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Carnival Miracle Journal with Pics - VD at Sea: The Miracle Cure


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As i mentioned in a previous Journal I am blind in my right eye and when I look at someone I focus with left eye and my right eye tends to ‘wander off’ much like a lazy eye would; it looks like I am looking past someone. For example when I was 16 and working the Counter at McDonald’s I would look up and say “Can I help you?” and someone 4 people back in line would order. Shortly thereafter I was transferred to the Grill. I used my mini Sombrero to remove any confusion.




Once the hour long free-for-all was up we took up a collection for the Bar Staff and then we all ponied up $10 each for the Poker portion of the Beer Run. The plan was to visit 5 Bars, have a drink at each Bar - Conclusion #726: Love it when a plan comes together - and select a Playing Card at each Bar with the 5th Bar being the Casino Bar where the person with the best 5-Card Poker Hand would win the Pot.


It was now time to get a drink for each hand and...




head off to our 2nd stop - the Atrium Bar. While moving we were singing the Chorus to the Beer Run:


B-double E double R U-N beer run

B-double E double R U-N beer run


all we need is a ten and five-er,

a car and key and a sober driver.


B-double E double R U-N beer run


We were becoming a travelling Party by the time we hit the Atrium.




Once we were finished there we made our way to the Lido and on our way we played a game of ‘How many Stooopid Hats can we fit in an Elevator?’






Lynne did some excellent scheduling regarding the Beer Run so our 4th Stop was the Fun Farewell Party in the Phantom Theatre on Deck 2 which enabled us to put away our S&$ Cards for an hour and drink on Carnival. Lynne definitely worked the program right for this stop as our other 2 choices for a stop at that time were a Pilates + Class at Spa Carnival on Deck 9 or a Friends of Bill W. & Jimmy K. Meeting back in Sam’s Piano Bar. Conclusion #727: Not gonna play it again Sam.

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At the Fun Farewell party a number of the ladies and a few of the men in our Group got up on Stage and joined in on the Macarena Dance Conclusion #728: Somewhat similar to Pilates. The rest of us stayed while Trevor decided a Tebow was in order.










The rest of us stayed on the ‘Drink, Swallow Repeat’ Program Conclusion #729: Not even close to a Bill W. & Jimmy K. Meeting.




After the party we met up with the Cruise Director, Malcolm ‘Woo Hoo’ Burn, and chatted with him for quite a while.




Our last stop was the Casino Bar where we picked our last card and handed in our hands. After we did so Dee looked at me a said “What do you have?” “A buzz” I replied. Dee said “Then we have a pair.” My hand was good enough to win one of the runner up prizes which was a Black Jack mini Table Game which sits proudly on my desk at work. If my memory serves me right Angie had the best hand and won the Pot. Conclusion #730: enough to buy a nice watch. Laurie had been nice enough to finish up Angie’s hand for her as Angie wasn’t feeling well. Conclusion #731: Too much ‘Chowda’ the night before. Trevor took care of Angie’s 1 drink at each Bar commitment.

Edited by vanislandcruisers
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When I saw Dee biting Jimmy's "tassles", I should have known that she wouldn't stop there. Later, while we were playing blackjack, she was sitting next to me and suddenly leaned over and bit my nipple. I was shocked, appalled, humiliated, embarrassed..... and thrilled! :)



Edited by WeBeCruisin'
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I'll second that! Would love to cruise with Jim and the gang someday.


Thanks 4hunters!!!.......You are welcome to join us anytime!!!....there's about 60 of us doing a B2B in October on the Victory...we've still got room


Laughing out loud at the office today reading this! My co-workers must think I'm nuts! Can't wait to hear how the day ended!


Funny cause I do most of my writing at work;)

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Laurie showing off Angie's hand and Winnings and Lynne's hand holding my mini Blackjack Table




With the organized festivities over and now being able to have more than ‘1 drink at a Bar’ a number of us hit the Blackjack Table where our run of good luck continued. All the Casino Staff loved our Hats and soon enough we were hatless and they were wearing them. Small Boss made a Dealer who we had nicknamed ‘Bull’ because he looked just like ‘Bull’ off of the old TV sitcom ‘Night Court’ ended up wearing my Sombrero while ‘Madonna’ ended up wearing Dee’s Top Hat. The elastic on my Sombrero had been tight on me and was even tighter on Bull to the point it cut into his ears so much they started bleeding. I never did see that Sombrero again.


We spent a couple hours in the Casino before it was time to head up to the Cabin to quickly pack and place our luggage in the Hallway and then get ready for our last dinner in the Dining Room. Tonight was Jersey Night where many in the Group wore a Jersey from their favourite Sports Team.


Our last Dinner is always a melancholy affair as we realize the Cruise is coming to an end. I walked around to each table and took some pictures and just as I got ready to take a Picture of Trevor, Angie, Rick and Laurie in their Booth I dropped our camera. Conclusion #732: Was Not the Chowda’s fault. Conclusion #733: Got to go on a Cruise and get a NEW Camera!!!!


Cindy, Laurie M. and Bonnie




Once we were seated we placed our order with our Dining Room Team who had been STELLAR all Cruise long.




We both went with the Petite Marmite Soup and then went in different directions with Dee having a Mixed Garden and Field Greens and then the Indian Vegetarian Entrée while I went with a Caesar Salad and a Grilled New York Strip Steak from Aged American Beef. For Dessert we went with our standards; a Cappuccino for Dee and the WCMC for me with 2 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.


Once things had settled down for our Dining Room Team we slipped each of them some Cash for a job well done. Once the ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ was sung went about saying our ‘Good-byes’ to our Team and then a number of us headed up to our Cabin to have some pre-Glowing Home Party Drinks.

We ALWAYS pre-pay our Gratuities - Conclusion #734: To each their own - and give our Dining Room and Cabin Steward Teams some extra Cash as we see fit. Conclusion #735: We ALWAYS see fit.


Both Teams this Cruise were outstanding!!! I had seen our Cabin Stewards earlier in the evening and had given them their well-deserved ‘Extra’ and asked them ‘if they had time could they do something special with all the Towel Animals for Miss Dee’ as they called her.




When we got to the Cabin Dee was very appreciative to see this.



Edited by vanislandcruisers
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An hour or so and a few drinks on the on the Balcony had us ready to head to Dr. Frankenstein’s Dance Club for our Glowing Home Party. Lynne had brought loads of ‘Glow’ paraphernalia and we all donned glowing bracelets, necklaces glasses and stirred our drinks with glowing stir sticks.


Shelly, our Cruise Bride, is still Glowing...




Angie is Glowing




Laurie M and Trevor




We danced....




We laughed...


Dee and Angie




Allen and Angie




we talked, we drank and we laughed some more but all too soon it was time to say “Until next time…” to some of those who had early flights. It would be 11 months before we would see a number of these familiar faces again. A few hugs and a few tears later it was close to 1:00am and a number of us made our way to Mr. Lucky’s Casino for one last kick at the can.


The Casino was jammed to the point where we could not get a seat at a Table. Small Boss asked us if we’d like him ‘to open up a Table for us?’ and of course we said “Yes please.” Within a few minutes Dan, Allen, Dee, myself and ……Rick were sitting at a Table. We were all shocked to see Rick sitting at the Table with us and not just standing and watching as this would be his first time playing Blackjack with us. With Rick being an Accountant this would definitely be an unexpected addition to his Cruise Budget Spreadsheet. Conclusion #736: By the end of the Session Rick would be able to Credit the Debit. Coral hit the slots for a little while before joining us while Rick’s Laurie decided to stay at the Bar and have some wine.


The first Dealer we had was a fellow we had named Sub-Zero earlier in the Cruise for his ability to stay cool under pressure from us as well as his ability to take our ‘Cold, Hard Cash’. Sub-Zero had warmed up to us by this time and we were able to quickly change his name to ‘Caribbean Heat’ shortly after sitting down. Conclusion #737: WINNING.


As we were playing Rick was trying to pay attention to his cards and also to keep an eye on Laurie as a couple of men had grabbed seats next to her and looked like they were ‘chatting’ her up. It was extremely hot in the Casino and Dee had ordered a Bottle of Water - Conclusion #738: I KNOW!!! - in addition to her drink but it had been forgotten when the drinks arrived. I had to use the Washroom so I told Dee “I would grab one for her on my way back” and also told Rick that “I would check in on Laurie” for him.


Rick had nothing to worry about with Laurie as the 2 Men were an Older Gentleman and his Nephew both of whom were from Tennessee and were harmless. I asked her if she ‘wanted a Glass of Wine?’ and she said “Yes” and then gave me a kiss on the Cheek. The Uncle asked her if ‘she gave kisses to any man that just stopped by?’ and she responded “Only the ones that buy me wine.” The next sound we heard was the Uncle screaming “BARTENDER!!!” She was having a GREAT time chatting with these two fellas.


Shortly after returning to the Table we heard Laurie scream and then laugh very loudly and when we all looked over we saw Uncle placing his prosthetic half leg up on the Bar. Laurie looked over and said that “the glass of wine he just bought me didn’t cost him an arm and a leg …just a leg.”


Went and made our final Cash Deposit at the Carnival Kiosk at 1:20am and then placed our Final Drink Order at 1:31am. We said our Good-byes to the Casino Staff who had treated us so well during the Cruise and then Allen, Rick, Laurie, Dee and myself along with our newly adopted Uncle and his Nephew started to make our way to the Elevator to head to the Lido Deck for our last late-night Pizza run. On the way we ran into Madonna, said our Good-byes and then I told Dee to give her a hug. Once she had finished hugging Madonna I said “well if she gets a hug I get one to” and gave Madonna a hug. Madonna said “He’s a smart one” to Dee.


Uncle and his Nephew had us in stitches and we laughed til we hurt at a Table by the Pizza Station. Their accents were very thick and sometimes it would take us a couple of ‘repeats’ to understand what they were saying but we were definitely entertained. All too soon it was time to say ‘Good Night’ to Allen, Uncle and Nephew and ‘See you soon!’ to Rick and Laurie before making our way down to our Cabin for a very short night’s sleep.

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A Tour, “No Steamers for you!!!”, 3-4-1’s and “Are you really 100 today?”


The announcements to ‘Get off the Ship’ came far too early Conclusion #739: Good thing we weren’t driving. And Ninja Dan got the same kind of Balcony Surprise for the 2nd day in a row. Once awake I headed back inside and had a look in the Mailbox outside the Cabin for our Sail and Sign Statement. I skipped past the first 3 pages and went directly to the Final Page to see how well we’d done:


Total Charges

• Less Non-Refundable Onboard Credits Applies $2814.94

• Less Non-Refundable Promotional Onboard Credits Applies -$175.00

• Less Refundable Onboard Credits Applies -$50.00

• Less Cash Deposits -$1846.00


• Amount to be billed $737.33


Conclusion #737.33: Our lowest Amount Owing ever and on the longest cruise we have taken.


Through some earlier planning and preparation Tammi, Allen, Lynne, Peewee, Dee and I had #1 Debarkation Tags and had attached them to our luggage the night before and placed the luggage in the Hallway. The 8 of us weren’t flying home until the next day and 6 of the 8 of us had reserved rooms at the Newport Beachside Hotel and Resort where Dee and I had stayed for 1 night after our first Cruise together in January, 2008. Tammi and Allen were planning on just booking a room once we arrived at the Resort.


We said ‘See you soon in January’ to Ninja Dan and Donna and then made our way up to the Lido for one last Carnival Miracle liquid breakfast. Shortly after we sat down we heard our Debarkation Number announced and made our way down to Deck 2 to debark. There was a fairly long line up and while waiting in line Bull from the Casino saw us and came running over to give all the ladies a hug. Conclusion #741: He is a smart one too


The lines moved fairly quickly as did our time in Customs and once outside we called the Shuttle Company to let them know the 8 of us were ready to be picked up. The Van arrived about 10 minutes later and once inside we told the Driver we were going to the Newport Beachside Hotel and Resort at 16701 Collins Ave. We should have known something was up when the Driver asked us if we ‘had a map or a GPS?’ We showed him the directions on the Reservation I had printed off as well as showed him the Map off of Coral’s iPhone and he said he knew where he was going. Conclusion #742: Should have asked him if he knew where we were going? What should have been a 15 – 20 minute drive to the Resort turned into a 90 minute tour of South Florida. I told the driver about 45 minutes in that’ he was going the wrong way’ based on the addresses I was seeing but he did not agree.


After he finally realized we were right and we had him going in the right direction we arrived at the Resort around 10:00am.






When we made our Reservation we told the Staff Member that we would be arriving early fresh off of a Cruise and they said ‘that was fine and that they would store our luggage for us’ and that we’d be ‘free to use all the Resort’s facilities’. Dee and I were super excited to return to this Resort because we had such a GREAT Day post-cruise in ‘08 spending most of our day at the Tiki Bar on the Pier next door to the Resort.




Tammi tried getting a room for her and Allen but the Resort was completely booked. When the CSR took a look at the Reservation for the room I had reserved for Dan and Coral and Dee and I she said we’d be able to sleep 6 in there comfortably.


We stored our bags with the Bellmen and then made our way out back to the Pool area to have a look around. I started heading towards the Pier because I had a craving for the Steamed Clams and the Key Lime Pie I had at the Tiki Bar 4 years earlier and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. Half of the Pier was gone and the Tiki Bar was nowhere to be seen. We could tell that they were rebuilding the first part of the Pier where the Bar had been. I turned around and looked at Dee and I could tell by the look on her face that she was just as disappointed as I was.


As is our way we made the best of it and ordered some drinks from the Poolside Bar at the Resort, grabbed some Towels and then made our way down to the Beach Area for some much needed R&R.






Allen decided to do some reading and grabbed his book and a Table in close proximity to the Poolside Bar.




A few hours and several Pina Coladas later we made our way to the Front Desk and got the keys to the 2 Rooms and headed up to drop off our luggage with a plan to meet in the lobby in 15 minutes. After meeting up we headed outside and walked up Collins Avenue looking for a place to eat. We found a place in a strip mall and sat down and had a bite to eat and a few drinks before making our way back to the resort for some more Sun and Pool Bar time.


Eventually we headed up to the Room enjoy the last bit of daylight out on the Balcony while Lynne and Peewee went to their room to have a 'rest'. Hunger really set in just before 8:00pm so back out onto Collins Avenue we went. We walked quite a ways before we stopped in front of a Steak House and debated whether or not we should go in as everyone looked to be dressed to the Nines and we were in shorts and flip flops. Eventually the Manger came out and told us to “Come on in” and when we questioned him about ‘our dress’ he said “No problem” and then escorted us to a Table for 8 at the very back of the Restaurant next to the bathrooms. We were definitely under dressed but once he told us that “Tonight is the 3 for 1 Drink Special” we quickly put any reservations we had aside. Conclusion #743: Just what we needed - 3 for 1 Drinks.


Our Waitress came over with the Menus and after a little small talk she asked us if ‘We were celebrating anything tonight?’ Peewee said “Yes we are celebrating our Grandpa’s 100th birthday!” and pointed at Allen. She looked at Allen and said “Are you really 100 today?” and Allen said “Yes and this morning I woke up with a ____________" rhymes with Loner!” Conclusion #744: BRING ON THE DRINKS!!!


We all ordered different Menu items and shared the food amongst ourselves and we drank and drank and drank. The walk back was much more enjoyable than the walk up. We settled out by the Pool area on some Patio furniture and could see that there was a Private Function going on inside the restaurant. A few ladies and their dates came outside to have a smoke and we ended up getting into a conversation with them and after a while they invited us to come inside with them. We politely said “No” but added that we appreciated the invite. For some reason one of the guys went into an Andrew Dice Clay impersonation and finished up by lifting up the front of his date’s skirt. Conclusion #745: If her name was Victoria there was no Secret. I immediately looked for an AED in case we had to restart Allen’s heart.


Dan, Coral and Tammi decided it was time to call it a night as did Peewee and Lynne so we gave them a big hug with a ‘See you in 11 months’ and then Dee, Allen and I made our way towards a Group that was behind us with someone playing a Guitar and singing. They were happy to have us join them. I lasted about ½ an hour before saying Good-bye to Allen and headed up to the Room. Allen and Dee spent another hour at the sing-along before they called it a night.


Dee woke me up when she crawled into bed and we talked for a little while about what an AMAZING 11 days we had just had. Little did we know that our Vacation would not end the next day as planned.

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Thanks 4hunters!!!.......You are welcome to join us anytime!!!....there's about 60 of us doing a B2B in October on the Victory...we've still got room


Thanks, Jim. That's tempting considering we would love to do a B2B, but October is just too soon for us since we have a cruise coming up in August on Magic - the finances just won't allow two cruises so close together. Maybe another time.


In the meantime, please keep writing these awesome reviews so I can check in on your upcoming cruise schedules from time to time! ;)



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Thanks, Jim. That's tempting considering we would love to do a B2B, but October is just too soon for us since we have a cruise coming up in August on Magic - the finances just won't allow two cruises so close together. Maybe another time.


In the meantime, please keep writing these awesome reviews so I can check in on your upcoming cruise schedules from time to time! ;)




Will do Scott...Have 1 more Journal to do from our January Conquest cruise and then I am caught up :D


Nice cliff hanger ending there!!:eek:


Chris...gonna get off that cliff now

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“Houston, we don’t have a problem” but “Calgary, we have a problem”


Dee and I had the earliest flights of the 6 of us; an 8:40am flight from Fort Lauderdale to Houston on Continental Airlines so we set the Alarms on our phones for a 6:15am wake-up. Dee jumped in the Shower first and once she was finished I hopped in. Just as I opened the Curtain after showering Allen decided he had to go potty and opened the Bathroom Door. Conclusion #746: In the space of 10 hours Allen had seen both Victoria’s and Jim’s Secret.


We had arranged a 7:00am Shuttle the night before and it was waiting for us out front when we got down to the Lobby. We quickly checked out reminding the Front Desk Staff that the other 4 were still in the Room but would be leaving by 9:00am.


After Arriving at the Airport we checked-in, upgraded our Seats for the first 2 flights, both Continental airlines, and made our way through Security to our Gate.


It was an uneventful flight to Houston and having a 2 hour layover before our flight to Calgary we were able to duck outside for a couple quick smokes and then have some lunch back inside the Terminal.


Soon enough it was time to board Flight CO1429 to Calgary and again we had an uneventful flight. As we were landing it was obvious that we were back to ‘reality’ as it was snowing. Customs was a breeze and we still had 90 minutes before our next flight so we headed outside for a very cold smoke and then back inside to warmth of the Terminal.


After going through Security we headed towards our Gate and grabbed a couple seats at a Bar that was showing a Montreal Canadiens Hockey Game and also kept an eye on the Departures Board as the Delays were starting to mount. We could see the Snowstorm was getting worse and worse through one of the windows and our departure time was continually moved back from its original 6:50pm departure time until eventually we saw the Gate Number disappear and a Cancelled Notice appear. It was now close to 10:00pm so we quickly made our way to the Air Canada Customer Service Counter. We were next in line to be served which was fine until the lady behind the Counter finished serving the couple in front of her, looked at her watch and informed the rest of us she was off at 10:00pm and we would have to go out to the Main Terminal.


Once outside in the Main Terminal we grabbed our luggage and made our way up to the Departures Level where could see the line-up wrapped around the inside of the Terminal for about 400 yards from the Ticketing Desk. An Air Canada Representative ‘walking the line’ told us we were looking at about a 3 hour wait to get served. My phone beeped with an email Notification and it was an email from Aeroplan, Air Canada’s Frequent Flyer Program who we had booked the Flights through, stating that they “were pleased to confirm the following Travel Arrangements” for us. We had been rescheduled for a 7:00am flight to Vancouver the following morning with a 9:00am Connection to Victoria. I told the Rep walking the line that we had our luggage, showed her the email and asked her ‘what we should do next?’ “Are you an Elite or Super Elite Member?” she asked. “No just Prestige” I replied “but I do have an American Express Aeroplan Platinum Card” and showed it to her. Conclusion #747: Membership does have its Privileges. This Card gives us Priority Boarding and Check-In with Air Canada so she took us to a different Counter and we quickly had our Hotel, Shuttle and Meal Vouchers which could be used at the Hotel. We went outside and saw we were in for a lengthy wait for a Shuttle as it was a ‘first come first served’ basis and also based on the Hotel that they had booked us at so I said “Let’s just get a Cab”.


The roads were treacherous and it ended up being about a $30.00 Cab Ride with the Tip but it was so worth it. We made it to the Hotel, booked the 5:30am Shuttle, got our Room, dropped off our luggage and then headed down to the Bar to see if we could ‘liquidate’ our Meal Vouchers. :D Success!!! We had been sitting in the Bar for about 2 hours before the first Shuttle showed up with Passengers who had been assigned to the same Hotel as us. The Hotel did keep the Bar/Restaurant open until 1:30am to accommodate those who were just arriving which allowed us enough time to ‘liquidate’ both our Dinner and Breakfast Meal Vouchers.


We packed it in shortly after 1:00am and were able fell asleep quickly because of our liquid diet.;):D

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The Wake-up call came at 5:00am so we quickly showered, had a 2-Tylenol Breakfast each and then made our way down to the Lobby and hopped on the Shuttle. Thankfully it had stopped snowing and we had 2 easy flights to Vancouver and then to Victoria. A $50.00 Cab ride had us standing in our driveway ready to start the 'drying out' process.


It was fortunate that both of us had booked off the Friday from work knowing full well that we’d need a long weekend to recover from 12 days with this Group.


As I said earlier this was one of the BEST Cruises we have ever been on!!! Can’t say enough about the job that Lynne and Peewee did as the Group leaders. They were AWESOME!!!


And the folks we cruised, those we had cruised with before and those we were cruising with for the first time, were SO MUCH FUN!!!


Neither Dee nor I have been able to touch Jell-O since.:D


We knew we’d be seeing many of these same people in January, 2013 onboard the Carnival Conquest out of New Orleans for our 'Cruise of 100 Candles'



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Wow what a wonderful review. I almost pee'd my pants several times reading this. can't wait to read the newset journal on the Conquest


Thanks flounder315...glad you enjoyed it ...very jealous of how close you live to the Port of Galveston


Another amazing review' date=' Jim! By the time you do the one from our Conquest/New Orleans trip in January, you might have enough to gather together for a book. I'm sure it would be a best-seller among cruisers. :cool:[/quote']


Thanks Allen....and you of course would be a central character;):D

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