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Carnival Dream REVIEW- Western Caribbean- June 23-30


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This is my first time writing a review on Cruise Critic... but I felt that I owed it to future cruisers, since I based most of my cruising decisions on reviews I found on this site.


Be forewarned... This will probably be LONG, DETAILED, sometimes UNORGANIZED or out of order, and contain pictures of people you don't know.. like ME.



Let me start by introducing myself and the hubs. We're both 30-year-old professionals with no children. We like to travel, try new foods, drink- but not usually to excess, and take LOTS of pictures! We're not food snobs (our curvy figures should be a good indication) and we can have a good time pretty much anywhere! We cruise AT LEAST once a year but usually with Royal Caribbean.. and usually with a huge group, from 10 to 24 people, but this trip was just the 2 of us. I cruised Carnival nearly 10 years ago and was not impressed... but the price was right for this trip and we decided to give them another chance... we're not sure we made the right choice. We were also worried we would get bored, being just the 2 of us, but we made amazing new friends via Cruise Critic and Facebook and we all had a wonderful time together! Here was our take on the trip:




The hubs and I are Floridians, but we live in the Panhandle (a 5 hour drive), so we stayed with a friend in Orlando and made the one hour drive to Port Canaveral on Saturday morning. Hurricane Debbie was brewing nearby so we were really worried about the rain ruining our vacation... but it stayed ahead of us and hung out with our friends in Florida while we were gone (sorry guys!). We got up Sat morning to get ready and that was when I discovered that the brand new outfit I purchased for my trip had shrunk in the wash! And not like, I ate too much and will blame it on my clothes shrinking... no... my pants were 6 inches too short! I'm only 5'3"... this has never happened! So... I spent the morning shopping for something new to wear. I swore to my husband that I would not over-pack for this trip... and I kept my end of the deal... which unfortunately meant I had no options to change into. At least this trip was just the 2 of us, so I wasn't holding anyone up with my shopping... but it did put us back a couple of hours.


The drive was easy and when we arrived in Port Canaveral, we went straight to the Radisson to park. We had reserved a space for $6 per day, which was significantly cheaper than parking at the port. If you get there bright and early you will get right on a shuttle and head to the Port and get right on the ship, which is what our smart friends had done. If you get there at noon... you will fight the crowds, search forever to find a spot, drag your luggage the mile back to the hotel front, stand in lines, listen to people screaming names.. it was mass chaos to say the least. This was our morning/afternoon.


This is us in line... ready to get on that shuttle bus and start our vacation!



The shuttle bus was nice and air conditioned. The drive to the Pier was short and the driver was very nice and helpful. I'm pretty sure we would use this option again... we would just get there MUCH earlier.


Embarkation: The Embarkation process was a breeze! We were so ready to get on that ship and get some lunch and to have a drink in hand! We were on VACATION afterall! There were lines, but they moved quickly... and there were signs directing you exactly where to go. We felt that Carnival did a wonderful job of getting people on the ship as quickly as possible. We were really impressed. In addition to being so efficient with the Embarkation process we thought Carnival was genius with their Facial Recognition software for photos! You stand in front of a green screen and get your first photo taken.. they scan your card... and for the rest of the trip any of the pictures you take will be connected with your card. You just swipe your card at the photo machine and all of your pictures popped up! We only had 1 or 2 that we actually had to search for. And we only had one that didn't belong to us. It was kind of funny actually! It was an old man who was slightly overweight and balding (like my hubs) and a little girl with dark hair like mine. I'm guessing the hair, or lack thereof, is what matched them to our pics. LOL!


Here are a couple of the Professional Pics we took:





As soon as we step foot on the ship we're impressed. It's huge and colorful with bright lights everywhere! We LOVED the idea of the atrium being open straight up for like 8 floors... so people could lean over the railing of any of those floors and watch the shows that were taking place below them. Great concept! However, slightly dangerous with the risk of someone going over the edge of one of those railings and falling MANY stories (keep in mind it would take quite the effort to get over the edge and it would have to be deliberate.. but I'm always thinking of daredevil teenagers).


As I mentioned, we were running really late, so we went straight to our rooms, which were already ready, and unloaded our carry on bags. The ship was laid out really odd. You had to go up one floor and go over to another area and go down there to get to the floor that was directly below you in the first place. Confused? Yeah... so were we. And... we did smell that sewage that everyone was talking about. Granted we're in the BOTTOM of the ship (I get sick very easy so I stay as low as possible on ships to avoid the swaying as much as I can)... and we didn't smell it the entire trip... but it was noticeable. Fortunately, I packed LOTS of dryer sheets and put them all over our room- so it was linen fresh, even if the hallway wasn't! We were very excited that the room seemed so much bigger than the ones we've had on Royal Caribbean. If it wasn't bigger, then it was just laid out far better. The bathroom seemed to have more space... And.. we had 3 closets! 2 were floor to ceiling, and the 3rd had shelves the entire length of the cabinet! The vanity had drawers.. and the nightstands had drawers and cabinets! Our large luggage slid right under the bed! It was great! We were in a basic stateroom and never felt crowded. We brought an over-the-door-shoe-holder to store our misc items and it really wasn't even necessary with all of that storage and space. Well Done Carnival.. Well Done.


With that said... we were extremely envious of our friends' balcony rooms... they were so neat! One had a room on the side of the ship and the balcony was nice, but you couldn't open the room door and the balcony door at the same time. The wind would blow you over! It was crazy! But the other friend had an Aft Balcony.. and O.M.G. was it INCREDIBLE. We all would meet in her room just because it was so amazing. Just food for thought if you're debating which room to get. Ours was fine because we were rarely in it... but that balcony room came in handy when one of the girls came down with the Norovirus on the last day and was quarantined to her room. She ordered room service and sat on the balcony on our day at sea... she was just fine.


Back to our room... there was plenty of space, but we did have a little problem: The shower would overflow, covering the entire bathroom and depending on how much the boat was moving that day, our room as well, with water. We did mention it but it wasn't fixed before the end of our trip. Not a huge issue.. but kind of gross and messy.


After putting away our things, we decided to grab a bite to eat.


FOOD: Where do I start? Let's just say the food left A LOT to be desired. The hubs and I actually skipped the MDR to eat pizza on 2 different occasions because there really wasn't anything that looked appetizing on the menu. We tried room service once and were told it would be 45 minutes before we could get food... no thanks.. not for a sandwich. And like I said.. we're not food snobs. We really enjoyed the pizza bar and the pasta bar. We thought the omelet station and sushi bar were both nice touches and the Steakhouse.. O.M.G. BEST STEAK EVER. It really was that delicious. It was so worth the $30! Steak, potatoes, an appetizer, bread, and a piece of cheesecake that could feed a family of 4! It was amazing! I'm drooling on the keyboard just thinking about it! The MDR did have the Melting Chocolate Cake and it was every bit as good as past reviews have said. It was like eating warm brownies with warm brownie batter melted in the middle. yummmm. But one night I ordered Shrimp and it came out as something that looked like Fish Sticks... and it didn't taste much better. The lobster night was pretty good... and there were a couple of pasta dishes that were decent. But there really wasn't anything that stood out enough for me to even remember what I ate. We usually drink water with dinner and it was fine on the first night... but after a day or 2 of sitting in the tanks on the ship, it was really gross. The staff told us to add lemon because that is what they do... and it actually worked. Oh.. and the ice cream! Loved that ice cream was available 24 hours a day!


The dining room and buffets were not so impressive. The food was sometimes barely even warm. The food stations that were good, were usually closed when you were hungry... Like at DINNER time! The pasta station was only open for lunch, which stunk because most days we're at a port during lunch. The dining room staff seemed nice enough. The hostess was kind enough to pair us up with our new friends, and switch them to anytime dining so we could all eat together. That was really nice. But because we were Anytime Dining, we didn't have the same servers every night, so it wouldn't be fair to rate the wait staff. They didn't get to know us, nor us them.


Anytime Dining: It was nice to be able to eat when we felt like it. We usually travel with a large group and it's just easier to have a set time for dinner... but for just the 2 of us, and whoever we decided we wanted to eat with, it was great. The only negative thing I can think of is that we couldn't be part of any of the entertainment that was taking place. Anytime Diners get seated on the 2nd floor of the dining room, and the entertainment takes place on the 1st floor. There is an open area in the middle so we can hear what's going on, but we can't see it or partake in it. But other than that, Anytime Dining was the way to go! Never really any wait for a table and eating when you were actually hungry.


Pic of our dinner crowd:




Back to the daily stuff...


After we grabbed lunch, we toured the ship. Again... the ship was extremely hard to navigate! I never knew if I was in the front or the back.. and I never could find my room without having to turn around at some point. Thank God for the maps at the elevators. Elevators... again.. so odd. They were pretty much contained in the middle of the ship but the activities, bars, etc were on the ends of the ship, and you had to travel through hallways of staterooms before getting anywhere. It was confusing because you assumed you were lost walking though hallways of staterooms and not a bedazzled sign in sight!


We made our way out onto the pool deck and noticed that the pool was REALLY tiny. This ship holds close to 5000 people and this looked like a kiddie pool... and there were only 2 of these pools. I think I understand their thought process on this though?? That smaller pools leave room for more deck space for activities, etc... and I get that. But I never set foot in a pool because there wasn't any room and there were a million children everywhere. We did love the JumboTron Movie Screen that was on the pool deck. What a great idea! How awesome for sporting events, or watching the ball drop, or even the Movies Under the Stars... loved it. We thoroughly enjoyed the Ice Sculpturist, the Hairy Chest Contest, the Dance Lessons, and the Mixology Contest that all took place on the pool deck! That Mixology Contest was really cool! Your daily activities form from Day 1 told you that on Day 2 they would be having this contest and you needed to submit your personal drink recipe to enter. They ended up with about 6 or 8 people and they had 3 judges- a male and a female that were random cruisers and then the Head Bartender. The drink that won the contest was the Rockin Ronda.. and it was available for purchase for the duration of the trip! I definitely made my generous contribution to the Rockin Ronda Foundation! It was FABULOUS!


From the Pool Deck you can go up a floor and it will take you to the Serenity Deck. The Serenity Deck... and interesting concept. It's a great idea in theory, but it only works as planned OCCASIONALLY. The Serenity Deck is supposed to be the Adults Only deck, except that as soon as the hubs and I walked in, there were 4 boys- about 8 years old- having chair races across the "serenity" floor. Not exactly peaceful. I'm not sure who their parents were... but they clearly didn't care that the sign specifically stated 18+ .. so I'm wondering why the staff wasn't on top of this? Also... the Serenity Deck is located right next to the Water Slides, which aren't exactly quiet. We did make use of the deck early one morning before anyone was out and about, and the hammocks were really nice. We enjoyed listening to the waves and relaxing.. it was wonderful.


Back to the Water Slides... what a GREAT addition to a ship! We had a blast on those! We just wish that they were open more. They were open while we were at Port (but most people were off the ship at that time)... but they closed at 6pm every day. They were open on Sea Days... but there were WAY too many people wanting to use them those days. We used them a couple of times and had such an awesome time!!


After touring the Pool Decks, we toured the Casino. The hubs LOVES to play Caribbean Stud and a few other poker variations. They had 2 of the coolest poker tables!! No dealer was necessary! It was all automated/electronic, and you used your Sail Card to play (both for cash and to hide/show your cards)! We spent 2 different evenings playing in the Casino for a bit. The hubs played Poker... and I stuck to the slots. I'm not a big gambler.. so I just took $10 to play with. I went to my quarter slot... and had only played $0.50 when I won $200!!! I never win! It was AWESOME!! I took my money and ran! The Casino was nice, well laid out, had a good variety of games, and I have very few negative things to say about it.


I felt that a few of the machines should have been better monitored. An underage kid won $1000 on one of the machines. Granted, his parents had to claim the winnings... but he shouldn't have been playing at all. Also... we had a particular situation that bothered me a bit. The hubs was playing Caribbean Stud when a lady comes over and says "Sir I need to see your card". She had been watching us for a while and we were made to feel like they thought we were cheating or doing something wrong. She took his sail card, walked away, then came back in a few minutes and handed the card back. She never said anything. It was actually quite rude. Turns out she was checking to see how much money he had spent in the casino to see if he was eligible for free drinks. I understand what they're doing, but it should have been explained so we didn't feel like we were in trouble.


Eventually we made our way to the MDR, visited with friends, and had dinner. After dinner we went to one of the bars to do karaoke.



Live Karaoke was SO COOL!! They have a much larger version of this concept at Rising Star in Orlando's City Walk. It's karaoke but with a live band, back up singers, and dancers. It's GREAT! The hubs and a new friend of ours did Ice Ice Baby... Best (or Worst) Rendition Ever.


The Hubs and Joe doing Karaoke:



We thoroughly enjoyed the Comedy Shows! Especially the Adult ones! They were a lot of fun and we could relate to a lot of the jokes. We did hate that the entire room had to be vacated before the next show, which meant we lost our seats. We understand the purpose is so that other people can get good seats as well, but it means that we are limited to getting good seats at only one show, or missing one show altogether. If you go to the earlier show then you will have bad seats that the 2nd show because people are already lined up and will take the good seats before you're even in line again. And if you want good seats for the 2nd show, you have to skip the 1st one and stand in line for 45 minutes. Not so sure about this arrangement.....


Pic from the Comedy Show:




The Piano Bar was AWESOME! Always sing-a-longs and good times!!


Fun Force Break Dancers were INCREDIBLE!! We watched them more than once! They were so good!!! I wish I had pictures but the hubs got the new GoPro video camera and we have more videos than pictures from this trip. The Break Dancers were also in the Dancing in the Streets Show.. I thought it was GREAT!! Loved it!! We were impressed with their skills! They're no Channing Tatum... but they have some pretty sweet dance moves.


We went to the Dance Club one of the Nights. It was 80's Night and we had fun but it seemed that no one else had the same love for the 80's that we did... The club was virtually empty. I hear that this is NOT the case later in the night. I didn't get to see any of the good stuff after 10 because I was in bed. Again, the motion sickness. Ugh. I was loaded up on meds so I wouldn't get sick.. and the meds made me so drowsy that I was falling asleep in my dinner plate. Side Note: This ship does have quite a bit of movement. I really noticed it a couple of nights and was not feeling so hot. But back to the Club... One thing I didn't like about the club... there was a huge window that was level with the dance floor. So everyone on the stairs outside of the window could press their face against the glass and see in.. and I felt like if I were close enough to the window, they would see up my dress. There's a reason the club is for adults only... why are children sitting on the stairs watching us drink and dance? Weird.


We were going to arrive in Cozumel pretty early the next day so we headed to our room and got our stuff ready for the next day.. then off to sleep.



Well... that pretty much sums up my feelings on the ship stuff...


There were some cool things, but overall, I wasn't overly impressed.. and I don't know that I will be booking another Carnival Cruise anytime soon. Food, Pools, and Cleanliness are SUPER important to me. I can have fun anywhere... but if I'm making a decision and it comes down to those things.. I'll probably go elsewhere.


With that said... we did have an AWESOME time! Our excursions were some of the best experiences of my life!! We booked through different independent tours... and I have quite a few pictures I'd like to share from those. I'll post reviews from each excursion as a comment to this post.

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Monday June 25- Cozumel Bar Hop


This excursion was Phenomenal!! The scenery! The Guide- Shout Out to Colleen! The New Friends! The Food! The Drinks! The Photos! The Entertainment!


We booked this excursion through cozumelbarhop.com ... It's usually $50 per person but June is BOGO! So it was $50 for the both of us! They take you to 4 bars that are on the opposite side of the island... far from the touristy cruise ship stuff. The views are breathtaking and the water is crystal blue. Unfortunately, the current is too strong for swimming, but you can put your feet in for a dip.



The Bus Crew:




While riding on the bus, Colleen gives you a tour and info on the city. She's very sweet, super funny, and knowledgeable about everything local!



The hubs and I were both celebrating our 30th BIRTHDAYS... hence, the hats.



Bar #1 - Punta Morena



Best Bahama Mama I have EVER had! It had fresh banana and strawberry... WOW. It was DELISH! We also had a little "breakfast" on the beach. Chips, Salsa, Guac, etc. It was like 9am.. so we weren't in the mood for heavy drinking or eating yet. Everything was wonderful though! They had little swimming pools that I imagine would be loaded with people during season. We were there in June so we were the only 10 people at this bar... but it was still wonderful.



Bar #2- Coconuts!









Coconuts was AWESOME!! It had such a variety of things!! A huge circular bar with all sorts of delicious drink concoctions, a ceiling made of t-shirts and bras, lots of different pets- birds, a cat, a dog, a crocodile... and views that will take your breath away. This stop starts to get a little crazy! People are feeling a little tipsy and there is a naughty little book that you can opt to get added to.... if you choose.

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Bar #3- Playa Bonita!




Home of the biggest drinks EVER! We had to each get a To Go cup... which was actually something like a commercial size yogurt container! HUGE! This location also has some pretty hysterical aprons with naughty things underneath... lol. We had a lot of fun here.



After Playa Bonita we made a special stop (because we had made good timing all day)... this place was beyond a description:








(there's that yogurt ToGo container!)



We climbed the rocks to get that 2nd picture... and one of the guys went under the rocks to get the first picture. It was so beautiful.

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Our last stop was at Rasta's!


Bar #5- RASTA'S- Freedom in paradise!








This place had the BEST food! The Coconut Shrimp was killer!! The beach was gorgeous!! And.. they even let me hang my old college t-shirt (after everyone in our group signed it of course!). GO FSU!! GO NOLES!!



And after we made all of our stops, we took the last couple of pics with our group:





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Tuesday was actually spent in Belize, but the hubs carried the Go Pro video camera all day, so I don't have the pics for that yet. When I do, I will post a review. It was a FABULOUS day of Ziplining, Cave Tubing, and riding an ATV through the muddy jungle!


Wednesday was HONDURAS!!



We had so many exciting things planned for this 7-day trip... but the most exciting thing for me was holding the baby MONKEYS! Monkeys are my favorite animals in the entire world.. I can think of nothing better than holding those babies. I was pretty sure I was going to have to be sedated... but alas, I only cried. Yes, CRIED. Don't judge. I love monkeys.


We reserved our day through Bodden Tours and Anthony was our guide. We paid $40 per person and Anthony took us anywhere we wanted for the entire day. It was well worth the $80! Anthony was an AMAZING guide and we did so many different things that day!


This is Anthony:





Along our tour of Honduras, Anthony would give us history about the little island and stop periodically to take our pictures at the perfect photo ops:





The hubs just graduated Fire School 2 days before our trip.. so Anthony thought he would like to visit the Fire Station (they have to make this serious face in their Fire School photos.. lol)




This view was just breathtaking.. and you could see our ship in the background:



Anthony then took us to a little market to do some shopping:




After a little touring, it was about 7am there (it was a SUPER EARLY port)... so we asked to visit the schoolchildren...

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Visiting the schoolchildren was both rewarding and heartbreaking at the same time. We had decided before our trip that we wanted to take school supplies to the children. We packed pencils, paper, and crayons. We had no idea of the impact it would have on these kids. If we ever return to Roatan, we will be packing an entire bag of goodies for the kids!


We had asked Anthony about taking the supplies to the children and since we didn't have a particular school in mind, he asked if we would mind taking the supplies to the school that he attended as a child. He explained that it was one of the poorest schools on the island... and we were thrilled to experience this with him.


The School:



The Schoolchildren (Aren't they ADORABLE?!!) :




I just loved the little one with the boom box!




The school director was a personal friend of Anthony's and she invited us into their classrooms and asked that I hand out a pencil to each child. There were approximately 110 children and every one of them thanked me profusely for that 1 pencil. A Pencil. It really makes you think about the things we take for granted. I was in tears just visiting with them. It was a wonderful experience and I hope that I am fortunate enough to be able to visit again.


After visiting the children the hubs and I decided it was time to grabs some snacks (and adult beverages) and go see the MONKEYS!


On the road again:


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On our way to see the MONKEYS, we asked to go to the convenience store/gas station. It was pretty early in the day still and we needed some water and to stock up on stuff for the day. We walked out of the store with 2 1-liter bottles of water, a 750ML bottle of local Rum, 2 different kinds of beer and a couple snacks.. all for just over $10! What a Deal!


It was now time for Victor Bodden's Monkey Business! It was only $5 per person to visit this mini-zoo. They had a lot of monkeys, but also Tucan's, Squirrels, Deer, and Rat-Looking things! Ick!


This was the coolest thing I have ever done! (and yesterday I was zip-lining... THIS is my love for monkeys.)






The monkeys were jumping on our shoulders, and digging in our pockets... and one even unzipped our bag and took our money straight to the top of his cage! It was so funny! These monkeys were incredibly intelligent! The guide was telling us that they had to put a smaller grate cage on the exterior of one of the monkey's cages... and then he showed us why. He tapped the cage and said "unlock this door"... and the monkey came over lifted the lock and slid it over to open the door! It was crazy! The guide said they had figured out how to do it to the outside lock and they found them running around the place! How crazy!


Here is the hubs with his monkeys:



And then one decided to take off his visor and wear it, while licking the top of the hubs bald head!! LOL!!




This was the COOLEST experience and I HIGHLY recommend it! Where else can you be entertained for $5 these days?!



After the monkeys... we were hot and sweaty (and yes, probably covered in monkey germs) ... so we went to the beach. Going to the beach wasn't a planned stop for us, but it turned out to be the best beach of the entire vacation! We had Anthony to watch our belongings and we could swim or do water activities. It was so relaxing! The water was the clearest I have ever seen and the drinks on the beach were DELISH!! (Again... anything that might have been near water was captured on the GoPro video camera... so we don't have pictures of this beach right now... but I will post soon!).


It was finally lunch time and we had decided to be even more adventurous than usual! We were going to try the local food! IGUANA!!


Here it is:



That's Iguana, Rice and Beans, and Plantains. It was actually DELICIOUS! It was cooked in coconut milk and looked a lot like pulled pork. We were impressed!


This is the restaurant... it was open air, with lots of seating, and the occasional chicken walking through.. oh, and the random herd of cows walking by outside. Quite the experience! :



After lunch we had a bit of a situation though.. We asked the restaurant owner if they took credit, BEFORE we ordered, and when she said yes... we ordered EVERYTHING in sight and offered to pay for Anthony's lunch as well. We had only brought a certain amount of cash so we wanted to make sure. She assured us that we were fine. Well.. when it came time to pay, the credit card machine wouldn't work. We were in that restaurant for over an hour and a half and we were getting worried we might miss our ship. We were only short by $7... but what could we do? We didn't have cash. We suggested that maybe we could go to an ATM when we got back to the Port... Anthony told the restaurant owners that they could count on him to cover it. What a nice guy! We ended up getting cash at the Port and gave Anthony the cash to pay the rest of our tab, plus give himself a nice tip!


If you visit Roatan and want to get the best tour, you really need to go with Bodden Tours.. and ask for Anthony! It was an experience I will never forget!

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We also took supplies for a school but the teachers were on strike (along with the doctors:eek:) when we went, so the public schools were closed. We ended up leaving the backpacks filled with supplies with our driver, Kenny, who promised as soon as they re-opened he would take it to them. My sister is an elementary school principal, so she was very disappointed that we didn't get to visit. We still had an awesome tour with Kenny from Bodden Tours.

Thanks for your review!!!

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Lovin' your review!! Can't wait to read more! :D



Aww thanks!! I have SO much more to write.. but I've been swamped in the office and haven't had time to finish!


Stay tuned.... :)

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We also took supplies for a school but the teachers were on strike (along with the doctors:eek:) when we went, so the public schools were closed. We ended up leaving the backpacks filled with supplies with our driver, Kenny, who promised as soon as they re-opened he would take it to them. My sister is an elementary school principal, so she was very disappointed that we didn't get to visit. We still had an awesome tour with Kenny from Bodden Tours.

Thanks for your review!!!



I'm so sorry you all missed out on seeing the schoolchildren. It really was one of the most emotional and rewarding things I have ever done. I hope to be able to do it again.


Bodden Tours does a phenomenal job at showing off the island! I haven't read a complaint yet!

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