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Here ya go.....another Legend review, another perspective

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Your review of Belize was amazing. Such a pretty beach! Belize has always been a "stay on the ship" day for us, but seeing your review makes me want to try this excursion. I will research it through Carnival, but I wondered if you knew whether you could just do the beach part without the sub ride. I think I'd like the sub, but I don't know if DH would enjoy that part.


Thanks again. It is such a joy to read such a well written review!:)

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Thank you for the compliment!! Yeah' date=' that whole "extended balcony" thing...while true, it is a misleading misnomer (wait...I think that is redundant!). It is the same width and maybe a foot deeper? Best I can tell from comparing with the normal sized balconies I have had before, the regular size ones would end where that last little section of divider is (there would be no second section in the picture below). So, there isn't much extension to it, IMHO. I only took the upgrade because, at the time, the prices were lower than I had paid for the regular balcony room and I wanted the early saver price reduction. I didn't really care about the extended balcony.



We just upgraded for our upcoming Legend cruise and I think that extra extension makes a lot of difference. Just another opinion. :-)

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We just upgraded for our upcoming Legend cruise and I think that extra extension makes a lot of difference. Just another opinion. :-)


Hope I didn't offend, Javamom! I'm happy for you on your upgrade, just as I was thrilled to upgrade on ours...a little jealous, though! Wish I could go in your place! ;) Have a great time, and enjoy that balcony! (I think that's where we went wrong.....just didn't spend enough time out there!)

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After our perfect day in Belize, we were glad to be back in the dining room as a family. I forgot to mention earlier that around 2 am after chef's table, I woke up feeling yucky. It wasn't the Chef's table meal, though...don't get me wrong! I have gall bladder problems (in fact, I'm getting mine removed next week! They wanted to do it before the cruise, but I didn't want to risk any problems!). If I overeat even a little bit, I am likely to get sick. I was able to get a little sleep before our day in Belize, but I didn't feel much like eating all day. So, when we went to dinner, I felt terrible when our server thought the meal was bad. It really really wasn't; I just couldn't eat a lot.


For dinner I ordered the smoked duck for an appetizer, which I was able to eat (it was yummy!). I didn't eat the noodles, just the meat.





I also ordered spinach with bleu cheese, bacon, and mushroooms - ate it all too! Delicious!




That was about all I could stomach. I ordered the pork chop, and it was really good, but I just couldn't eat much.





DH got the potato soup.





and then the farfalle with turkey breast




I think the kids ordered cheeseburgers, but I can't remember for sure. All I know is I spent a lot of time trying to convince our servers that the problem was me, not the food.....and then it got worse (in a twisted way, because any normal person would say it got oh, so much better!)

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At the Chef's table the night before, we had the opportunity to chit chat with the chef a bit. During that time, I mentioned that I sure missed the chocalate mousse that Carnival used to serve as dessert in the MDR one night. Those of you who have cruised for a few years now may remember it....it was a delicious array of 3 types of chocolate mousse - milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate. For some reason, they quit making it, and I have honestly missed it!!! I make DH (he does the grocery shopping) get chocolate mousse for me from Harris Teeter every now and then; it's a close second...not bad at all.


When I mentioned that I missed it, Chef Panda flippantly said "I'll make you some." I didn't think anything of it, but after we were done with our meal, our server said, "you have special dessert from the chef tonight." Oh no. Of all nights. I didn't think the chef would make it at all, much less the very next night! But he did!! Our server brought out four plates of very rich, creamy, oh-so-divine mousse (milk chocolate, white chocolate, and coffee flavored)!




How awesome is that? I managed to eat most of it, but I couldn't finish it off. And the kids didn't each much of theirs, either. I really wish I had thought to ask for a cover to take it with us, but I didn't. :( It was really special, though.


After dinner, the servers danced, and one of our servers got DD, put her on one of the tables, and danced away! That made DD's night, to say the least!




After dinner, DH and DD headed to bed, and DS and I went to check out the nightlife on deck for just a few. We didn't stay long.




We headed to bed pretty soon after all the excitement. We used to be such night owls...hanging out to all hours of the night. But on this cruise, we sure managed to crash fairly early most nights. All the better for those calories to go straight to our hips, I say! :cool:


our towel animal



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Well' date=' tomorrow I'll tell you all about Roatan. This was the only port I have never been to before, and I had heard Victor Bodden's tours were the way to go, so that is what we did. Was it worth it? Well, you'll just have to check tomorrow and see! :D[/quote']

You are such a tease..... ;)


Loving your review!

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oops! I posted the wrong "fun" picture. Here's the right one...




Also' date=' I think I forgot to mention, the kayaks are "glass bottom" so DS was really thrilled to be able to see the fish swimming under him. And the water is clear enough to see fish even from above the water. I got a picture of a fish underwater from the dock.




Now, for those of you who are a little unnerved by or not very impressed with Belize, let me suggest (if you can stand the tender ride) that you visit Rendezvous Cay instead of staying on the ship. This was really a fantastic way to spend the day. Beautiful beach, snacks available, wonderful water...really, just perfect.[/quote']


Thank you for the Belize excursion info. You booked this on the ship right?

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At the Chef's table the night before' date=' we had the opportunity to chit chat with the chef a bit. During that time, I mentioned that I sure missed the chocalate mousse that Carnival used to serve as dessert in the MDR one night. Those of you who have cruised for a few years now may remember it....it was a delicious array of 3 types of chocolate mousse - milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate. For some reason, they quit making it, and I have honestly missed it!!! I make DH (he does the grocery shopping) get chocolate mousse for me from Harris Teeter every now and then; it's a close second...not bad at all. [/color']


When I mentioned that I missed it, Chef Panda flippantly said "I'll make you some." I didn't think anything of it, but after we were done with our meal, our server said, "you have special dessert from the chef tonight." Oh no. Of all nights. I didn't think the chef would make it at all, much less the very next night! But he did!! Our server brought out four plates of very rich, creamy, oh-so-divine mousse (milk chocolate, white chocolate, and coffee flavored)!


Chef Panda is great. We enjoyed him so much at the Chef's Table.

One day one of our table mates saw him on deck and asked if he could make a curry. That evening he sent four different curry's to our table. Each family style for eight people. He is awesome.


Bob - Largoman

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Hope I didn't offend' date=' Javamom! I'm happy for you on your upgrade, just as I was thrilled to upgrade on ours...a little jealous, though! Wish I could go in your place! ;) Have a great time, and enjoy that balcony! (I think that's where we went wrong.....just didn't spend enough time out there!)[/quote']


No, not at all and I'm sorry if it came off that way. DD and DSIL have had a regular balcony a couple times. Knees right up against the railing. Any extra room is worth it to me. We will sit out there a lot. :)

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Thursday was Roatan day (and DS's birthday! :)). We got up early, because Victor said his tour would leave an hour after arrival, even if the shipped arrived early. I didn't want to miss the tour, so I set the alarm! (don't forget to take a travel alarm clock, by the way!). I went out on the balcony to see that we were coming into port, and my first impression of Roatan was "wow!" It was so pretty...lush and surrounded by beautiful blue water.




As the sun came up, we docked. I took the obligatory shipwreck picture.




and noticed lots of fishing boats




We headed up to the Lido deck for a very quick breakfast, and then got off the ship (easy). Mahogany Bay was nice; the port was clean and very open.





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When we left the port area, we had to walk up and over a hill and a little beyond that to meet Victor's representatives. I wish I had thought to take some pictures, but I was too busy trying to make sure my kids didn't get hit by a car; the walk was a little harrowing. Once we went up and down the hill and then past some guards at a gate, we began to see tour companies lining the street. It was like a parade! :p People were holding up signs and waving and calling out to us. The first one we neared offered a tour, but when I told him we were already booked with Bodden, he nicely directed us to the right people. When we reached Bodden's representatives, the first thing they said was "happy birthday" to DS. I thought that was nice, and it made him smile that they did that.


We walked a few more yards to meet our guide for the day, Julio Bodden, and then a little further to get on a small comfy bus with large windows (and AC). We joined another large family with members of all ages, and we were soon on our way!


We booked the Fun-N-Sun tour, which the website says will take us on a tour of the island with lots of info, then a stop to interact with Victor's monkeys, and then two hours at the beach (yes!!!). That's why we booked it. It also says that the tour cannot be changed, but if a group wants to set their own schedule, a personalized tour can be arranged. Good to know.


During our tour of the island, Julio gave a good amount of info. He answered a TON of questions very patiently! He showed us how the people live...most are very poor, most live in old wooden homes and some do not have indoor plumbing, most do not have air conditioners, very few people own washers and dryers so most do their laundry outside after it rains, and more.




Julio pointed out a lady doing laundry in the yard. She didn't look like she really wanted to be part of the tour








We saw the ship at one point. Kind of a jolting reminder of the difference between the lifestyles of those who live here and those who visit.



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Our first stop was a little village beside the water. There was a lady there with a small table set up and a few local arts. We bought a crab carved out of wood to go in DS's room. I think it was $10, and it was a good size. She also gave my kids a few starfish.






We saw a tiny hermit crab there.




After that, we drove up a hill to get a good view of the island.







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I saw a special on TV the other night that was a couple of years old but it stated that the island gets $3 per person that stops there. The cruise industry is 90% of their income on the island.



That's interesting! Our guide mentioned that the only two ways they made money was touristry and fishing. He also said that most people there don't do much more than sit around waiting for cruise ships to come. He said they really suffer when the cruises don't come; I think he said our ship was the only one that week (or maybe he said there was one more...either way, not much income!).

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Here's the road leading to the highest point on the island (where we had stopped)




At this pinnacle, there was a small straw market set up.




We bought several things here....a few bracelets (both shell ones and wood bead ones), a few painted wood bookmarks, a cute little handmade doll for DD, a stoneware fish, a small handwoven bag for me (it was so pretty I forgot I don't even carry purses/bags!), and a painting. We didn't spend a lot (good bargains!).


DD loved her baby (it was actually a mother with a tiny baby that tucked in the back




After this stop, we headed back down to go see the monkeys at Victor's place. He has a nice spot!




very pretty, lush grounds




and lots of critters in cages. I liked the toucans, but we didn't get to play with them (or some of the other animals).



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Thank you so much for writing this review. I'm enjoying your writing style and loving your pictures.:D


You have a beautiful family. Why would you put makeup on your lovely face. You all looked so nice.


We cruise in October on the Legend so I'm loving your details of the ports. We are also beach people and can't wait to check out Roatan and Belize. Never been to those 2 islands. We can't wait:D

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We did get to play with some of the monkeys, which was really cool BUT you should know a few things (that we were not told), should you decide to do this tour.


One....(and we should have thought of this one), when you step in their cage, YOU become the visitor at a home that you weren't necessarily invited into. The inhabitants are going to be a little suspicious, perhaps a bit jumpy, and will follow their own rules, not yours.


Two....despite the fact that lots and lots of people go to Victor's house and play with the monkeys without any negative interaction, they WILL bite. DD found out the hard way. When she reached for the first monkey she came to (and in monkey's defense, she didn't wait a second for them to get used to her...but she wasn't warned to either), it got nervous and bit her. Luckily, it did not break the skin, and after a minute of pouting DD went right back to giggling and playing with the others. DS, on the other hand, decided it was time to leave the cage once that happened.


Three...the guides at Victor's may not warn you of the potential "dangers" (see above). Even though they probably should, I guess it is up to us to take personal responsibility at all times.


Seconds after DD's bite, a monkey climbed all over her daddy




which she thought was great, so she was all about the monkeys again.




You see where DS is, right? LOL. After his sister had such a great time, he really wanted to play with them but was too nervous. Luckily, we moved to another cage with different monkeys, and we asked the guide were there any we should avoid (he pointed out one who was busy avoiding us anyway). DS got brave enough to get in on the fun then.




Next we went in a cage with birds




and another




They were friendly birds...no bites here!



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I should also tell you, if you do this tour, anything you carry in the cage becomes fair game to the monkeys. I did have a camera bag with me, and the monkeys thought it was their business (ha!) to rummage through it. They also liked DS's hat and DD's bracelet...one almost got it off of her! When we went in the second cage, we left everything just outside the cage. Also, be prepared to tip. There are signs to remind you to tip the monkey/bird tour people as well as your tour guide and your driver (separately). Lots of tipping!


At Victor's place, there is a small store (this is where you pay for your tour...cash only!) and they had cold water and drinks. They also had restrooms.


After this stop, we headed to the beach (hooray! What I really wanted to do!!!). We went to West Bay beach and were dropped off near some restaurants. Before we got out of the bus, Julio told us that we would be picked up around 1:30 (we were arriving around 11:50)...and immediately someone in the back said "how about 1?" Before I could protest, Julio shrugged and said, "okay. 1 it is." NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I was so upset! What happened to 2 hours???? What happened to "no changes or customizing"??? We were already short a bit for the part I most wanted to do, and now someone else cut it even more. I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't a little irritated by the whole thing. I was thinking it was a little selfish of the other guest, and it was not thoughtful of Julio to agree without asking the rest of us for our input at least.


And when I saw how beautiful this beach was....with the softest, cool sand you've ever stepped on and awesome clear-as-a-pool water, I was even more bitter. Just look...






This beach was near perfect (I'll explain the "near" soon). There were big shady palm trees just a few yards from the water. Here's our spot.






beautiful view




the beach



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a little crowded looking the other way




There was a restaurant with a wine menu right on the beach as well as a resort nearby, a grill with a brick/stone pizza oven, and a cute little bar behind us




We ordered a pulled pork wrap, a margarita, and their "deal" - two pieces of pizza with a local beer (for $6 - not bad!). The wrap was really, really good. DH and I shared it, and we wished we had bought two! We should have known....sandwiches always taste better on the beach. The pizza took a while so we ended up having to get it to go (seeing as we had to leave early and all :mad:), but it was good too. It came with ham and pepperoni.


I've got to run to take my kiddoes to the final night of VBS. When I get back, I'll explain why I said the beach was "near perfect."

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