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5/1/05 Dawn Review--CHUNKS!


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I'm game! Shoreguy, I've had freestyle and I love it on the Sea and know I will even more on the Dawn. The one downside of another line but I still like to experience different things all the time. NCL has new ships coming out and many I haven't sailed on yet, so I would go with one of them.


Let's see I haven't searched all that much on NYC ships. I fly to FL or anywhere to cruise no problem so I don't just look at NYC, I know RCCL sails out of Cape Liberty, NY and I think another line too can't remember and then CCL sails out of NYC summer months, and I've seen the QM2 there, not sure if any others.



My cruising months are very limited due to my job. I go during our districts spring break, which is when most don't want to cruise. Then I can get a week in May. If needed I could get one of the last 2 weeks in July or first week in Aug. I can't cruise again then till Easter break. Fall and winter months are out of the question for me.


Group cruise is the way to go. We should have enough cabins.


I know Tim has classes till late April or May but that was for 2006 we're looking at that.


That sure would be a fun cruise!


Love the picture that's so cool.

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Wow! A lot of activity since last I posted on this thread ...! Hard to know what to address first! So many cool posts, so little time ...;)


Tim, always glad to make someone tear up, as long as it isn't BAD tearing up, I mean! :eek:


Debjo, that story is hysterical! OMG, I am so relating to the tummy expanding under the table LOL. I was smart, I packed a long billowing dress as my "end-of-cruise fat dress" and let me tell you that by Friday I was glad I had it! :o That photo is priceless! (I woulda eaten it off the plate too.)


Pamperme, I'm glad Cosmopolitan and I were able to give you some specifics! I wish I'd seen Cosmopolitan around here before I cruised because I was dying to know more about the AA. Believe me you will be very pleased. I have indeed spoiled myself regarding butlers/concierge! We are going to find some way to stay in the categories that have those services. Next cruise we will be in AC and I'm excited about that too!


So let's see, so far for the "Wotta Hoot Cruise" (just think, we could call ourselves the "Wotta Hooters" ha ha) we have Suesan, Debjo, Greenie, 2Cruise4ever, and JudyF! It's a good start! C'mon peeps, join the fun!


Since 2007 is kinda down the road a bit, my preferences could change, of course, but right now I would rather stick with NCL. I've been on Carnival and Royal Caribbean--both fine lines, but no freestyle, less bang for your buck, I like the butler option, RC newer ship seemed too big and impersonal, although I could live with that I guess. Carnival crowd tends to be more the younger party set (been there done that). I dunno, we can talk it over. I could probably get Joe to leave from a different location, but NYC is sooooooooooo much easier! From what y'all have indicated, it seems like May would be good for all of us (or at least OK). I don't wantr to cruise in the summer--my family has a place up in the 1000 Islands Region of NYS, which I go to for a week. I like to cruise to warmer weather ... Fall is possible, but then you worry about hurricanes. So I guess for me, Feb-May is good, Nov-Dec is good.


Question about group cruises/rates: aren't they only applicable to balcony cabins and lower? I guess it doesn't really matter but I do sort of love these darn perks now! :)


I love having something like this to think about. Oh boy!

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Group cruise would be fun! If it's 2007, I'll be done with college...and be a CPA so Jan-April are out (busy season)...other than that dates are good!


If it's next year...I graduate may 12, 06 so after that is kosher.


Okay, so it looks like May is a good month. I hope????? So now we're looking at May 2006 and 2007. wooooo hooooo!!!!

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For the future "Wotta Hoot Cruisers"...

How exciting is it to be planning a cruise for 2007?!?!?! (Especially when I haven't figured out my "5-OH" cruise for 2006.) Looks like too many of us are addicted to being "pampered at sea". Suesanjean you've really begun something here! Where do you stand with sailing in the month of MAY? It will be interesting to see what ships (and/or cruise lines) will be sailing out of NYC (and/or Bayonne, NJ) then. Just talked to Kerry and he hasn't any objections...it doesn't take much to get him on a ship.


Now we've all got to start saving our pennies...especially if we want the "perks" of the upper category cabins. OH NO...I think I've uncovered a potential problem...now that greenie has us all desiring a butler...there may not be enough cabins on the ship to accommodate all of our preferences. We may just have to "draw straws"! I guess that if this is a "go", we'll have to book EARLY to insure our stateroom picks!


On another note...

I've gotten the first day of our 4/24 cruise pictures ready (with captions) to upload to the internet so all the ravenous Cruise Critic gang can eat them up. I've whittled EMBARKATION DAYdown to just under 70 "pertinent" photos...all I have to do is compose my Day One Review and I'll get it all posted. The only problem I'm encountering is that WEBSHOTS has a limited amount of pictures you can post for "free" and I'm really not wanting to become a "paid" subscriber. Even with my "whittling down", I'm certain that I'll exceed WEBSHOT's quota and I won't be able to post shots from our entire 4/24 cruise. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other options I might have?


So things won't get confused with greenie's "chunks", I'll plagiarize on the "Star Wars" phenomenon and refer to my "installments" as "EPISODES". Be on the lookout...coming to a "C.C. message board" near you..."EPISODE ONE...Day of the DAWN". (Keep your fingers crossed...that I can get this all together and working with my new computer system...we have the need...now everything just needs to work!)


Until next time...


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I hope it works so we B-4s can read them before we leave on Sunday.


Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to post a review, answer all my questions and even posts pictures.


Thnaks so much!!!

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Okay, so it looks like May is a good month. I hope????? So now we're looking at May 2006 and 2007. wooooo hooooo!!!!


May 2007 would be great for me. Our kids will kill us for not taking them with us. But, don't we ALL need a break from time to time???? (although, with my DH's up-coming promotion, we just might be able to take the kids, too :rolleyes: )


Note to self: Take a break from kids every now and then.

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Oh boy! May 2007!


The prices tend to be good then too--that's why we cruised 5/1 this year. Early to late-mid May there are no school breaks, no holidays, and highschools/middle schools are still in session.


I wonder which ships we'll have to choose from! Maybe we'll have enough good ones from NY/NJ/Brooklyn(?) that I won't have to work hard on Joe to do it. Oh, the excitement! Debjo, you're right--best to book about as soon as they put the schedule for 2007 out. I guess around this time next year, right?


Cool, Tim, I'm glad you are with us! Now we have to start working on Cosmopolitan, Seahorse, Shoreguy, Samthebookitty, Nanny, and all the rest of the East Coast Cruisers and fun Cruise Critics out there!



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:) SO, are we thinking about an "all girl" trip now?? Cool!!! (ARE there ANY guys who want to go??? (besides my DH!!)) The only months I would NOT like to cruise are the summer months, I LOVE my home, my backyard, we have a great pool, and it will be TOO HOT to travel to the Caribbean!!! January thru June are good months for me. And we are talking about leaving out of New York or New Jersey, right? (do you think spouses could/should come?????)(my DH may actually WANT to come....) Ah, we have LOTS of time to talk about it.


2007 will be good for me, because next year we have that 11 day cruise on the Dawn to celebrate my 50th Birthday. Are we thinking of staying with NCL or trying another cruise line??? We can share cabins, right?? I am going to have to e-mail Jeanne S, she was on the Dawn cruise with me last month, I enjoyed her company (I did mention we drank Champagne in the Laundry Room on Deck 11?!)


By 2007, my DD will be 14 years old, she may want to come on the cruise, she may not. You know teenagers..... :cool:


If my DH and DD want to come on this cruise, I will book an "AB", we did like it very much last month. (Gonna have to start using my NCL credit card more!!!....:D )


Debbie, that picture of the "Nothing" plate is FABULOUS!!!! That is SUCH a GREAT STORY!!!!





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I had to cancell my group cruise on the CCL Legend just this week cause it's not sailing on the 4/20 cruise we were to take. It got changed to 4/1 which I can't do. So I'm really excited talking about a group cruise for May 2007 and we already have a name!


Wouldn't it be nice if the Jewel came to NYC?

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I had to cancell my group cruise on the CCL Legend just this week cause it's not sailing on the 4/20 cruise we were to take. It got changed to 4/1 which I can't do. So I'm really excited talking about a group cruise for May 2007 and we already have a name!


Wouldn't it be nice if the Jewel came to NYC?



I was afraid to say that, cuz boy, I wish it would! I REALLY want to go on the Jewel, and next year is our "Spirit" year, so 2007 would be so excellent. *wishing wishing wishing*


Suesan, Tim is coming with us, so it's not an all-girl cruise. (Joe would want to come, anyway.) Maybe we'll all just go do some all-girl thing once onboard. ;)

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:) OK!! I will bring my DH, DD, book me an "AB" (if we choose the Dawn), and we "Wotta Hoot" cruisers can get together and do stuff too, not just that one get-to-gether.... Sounds SUPER-DE-DOOPER!!!:) Maybe have dinner a couple of nights together, go snorkeling together, drink champagne in the laundry room together, "party" in my cabin...WHATEVER!!... It sounds like FUN!!!:)


Now we have to "seriously" discuss which ship and when. I think there is going to be A LOT of e-mailing going on...... My e-mail is: suesanjeanb@aol.com

Oh this is SO MUCH FUN!!!:D



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Suesan, I'm as excited as you are! It's nice that we have something in the works before we leave Sun. makes you feel a little better coming back, to have something to look forward too. Just all of us chatting online is going to be fun...


My e-mail is autumnsam@aol.com

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Oh boy! May 2007!




Cool, Tim, I'm glad you are with us! Now we have to start working on Cosmopolitan, Seahorse, Shoreguy, Samthebookitty, Nanny, and all the rest of the East Coast Cruisers and fun Cruise Critics out there!




I'll take up that committee! :D


And yeah...no all girls cruise....i'll be there. but if you want to check out the hot pool boys, then I'm all for that. LOL


my email is felice2@tcnj.edu :)

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For judyf and other "4-B er's" about to embark this Sunday...

(and anyone else who cares to read...)


Oh my gosh...I've just completed typing EPISODE ONE...DAY OF THE DAWN on Microsoft Works...thought it would be easier to compose it "off-line" rather than tie up my dial-up connection too long. Speaking of "too long"...can you believe that my DAY ONE recollections have taken up 11 pages in Microsoft Works. It is much, much too long to upload altogether to a Cruise Critic Message Board. Perhaps I could do it paragraph by paragraph??? Before I go to all that effort...does anyone even care to read it??? For those of you about to embark...are you going to have time to read it before you leave...if so, perhaps I could email it to you...it could be quicker that trying to post it here...just let me know.


I knew I was "long-winded", but I even surprised myself with this one. I've read it all over and really can't find where I could edit much out of it. I guess I'm going to have a "review" that will rival "WAR & PEACE"...and I thought it was hard to whittle down my pictures for DAY ONE. Sorry I can't get them posted this evening...Webshots is doing "maintenance" and I couldn't register to use the site.


Now onto the next "wotta hoot" cruise...

Tim...starting a "thread" is a great idea with one exception...we don't know what Cruise Line's Message Board to put it on, since we haven't a ship yet! Greenie's "chunk" thread has really taken a detour here. You're probably correct in thinking that our May 2007 dreams get developed on a thread of it's own. BUT WHERE WOULD WE PUT IT??? This is really long-range planning! I can't believe that your cruise is almost here. I'll wish you HAPPY SAILING now, just in case I have computer problems and can't say BON VOYAGE later!


Suesan Jean...I know my husband will want to come along, so I guess an "all-girl" cruise isn't in the works. I'd hate to break the commitment we made to each other to go on at least one cruise a year. I took one "all-girl" vacation back in 1997 without him and really miss being able to share those memories with him. On another note...I'd almost forgotten about your 4/17 bunch of ironing laundry room cruisers! Did you really have a champagne "bon voyage" party in the laundry room??? Now that would be a story to share...I laugh just imagining it!


Greenie...I've added the JEWEL to my wish list too. The couple that came on our last three cruises with us didn't want to sail on the DAWN with us again this year...they didn't want to sail on the same ship again going to the same places. Instead, they were able to book passage on the JEWEL's transatlantic inaugural segment from England to Iceland to the USA...with additional pre-cruise days in London, they'll be gone for nearly two whole weeks! Sadly, we can't be away from our farm that long and paying for two cruises a year is a bit difficult! So, we'll just cruise vicariously with them and enjoy it through their pictures when they return. But, if the JEWEL does sail from NYC in May of 2007, I'd have a pretty good rundown of what she is all about after our friends return from their September 2005 sailing. I love the idea of the "better" prices offered during the month of May. By the way, where do you go in the 1000 Islands during the summer??? My family had a camp there near the Bridge and I spent each summer weekend there until I got married. Sadly they had to sell it when my dad got sick, so his retirement plans for the St. Lawrence never were realized. I regret that my husband and I didn't have the money to buy it from my parents. I miss the islands immensely, but still try to spend a day or two there each year. Now back to this thread's main topic...do you have anymore "chunks" to add?


Now that it looks like we're zeroing in on MAY 2007 with a cruise to warm climates (I'm assuming Bermuda or Caribbean)...are we looking at a 7-day cruise? I hope so, because it is hard for us to be away much longer than that. I'm with Suesan Jean...planning a cruise is almost as much fun as being on one!


Depending what cruiseline we choose for May 2007...booking could possibly be done as early as December of 2005...the earlier you book the better the pricing and cabin selections!


Well, it's 3:15 am and I probably need to extinguish this "midnight oil" lamp...sweet cruising dreams everyone!



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Tim, I vote that you are in charge of the recruitment committee! I think it would be a great idea if we could start a thread on the roll call board for "May 2007 Wotta Hoot Cruise". Do you think we could, without a specific date yet? Should we ask Cecilia ...? I don't mind in the least if it continues here, I just think it would garner more "Wotta Hooters" if we opened a thread. Whaddya think? And don't think you can have ALL the poolboys. Dun't be greedy. ;)


Debjo, I am laughing at your post, you are so funny! ELEVEN pages beats even MY ramblings! I for one want to read every single word, so please post all of it. If you have to, post it as Episode 1A, Episode 1B, etc. Don't feel badly, I e-mailed Suesan to answer a question she had and it probably took her 1/2 an hour to read the thing! LOL Some people (like us) just can't be brief. Some people can only BE brief. Viva la difference, I say. :)


I can not believe that you spent time every year by the 1000 Islands bridge! You mean the one that crosses Wellesley Island, right? We have a place in Chippewa Bay, 10 miles north of Alex Bay. My greatgrandfather bought it and it's wonderful. Where is your farm? Do you live in upstate NY? We need to talk! E-mail me, why don't you? Greenie244@hotmail.com. That e-mail is for you other Wotta Hooters as well, for our "planning purposes". :)


As for cruise length, I'm pretty flexible--7-, 9-, or 10- day is fine, depending on what day of the week it leaves. For example, the 10-day we have planned for next Feb is good because it leaves on a Thursday and gets back on a Sunday so we only have to take 7 vacation days. I can't take more than that at one time and neither can Joe at this point. I think Caribbean is the best place to aim for--Bermuda may not be really warm yet by May. Not sure, but guessing that. Let's go as south as we can!

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Thanks for the good wishes!! I know..It still hasn't hit me I'm leaving Sunday..and it won't until I get on board..LOL. Maybe not even then??? :eek:


Could you email me your novel? :D felice2@tcnj.edu thanks!


I didn't think about the fact we don't know which boards yet..maybe member cruise planning? Would they let us if we don't have a ship/line yet? Cecelia..any suggestions??




I found someone interested (MsAmelie) so we're off to a good start! I think we need a thread somewhere..just don't know where..:confused:


and nuhhh uhh! You are not moving in on my territory...and so the debauchary starts! LOL ;)



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LOL Tim--you dawg you!


You just reminded me of something ... at work, I share an office with another woman. We needed to have our own printer installed in our office because we print out a lot of stuff and it was a hassle for everyone involved to share the one outside in the hallway.


When the new printer arrived, Nick our IT guy installed it for us then wanted to know what we wanted to call it so he could put it as our default printer. My roomie Jane and I were in a silly mood and decided (kiddingly) that we wanted it named "Poolboy". Nick has a good sense of humor but is the type that blushes when we get rowdy and bawdy, which is why we said that-just to embarrass him. He delighted us, though, by going ahead and installing it onto the computers as "Poolboy." :)


It's a riot because sometimes either he or one of the guys in our Design department (all straight) will come in to our office and say "Sorry, I had to use your Poolboy." We give them a hard time telling them not to tire him out because we have plenty for him to do to keep busy for us!



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It's a riot because sometimes either he or one of the guys in our Design department (all straight) will come in to our office and say "Sorry, I had to use your Poolboy." We give them a hard time telling them not to tire him out because we have plenty for him to do to keep busy for us!




LOL! What a great story. Can I intern at your office? I wonder what you name your coffee machine?



I need a countdown to may 2007.LOL

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Thanks for the good wishes!! I know..It still hasn't hit me I'm leaving Sunday..and it won't until I get on board..LOL. Maybe not even then??? :eek:


Could you email me your novel? :D felice2@tcnj.edu thanks!


I didn't think about the fact we don't know which boards yet..maybe member cruise planning? Would they let us if we don't have a ship/line yet? Cecelia..any suggestions??




I found someone interested (MsAmelie) so we're off to a good start! I think we need a thread somewhere..just don't know where..:confused:


and nuhhh uhh! You are not moving in on my territory...and so the debauchary starts! LOL ;)




Wotta Hooters - are we all in agreement that it be an NCL cruise? Everyone loves the Dawn, Dream, and Jewel so much, I guess I just assumed it would be NCL. If so, how about the plain old NCL board????


Whatcha think????

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Wotta Hooters - are we all in agreement that it be an NCL cruise? Everyone loves the Dawn, Dream, and Jewel so much, I guess I just assumed it would be NCL. If so, how about the plain old NCL board????


Whatcha think????


Do you mean the board we're on now, but a different/new thread? If we could do that it'd be great. Wondering if we'd get poofed, though, since it's not an information/question/review thread?


Oh Shoooooooooooooooreguy! Yoo hoo, Shoooooooooooreguy! What's your advice on this? :confused:

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