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Auckland to LA - 21 Nov to 9 Dec

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Hi Greg,


No, no answer on the number of formal nights yet. Your thoughts on dinner sound good...let's plan on it. We actually were thinking about the marine reserve outing...just haven't made a decision yet. Do you know the size of the group they take?



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Got this information from my TA's agency:


At this point there are three formal nights. The Captain's welcome aboard party is always formal which is 11/23. There is a formal the night of the Seven Seas Society party which is December 1. The third is the Captain's farewell party which is December 7. There are 6 informal nights and the rest are country club casual.




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Hi all,

I checked out the swimming with dolphins private tours but both of the companies that do it have four hour tours starting at either 8:00Am or 12:30PM. Neither fit with our schedule Since it is a tender port due to arrive at 8 we'd be too late for the morning and the afternoon doesn't get over until 4:30 which is too late to safely get back to the ship on time. They do make adjustments for cruise ships but have no arrangement for November 22 when we get there. I didn't ask how many they take per tour but I imagine if we could fill up a tour they would wait for us in the morning. Anyone else interested? I'd be willing to make further inquires if there were enough that wanted to do this. If you want to see one of the two sites look at http://www.dolphinz.co.nz. Greg, how about picking a time and place on Monday to meet before dinner. Seems like there's a few of us who all want to get together.


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Carolyn etal,

I had previously floated the idea of meeting in the Observation Lounge about 7:30PM for a drink and then those that wanted could go to dinner together to Compass Rose. Since then my cousin has decided to join us on this trip and now we are three. Also we will (I think) be on an excursion Monday that won't get us back to the docks until 6:30 or so. We'll be grungy and will need showers etc. So, I'm not 100% sure we can make a 7:30, but if that works for everyone else please go ahead. We'll be in 767 and last time we did 14 days with RSSC they even printed a little Passenger Directory. We also plan to do the sail-a-way (probably in the Observation lounge (180 degree forward view)) and if we miss y'all maybe we could link up there 10 10:30 ish. I'm rambling and certainly open to other ideas. I also heard that RSSC may delay the sailing a bit to allow a flight that gets in at 7PM to make the ship. Anyone else heard anything about that?


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Hi Greg et al,

I don't know about everyone else but we usually don't eat dinner until 8-8:30 so meeting a little later on Mon. is fine with us, but if the majority can't then how about making it the next day as we sail at 5pm. There'd be plently of time for everyone to make it back after tours, clean up and still meet by 7:30. I hope we can find a 4th for Bridge. If by the last minute we don't find anyone maybe I might be able to persuade DH to fill in. I know he doesn't have much desire to play cards over reading a good book but he did play occasionally also in college years ago. Then there'd be 2 people who need lots of help and that wouldn't be much fun but better that nothing.

We have other plans for Sunday in Auckland so the snorkel trip is not an option for us. Hopefully we'll have plenty of opportunites, though, on the cruise.

Do any of you know when and how we can sign up for the ship's excursions? I've found a few that we'd like to do but didn't see any way to reserve them. They say on the web site that they're possible excursions. When do we find out for sure?


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Hello Carolyn, Greg, Misty and others


We also eat around 8:30 p.m. so the first night or the second night is fine with us. Ron and I want to learn how to play bridge. We are going to read up on it and if you don't mind maybe sit by and watch the group play so we can learn. Maybe we will even be ready to play before the end of the crusie.


If we could e-mail pictures of ourselves to the group we would have a better chance of meeting up. My e-mail is posted in my profile. If all want to send me your picture I will then send them out to the group.


We leave in two weeks for our Canada/New England cruise and will be gone for three weeks. So if you do send your pictures it may be early October before I pass them on.


Did you hear about the three crew who died on a Royal Caribbean Cruise line today? Well my kids were booked on the cruise leaving today on that ship. They spent hours trying to find out if it would still sail today. Got many different answers. But they are on board and should leave by 11 tonight.


If someone in my work place died on the job like this I would have a very hard time just going forth and acting like nothing happened. I feel for the families of those who died and are injured and also those crew who knew these people. Can't really put into words all I feel. We have always know how hard the crew work and the sacrafices they make to support their families. But with all of this it makes you appreciate even more the hard work of the staff who indulge us when we cruise.


Added to this is the tragedy of Katrina and all of the suffering of the victims. Makes me feel a little guilty about my two upcoming cruises. When I think about all of the luxury and indulgence versus the situation of those victims it just seems wrong.


But I guess this is just life. Sorry to be such a downer! We do look forward to meeting all of you.



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Hi Greg, Carolyn, Karen, et al,


We do prefer dinner around 8:30 so either night is fine with us. Karen, I'm very much a novice at bridge...mostly playing on the computer, so we'll all just learn together. Carolyn, my husband would rather join yours with a good book or using that time to do his workout. It will be nice for him to have a "doesn't really like games" compatriot. Greg, I looked up that web site...I'm ambivalent so far because its says we might not get to swim with the dolphins, just observe them. But we'll see as the time gets closer. Can't wait!



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Misty etal,

Although my husband (Denny) prefers a good book to games most of the time, I did persuade him to go to trivial persuit on one of our cruises and he really enjoyed it and was a real asset to our team. Our team was the overall points winner for the cruise. I know Greg said he was interested. Maybe we can get a team going for that too. Greg, I think I may have overestimated by ability to join in on a bridge game after so many years. I think that if I don't do some studying up beforehand I'll have to just "watch". As I now recall, back in college there was alot of table talk and "help" going on back and forth. I don't think I ever really knew much about the nuances of bidding. We'll see, but if you get enough "real" players before then, don't worry about having to include me, I'll just watch. Anyone else signed up for the Le Cordon Bleu with me?


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Two quick things:

1. We'll be able to "pre-book" excursions under the RSSC website starting 22 Sept (you'll need your booking number and such)

2. I didn't mean playing bridge for blood, or seriousnes (gracious, I haven't played in 15 years and I wasn't very good then). More as a refresher and I would expect some table talk. "Remind me again, are we doing Blackwood?" RSSC usually runs Bridge classes during cruises also.


It seems a couple of viable options for meeting have been suggested:


1. 8:15 PM (I took an average) probably in the lounge right outside the Compass Rose

2. Sometime the evening of the second day as we leave Bay of Islands


Did I miss any?I don't know how to do a poll on this site, so everybody want to chime in?


If anyone wants to e-mail photos I'll respond in kind. Our e-mail is:





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Thanks for the information on when we can sign up for the excursions. We don't really have anything that we were planning on but it's good to know. I read that the ones involving waverunners filled up quickly so if anyone has their heart set on that you might want to go ahead and sign up early. As far as getting together, I'll vote for Tues only because sometimes on the day of sailing we just like to kick back and get settled in. If the majority goes for Monday that's fine too.


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On reflection I'd actually prefer Tuesday evening also. Makes boarding and sail-a-way less stressful (plus we don't know when the lifeboat drill is; I'm thinking Tuesday sometime). Count Gretchen and I in on Trivia Carolyn. Tea and trivia is a real "must" on sea days.



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Misty, etal

We just received a confrimation from Potiki Adventures

( http://www.potikiadventures.com ) and we're set for Saturday (November 19th Urban Maori Experience) and Monday (Marine Reserve (Kayaking and snorkeling) 21 November). They will take up to 10 folks per outing. I believe that we are the only 3 signed up for either at this time. Both trips they will pick you up at hotel and drop back (I forget who's staying in Devonport but I forgot to ask whether they'll want/need you to take the ferry over)). Promise is to be back in town NLT 6PM Monday the 21st. One of the trips is 130NZD the other 135NZD. Melissa Crockett(one of the directors) said if I get one more she'll let the whole group of us have both trips for 200NZD pp.


I AM NOT TRYING TO TALK INTO, BROW BEAT, CAJOLE, BADGER. or INTIMIDATE anyone into these outings...just offering. PLEASE accept that it in that spirit. We will do both in any event. Their website contains more details for anyone interested.


Don't forget, on line excursion booking opens on the 22nd and as been said some really book up fast since RSSC has installed this feature.


So, are we targeting Tuesday night for those who'd like to get togther for dinner?

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I think my husband and I will join you for the Marine Reserve trip. We are the ones in Devonport so could you check with Melissa to see if they would pick us up or we have to get there (where?) on our own. We're only going to do the one trip. I have no idea of the geography of the area to know how complicated it would be to meet somewhere in case they won't pick us up.



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I think my husband and I will join you for the Marine Reserve trip. We are the ones in Devonport so could you check with Melissa to see if they would pick us up or we have to get there (where?) on our own. We're only going to do the one trip. I have no idea of the geography of the area to know how complicated it would be to meet somewhere in case they won't pick us up.






I'll be happy to check with Melissa. If you'd like to send me your e-mail address at



I'll copy you on all the e-mails with Potiki.


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I heard back from Melissa at Potiki. All amounts are in NZD.


Kia ora ano Greg,

That is fine, I have noted this addition to your booking. We can certainly

pick them up from their hotel in Devonport. We will either take your luggage

with us or arrange for it to be stored for the day if we have other

customers booked and cannot fit it all in the van.

As the two new people are only doing the one trip with us we will be

charging them $130 per person. We would prefer if you were able to pay us in

NZD as we do not have credit facilities.

Regarding the trips- the Urban Maori one involves some walking, but nothing

very strenuous. As you may have read in our website- we also visit the

worlds largest Maori & Polynesian Market, which is a great place to soak up

the local culture and buy excellent quality, but market priced souvineers.

The Marine Reserve trip includes snorkelling and kayaking, but if you have

people in your group that are not as adventurous, they can purchase a ticket

to go on the Glass Bottom boat (approx: $20 adult) whilst we are doing these

activities. ( http://www.glassbottomboat.co.nz/index.html )

Thank you so much for your bookings. I know you are going to enjoy your time

in Auckland.

Here is

a link to an article that was written about us recently:


We do look forward to meeting you and your friends.

Noho ora mai (May you be well)




You'll need to contact Melissa at:




to tell her where you are staying and anyother references/questions. We had intended to take our luggae with us (or have Potiki) store for a day so we could go directly to the ship afterwards. If you'd rather leave your luggage at your hotel Monday and be dropped back there at the end ofthe day (about 6PM) that shouldn't be a problem since the ship doesn't leve until 11PM (I'm guessing all aboard 9PM or 10 PM. You might still have time for one more dinner in Deveonport.


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For those of you not particularly interested in RSSC excursions, I found these e-mail addresses in Lonely Planet's New Zealand. The first is for Bay of Islands Tourist Center the second for Russell' Information and Booking Center.






Additionally, the DOC Pewhairangi Bay of Islands Visitors Center website was also recommended (though I haven't been there yet).




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  • 1 month later...

I can't believe that we are so close to sailing and no one other than Jack and group, Greg, Karen, Misty and I have said they were on this cruise. Isn't there anyone else out there?

We just got our cruise documents today and were pleased to find that we were upgraded one class. We booked a C guarantee and now are in a B cat. We didn't think the butler was worth the extra $800 /person cost when we booked but are happy that we now have it for no additional cost. I can't wait til we leave but have so many things to do to arrange for being gone 25 days. I think this is the longest trip we've ever taken.

We look forward to getting together with everyone on the 22nd.


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Congratulations on your upgrade.:D I don't think the ship is too full on this leg. I have seen (on another board) where a lot of folks seem to be getting off in Auckland. In any event we're in 767 and are still planning on meeting in the Observation Lounge as we sail out of Bay of Islands (presuming the life boat drill doesn't get in the way:mad: ). Then we can make dinner plans as each likes.


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So sorry we're going to miss all you wonderful sounding people sailing from Auckland to LA! We just yesterday switched from that cruise to the Guaguin on 19th for two weeks. Just too worried about 3 weeks on ship - and open water! Wish we'd found this site earlier - might have felt better about it. We expect this new cruise to be spectacular from everything we've heard!

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