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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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Hope you are resting and enjoying vacation with your family. I, like so many others on this thread can't wait for your next installment. I am cruising the Allure in less then a month and after reading your review so far can't wait to get on the ship!! :D


Safe travels!! Hope you are back on CC soon!!!!

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I am really enjoying your review of the cruise. I live in Fort Lauderdale and have seen the big Allure and Oasis but thought they were too big. Your review is making me re-think that.


Oh, and I am also glad to see someone else who has the don't-get-my-face-wet thing, I do too, since as long as I can remember (I'm 57) and like you, people think I am crazy.


Gary, Fort Lauderdale

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I am really enjoying your review of the cruise. I live in Fort Lauderdale and have seen the big Allure and Oasis but thought they were too big. Your review is making me re-think that.


Oh, and I am also glad to see someone else who has the don't-get-my-face-wet thing, I do too, since as long as I can remember (I'm 57) and like you, people think I am crazy.


Gary, Fort Lauderdale


That makes three of us. I ment to comment on that and I forgot.


Sherri, I miss you, I check daily to see if you are back. I am glad I still have til May til I cruise. I do not want to go with out reading the rest of review. Wishing you a healthy trip.

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Thanks Sherri for the wonderful review but most of all thanks for your work with the Red Cross.After Sandy visited my neighborhood, I know first hand the wonderful work everyone with the Red Cross does. You have my sincere gratitude.:)

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I'm glad you got a picture of my horrible zipline landing! Sigh. it didn't hurt, but was horribly awkward. In my defense I was given NO instructions whatsoever, other than "Do you see the landing area?"


Mine was not a pretty landing either. I think the run is too short to be graceful.

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Hello, everyone!


My deployment to NY/NJ finally ended - longer than I expected, but it was all good. I met an amazing amount of people, and I saw some AMAZING sights in the big city...thanks to all of you and your suggestions, I went to not one, but TWO Broadway shows: "Wicked", which was phenomenal, as well as "Once" - which was poignant and resonating. And I got be on a Broadway stage. Hee.

So...spent a week here in Florida for Spring Break; they've all gone back to KC, but here I sit...grounded, still, due to sinus/ear issues, but hopeful, as I see an ENT tomorrow and hope to get some final answers on why I can't seem to regulate the pressure/fluid in my left ear.


While I'm here...and I have peace and quiet and no children and no work...I thought I would finally - FINALLY - get caught back up on my EPIC review.


Thank you for being so patient! I will post a few posts and then try to go back and make sure all questions, comments, etc were addressed. Thanks to everyone who covered this thread in my absence and helped others with their questions - you all ROCK!


So...without further ado...let's get back to it!!!

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We've been (im)patiently waiting for you to get back.


Thank you for all your service. I think we are are supportive and thankful for what you do.


But, now, as for your review. . . . . .


Let's roll. . . . . . . . . .



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When we last left with our tour of the ship, we had covered all of the decks down through Deck 5 – the Royal Promenade. We’ll finish up with Deck 4 – and then move on to our day-to-day synopsis – including a dining review of most – if not all – venues onboard!


Deck 4

Poor Deck 4. It’s kinda’ the forgotten “stepchild” on the ship, as it doesn’t have the beauty of Deck 8 and Central Park, or the family fun of Deck 6 and the Boardwalk…nor the glitz of Deck 5, the Royal Promenade. But don’t let that fool you…Deck 4 has plenty to offer in its own unique way…I like to think of it as the “Entertainment” Deck – as there are lots of places here to be entertained.


At the very front of the ship, we have the Amber Theater…the home of the large production shows, such as “Chicago” and “Blue Planet” – as well as smaller, fun things, such as the “Love and Marriage Show”, as well as the Diamond Event.




Let’s talk “Chicago: The Musical”. This is a 90-minute production that features murder, greed, and corruption – fun stuff, for sure! I can’t recommend enough making reservations EARLY for this show – as it was always, always packed. For our sailing, the performances were as follows:


“Chicago: The Musical” was a 90-minute production that features murder, greed and corruption…fun stuff.


Performances were as follows:


Day 1 9:00 pm

Day 2 10:30 pm

Day 3 7:00 pm


If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know what to expect – although this is a much more fast-paced, condensed version. If you’ve never seen the movie, or the play, go with an open mind. Hee hee.


“Blue Planet” is a show that features some of the singers and dancers, as well as some of the acrobats from the aqua show. I never saw it myself, but I heard mixed reviews – everything from “Loved it!” to “Eh…cheesy.”


Performances were as follows:


Day 6 9:00 pm 11:00 pm

Day 7 5:00 pm


“Beatle Maniacs” was a tribute band for the Fab Four. I got SOOOO excited when I heard they were going to be onboard, as I had missed this group when they were on the Serenade of the Seas last summer (their luggage got lost, as well as their instruments, by the airlines – and their performances were cancelled.) Much to my chagrin, this was NOT the same group from this summer…this group was…the OLDER Fab Four. Ahem. Music was good for the entire family, but the production was a little…cheap.


Performances were as follows:


Day 4 8:30 pm 10:30 pm

Day 5 10:30 pm



Studio B




Studio B is the ice-skating rink, which I never participated in. It featured the “Ice Games” Ice Show, which was a show set to the backdrop of Monopoly and featured various venues onboard the ship. Performances were as follows:


Day 2 5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Day 5 7:00 pm 9:15 pm

Day 6 3:30 pm

Day 7 3:30 pm


“How to Train Your Dragon on Ice” was a show inspired by the DreamWorks movie. I saw lots of families with small Klingons enjoying this show.


Performances were as follows:


Day 3 1:15 pm 3:15 pm


Open ice-skating was allowed during the week at various times, although you would never find ME doing that. No siree, Bob. I’d break my neck. Anyway – if you DO want to skate – note that long pants and socks are required. Children under 18 had to have a parent or guardian sign a waiver. They only allowed 50 guests per session.


The infamous “Quest” game was held on Day 5 at 11:45 pm here in Studio B. Adults only.



Also on Deck 4, we have “Blaze” – a nightclub that would be open late for dancing. Some nights, they would designate this as a teen-only hangout. I never went.



Comedy LIVE Comedy Club




This is a VERY small venue located on Deck 4. It featured two comedians, AJ Jamal, and Kivi Rogers, who each perform for 30 minutes. It is a NOT-to-be-missed show, and I must warn you, the shows booked up VERY fast. It is definitely a HOT ticket – so make your reservations early.


Performances were as follows:


Day 1 8:00 pm 10:30 pm

Day 2 7:30 pm 9:30 pm 11:30 pm

Day 3 7:30 pm 9:30 pm 11:30 pm

Day 4 8:00 pm 10:30 pm

Day 5 8:00 pm 10:30 pm

Day 6 7:30 pm 9:30 pm 11:30 pm

Day 7 8:00 pm




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The Casino Royale




This was also on Deck 4. Pretty decent sized casino, I thought...I sometimes had to walk through this to get to where I wanted on the other side of the ship...a little "maze-like", but still...it looked fun:





Notice when you walk in that there is a smoking side and a non-smoking side; just follow the appropriate signs to get where you are most comfortable:



Non-smokers: go this way



Smokers: go the other way

Look for Blackjack, Texas Hold’em Tournaments…and over 460 machines with payouts of up to 99%. I preferred to spend my extra $$$ on bling – so I avoided the casino and all of the temptations that it offers!




I'm going to briefly talk about the Main Dining Room...I say "briefly", because I never dined here. Nope. Not once. First cruise I've ever done - and I've done many - that I've never sat in the Main Dining Room.


Normally, I prefer to do My Time Dining...as I like the flexibility that it offers... and yet, if I take a shine to a particular table and/or waiter, I can stick with that selection all week, as well. People sometimes ask whether MTD reservations are needed...


...my answer is yes, they're preferred - for shorter waiting times - but not needed. MTD guests are directed to Deck 5, where you're greeted with this signage:







This is what the waiting area looks like...two lines...one for reservations, and one for without. If you HAVE reservations...and there's no one in the line for "without" - by all means, go to that line! It's okay!


So...that ends our tour of the ship...let's start delving into the particulars of each day - including an extensive photo review of the cabin...hopefully, I'll show you all the secrets, tips, etc of what a typical cabin looks like!


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Oh, joy!!!!


If you remember...from WAAAAAAAY back in the review...I had checked in (with poor Jack...will anyone forget the look on his face at the check-in desk at RCI??!!) and had just stepped onboard. You'll board the ship on Deck 5, which plants you SMACK in the middle of the Royal Promenade...where you'll be greeted by all sorts of RCI employees hawking their wares....


Do you want spa treatments? The soda package? Show reservations?


No need to go any further - you can find tables and booths and people all trying to get your attention as you board...as if boarding isn't confusing enough!


As for me, though, I knew where I wanted to go...and I made a BEE-LINE for the elevator to get me there....


Any guesses????













Here's a hint:




If you guessed, "Park Cafe" - then DING DING DING! We have a winner, Bob! And why - for the newbies reading - would I make a beeline for the Park Cafe, you may ask??!!




Because it's considered tradition...for some cruisers, anyway...to have a delicious FREE roast beef sandwich from the Park Cafe once you board the Allure. I think it brings good luck or something. I'm kidding. I'm totally making that up. But wouldn't it be fun to tell all of our family and friends that? That in order to have good luck onboard, they have to have some delicious roast beef from the Park Cafe for their very first lunch??


When you walk in, you can head to the Salad Bar side....




...which is actually very good, I might add...salads made to order...or you head over to the Little Slice of Heaven side:




Opt for some mustard...or horseradish, like I did...and you end up with this:





As far as my opinion on it...I liked it. And I'm not a big meat eater...nor a sandwich eater. I think the addition of the horseradish sauce gave it some added "zing" - but I felt it had good flavor, and the saltiness was perfect. I ended up enjoying another one later in the week, and it was just as good.


I ran into my friends, Steve & Amy, here, along with Pat & Jerry (Amy's parents), and we enjoyed a delicious (FREE!) lunch, sitting out on a bench in Central Park. I'm glad we went early - because look at the line later on:




Please note: The Roast Beef Sandwich is NOT a limited-time offer....Unlike the honey-stung chicken wings, which are ONLY in the Windjammer on the FIRST day of sailing, the Roast Beef Sandwich can be had ANY day onboard the Allure. And the line won't be so crazy long, either.


BUT. Being that we couldn't go to our cabins yet - it was too early - and being that just about 90% of the guests were swarming the Windjammer - then the Park Cafe was just what was needed.


Note that there are tables indoors...as well as outdoors...and you can use the tables at Giovanni's on the first day, as well, as they are NOT open for lunch this day. We liked sitting outside and watching the people and taking in everything in Central Park.


It was pretty much AWESOME.


Edited by KansCocoa
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... I'm glad we went early - because look at the line later on:



Referring to your picture of the "Roast Beef Line", about what time was that picture taken, or more importantly when does the line become agonizingly long?


Awesome job so far by the way on the review! I very much enjoyed the personalized ship tour beforehand! :cool:

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After enjoying lunch with Steve and Amy, we decided to go our separate ways for awhile to explore the ship...and actually, here's where I made a serious blunder. But we'll get to that later. Just take note, as you read along, of something that I did TOTALLY wrong. And I paid for it, later. Trust me.


With that little tease, I'll talk about how I explored the ship. First, I knew I wanted to make reservations at several of the dining venues - most of which were in Central Park - so it only took a few minutes to stop in each restaurant and talk with the reservation desk. All of their doors were open, and the desks were staffed by smiling, friendly and helpful employees VERY willing to put me down in their books. I ended up purchasing the Central Park Dining Package, which gave me a discount on three of the venues: Giovanni's Table, 150 Central Park, and Chops Grille.


Note to other solo travelers: At first, it was a little strange for me to answer "One" when asked "How many in your party?" - but no one raised an eyebrow or looked at me like I had leprosy. It was my OWN insecurities that I needed to get over, and trust me - after one day - I was over it. Life's too short to get caught up in the insecurity of traveling alone - or feeling like a social outcast because you're a "solo" - the only one feeling weird about that would be yourself. :p (Now stepping down off my soapbox. Ahem. Carry on.)


After having walked right by the Soda Package Hawker down on Deck 5, when I had boarded, I still managed to purchase a package very easily by visiting the Trellis Bar in Central Park. Again - no line, no waiting - and in a beautiful outdoor setting.




After walking through Central Park, I then headed down to the Boardwalk, where I once again, explored the shops and venues...taking photos...marveling at the awesomeness of everything that is the Allure.


And tick...tock...tick...tock...the blunder I had unknowingly made was just getting bigger by the second. But I didn't know that. Yet.


Well, I was pretty much on a roll at this point. After exploring the Boardwalk, I decided to make an afternoon of it, and visited the pool deck area, as well as the Solarium. There were some people dining at the Solarium Bistro, and because I was practically STARVING by this point (not really - I'd just had the Roast Beef sandwich - but who was I to turn away from FREE food??!), I went through the line and got ANOTHER lunch.




I justified this by telling myself I'd visit the gym. So I did. I walked down there and took photos of it...does that count??!!


I then visited the Spa - as it's right next to the gym - and I waited in a short line to make my spa reservations.




Reservations...reservations...why is that word resonating with me?


Oh, snap.


I need to make my SHOW reservations!!!!!!


(Because when you book a cruise only three days before sailing, you will NOT get the opportunity to make show reservations in advance.)


Good lands...I'd totally forgotten about making show reservations...on Day #1, you can go down to Studio B (on Deck 4) and make your reservations...so this is what I did.


I ran down to Deck 4...and THUD.


I ran into a HUGE, HUGE line...snaking around the studio...


THIS, folks, was the serious blunder I'd made. Instead of lollygagging about the ship, taking photos, exploring, etc - I SHOULD have been down to Studio B at 11:00 am EXACTLY to make my reservations.


As it was, it was about 12:40...and not only was the (slow-moving, btw) line tremendously long...a lot of the "best" show times were now gone. Poof. Sold out. Gone with the wind.


Oh, snap.


Nothing to do about it now, though. I got in line and valiantly did my best in obtaining show reservations for what was left. As you're standing in line, there's a TV monitor that will scroll REALLY, REALLY FAST - indicating what show times are "gone."




I'm a fast reader, really - and I couldn't even read that fast. They need to slow it down a notch. It's no wonder the line moved slow; as no one knew what was sold out when it was their turn "at the window" to finally make their reservations.






AND...have a spreadsheet of what days/times you'd LIKE - as well as a 2nd or 3rd choice penciled in...or you'll be totally lost.


The bad news, as I said, was that I didn't get all of my first choices on shows.


The good news - I finished well after 1:00 pm - which meant that I could now go explore my cabin.




That's where I headed next. I wanted to see my little hole-in-the-wall for the next week...


...an interior cabin at the very front of the ship.


What would an interior be like? Dark? Gloomy? Quiet? Noisy?


Would it be too small? Would it be too far to walk?


What would I find??!!

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Referring to your picture of the "Roast Beef Line", about what time was that picture taken, or more importantly when does the line become agonizingly long?


Awesome job so far by the way on the review! I very much enjoyed the personalized ship tour beforehand! :cool:


I checked the Time Stamp on my photo, Bob, and it says that photo was taken at 11:52 a.m. The line will only get longer as more and more people board the ship.... ;)


Glad I can help on the tour! It's a beautiful ship...so much to see and do!

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I just wanted to say that I'm glad you are now able to continue with your review :)

I discovered you on Saturday, I normally only venture onto the Fred. Olsen & P&O threads, however I spread my horizons & read this review, then your Europe review & finally your Caribbean review yesterday. My husband said he is an iPad widower at the moment!


You really must write a book, your writing style is great & you always leave each post with a cliff hanger, a bit like each Harry Potter chapter does.


I'm looking forward to reading more.

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We don't usually board until 1pm or later, we drive down from the east coast of Central Florida, and I don't recall the line being long at all for roast beef sandwiches that first day. Maybe there is a big rush then it quiets down.

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Oh goody...the rest of the review:D. First thank you for the work you do with the American Red Cross (which I believe is celebrating 150 years of service? Correct me if I have this wrong.)


I am looking forward to the continuation of your adventure. I actually followed someone's link to your blog and as expected..you did not disappoint. I was glad to see you lived up to your name during your trip to Florida. How do these situations know where to find you?


I'm happy you had time to reconnect with your family...and now...back to your CC family.

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It was now time to go check out my cabin…


I really didn’t have a choice when it came to my cabin. When you book three days before sailing, you’re pretty much stuck with whatever is left – and as long as it wasn’t a broom closet, or the boiler room, I’d be happy.


I ended up getting Cabin #10131…located on the 10th deck…port side…at the VERY front of the ship. I normally prefer a balcony – or even a window, at the very least – but there was nothing else available, at least according to Guest Services onboard.


For the MOST part, I ended up being very happy with my cabin. It was certainly dark. It was extremely quiet. However…I really, really, really, really, really, really missed the ocean.


Can you tell that I really missed the ocean?


Especially on a ship as large as the Allure…I REALLY didn’t feel like I was EVER onboard a ship – and I hated that.


If I could have had the cabin directly across the hall – that had a balcony – or window – I would have been in HEAVEN.


But. ‘Twas not to be.


I opened my cabin door and was greeted by this:




Not bad sized, at all. Would be perfect for me, ideal for two, but cramped for any more than two. I’m on the small side, and yet that space between the corner of the bed and the vanity/desk area was tight even for MY standards.


I liked the mirror on the opposite wall…it bounced light through the room so it didn’t appear TOO dark and dreary. I also liked the nightlights and art lights – which gave a bit more brightness to the room.


My cabin attendant, Norman, figured out early on that I didn’t like to open the door to a dark cabin – EVER – and he would always leave a light on for me.


Here is another view of the cabin, only looking the opposite direction:




Not only can you see the closet, as well as the cabin door here, but you can also see how close the corner of the bed is to the vanity/desk. If there’d been sharp corners on that, I would have come home with 2,347 new bruises on my shins.



The closet is a good-sized closet…but it was a tight squeeze between the bed and closet. If there’d been TWO of us trying to get in and out of that closet, yikes. Anyway, here’s a good photo of the shelves and hanging clothes area:




The shelves were where I stacked my shorts and such. I could also put a few pairs of shoes on the shelves, where they were easier to reach rather than on the floor of the closet. There were plenty of hangers – but I always travel with wire hangers in my suitcase, because I never seem to have enough.


Another view of the shelves:



Yes. Those are my slippers. They go everywhere with me.


There’s been talk/questions before about the safe. It is found in the closet, and is simple to program. However, note how small it is:




My passport, money, and jewelry fit in nicely…but there’s no way my laptop would fit.


On either side of the bed, there are little nightstands with shelves. One of them is completely empty (this one – except I’ve stacked a few magazines there), but the other has the telephone on the top shelf. I mention that, because the telephone takes up quite a bit of space. Just an FYI.





Here you can see, though, how tight it is to the closet. Only one person at a time can really be getting in/out of the closet.


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There's these weird hooky-things on the wall when you come into the cabin...I guess you could hang jackets or such on them, but I decided they made GREAT accessory hooks - so my purses and scarves LOVED them:




Below the Accessory Hooks, there's a small shelf - which ended up holding my sunscreen for the pool - as well as a couple of magazine racks.



Or in my case, it held my iPad.


On the Vanity/Desk area, there's a cool iPod/iPhone docking system - for not one, but TWO devices. I could charge my iPhone while charging my iPod at the same time...and I could play music in my cabin through the speakers. I LOVED this.




The Vanity/Desk area itself had a shelf, a couple of drawers, and some smaller shelves...lots of "little" storage for little items; nothing major.




I used that one "open" shelve above the TV to store my soda cup, as well as my weakness - chocolate peanut butter M&M's. You can see them there in my "candy dish" on the shelf.




That keyboard you see is for your TV set...pretty cool technology.


Below the vanity, there's a refrigerator - with all sorts of tempting - and costly - items:




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The top drawer of the Vanity will have your hair dryer in it.


Here's a view of how big the drawer is...as you can see, I could just squeeze my hairbrush and curling iron in, in addition to the provided hair dryer:




People have asked about the hair dryers - how strong they are, how well do they work...and so I snapped a photo of the make/model:




I have shorter, thinner hair, and it worked just fine for me. Of course, I'm just a haircut away from being bald, so don't trust anything I say about it.


People have asked about ice in their staterooms...don't worry. Here's a sign in your room that tells you all you have to do is request it from your Stateroom attendant:




Now...let's talk plug-ins.


They're scarce. Trust me. You won't find any in your bathroom (there is one, but it's dedicated to a razor). Most of your plug-ins will be at the vanity area:


There's a 3-plug on the TOP of the vanity. I've got my Mac laptop cord plugged in, so you can see the size of what it can handle:




There's also some UNDER the Vanity/Desk area:




And then...there's the "secret" plug-in, that a lot of people miss. I would have missed it had I not been doing my research here on Cruise Critic. This plug-in is located under the bed - behind the headboard:




I've had to pull the mattress up...you're seeing the springs, as well as the carpet...and I have my "White Noise Machine" plugged in. This will be the plug-in to use if you require something to be plugged in close to your bed. It will be close to the nightstand where the telephone is (since you can see the phone line in the picture).


There. So much for the cabin. Now on to the bathroom.


Oh, not for ME. I mean for our tour!

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