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Most annoying thing?


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I can do whoever I want?? My DH might disagree with that! LOL!!!!!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!);)


I was wondering why you would quote only such a small portion of my post - now I see why. Man, I really have to learn to proof read before I post. Or maybe that is what I really meant to say - ha ha. Thanks

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The main difference between you and most other people on this board is, we are polite, considerate of others & would actually get up to let you have a table to eat at.




I completely agree with you. DH and I eat, get up and go about our business. We have even, while through eating, still finishing off our milk, coffee, OJ, whatever, have gotten up and taken our drink with us so someone else could use our table when no others can be found. One time the only table we could find was one of the bench type ones that can sit 4-5 people, we were still eating but saw an older couple looking around for an empty table. Well, we were only using one small area of our table and had plenty of room for them, so we just asked them to join us so they could eat.


It is simply being considerate and respectful of others, unfortunately too many people in today's society are me me me!

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The Monstrous Megatron TV on the Lido Deck! and TV's in the Buffet.

One of the things that used to be attractive about cruises was being cut off from everything back in the world. We still put our phones up and never use the internet while on board.

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I was just going to post that the most annoying thing to me is that at lunch time, people take up tables to play cards. I have been one of the ones waking around looking for a place to sit and meanwhile they are people playing cards. While I have never seen someone sitting there and reading a book during lunchtime, I would feel the same thing.


Come earlier? I bet the majority of card players that take up the tables start their games right after breakfast. Wouldn't it be much better to go to a quieter place to play your cards?

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Well i guess it's also my right to sit down at a blackjack table in the casino and play Go Fish and when they tell me to move, I will just refuse and tell them I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I want. Also if I want to play around on the main stage I don't have to get off of it when the shows supposed to start because after all, I paid for my cruise and I have the right to enjoy my vacation

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Well i guess it's also my right to sit down at a blackjack table in the casino and play Go Fish and when they tell me to move, I will just refuse and tell them I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I want. Also if I want to play around on the main stage I don't have to get off of it when the shows supposed to start because after all, I paid for my cruise and I have the right to enjoy my vacation


Playing Go Fish....awesome!



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Well i guess it's also my right to sit down at a blackjack table in the casino and play Go Fish and when they tell me to move, I will just refuse and tell them I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I want. Also if I want to play around on the main stage I don't have to get off of it when the shows supposed to start because after all, I paid for my cruise and I have the right to enjoy my vacation


LOL....great response!!! Countrygirlcruiser - see that's where you and I are different. If I was just sitting at a table and had finished my lunch, I WOULD get up and offer my table to you if you were standing there with a tray of food. Do you go to your local McDonalds at lunchtime just to play cards? Going "earlier" as you stated has nothing to do with it. People like you will virtually "camp out" all day in the buffet area. The fact that you think this is perfectly acceptable is a real shame.

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I have to agree that taking up a large table playing cards during the REALLY BUSY times in the buffet is rude. During the non-peak times, there are always plenty of tables and I don't see anything wrong with taking up a table then. But if you see people wandering around with plates and glasses in their hands trying in vain to find a place to eat, it is just plain rude to take up a table playing cards/games/reading. Besides, it's really loud in there during peak dining time.....I don't understand why anyone would WANT to be in there playing games.

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Well i guess it's also my right to sit down at a blackjack table in the casino and play Go Fish and when they tell me to move, I will just refuse and tell them I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I want. Also if I want to play around on the main stage I don't have to get off of it when the shows supposed to start because after all, I paid for my cruise and I have the right to enjoy my vacation



Well as much as I wished to stay out of this ridiculous argument. I have to chime in here.


For one thing, if this poster is being honest, does anyone really expect to change her mind? You can lecture, label, call names and attack her. All of which are against CC rules and you will not succeed, why keep it up?


However, there are 2 problems with your arguement. One there are probably rules regarding playing fish at the BJ table. And two it would be cruiseline employees that were telling you to move from your above scenerio.


Anyone sitting reading, playing cards, games etc at tables in the buffet are not being asked to move from cruiseship employees. They are also not breaking any "cruiseline rules". As the poster pointed out, there are no signs indicating "these tables between the hours of such and such requested to be used for eating only." So for those that have such issues with a couple of tables being utilized for other things than eating perhaps you should be lobbying the cruiseline to post a couple of signs. Problem solved, then a cruiseline employee can go over and ask that person to move, you have another eating table for you.


And for those of you wondering around with food getting cold, searching out a table. For goodness sakes, get a table and then go up and get your food while someone waits at the table. If you are alone, find a cruise ship employee to get you a table while you get your food.

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che5904: I agree with some of what you said. The original poster is not going to change her mind and will just continue to be argumentative. But, the post about playing fish at the casino table was said in jest by that poster.


When we were on our Hawaii cruise last year we had 5 sea days at the beginning and at the end. I was astounded at the number of tables that were being used by passengers to play cards, work puzzles, crosswords, etc. I'm not talking 3 or 4, I'm talking 30-40 tables taken up. I saw people every day standing with trays of food and nowhere to sit. One day, we just got our food and took our trays up to our cabin to eat since our cabin was a few decks just below the buffet area. There were other areas around the ship where people could read or play games, these passengers just preferred to Lido area. Maybe it was so they could easily get drinks or snacks being right by the food.

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che5904: I agree with some of what you said. The original poster is not going to change her mind and will just continue to be argumentative. But, the post about playing fish at the casino table was said in jest by that poster.


When we were on our Hawaii cruise last year we had 5 sea days at the beginning and at the end. I was astounded at the number of tables that were being used by passengers to play cards, work puzzles, crosswords, etc. I'm not talking 3 or 4, I'm talking 30-40 tables taken up. I saw people every day standing with trays of food and nowhere to sit. One day, we just got our food and took our trays up to our cabin to eat since our cabin was a few decks just below the buffet area. There were other areas around the ship where people could read or play games, these passengers just preferred to Lido area. Maybe it was so they could easily get drinks or snacks being right by the food.


But again, as much as people think this is inconsiderate behavior (which we appear to have a lot of in society). It is not breaking any rules, so even if you did manage to convince one poster, that would not solve the problem of the 29 or 39 others that you say were doing this on your one cruise.


Secondly I agree that some may have been there to be close to the food and drinks. So these people (obviously not that poster because she did not use that as an excuse), may be eating / drinking etc but not eating like most others in one lump meal but yet "grazing", as I like to refer to it. I know people who finish there 1st plate, sit for a bit in conversation letting their food settle, then get up again for a 2nd course, sit for a bit again and then get their desert and coffee. Are they wrong, should they shovel in everything at once and jump up from their place?


I am neither for or against this behavior. And yes I do realize that the BJ poster was jesting. I only used them to make my point. People are going about this all wrong if they feel this strongly about it to attack another person. The only way to stop this behavior IMO is to speak to the powers that be.


Not that cruise ships appear to follow through with the policies they put in place, but at least it gives the argument of "it is against the rules" or you can at least go to an employee and try to evict those that are doing this.

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che5904: But, the post about playing fish at the casino table was said in jest by that poster.


In jest? Who says I don't play Go Fish at the blackjack tables? Lol. I forgot to mention that I also like to pee in the pool because there aren't technically any rules or signs saying not to. I also like to slam my balcony door as hard as possible hundreds of times in a row since they're aren't and written rules or sign about that. If it isn't a written rule, then I don't have to follow it. =)

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it would have done me no good to say that we do eat while we are in there..french fries and chicken fingers...veggies from the salad bar...i was rude and inconsiderate just for having cards in my hand in the lido buffet area. We do dont camp in there all day, as one poster said. It also puts us close enough to go out for a smoke when we want or to let the kids play in the pool while they are not in circle C. Although I could let them run the ship and be wild children...then I would get flammed for that.

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I also like to slam my balcony door as hard as possible hundreds of times in a row


Since people have posted that these doors are very heavy, you are either really really in shape or using this as your workout? Everyone should get some exercise every now and then, have a good time :D

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Since people have posted that these doors are very heavy, you are either really really in shape or using this as your workout? Everyone should get some exercise every now and then, have a good time :D


My shake weight wouldn't fit in my suitcase, so I had to improvise.

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it would have done me no good to say that we do eat while we are in there..french fries and chicken fingers...veggies from the salad bar...i was rude and inconsiderate just for having cards in my hand in the lido buffet area. We do dont camp in there all day, as one poster said. It also puts us close enough to go out for a smoke when we want or to let the kids play in the pool while they are not in circle C. Although I could let them run the ship and be wild children...then I would get flammed for that.


It's quite simple really. Get your food, find a table, eat your food, get up and go elsewhere to play cards, smoke drink, chat, watch your kids, whatever. But get out of there so others can sit and eat. Try being more aware of the world around you and you might realize that you are being inconsiderate.

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i dislike, but wont say hate, the fact that carnival push push pushes people to drink. A lot. Yes they make their money that way, and most yahoos don't need alot of pushing-but if this is supposed to be a family friendly cruising experience, i shudder to think if being s$#@drunk is really good family time.:rolleyes:

hi---even tho we are not drinkers--anymore----i do not--and i repeat--do not find them pushing for drinks--they stop by--yes---we say no--and they politely leave--what's wrong with that------56 cruises on carnival----irene and john

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It is a vacation for other people also, go find another place to play your games, the purpose of the tables in the buffet are for eating, I can't comprehend just how inconsiderate you are. Also, I was wondering when you were going to play "I paid my cruise fare" card. And your next justification will be???


Sorry, but the purpose of the tables are to be 'used' in general. Are you suggesting that tables should be designated all throughout the ship for specific purposes? Grille area... "Eating Only". Pool area "Swimming Only". Bar area "Drinking Only". She is not the one being inconsiderate here. The fact that you need to come and try to push your warped ideals, is being inconsiderate. If finding tables in grill area is that hard for you... eat in the MDR, or order room service.


Seriously - you honestly think that they need to put a sign up to inform you that it is an eating establishment and not a hanging out establishment so you can play cards? It is called "common sense". You are exactly the type of cruiser I can't stand because you think you are self entitled to do what you want and not be courteous to other passengers who are standing there with a tray of food with no place to sit because you're taking up space playing cards. There are tons of places on the ship to go play cards. You probably think it's also okay to save seats in the main show theater and by the pool deck I bet.


No, the grill area is not an "Eating Establishment". It is public space/social area on the ships. If you want a designated eating establishment... use MDR, Steakhouse, or with 2.0 upgrades some of the other specialty places. By your reasoning, bar areas should be limited to drinking _only_? Pool areas are for swimming _only_? Hope nobody on your cruises wants to work on a tan. If they do so by the pool you may yell at them for not using it for _your_ conceived purpose.

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The parents that thought since they paid for the kids they should be able to do as they please - well I paid for my cruise and I should be able to enjoy my cruise without the "kids" disrupting my cruise - control your kids - I wrote Carnival a letter once and stated that kids under 18 should have an adult supervisor with them at all times - did not work - it is getting worse

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Sorry, but the purpose of the tables are to be 'used' in general. Are you suggesting that tables should be designated all throughout the ship for specific purposes? Grille area... "Eating Only". Pool area "Swimming Only". Bar area "Drinking Only". She is not the one being inconsiderate here. The fact that you need to come and try to push your warped ideals, is being inconsiderate. If finding tables in grill area is that hard for you... eat in the MDR, or order room service.




No, the grill area is not an "Eating Establishment". It is public space/social area on the ships. If you want a designated eating establishment... use MDR, Steakhouse, or with 2.0 upgrades some of the other specialty places. By your reasoning, bar areas should be limited to drinking _only_? Pool areas are for swimming _only_? Hope nobody on your cruises wants to work on a tan. If they do so by the pool you may yell at them for not using it for _your_ conceived purpose.


Well said!

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It's quite simple really. Get your food, find a table, eat your food, get up and go elsewhere to play cards, smoke drink, chat, watch your kids, whatever. But get out of there so others can sit and eat. Try being more aware of the world around you and you might realize that you are being inconsiderate.


Very well said.

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Definitely people who slam cabin and balcony doors.


That would probably be the one thing that bothers me as well. We had one cruise where our neighbors were so bad....they were on and off the balcony, in and out, in and out.....you would swear it was little kids (and it would have been easier to swallow had that been who was being so thoughtless), however it was adults; totally classless adults. When they weren't letting their doors slam shut they were arguing.

Thankfully we have only experienced that once. ;) and that was quite enough.

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Sorry, but the purpose of the tables are to be 'used' in general. Are you suggesting that tables should be designated all throughout the ship for specific purposes? Grille area... "Eating Only". Pool area "Swimming Only". Bar area "Drinking Only". She is not the one being inconsiderate here. The fact that you need to come and try to push your warped ideals, is being inconsiderate. If finding tables in grill area is that hard for you... eat in the MDR, or order room service.


The purpose of the tables inside the Lido buffet ARE for eating. The Lido buffet is not named the Lido game room. Is the table tennis table for table tennis, what uses would you find for the tables in the library, massage tables, etc.??? I could go on but I am getting warpy...

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