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I'm a WW failure - Help!


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I have joined and tried Weight Watchers at least 6 times in my life. I know it's not WW that is failing...it's ME. I really want to lose this weight....should I re-join this Saturday? I have to do something......:confused: I'm unhappy with myself.

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Me too!!! I know I need to lose weight, and I really want to be thin but I just can't seem to find the motivation to stick to the Program. WW has a great program, it is nutritionally sound, but I just can't seem to get going. I was thinking of just trying good old fashioned calorie counting.

Anyway... you aren't the only diet drop out!!

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Me too!!! I know I need to lose weight, and I really want to be thin but I just can't seem to find the motivation to stick to the Program. WW has a great program, it is nutritionally sound, but I just can't seem to get going. I was thinking of just trying good old fashioned calorie counting.

Anyway... you aren't the only diet drop out!!


I agree...it's lack of motivation, even though I KNOW I have to do something! Strange that I want it so bad, but not willing to do what it takes...UGH!


How can we get the motivation we need? Besides looking in the mirror...LOL!

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Lots of us can relate. I've been successful with WW several times, but lately just can't get it together. Time's running out for me to make it before my cruise...in June, but now that the weather's better I'm hoping I'll get motivated. I think it's all mental...how to get my mind motiviated is the question :)


Never give up....JK

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Lots of us can relate. I've been successful with WW several times, but lately just can't get it together. Time's running out for me to make it before my cruise...in June, but now that the weather's better I'm hoping I'll get motivated. I think it's all mental...how to get my mind motiviated is the question :)


Never give up....JK


It is mental.

A good start is to stop beating yourself up (I need to take this advise myself)

Get up every morning and repeat affirmations to yourself about how great you look. You have to brainwash yourself because if you get up every day feeling unhappy with yourself, you are bound to sabotage your diet. The first obstacle to overcome is the mental part...then you have to work on the 'addiction' part...which is even worse...but one step at at time. Think only good thoughts about yourself, no matter how hard that seems.

No matter what, it certainly can't hurt.


Good luck. I mean that with all my heart. :)

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WW never worked for me either. I managed to gain 20 pounds or so last time I tried the high fiber route. I know it really works for some people but it just made me ill. I have crohn's and there's alot of research about wheat and high fiber diets being bad for crohn's patients so I started doing a modification that is somewhere between atkins and south beach for that reason. Also, DD is allergic to corn which cuts out most fillers at our house. I lost 30 pounds right away (about 4 months) and more importantly I FEEL better. I dont' care if low carbing goes out of fashion. I'll never go back to a high wheat diet.


CkRobin- Don't be afraid to experiment with other eating plans. Healthy eating is not a one size fits all sort of thing. Low carb worked for me, Raw works for one friend, and vegan works for another. I think the seccret is finding something that (after a week or two to detox) you feel good while you're on it and it's something that you can live with long term.


The main thing is to not get discouraged. It's frustrating but not an insurmountable problem.

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Ckrobyn, I can relate! I have tried WW at least 4 times. It always works, at least for 25-35 lbs., then I quit and gain it back. I vowed in January to lose 40-50 lbs. before my June cruise...I have lost exactly 4 lbs. so far. Ugghh!! Now I'm at the point where I just feel like screw it, I'm going to go on the cruise and pig out! I know that's not the right attitude. I can start "a diet" in the morning, do fine until about 4pm, then the munchies hit and I'm doomed. Don't know why!!! I've tried WW, Suzanne Somers, low-carb, J. Craig, etc. Everything works for a while, then I'm off again. The only thing I can do is just keep trying! Someday I will figure out what works for me and stick to it.



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I have tried all the usual things with limited sucess,then I heard about this medication from the doctors. I have been on them for a year now and they work for me, they seem to work more on the mind,I have cereal in the morning and then I don't think about food at all, all day then I have a normal evening meal.If a meal was put in front of me I would eat it,but have no desire to go get one for myself.So I do go out for lunch with friends occasionally.But if on my own ,don't think about it. I know it is probably not a healthy way to do it,but over the week I must be getting the right balance.The weight comes off slowly,I suppose if I "dieted" as well it would come off faster,but I am not into lettuce,rabbit food! The doctor says it is ok to lose slowly,as it took a long time to go on.The pills are called here, Reductil and they have Sibutramine Hydrochloride listed.Hope they might work for you,only drawback I have found is they leave your mouth dry and you have to suck on a waterbottle throughout the day.But this helps too as I was never fond of water before! :)

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Thanks for the great advice.....this is the perfect place to get the support I need , and give some back too :)


At this point, I refuse to "jump" into another diet program. I'm the type that will throw down the money because I am desperate and impulsive...UGH!

I know that WW is a well balanced program that is designed to encourage us to make healthy food/portion choices. I'm thinking I may give it another shot......if I do, I will re-join this Saturday, I'll let you know ;)

Meanwhile, it's 10:00am and I'm wondering what's for lunch !! YIKES.

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I too am a WW failure!!! But I just keep going back. I have been going everyweek for the last few months and have lost 9 lbs since December. We have a WW @ work starting next week and I am going to start going to that instead of my usual Saturday morning. Hopefully having the support of others here at work will help spur me on. Hope to use this board for support too. My husband and kids try, but going to WW mtgs alone and watching everyone else eat potatoes/gravy & yorkshire pudding does get you down! Must add that my husband has been very supportive (he also needs to drop some lbs) with encouraging me to keep going to the YMCA every morning (at 5am - and yes he goes too), but he is a meat & potatoes guy and my (grown) kids have crazy schedules that preclude advance meal planning for most weeks. I do add salad and steamed veg to my plate, but I really have to watch the 'tasting' when cooking for the family.


I tried Herbal Magic (don't know if they have them in the USA) which cost me the price of cruise and did not drop any weight. That said, my best friend did shed 60 lbs over 6 months with them and has kept most of it off. No exercise, very restrictive food, and lots of their 'herbals' (very costly!!!!!)


Let us know if you end up joining. The more support we can find, the better we'll do.



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I too am a WW failure!!! But I just keep going back. I have been going everyweek for the last few months and have lost 9 lbs since December. We have a WW @ work starting next week and I am going to start going to that instead of my usual Saturday morning. Hopefully having the support of others here at work will help spur me on. Hope to use this board for support too. My husband and kids try, but going to WW mtgs alone and watching everyone else eat potatoes/gravy & yorkshire pudding does get you down! Must add that my husband has been very supportive (he also needs to drop some lbs) with encouraging me to keep going to the YMCA every morning (at 5am - and yes he goes too), but he is a meat & potatoes guy and my (grown) kids have crazy schedules that preclude advance meal planning for most weeks. I do add salad and steamed veg to my plate, but I really have to watch the 'tasting' when cooking for the family.


I tried Herbal Magic (don't know if they have them in the USA) which cost me the price of cruise and did not drop any weight. That said, my best friend did shed 60 lbs over 6 months with them and has kept most of it off. No exercise, very restrictive food, and lots of their 'herbals' (very costly!!!!!)


Let us know if you end up joining. The more support we can find, the better we'll do.






I think I fail at WW because they give you TOO much choice......I'm thinking I do best on a more structured and restricted program. I guess at the end of the day, it isn't necessarily the program, it's ME. I have to get into the "zone" of restricting myself....not having the diet do it for me.


I too joined Herbal Magic a few years ago and the supplements made me sick. I still have a $500 credit there and they said I can do the program without the supplements.....I really need to make a decision....each day passes and I'm still eating more than I know I should :rolleyes:

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I completely understand where you are coming from and to be honest I am glad I am not the only one.


I am really greedy and love food and my partner says I eat more than any man could.


So what to do. I too have re-joined WW (for at least the 15th time) and at the moment have only lost 5.5lbs in 3 wks. I have kept going back this last year for about 3 wks at a time and then giving in. In the end weighing more than when I started.


I believe it is all in the mind and once you have got your head around it, it all falls into place quite easily. There lies the problem - getting your head around it! I hate being fat but feel powerless to stop eating. I know because I have lost 70lbs in the past how fabulous I feel, I could conquer the world! My weight is the only thing in my life that makes me unhappy, but still I cannot stick to losing weight. I have been for hypnotherapy which I believed helped for a couple of sessions and then I reverted back to my old ways. Then I say to myself I am 34 years old and it's about time I acccepted myself, but I don't want to accept being like this for the rest of my life, living in fear of someone calling me fat when I go out, wondering if the seat will be big enough on the aeroplane etc, so,

I am making one last ditched attempt. I have joined WW (again) and I am actually doing a sponsored slim for charity (to lose 50lbs by nov 18th.). I have not been able to do it any other way and thought the fact that people had pledged money to my chosen charities would spur me on, so far it is working but it is coming off really slow at the moment.

I have promised myself not to go on another cruise fat and I have until Nov to lose it. I am determined to give it my best shot!

Sorry for babbling on but it is refreshing to see a thread about people like myself who keep trying (and failing).

I would say go ahead and give WW another try, to me it is the most sensible diet, but only when you are in the right frame of mind.

Have you got a friend/relation who could join with you for support and a bit of healthy competition?


Best of luck to you all,


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Hi to everyone on this thread. I am a WW success and struggling story. I lost 46 lbs in 1999 and immediately become a staff member with them. I have since gained about 5 lbs. which has me right at the top of my range plus 2 lbs. Working for WW had helped me to stay with the program because I don't want to be on weight policy (something that happens when you go more than 2 lbs. past your goal weight). If only I could be taller, I'd be just fine.


When they introduced the new Core Plan I thought no way that would work for me. That was just way too much freedom letting me decide when I was "comfortably" satisfied. So I stuck to the Flex Plan and continued to struggle every month to make my legal weight. Then I went on my last cruise in March and ate like there was no tomorrow. Well, I gained another 5 lbs. Then I saw my younger sister (who just became a Lifetime Member) for the first time since her weight loss and I suddenly became totally motivated. Here I am the WW employee and I can't get the extra pounds off and my sister looks absolutely fantastic. Well that just can't be. I have to look better lol. So I am now giving the Core Plan a chance. It's been 3 days and I am finding that I can control my comfort level and feel full on the right choices.


My leader and the person I work with every day says to close your eyes and picture what you "will" look like 6 months from now. After you picture it you convince yourself that you will do it. But.....you are doing for one person and one person only.....yourself. Keep with it....it does work....but remember...you are not on a DIET.....you are making a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.


Keep it up and know that I am doing it too. If you have any questions, I will be glad to try to answer them.

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I completely understand where you are coming from and to be honest I am glad I am not the only one.

I am really greedy and love food and my partner says I eat more than any man could.

So what to do. I too have re-joined WW (for at least the 15th time) and at the moment have only lost 5.5lbs in 3 wks. I have kept going back this last year for about 3 wks at a time and then giving in. In the end weighing more than when I started.

I believe it is all in the mind and once you have got your head around it, it all falls into place quite easily. There lies the problem - getting your head around it! I hate being fat but feel powerless to stop eating. I know because I have lost 70lbs in the past how fabulous I feel, I could conquer the world! My weight is the only thing in my life that makes me unhappy, but still I cannot stick to losing weight. I have been for hypnotherapy which I believed helped for a couple of sessions and then I reverted back to my old ways. Then I say to myself I am 34 years old and it's about time I acccepted myself, but I don't want to accept being like this for the rest of my life, living in fear of someone calling me fat when I go out, wondering if the seat will be big enough on the aeroplane etc, so," UNQUOTE




Bandit0000 - I couldn't have put it better myself!

I too am sooo glad to see others are in the same boat as me (no pun intended!!). I KNOW what to do, I just can't seem to do it.


I decided to give up going to WW etc and try myself - No luck. I then thought I'd give the Gym a go. I thought the weight would fall off - nope, no luck there either. I was considering Hypnosis, but if they try to get me to imagine chocolate is something else (nasty) I'll just switch off!

I LOVE chocolate and need to have some every day. One little piece would not suffice - I am as addicted as a smoker.


One day...

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Tomorrow it will be 5 weeks since I started WW. At week 4, I was already down 11.6 pounds! It works! You do have to work at it though and change your habits. I had already lost 30 pounds on my own before Christmas and then hit a plateau. That's when a friend of mine asked if I'd like to join WW w/her. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled about the idea at first. I had done WW before when they did their "exchange" program and I had gotten to 4 pounds above my goal and quit. Well over the years, I ended up losing and gaining, losing and gaining again. This went on until last summer when I found myself 80 pounds overweight! Looking at having to lose 80+ pounds is a very scary thing! Now that I'm down 42 pounds, it doesn't seem all that bad anymore! I know I can do it because I WANT it!


Suggestion... don't just go by the numbers on the scale. Measure yourself and then measure every 2 months or so and see the results!


There are several great WW cookbooks available and believe me, your family won't even know that you are serving them WW recipes! You can basically eat what you want... You just have to be accountable for everything you eat and keep track of it. Be honest with yourself. If you have a bad day and eat things you know you shouldn't have... write them down anyway! That way you can look back and see where you could have improved.


I also track my weight on fitday.com. There is a place to journal there too. That's great idea to write down how you were feeling that day. On days when I was really pumped up, I like to go back and read those posts and see what was different that day that made it better.


So those of you who are struggling, believe me when I say that it gets easier. Once you start dropping some weight and feeling better... and your clothes start getting looser and then too big... you WILL want to keep going! Don't give up too fast! It's going to take time. The weight didn't come on over night so it's not going to come off over night!


Stick with it! We can do it!


These boards have been a great support to me! You'll find lots and lots of people "in the same boat"! :D



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I have found that there is no such thing as lack of motivation if I want to lose weight I have the motivation. Seeing you guys on here talking about it shows you have the motivation--. I have learned an invaluable lesson (in my opinion). If I am not at the weight I want to be or losing weight to get to where I want to be it is because I am addicted to food. Even if I find myself overweight and not wanting to lose it, I know that is my addiction doing the thinking for me, not really me!


The Weight Watcher Core program is the only program that I have successfully gotten rid of food addiction and can stay on and get back on when I need to!! I joined online--it is cheaper and it's not really a diet. I don't have to restrict myself. If I'm hungry or want something to eat I go get something to eat! I eat as much as I want and lose an average of 2 pounds a week--it is fabulous!! I don't feel deprived at all -- how could I??


When I started out I ate as much as I possibly could on the Core plan. (almost every food to choose from -- that's not junk). I over eat on the proper foods and soon I find that my addiction is gone! I can hardly believe I was talking or thinking exactly like I hear you guys on this board!! I am losing weight and all the thinking and feeling like that is gone!! (As you can tell--I love this program!!)


I gained 7 1/2 pounds on our last cruise and in 3 weeks, it was gone again! Of course, during the cruise I became addicted to food and knowing that the addiction tells me--oh, you don't want to go back on that program--I jumped right back on when we got back. It wasn't really hard to want to get back on it because I feel so much better when eating great foods!!


So, IMHO, it's not a lack of motivation you guys have, it's your addiction to food that is in control instead of you!! For me, it's that sugar that grabs ahold of me and strangles me so I don't even have a say in the matter, it is in control!! Once I get it out of my life, I have no problems with wanting to eat healthy!


Hope it didn't sound like I was preaching! It's just I have dieted all my life and not with much success! I have lost the same 50 lbs. a thousand times!! It is such a relief to have finally figured out why I would let myself gain it back so many times!! It wasn't me doing the thinking, but my addiction for way too many years!!!!!!! I just think of all the time I wasted!! It was always such a mystery to me!! What a relief to have the mystery solved!!

Barbara :D

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I completely understand where you are coming from and to be honest I am glad I am not the only one.


I am really greedy and love food and my partner says I eat more than any man could.


So what to do. I too have re-joined WW (for at least the 15th time) and at the moment have only lost 5.5lbs in 3 wks. I have kept going back this last year for about 3 wks at a time and then giving in. In the end weighing more than when I started.


I believe it is all in the mind and once you have got your head around it, it all falls into place quite easily. There lies the problem - getting your head around it! I hate being fat but feel powerless to stop eating. I know because I have lost 70lbs in the past how fabulous I feel, I could conquer the world! My weight is the only thing in my life that makes me unhappy, but still I cannot stick to losing weight. I have been for hypnotherapy which I believed helped for a couple of sessions and then I reverted back to my old ways. Then I say to myself I am 34 years old and it's about time I acccepted myself, but I don't want to accept being like this for the rest of my life, living in fear of someone calling me fat when I go out, wondering if the seat will be big enough on the aeroplane etc, so,

I am making one last ditched attempt. I have joined WW (again) and I am actually doing a sponsored slim for charity (to lose 50lbs by nov 18th.). I have not been able to do it any other way and thought the fact that people had pledged money to my chosen charities would spur me on, so far it is working but it is coming off really slow at the moment.

I have promised myself not to go on another cruise fat and I have until Nov to lose it. I am determined to give it my best shot!

Sorry for babbling on but it is refreshing to see a thread about people like myself who keep trying (and failing).

I would say go ahead and give WW another try, to me it is the most sensible diet, but only when you are in the right frame of mind.

Have you got a friend/relation who could join with you for support and a bit of healthy competition?


Best of luck to you all,



Hi Lisa,


Thanks for your honesty! Sometimes I wonder if there are people out there that struggle the way I do. I can completely relate to what you said about knowing what it feels like to lose 70lbs - you can conquer the world! I felt that way too.....what drives me nuts, is that if it felt so amazing...why would I trade that feeling for gaining weight again?? I could sit here and dwell on it, but that won't make the pounds come off any faster. I got myself into this mess and now I have to get myself out....


I didn't go back to WW this weekend, but I have found a "buddy" to go with....we have both agreed to join nexr Saturday.....I'm thinking it can't get worse than it is for me, so something is better than nothing!


I have to lose the notion that the weight loss will happen fast....that's what always gets me into trouble. SO.....even if I lose just 1lb per week...that's 52lbs in a year! Not a bad way of looking at it huh?


Thanks to everyone for their encouraging words and for sharing your successess and challenges....maybe we can eventually re-name this thread to "I'm a WW Success Story!"

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I was so happy when I found this thread. I can't even count how many times I have joined WW. It does work and I have gotten within a few pounds of my goal, gotten very comfortable and quit, thinking I can do it on my own without getting weighed every week. Obviously I was wrong, or I wouldn't be reading these posts! :D Thanks to addicted who gave me the basics on the core program on another thread, I think I am going to try it again. I have a job that I don't work summers so I really don't want to formally join but I will see if I can do it on my own and if not, guess I will have to bite the bullet and do it. It just floors me that I have to pay someone every week to weigh me when I feel I should be able to do this on my own. Thanks everyone for letting me know I am not the only frequent flyer. I do totally believe in the Weight watchers plan and since the core program doesn't make you write everything down and weigh and measure everything, I think I may just be able to stick to it.



Carnival Miracle 8/21/05

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It is really good to hear from people who are either exactly where I am or have been where I am now. After reading all these posts, I am going to give WW yet another try. I too, have avoided the core plan because i thought that I couldn't do it, now I will give it a try since others have found it to be the key to success. Hopefully I will too. pj

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I really enjoy the WW online. Weighing myself once a week and putting it in online seems to work for me. I didn't know if it would but I like it. Has all the core foods and recipes and I like it that it is so much cheaper than joining the class. I think it's great that we can share all the info and our successes right here online! Maybe those of us that are doing the Core WW program should start a new thread and we could start sharing our weight losses and "secret food tips" here?? Anyone with me??? :D


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There are days I go out for my run/walk (Yesterday was one of them) and I don't want to. I leave the house telling myself I will walk for ten minutes and if I still don't want to I will come home (thank you to the Galloway method of marathon training for that tip). I almost always stay out for the full time I should (30-60 minutes) as Oprah said on Friday losing weight is a numbers game. If you eat less than you burn you wil lose weight. It's physics and it will happen. She also said "if you think you've tried everything, no, you really haven't" which is true. I know it is harder for me to lose weight. I am over 40 and need to work out more and longer if I want it off and to eat what I want to eat. There is no pill or diet or anything that will "fix it" but hard work. So the best thing you can do is dig in and do it. Don't beat yourself up when you blow it. That will not help and you will eat because you are depressed. Just do it (as Nike says), just put on the shoes and head out. Just for a few minutes if you have to but do it.


Not eating what I want stinks it's not fair and it's not fun. I wish it was. Exercise is hard work and I HATE every second of it, every mile of my runs I wish I was on the couch watching TV. I wish there was a pill or a potion but there isn't. I am here right now instead of running :) but at some point today (I am waiting for it to top 50 before I go out) I will get out there. Hopefully for my 60 minutes, but at least 30.

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Hi Barbara I am in for the core plan group. I started today although it was a rough one...had my father in law over for a cookout which was ok but then went to my neice's birthday party. I actually didn't do too bad I guess but I sure won't have a lot of those 35 points to use the rest of the week!:eek: Oh well, I am less likely to use too many during the week anyway. I think this board will sure help.

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Count me in for the Core Plan too. I am trying WW on my own and have done it successfully before. I guess I just got too over confident and lost my way. Now I am back and am going to stick to the program. I would like to lose 40 pounds by my cruise in February. I think it is a great idea to share recipe ideas on this thread.



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