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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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Yes, I know it is an ambitious goal but nobody every achieved something wonderful by attempting to do something that was just OK. Ten years ago I planned a cruise to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary and lost 40 pounds in six months. Unfortunately, I have gained that 40 and another 20 in the last 4 years.


Thinking about my 30th wedding anniversary next month really scares me. I know that I won't get another 30 years with the most wonderful man in the world unless I get this weight off. Although I don't have any additional health concerns right now, I know that with a family history of high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes that my time is coming if I don't do something now.


I saw Lyn-Genet Recitas on the Dr. Oz show and downloaded her book THE PLAN: Eliminate the Surprising "Healthy" Foods That Are Making You Fat and Lose Weight Fast. What she said made a ton of sense so I started following "The Plan" and have lost 4.5 lbs in 5 days. After the three day cleanse, I have felt great and can't hardly eat all of the food. I'm not hungry and almost forgot to eat my chocolate tonight. :)


We have scheduled a 10 day cruise aboard the Celebrity Equinox that leaves Feb 21, 2014. Our 31st anniversary will be 2/27/14. I want to get to my goal weight before we leave. I know I can do this but I need all of the encouragement and accountability that I can get!


Let's work together to reach our goals!!!

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I want to make this thread as user friendly and searchable as possible so I am going to post multiple times daily under the following titles.


Stats, Date: this will include my daily weight loss and menu information from the previous day and workout info


Rambles: this will be a mix of my thoughts, challenges and victories


Responses: answers to questions and comments from other users (if I get any)


This will at least enable future readers to shortcut to the part that interests them.

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-1.0 total loss thus far 5.5 lbs


Yesterday's menu:


1 cup dandelion root tea

119 oz of water



12 oz cup coffee

1 cup homemade flaxseed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup coconut vanilla milk



1 cup spicy vegetable soup

Mixed green salad w/1 oz crumbled goat cheese

basalmic vinegar & olive oil for dressing



Steamed broccoli

5 oz baked chicken w/spicy apricot glaze

carrot & beet salad

glass of red wine

1 oz dark chocolate (4 pcs dove)


No workout yesterday.

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What an amazing day this has been. Beautiful, sunny and absolutely tropical at 30 degrees. OK, so it was tropical compared to the blustery high of 11 for the last few days. Since it was such a pretty day, I layered up and went for a hike with my 2 dogs. It was great to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.


For the last several weeks, I have been having horrible sweet cravings every night. They generally hit between 8 & 10pm and I wind up eating something I really shouldn't. During the 3 day cleanse period of this plan, I consoled myself by thinking about the wine, chocolate and cheese I could have on day 4. The first couple of days I excitedly ate my dark chocolate, now I have to remind myself to eat it. The sweet tooth seems to have vanished. Hopefully the late night binges are a thing of the past.

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+ .5 lbs this morning.


Weekly update 1/28/13: -5 lbs


Menu from yesterday:


Was exactly the same as the prior day except that I had my snack of 2 rye crackers and 6 tbsp of homemade hummus with 1/2 apple




1.5 mile hike


I have definitely had my first "reactive" response. The food test yesterday was Rye. This is an important prelude to all other grains (breads). This is disappointing but not devastating. It could also me my body's reaction to the exercise from yesterday. Yes, I am horribly out of shape and haven't exercised in months. I will retest at a later date after my liver has had more "resting" days. Going to drink extra dandelion root tea for a few days to help it along.

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Don't know if that plan is gonna work long term or not. Certainly hope for your sake it does. WILL share with you that wife and I have been on a program called Optifast that is offered thru hospitals, since last March. I've lost 80 pounds and wife has lost 77.


Program isn't cheap but it WORKS! I'm off my diabetes meds and down 12 inches in my waist. Feeling SO much better.


Can also recommend a book that I found very helpful - The Skinny on Losing Weight w/ Being Hungry by Louis J. Aronne. Another good one is Bread is The Devil by Heather Bauer and Kathy Matthews.


Good Luck! You can do it!!!!!

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Awesome results, I am so happy for you and your wife! Losing weight is great but the health benefits are the best.


I am familiar with Optifast, it has been around for a long time. It was offered 20 years ago at a hospital that I worked at. All of the participants had extremely good results and it was physician supervised. I wasn't one of them because back then I didn't need to lose weight.

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Today's weight change: -.5

Overall weight change: -5.5


Yesterday's Menu:



1 cup flaxseed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 Coconut Vanilla Silk



1/2 apple



Carrot ginger soup

Salad greens w/pumpkin seeds

Herbal vinegarette



Sauteed kale & wild mushrooms

1/2 brown rice

1/2 pear

4 pc dark chocolate


Extras: 14 glasses water, 1 cup coffee 3 cups dandelion root tea


No workout today.



I am happy the weight went back down today because that means I can test a new protein today. Hello lamb chops!!

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My husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary January 2014. We have decided to go on our first cruise to celebrate. I need to loose about 50lbs, after seeing your post I'm going to make it my goal. I may not ever be comfortable in a swimsuit but I would love to get a cute sun dress and look amazing in it :-)

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I am so excited for you, a cruise is such good motivation to reach your weight loss goals. A 20th anniversary makes it all that much more special. If you set specific goals and dates it will make it much easier. I know you can do it!!

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Today's weight change: -.5

Overall weight change: -6.0


Yesterday's Menu:



1 cup flaxseed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 Coconut Vanilla Silk



Carrots & homemade hummus



Spicy Vegetable soup

Salad greens w/1 oz goat cheese

Herbal vinegarette



Butternut squash & kale salad

Lamb chop w/balsalmic reduction


4 pc dark chocolate


Extras: 14 glasses water, 1 cup coffee 2 cups dandelion root tea


No workout.


Yesterday was a protein test for Lamb. I loved the lamb and I passed the test so I can continue to eat it without inhibiting my weight loss.

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Until I read Lyn-Genet's book, I didn't realize that so many illnesses and diseases that we face are inflammation responses in our body. This plan has so many health benefits that are even greater than the weight loss. I sprained my ankle over 7 months ago and had reconciled myself to the fact that it was just going to hurt forever. After 1 week on the plan, I realized that my ankle hadn't hurt in over 2 days. This is awesome!!


I had to go shopping today for more fresh veggies. I am really going through kale, carrots, broccoli & zucchini. I had a gift certificate from Christmas for the local chocolate boutique, so I splurged on the really good stuff. The health food store has become my favorite new spot. I bought flax, chia & hemp seeds today. I can't wait to see if the chia & hemp seeds "supercharge" the weight loss as others have said.


In preparation for the Super Bowl, I am trying to test all of the components for my hot wings & bleu cheese before the big game. Today I added bleu cheese to my salad so we will see how that goes.

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Today's weight change: -.5

Overall weight change: -6.5


Yesterday's Menu:



1 cup flaxseed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 Coconut Vanilla Silk



Carrots & homemade hummus



Spicy Vegetable soup

Salad greens w/1 oz bleu cheese

Herbal vinegarette



Butternut squash & kale salad

Chicken w/spicy apricot sauce


1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel

1 dark chocolate orange rind


Extras: 14 glasses water, 1 1/2 cup coffee 2 cups dandelion root tea


No workout.


Yesterday was a test for Bleu Cheese. I am trying to test all of the components for my Super Bowl Buffalo wings & bleu cheese dip before Sunday. Very happy that Bleu cheese passed!

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Today's weight change: -.1.0

Overall weight change: -7.5


Yesterday's Menu:



1 cup flaxseed granola

1/2 Coconut Vanilla Silk



1/2 pear



Spicy Vegetable soup

Salad greens w/1 oz goat cheese & pumpkin seeds

1 over easy egg

Balsalmic vinegar



Lamb chop w/basalmic reduction

Spinach & arugula, cucumbers & mushrooms

Kale chips


1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel

1 dark chocolate orange rind


Extras: 14 glasses water, 1 1/2 cup coffee 2 cups dandelion root tea


No workout.


Yesterday was a test for eggs. I am trying to test all of the components for my Super Bowl Buffalo wings & bleu cheese dip before Sunday. Since eggs are a large component of the mayonnaise in my dip recipe I am happy that eggs passed!


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Today's weight change: -.5

Overall weight change: -8.0


Yesterday's Menu:



1 cup Chia Hemp Power Pudding







Carrot ginger soup

Salad greens, cucumbers, mushrooms w/1 oz goat cheese & pumpkin seeds


Balsalmic vinegar



Orange oil & Italian Herbed Chicken Salad

Grilled Corn tortilla w/ butter


1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel

1 dark chocolate orange rind


Extras: 14 glasses water, 1 1/2 cup coffee, 2 cups dandelion root tea


No workout.


Yesterday was a test for corn with the corn tortilla. Now that I have passed that one, I can add some baked tortilla chips to my Super Bowl menu.


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Daily weight change: -1.5

Total weight change: -9.5


Yesterdays menu



1 cup Chia Hemp Power Pudding



6 oz pineapple Greek yogurt



Salad greens, cucumbers, avocado, sunflower seeds & basalmic vinegar

Carrot ginger soup




Spicy apricot glazed chicken

Saute'd kale

Dried fruit


1 dark chocolate covered orange rind & 1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel



14 glasses of water, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee


This was my final test for my superbowl menu as my blue cheese dip has greek yogurt, mayonnaise, blue cheese and spices. Since I had the best daily weight loss of all this morning, I am really excited, plus I absolutely adore Greek yogurt and the pineapple is my favorite flavor.

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You are doing really well with this! Are the recipes you are using (such as the glazed chicken) in the book you referred to in the first post?


I just got off a 15 day cruise and don't have a future one planned but while I am ON a cruise I really mind being fat!


Since we returned 2 days ago I have given up soda and eaten healthy but I've been too sick to get moving.


Anyway keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the encouragement. I have really been wondering if I should keep posting because I feel like I am talking to myself......but then again, it kind of keeps me accountable. Putting my success & failure out there for all to see.


Yes all of the recipes I have used so far have come from either the book or her website. (Except for the lamb chops w/basalmic reduction, I couldn't find ground lamb to use for the burgers that night. I improvised and found the recipe on all recipes.com that used all approved ingredients. Delish!) I was super motivated to get started and spent hours writing down info from the ebook for my daily meal plans, shopping list and recipes just for the first week so I really felt like an idiot when I realized there were downloadable word & pdf documents available on the website. It is much more user friendly.


I have had a few days where I have gained but steadily losing weight and eating real food is awesome!! My best friend is starting it this weekend and I think my daughter will at the end of the month. Best of luck to you.

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Daily weight change: +2.5

Total weight change: - 7.0


What??? Are you kidding me?? I expected to stay the same or go up maybe a pound. There is no way I consumed enough calories to justify this!!!


Yesterdays menu



1 cup flax seed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 vanilla coconut Silk



small apple



Cream of broccoli soup (plan recipe)




Roasted green beans

10 sweet/hot baked wings

1/4 cup bleu cheese dip

baked corn tortilla chips

homemade guacamole

1 glass red wine


1 dark chocolate covered orange rind & 1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel



14 glasses of water, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee




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OK, so I know it may look like a lot of calories but it really wasn't that bad so what happened to cause the huge weight gain of 2.5# in 1 day? The "plan" is all about how your body reacts in a disproportionate way compared to the caloric intake/energy used for each day.


Time to analyze my NOT so super, Super Bowl Sunday.


Things I know I did right:

1. All of the ingredients for my wings, bleu cheese dip, guacamole & tortilla chips had been previously tested.

2. Everything I ate was either in it's natural state or homemade. No hidden sodium.

3. I drank enough water.

4. Limited coffee to 2 cups and early AM.

5. Red wine purposely added to help combat sodium. (True!)


Things that might have caused or contributed to weight gain:

1. Although ingredients passed the test, I ate larger quantities this day. I still may have had an inflammatory reaction since I hadn't tested in like amounts.

2. Even though I drank the right amount of water, I drank 3 glasses of it past 7:30pm which can contribute to water retention.

3. I added the roasted green beans as a afterthought because I knew I needed a vegetable but they had not been tested.


What does this really mean? I don't know exactly why I gained 2.5# and this is exactly why the "plan" only allows testing of 1 new item at a time. Although I enjoyed my little feast, I decided Monday morning it really wasn't worth it after all. I think that this will help me resist over indulging next time. I will stick to one special item in a limited quantity.

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Daily weight change: - 1.5

Total weight change: - 8.5


That's more like it, goodbye extra water weight.


Yesterdays menu



1 cup flax seed granola

1/2 vanilla coconut Silk






Carrot ginger soup

Chia hemp power pudding



2 Rye crackers

2 Tbsp peanut butter

1 dark chocolate covered orange rind & 2 dark chocolate sea salt caramel



14 glasses of water, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee

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Daily weight change:

Total weight change: - 8.5


This is the first day that I have had no weight change. It was probably because I didn't drink enough water yesterday. For every glass of water your body needs that it doesn't get, it retains extra fluid. Strangely enough, your body will do the same if you drink too much. I feel a little like Goldilocks, it has to be "just right".


Yesterdays menu



1 cup flax seed granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 vanilla coconut Silk



1/2 pear

2 mini choc chip cookies



Spinach & Arugula w/cucumbers, goat cheese & sesame seeds

Basalmic vinegar




Pork loin chop

Saute'd kale w/wild mushrooms & onions

1 dark chocolate covered orange rind & 1 dark chocolate sea salt caramel



11 glasses of water, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee

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