (granted not exclusively to families) that you should expect that you will encounter some kids.


These lines make it very clear in all of their advertisements that families are welcome (encouraged) -- so posters should not be expecting some magical experience where no child will ever be seen/heard.


Post that was the instigation for this thread was a reply that some one had gotten on the Carnival boards that stated among other things "Youngest person I ever recall seeing in
MDR (in nine cruises) was probably a teenager . . . "


This is not a question about well behaved kids vs. poorly behaved kids -- no one thinks that poorly behaved pax of any age should have to be tolerated, this point addresses the people who honestly seem to think that no kids should be on board. Or if any child is on board there is NO WAY that any child should be allowed in the MDR because NO child could possibly behave through a full meal. etc.

Point 2 - poor behavior is not the exclusive province of children.


Point 3 - If you think a cruise is appropriate for your family and that your significant other, children, et.al can handle the experience, don't be letting some GOF tell you that simply because of your child's age you should not do something that is perfectly legal and well within the rules (for example your 8 and 10YOs are perfectly within their rights to be in the pool and should not evacuate simply because some adult pax is afraid that they might splash -- and yes, one of the families we shared a MDR table with on one cruse had some 40-50ish woman try to tell them that their kids really should get out of the pool because she and her friend were afraid that their hair might get splashed :eek:!

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You know I read this poster's points a bit differently than some other posters did.


That's how I took it too. And I agree completely. People get genuinely upset/concerned if they find out kids will be around them on their cruise. True, I don't limit ourselves to kid-centric cruises, but still...if the cruiseline allows a child to be booked in a room, then don't be upset if, you know, a child is booked on that cruise! If you want a GUARANTEED kid-free cruise, then go on an adults-only, no one under 21 (or whatever cut-off) allowed, cruise.


And I'm 100% ok with legitimate complaints. If kids are running loose, throwing chairs overboard, hot-wiring rascals, etc., then yeah, raise holy heck. But if kids are splashing in the pool, or watching a dvd player (with headphones) in the MDR...it's not the end of the world, m'kay?

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