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Rape on Carnival


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The other thing that I read was that there is no statutory rape at sea, so no one can be tried for that, either the man or the teens. In most states it would be if the teen was two years more or older than the victim. So, if the boys were 18 or 19 that might have been a charge as well.


If you read it, you have a source to give us, right?

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Rapists are now called "rotten apples"?

Apparantly there are some readers who don't understand nor have they heard use of the term about rotten apples.


The term used in this case puts the guys in that catagory, but taints our perception of young men in general. One rotten apple with influence can and did influence the young men.


It's a hard thing to describe the term, yet most of us understand the concept of the term.

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If you read it, you have a source to give us, right?



"He is being held on federal charges of sexual assault at Orange County Jail without bail after a judge deemed him a danger to the community. There is no federal law for statutory rape at sea.

It is the decision of the Attorney-General if sexual assault charges are to be filed against juveniles. The agency is investigating the case, a spokesman said."



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2192252/Girl-15-gang-raped-Carnival-cruise-cabin-man-31-teenage-boys.html#ixzz24ZsJyag7


Also saw this same quote on a few other news sites.

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"He is being held on federal charges of sexual assault at Orange County Jail without bail after a judge deemed him a danger to the community. There is no federal law for statutory rape at sea.

It is the decision of the Attorney-General if sexual assault charges are to be filed against juveniles. The agency is investigating the case, a spokesman said."



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2192252/Girl-15-gang-raped-Carnival-cruise-cabin-man-31-teenage-boys.html#ixzz24ZsJyag7


Also saw this same quote on a few other news sites.


Muchas Gracias.

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In one word...nonsense. With those words you shift some of the blame on the victim. It's a sad state of affairs when folks allow even a fraction of responsibility on a child victim of sexual assault.


I don't care that she went into the room willingly. I'll be plain...she has zero blame for the rape, morally and at that age in any state, legally. The rapists own 100% of this.


I never said I blame her for the rape. I blame her and her friend for foolishly going into a room with five strangers....all males. I still say that unless she and her friend had special needs and couldn't make rational decisions they should have known better than to go into the cabin with the strangers. If they were mentally challenged, then they shouldn't have been wandering around the ship and even had the opportunity to go drinking with men who were strangers to them.

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I have a couple of questions here. Since Carnival registers its ships in Liberia or Panama and the rape occurred at sea, under what laws can the perpetrators be charged? We are dealing with, I suppose, the laws of Liberia or Panama and/or maritime laws. Does anyone know how this works, or how this will work? I'm thinking that if a US citizen attacks another US citizen in (as an example) The Bahamas, Bahamian law would prevail, not US law even though both parties were US citizens. How does this work on the high seas with Panamanian or Liberian registered ships?


My understanding is that regardless of where the ship is flaged. Maritime law allows for infrocement of the laws of the country were the ship is home ported while in international waters. So in this case if the ship was in international waters U.S. and Florida laws would be inforced.

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Apparently it was at 4:30 am and what would help protect kids is their parents realizing a cruise ship is not safe and making sure their kids were in their rooms at a reasonable time .


Couldn't agree more, however we need to keep in mind that as I was told on here about a month ago. Parents are not responable for what time their childern are out and about.

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Apparently it was at 4:30 am and what would help protect kids is their parents realizing a cruise ship is not safe and making sure their kids were in their rooms at a reasonable time .


I agree, some kids seem to have way to much freedom to roam the ships, during the day and at night. However, none of the stories I have read mention a specific time. (I have been scouring the internet looking for any story that might mention why Carnival let this guy have 2 rooms... another issue altogether :))


In this article, http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/girl-allegedly-raped-aboard-carnival-cruise-teen-boys-married-man


it says "Checking out his own room, Dickerson and four other boys invited two teenage girls into the cabin that day.


One of the victims, a 15-year-old girl, told authorities that she and her friend were given alcohol, cornered in the bathroom by one of the boys in the cabin and repeatedly raped. Throughout the evening, the boys took turns with the girls, encouraging each other to try different positions."


This version makes it sound like an afternoon/evening, but that could be just how the reporter worded it.

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I'm all for having a curfew for kids but I don't think rape only happens between the hours of 12-5 a.m.


My heart breaks for that poor girl.


Totally agree and I think having a "ship rule of a curfew" is one my kids would accept more than me saying you have to be in by midnight. Oh come on mom lighten up, I'm on vacation blah blah blah. If it is Carnival's rule then there is no discussion. Just my opinion but I wish CCL had a curfew for kids when my kids were younger. My son wanted to stay out late with his "new" friends and one time he wasn't in the cabin when I told him he had to be. I don't sleep unless my kids are home so I woke up hubby and we started looking for him. First place we guessed he would be is exactly where we found him. Innocently talking with his new friends in public area just hanging out but we reamed him for not coming home when he was supposed to. Yeah my kid is a good kid and never in trouble but that doesn't mean I want him out all hours of the night.


The problem is that the "good kids".....the responsible kids....the kids who know better than to go into a room with a stranger....the kids who don't give in to peer pressure and break the rules because their "new best friends" are doing something.....end up losing.


But...in thinking it over....those "good kids" would be back in their cabins at a decent time anyway.


So...although rape can happen at any time of day/night...bad things are more likely to happen when less people are around, which translates into the wee hours.


Therefore....there should be some kind of curfew. If that puts a damper on "your perfect angel's" vacation, or your vacation....then go somewhere else. And this should be in the contract, with the penalty of being put off at the next port, or confined to the cabin if it's violated.


Seriously....is there any real reason a 14 year old needs to be roaming around at 3 AM?


I agree that the rate of crime would go up late at night and my children would be safe in my cabin with me. I'm not out til 3am so they shouldn't be either.


The article indicates the boys admitted to having sex with the girl. Am I the only one thinking that they didn't have "sex" with the girl. She was raped. It wasn't about sex or getting laid. They need to admit they held her down and did something against her will. It's called rape.:mad:

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First and formost no one deserves to be raped on a ship or anywhere.


But until PARENTS understand that turning thier kids loose on a cruise ship puts them in harms way things like this will sadly continue to happen. Yes all parties are on vacation but safety should always be in the forefront. There are strangers on a ship that they do not know and not all are good people.


Parents and kids alike need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Why would you go in a strangers cabin on a cruise ship where you would nerver get in a strangers car or go in a srangers house. It is the same thing.


Parents you can say I am out of line all you want but these are YOUR KIDS. You are there to keep them safe. That is YOUR job. But as I see on cruise ships all the time most parents are more interested in their own private time. Sorry maybe you should leave your kids at home if you do not want to monitor their behavior.


Yes thank goodness there are parents who know where their kids are and what they are doing. To them I say thank you. I do not have to worry about your kids knocking me over as they run by or knock me down the steps or pound on my door or call my cabin at all hours of the day and night.


Lastly parents please please take responsability? for your kids to help prevent this from happening again to anyone.


This is totally my opinion.....

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oh and isn't there an old saying out there that our parents always told us.. (maybe my parents only told me this) NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER 12AM. no kids or teens need to be out after that time.


maybe there SHOULD be a curfew.. we have curfew on land.. what makes a cruise ship any more special?

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oh and isn't there an old saying out there that our parents always told us.. (maybe my parents only told me this) NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER 12AM. no kids or teens need to be out after that time.


maybe there SHOULD be a curfew.. we have curfew on land.. what makes a cruise ship any more special?




I agree that young teens shouldn't be freely roaming about the ship at all hours , but my parents should have only known the stuff I did between getting out of school at 3pm and 6pm when they got home from work when I was a teen.

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I never said I blame her for the rape. I blame her and her friend for foolishly going into a room with five strangers....all males.


Sorry, to me you are disingenuous when in the first sentence you disavow any blame for the girl, only to immediately in the second sentence cast a measure of blame on her. To my way of thinking, she is 100% blameless for the rape...all responsibility lies with the dirtbags that did this to her.


When I read your post(s), I think you're more in line with something more akin to 80% responsibility for the rapists and 20% for the girl (or 90% vs 10% if you want). To me, even if you are at 99% responsibility for the low life rapists and 1% for the girl, we are worlds apart in how we look at this.

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Hopefully, parents will read this story and teach their children how to defend and protect themselves. The reality is that there there is no curfew or lock that keeps any of us safe, 100% of the time. Our children should be well aware of how to pay attention to their surroundings, use their voices and protect themselves in threatening situations.

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I don't think anyone here has put any blame on the girl. No rape victim can ever be blamed, the victim could running around drunk and naked, nobody has the right to touch them. This is 100% the guys fault, all of the guys involved. But we all have to know that it was a bad choice for her to go on that room, period. I would bet every parent on here has will continue to tell their kids, do not talk to strangers, do not get in a car with a stranger, do not Go to a strangers house, do not go in to a motel room with a stranger. A cruise ship is like a motel on water. Going to that room was a bad choice, we all make bad choices, kids and adults, it's unfortunate that sometimes we pay higher prices. But again the rape was in Noway her fault what so ever, I feel bad for her, and every other sexual assault victim.

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I came across a website this morning, *****************, which details incidents aboard cruise ships. I, too, can't believe how many people let their guards down while on vacation. most would not leave a bar at home and go back to a stranger's home. so why would you do it on vacation? you wouldn't allow your 15yo to roam a big city by herself on vacation at night, why do it on vacation! I'm not blaming the victim, I just think people tend to lose common sense on vacation. set the ground rules and enforce them! I live in a big city, work child protective services for the big city and have raised girls in the big city. gotta be careful in the big city

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This reminds me of the mother of 3 boys (12-16) who allowed them to roam the ship freely 24/7, even though they always got in trouble in school. On the ship, then they got in trouble for, as I see it, almost starting a fire in their cabin.


Her excuse was that, in school, they got in trouble only because they talked back to the teachers, and of course, it was the "new friends" that they let into their cabin who had the cigarettes and alcohol.


I got flamed for my opinion...just about everyone else defended her.


I'm wondering how her 3 angels would have reacted in this situation.


And now people are saying NOT to let you kids roam unsupervised.


The bottom line is you have to know your kid.....really know your kid. And if your child needs supervision....then supervise.


I have my girls on the sprint family locater. And I make sure they know...I trust you...but I don't trust everybody else. So..yes. Mommy is big brother.


Also..on this board I found a thread about having them sign a contract about the non-negotiables. It brings awareness and specificity to what I will and will not tolerate on our cruise. Some of which I didn't think about until I read it to them. Unfortunately on this road through life, you have to drive for yourself and the other person too...


Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

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I came across a website this morning, *****************, which details incidents aboard cruise ships. I, too, can't believe how many people let their guards down while on vacation. most would not leave a bar at home and go back to a stranger's home. so why would you do it on vacation? you wouldn't allow your 15yo to roam a big city by herself on vacation at night, why do it on vacation! I'm not blaming the victim, I just think people tend to lose common sense on vacation. set the ground rules and enforce them! I live in a big city, work child protective services for the big city and have raised girls in the big city. gotta be careful in the big city


Your website came across hidden, but I have already posted the name of the site I think you talking about in this thread. Maybe 1 or 2 pages back

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First and formost no one deserves to be raped on a ship or anywhere.


But until PARENTS understand that turning thier kids loose on a cruise ship puts them in harms way things like this will sadly continue to happen. Yes all parties are on vacation but safety should always be in the forefront. There are strangers on a ship that they do not know and not all are good people.


Parents and kids alike need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Why would you go in a strangers cabin on a cruise ship where you would nerver get in a strangers car or go in a srangers house. It is the same thing.


Parents you can say I am out of line all you want but these are YOUR KIDS. You are there to keep them safe. That is YOUR job. But as I see on cruise ships all the time most parents are more interested in their own private time. Sorry maybe you should leave your kids at home if you do not want to monitor their behavior.


Yes thank goodness there are parents who know where their kids are and what they are doing. To them I say thank you. I do not have to worry about your kids knocking me over as they run by or knock me down the steps or pound on my door or call my cabin at all hours of the day and night.


Lastly parents please please take responsability? for your kids to help prevent this from happening again to anyone.


This is totally my opinion.....

I share your opinion emphatically.

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I share your opinion emphatically.


I think the main point in all this is concern for this young lady but I do agree that we have to remember that these are strangers. I understand some parents are ok with their kids hanging out with kids in rooms but please remember these are strangers. You don't know the kids or parents. Let's be honest....kids these days are cruel. 10 minutes ago my sister texted me, It's the first day of school for most areas here in Maryland. There has already been a school shooting. 2 staircase in custody and a student flown to shock trauma.


Please just remind kids of basic safety knowledge and do not let them go into rooms or being people back to theirs. Let's try to end some horrible situations before they start.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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"He is being held on federal charges of sexual assault at Orange County Jail without bail after a judge deemed him a danger to the community. There is no federal law for statutory rape at sea.

It is the decision of the Attorney-General if sexual assault charges are to be filed against juveniles. The agency is investigating the case, a spokesman said."



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2192252/Girl-15-gang-raped-Carnival-cruise-cabin-man-31-teenage-boys.html#ixzz24ZsJyag7


Also saw this same quote on a few other news sites.


Thanks for posting. I had not been able to be on for a few day. I posted then found yours.

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