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Chair Hogs On Notice?

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40 minutes is plenty of time to grab a bite to eat or use the waterslide. You're looking for excuses...you're not going to starve. Give me a break. You have 40 minutes....use it wisely.


sorry. too long.


chair hogs traditionally set up camp early in the morning.


the patrol should be on guard from 6 to 10 the latest, and the time should be no more than 15 minutes.

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So if you wait for 20-30 minutes for Deli or Mongolian Wok, you have to eat on your chair or lose your seat, that is not fair


It's also not fair to have a chair occupied by inanimate objects while others (who paid for their cruise too) can't find single empty lounger to relax in for that hour you are gone....which is about how long I can stand to be in those seats anyways. I appreciate Carnival making the effort to enforce their rules. I've run into this problem multiple times on sea days on different ships and lines.

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I really applaud this idea, but I am wondering if 40 minutes for Carnival or 30 minute absence in NCL isn't a little short. I like to take a break and go down the water slide and I have waited longer than 40 mins. for my turn. Also it might be tough to wolf down lunch in under 40 mins and race back to your chair. Maybe I will be informed otherwise, but is it chair hogging if you just take a break to do these things? To my mind, chair hogging is someone who takes up the prime chair at 6am, then goes back to bed, does breakfast etc. and wonders back at 11am or just leaves it reserved in case the mood strikes later in the day. I would think that 1 hour away from the lounger is nabbing the true chair hogs and not those who really intend to spend the say at the lounger, but need a couple of breaks to swim or grab a bite.


If you leave for lunch and sit your bottom down at a chair at a table while your "stuff" occupies your lounger then yes you are Chogging if it is over 40 minutes. Why do you deserve 2 chairs for that long when someone else has a problem finding 1? If you must eat and want to save your lounger then bring your food back to the lounger so you are only taking up 1 seat instead of 2 or take a shorter lunch. Otherwise take your stuff with you and with the new rules, there should be a vacant seat available when you return from enjoying your long lunch.

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So they stick a 'note' on the chair? ...and I guess others are free to use the now vacated loungers? So what happens when said chair hog returns - sees you in the chair, sees their stuff gone and you like hand them a note? LOL....maybe it blows away in the strong ocean breeze? I know it won't be your fault - but you may still face the 'wrath' of a chair hog's anger? :) Anxious to see how this works out!

I'm not sure why they think the "note" would be required if the rules are already posted on tv or the big screen. It still puts passagers that chose to use the chair after notice in the position of a possible confrontation with the angry guest that has ben evicted. If the new guest chose the chair with a note placed on it, they did so knowing the previous guest would return and expect to see it empty.


I am not saying we should avoid those chairs, just saying we are put in a positon of deciding on do we want to risk the previous guests wrath if we are aware the previous guest was evicted.

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In this scenario, you need to remember that the movie theatre is only going to sell as many tickets as there are seats, and if they sell out, they stop selling tickets. Meaning everyone gets a seat in the theatre. The earlier you get to the theatre, the more choice seat you get.


On a cruise ship, there are many chairs on many areas of the ship. The earlier you get up and get to the seat you will use for the day, the better choice of chair you have. The later you sleep in, the less choice you have.


And if I park my caboose in that seat from 9am, and stay there until 4pm, you have no right to bully me out of that chair if I decide I need to get a quick bite or, a quick swim, or go to the bathroom, regardless if I'm gone for 15, 20, or 30 minutes.


If you want good seats at a theatre, get there 30 minutes before movie starts, not 5 minutes before.

If you want a good seat on the Lido deck, get up at a decent hour, not at noon.


I don't get up at noon, but I do other things in the morning besides lounging out. When I show up at 1 pm and 50% or more of the chairs are occupied by inanimate objects and not humans then there is a problem. And I'm not talking about a good seat...I'm talking about any seat. I have run across this at least 5 times on sea days on different ships and on different cruiselines. I can guarantee that some of those inanimate objects had been sitting there by themselves for over 40 minutes while their owner were doing other things...just like I was. Why does an object have more right to a chair than I do? It didn't pay for it's cruise :rolleyes:. It doesn't matter what time I get up.

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On a cruise ship, there are many chairs on many areas of the ship. The earlier you get up and get to the seat you will use for the day, the better choice of chair you have. The later you sleep in, the less choice you have.


And if I park my caboose in that seat from 9am, and stay there until 4pm, you have no right to bully me out of that chair if I decide I need to get a quick bite or, a quick swim, or go to the bathroom, regardless if I'm gone for 15, 20, or 30 minutes.


If you want good seats at a theatre, get there 30 minutes before movie starts, not 5 minutes before.

If you want a good seat on the Lido deck, get up at a decent hour, not at noon.


If you are taking a dip in the pool, fine, but if you are leaving the area, then no, you give up the right to your chair.


Whether a person gets up at 6am or looks for a chair at 3pm, if a chair has not had a person actually sit on it for the last 10-15 minutes, then they have a right to that chair.


Why is the concept so hard to grasp? Everyone pays to go on the cruise, everyone should have the right to a chair on the lido deck, in the theatre, in the buffet area or any other venue if a chair is unoccupied for more then 10-15 minutes.


There is no difference between any venue, or between the person that gets up at 6am places objects on 2, 3 or 10 chairs then leaves and the one that at noon decides they wish to go have lunch.


There are places to get food that would only take 10 minutes, if you choose to go to another eatery that takes longer that is your choice, but you give up your chair.


I am sorry, but it should not be that hard to grasp common sense and courtesy.

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I don't get up at noon, but I do other things in the morning besides lounging out. When I show up at 1 pm and 50% or more of the chairs are occupied by inanimate objects and not humans then there is a problem. And I'm not talking about a good seat...I'm talking about any seat. I have run across this at least 5 times on sea days on different ships and on different cruiselines. I can guarantee that some of those inanimate objects had been sitting there by themselves for over 40 minutes while their owner were doing other things...just like I was. Why does an object have more right to a chair than I do? It didn't pay for it's cruise :rolleyes:. It doesn't matter what time I get up.



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Not sure what you're talking about. Is it because I haven't witnessed this behavior on any of my 12 cruises but have witnessed chair bullies instead?


I thought this was a forum to share ideas, opinions and experiences, and I have seen several posts that show I am not the only person that hasn't experienced what you call chair hogs.


Does that mean we are all trolls?


I guess I take offense that I don't fit into your little world. As I have posted before, this type of thing doesn't necessarily happen on every cruise, and sometimes I wonder if all you are accomplishing is scaring new cruisers

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In this scenario, you need to remember that the movie theatre is only going to sell as many tickets as there are seats, and if they sell out, they stop selling tickets. Meaning everyone gets a seat in the theatre. The earlier you get to the theatre, the more choice seat you get.


On a cruise ship, there are many chairs on many areas of the ship. The earlier you get up and get to the seat you will use for the day, the better choice of chair you have. The later you sleep in, the less choice you have.


And if I park my caboose in that seat from 9am, and stay there until 4pm, you have no right to bully me out of that chair if I decide I need to get a quick bite or, a quick swim, or go to the bathroom, regardless if I'm gone for 15, 20, or 30 minutes.


If you want good seats at a theatre, get there 30 minutes before movie starts, not 5 minutes before.

If you want a good seat on the Lido deck, get up at a decent hour, not at noon.


You for one are the one who is unfair. If you leave the pool area for more than 40 minutes your chair(s) belong to everyone. Stop WHINING!

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You for one are the one who is unfair. If you leave the pool area for more than 40 minutes your chair(s) belong to everyone. Stop WHINING!


Please carefully re-read my post. I never once said I was gone from my seat for 40 minutes did I.


Pay attention.

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Please carefully re-read my post. I never once said I was gone from my seat for 40 minutes did I.


Pay attention.



You sound like the sun worshipers who send their children and husbands out at 6am to hold your chairs. Disguise yourself however you want. Too many cruises here to fool us. :D

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You sound like the sun worshipers who send their children and husbands out at 6am to hold your chairs. Disguise yourself however you want. Too many cruises here to fool us. :D


You have no idea. I am not a chair hog but a victim of chair bulkiness on more than cruise. But since no one seems to care or believe that I've just not experienced chair hogs, then I will exit this thread.


Personally all these threads talking about chair hogs is getting quite boring quite honestly.

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well done, i think its excellent. i have been cruising for a few years and you always get the chair hogs who place their towels down at about 7am, then disappear for about 3 hours, probably to go and gorge themselves silly, often never to return.

so great stuff carnival breeze, hope this is still in play when i board on 1 october in barcelona, look forward to meeting the cruise director John, he sounds a hoot


Let’s talk everyone’s favourite subject. No, not my hemorrhoids……………seat saving. It has been a subject discussed over and over again and it has been so because it continues to be a concern. But now is not the time to dwell in the past but in the future and that future is today. The Carnival Breeze is the test ship for a new commitment to stopping this and we started today.

As you can see, this screen shot was sent to every cabin TV. The same announcement was made by me three times a day and live on the morning show. It was also placed on the Seaside Theatre Big Screen. So the message is loud and clear.

We went with 4o minutes as we felt that this was a fair amount of time if guests get up to eat, drink, pee, swim or slide.

The big difference here is that we are now staffed and able to police this. Our crew will walk the decks and if they see a chair unused but saved with towels, books, shoes, baby Yaks or underpants they will place a sticker on the chair with the current time. Then, they will check 40 minutes later and if the chair is still reserved and unoccupied then they will remove the articles and take them to the towel station by the main pool making sure a note is left for the guests that they have done so.

This is step number one in a new drive to make this work and once we finish the test here this cruise and next, we will make adjustments and then add to the rest of the fleet. It has been noted by the beards who read this page how important this was to you and I have pushed hard to the most senior beards to get this done and my thanks to them for listening and acting.

The comments here are fantastic and guests truly appreciate the effort and it has really, absolutely made a difference. We still have work to do but we are on the right path and I would like to thanks Marcin our Housekeeping manager and Pierre the Hotel Director and all the wonderful deck staff who are making this work.

Comments please.



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I hate chair hogs, too, but ask this question.


Is it the same thing if you go to a movie and save seats for three friends who are at the concession?


What about when you're on a cruise and you save some seats at a table at the buffet for some companions?


What about saving some choice seats in the ship theatre?


You're on a beach at a resort and you save some loungers for frends?


Just as bad, or is this different than hogging deck chairs?

The problem isn't with people holding a share short term, ie: taking a dip in the pool, getting somthing to eat, using the restroom ect. I t is with long term saving. Ie: On the Spirit in 2008, on a shore day me and the DW decided to stat onboard. I was up at about 6am, noraml for me. Went to breackfast then sat in a chair pool side. A "lady" came to me and told me a had to move. That was her friend's chair. They had been using the same ones the whole cruise. I asked about her friends location, if they were going tobe there all day ok plenty of chairs I could move down or the the other side of the pool. Her responds was that her freind was in her room getting ready to go a shore, she was her to put towels down, so they would have their chairs when they came back on board around 4pm.

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The problem isn't with people holding a share short term, ie: taking a dip in the pool, getting somthing to eat, using the restroom ect. I t is with long term saving. Ie: On the Spirit in 2008, on a shore day me and the DW decided to stat onboard. I was up at about 6am, noraml for me. Went to breackfast then sat in a chair pool side. A "lady" came to me and told me a had to move. That was her friend's chair. They had been using the same ones the whole cruise. I asked about her friends location, if they were going tobe there all day ok plenty of chairs I could move down or the the other side of the pool. Her responds was that her freind was in her room getting ready to go a shore, she was her to put towels down, so they would have their chairs when they came back on board around 4pm.

That's just crazy.

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I will be on the Elation soon, and believe me, I will sit in any chair that is not being occupied. I will check first to see if they are in the hot tubs, but that's it. I'm no bully, but i'm no chump either! I will ignore anyone that tries to claim the seat, and continue to read my Kindle...

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I just came across this video that Cruise Radio did on You Tube today about deck chair hogs.


This is a serious problem and I am VERY glad that Carnival is beginning to address this issue. I will be on the Fascination on Sept 1st and I will be on the prowl for these abusers. Who knows, maybe I will catch them on video and throw it up on You Tube! Holla!

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This is a serious problem and I am VERY glad that Carnival is beginning to address this issue. I will be on the Fascination on Sept 1st and I will be on the prowl for these abusers. Who knows, maybe I will catch them on video and throw it up on You Tube! Holla!


It's so serious that I haven't ever observed this behavior in 12 cruises. So are you saying they should stop looking after people's safety onboard or on the ports of call? That would be a serious problem.

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I don't think that most people regarding grabbing a bite to eat at lunch to be chair hogging. I am not talking about a lingering european lunch, but just grabbing something quick at the buffet. Still I might not make it back in 30 minutes.


Unfortunately, as much as I would like to stop the true chair hogs, I want to be able to come back to my lounger after a quick bite to eat and if the blue dot means I can not do that, then I can not support the program.


This will also harm people with mobility issues. I believe it is possible to implement a sensibile program that would get rid of the rude, inconsiderate chair hoggers, without harming elderly people who do not move quickly or those with other mobility issues. But if everyone must be extreme and hard line about this, then I feel this program will be short lived.


Take your belongings with you when you go to lunch. Not that big of a deal.

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It's so serious that I haven't ever observed this behavior in 12 cruises. So are you saying they should stop looking after people's safety onboard or on the ports of call? That would be a serious problem.

about 6 post earlier you said you were not coming back as you were tired of defending yourself as a chair HOG........Dennis

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