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Just back from Ecstasy - Cabin Robbed!


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Just because this is their first post does not mean this is a false post. Some people come on here with the intention of warning others about their experiences, thinking that they could be helping others. This really isn't the type of board to do so on your first post. Epinions.com comes to mind for that. I, too, wish you would have found the boards before you cruised. You would have learned a lot of valuable information:)


Let us know what you hear from headquarters!


I don't think that it should matter that she chose this subject as her first post. Maybe she was a lurker before she started posting. We have many of those here. The problem are the ones that feel that they have to question a first time cruiser as if they are making something up. Who made them the experts? Sorry but that bugs me.

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Question for the OP if you come back to these boards...... Did you buy travel insurance?? I had stuff taken from a suitcase once and the suitcase damaged and was fully reimbursed for all the items. I'd file a claim and see where it takes you.

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I don't think that it should matter that she chose this subject as her first post. Maybe she was a lurker before she started posting. We have many of those here. The problem are the ones that feel that they have to question a first time cruiser as if they are making something up. Who made them the experts? Sorry but that bugs me.


The OP joined just today according to the profile... I don't think it's necessarily that his/her first post is negative.. To me, it's because the OP found this board after the trip complaining about costs of add on items that every cruiseline has that most can afford, but didn't bother to research any of it beforehand. You can bet if the cruise had been spectacular, that we'd never have a post to share with everyone. Easy to find this place to "warn" everyone, but can't find it to research costs :confused:


Do I believe the OP?? I don't know, but it could happen... I've left cash, jewelry, electronics, etc sitting out all over the room and never had an issue, but that doesn't mean that other's won't

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While I sympathize with the OP I have to agree that you should have just kept the money with you until you had the safe secured or tucked it away somewhere VERY safe - perhaps locked it in your suitcase? It sucks that it happened but if you leave it where someone can get to it you're all but asking for it (I mean that in a nice way, I promise!).


Seriously, don't just stay off Carnival because of this one situation - no matter what cruise line you take you run the risk. Just because you're an honest person doesn't mean everyone else in this world is.


And remember, KARMA. He'll get his ;)

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One day on our cruise last week, I accidentally left upwards of $400 sitting out on the desk....I hat taken it out, set it down, and forgot about it til later that night when i found it. It was still there.....


I have always always sailed on carnival, and yes, i have my share of complaints/annoyances which will be evident when I post my review...however. I love Carnival, their ships and their crews!!!!!


Had my $400 been stolen, unfortunately, it would have been no one's fault but my own.....

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Our cabin was robbed the second day (Tues, May 31, 2005) between 11:45am - 2pm. $120 cash & a bracelet we had purchased that morning were taken.



Sorry you had a horrible time. Hopefully your next cruise will be better.. ;)


But I must agree with some posters here you should never leave valuables out no matter where it is. :o


Also, in regards to cappuchino I was on a cruise 3 weeks ago and it was free.. :confused:

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You really can't beat the price, especially if you want to try a cruise for the first time or if you cannot take a longer vacation. I will cruise Ecstasy a second time this December. I liked her the first time around and hope to have a great time this December as well:)


I'm sorry if I may have sounded "uppety", Colette. I didn't mean to. I just am amazed at the first time Carnival cruisers who do the "I'll never sail Carnival again" routine and its usually because of the age of the ship (some show some wear & tear and in this case don't have the newer safes which don't require keys), the length of the cruise (3 dayers tend to draw the party animals which some don't like) or the sometimes uninteresting itineraries (GEEESH, where can you go in 3 or 4 days). I just find it amazing that some judge an entire cruiseline by their smaller and older ships with less extensive itineraries.


Just got off the PRIDE yesterday, but I intend to do a 3-dayer on the PARADISE with my son again soon and I'll not have my expectations set as high as on a 7 or 8 day cruise with a newer ship. I'm sure we'll both love this cruise just as much, however. And the price in November or December will be absolutely unbeatable ! ! :D


On the topic, I've frequently left my laptop and camera on the desk without a problem ever. Makes me wonder now. :confused:


I also noted the 1st post and the June 05 sign-up date, but didn't want to disregard her post just for that reason. I'm in agreement, had the OP spent a little time on this website BEFORE cruising, she may have avoided this by carrying the cash and necklace with her until they could resolve the safe key issue.

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I did not think you sounded uppity in the least! I do understand your reasoning behind your post. I think some people get the wrong idea about cruising budget and older ships. From some of the reviews I read on here, they are expecting a luxury liner and they are not on one. If they had only found CC before they cruised they would have been much more informed.


Corina's first cruise will be on the Ecstasy this October. She has done her homework, that's for sure:p She understands she will not be eating gormet meals or have her own personal butler. She knows that the ship is older and may have some minor wear and tear or other complications. But because she has researched her trip so well, I doubt we will be reading a negative review from her;)


So we are on the same wavelenght....in an odd sort of way! I'm sorry if I appeared to be questioning your post. Are we still friends??:D

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On the topic, I've frequently left my laptop and camera on the desk without a problem ever. Makes me wonder now. :confused:


I also noted the 1st post and the June 05 sign-up date, but didn't want to disregard her post just for that reason. I'm in agreement, had the OP spent a little time on this website BEFORE cruising, she may have avoided this by carrying the cash and necklace with her until they could resolve the safe key issue.


As you said she might have avoided the problem but you have apparently spent some time on this website and you admit you still left your lap top and camera out. If they had been stolen on your last cruise would you appreciate being told that you might have avoided the problem if you had spent more time researching on this board before you cruised?


Theft is wrong. Yes, many of us have learned to take steps to safeguard our possessions but it doesn't mean that taking things which aren't locked up is okay or that it is the fault of the one who has been stolen from.

I'm not even going to address the 'frst time poster ' comments. I've got to the point that whenever I see someone post that stupid comment I write them off as a numbskull.

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I'm sorry to hear that this happened. While I am not questioning the validity of your claim, I must ask - why would you leave money and jewelry in a safe that you could not lock and did not have a key for?



That's the part I don't understand

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Sorry to hear about your troubles. Please do not judge the entire line because of this one incident. I had a necklace stolen and so did my mother on a Holland America cruise in Alaska. My own fault though we left them out in the open. I must admit we JUST got off the Legend today June 6th and my DH left his gambling money on the desk with his wallet when we went to dinner. $ 500.00. After dinner he realized it. It was on the desk, our room was made up. No problem. He was lucky. If you love to cruise try Carnival again.

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As you said she might have avoided the problem but you have apparently spent some time on this website and you admit you still left your lap top and camera out. If they had been stolen on your last cruise would you appreciate being told that you might have avoided the problem if you had spent more time researching on this board before you cruised?


Theft is wrong. Yes, many of us have learned to take steps to safeguard our possessions but it doesn't mean that taking things which aren't locked up is okay or that it is the fault of the one who has been stolen from.


I'm not even going to address the 'frst time poster ' comments. I've got to the point that whenever I see someone post that stupid comment I write them off as a numbskull.


It wouldn't bother me one bit....I take my chances. Where to hell do you hide a laptop from a thief anyway? The "makes me wonder" statement was an after thought, but if you want to criticize me for telling a first time poster that they should have researched first (with out being mean in the process) then you should maybe re-evaluate your use of the word "numbskull".


As you develop some time and posts on Cruise Critic, you'll automatically, if you aren't a numbskull of course, develop a basic mistrust of FIRST TIME POSTERS BEING NEGATIVE ABOUT CARNIVAL (especially when they joined the day before). Frequently (not always for sure) these are trolls who have never even cruised Carnival and just want to make trouble. I don't believe that's the case of the OP in this thread at all, I want to add.

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Jenn- Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. You will learn quickly on this board that if you say anything negative about Carnival...you will be attacked and judged. It is sad. Thanks for sharing.....it may encourage others to be a little more careful.

I think you'll find as I have from reading the other boards that if you post anything negative on any of the boards that you will be "attacked" by the loyalist of that particular board. It's not something that is solely a Carnival board trait.

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I think you'll find as I have from reading the other boards that if you post anything negative on any of the boards that you will be "attacked" by the loyalist of that particular board. It's not something that is solely a Carnival board trait.


I agree completely. They get just as nasty defending their cruise line in other forums ;)

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As you develop some time and posts on Cruise Critic, you'll automatically, if you aren't a numbskull of course, develop a basic mistrust of FIRST TIME POSTERS BEING NEGATIVE ABOUT CARNIVAL (especially when they joined the day before). Frequently (not always for sure) these are trolls who have never even cruised Carnival and just want to make trouble. I don't believe that's the case of the OP in this thread at all, I want to add.



Why will I automatically develope this mistrust? I may not have many posts on cruise critic but I have been reading the board for quite a while as a guest before I registered and I haven't developed that basic mistrust yet. I'm not sure what you think will change that as I get more posts.


Do you think it makes more sense to beleive that there are people who haven't even cruised Carnival but just decide one night to register on cruise critic to post nasty things about the line than it does to believe that someone who never had bothered to post before might suddenly be motivated to register and start posting because of an upsetting experience they had?


Given your 'basic mistrust' of first time posters who are negative and your belief that they are frequently trolls who just want to make trouble, can you tell me on what you base your statement that

"I don't believe that's the case of the OP in this thread at all, "

what secret hints do you use to differentiate between first time negative posters who are trolls and those who are not? If you could clarify this for us ,I'm sure it would make things easier for us unfortunate people who don't have enough posts on cruise critic yet to have developed the 'basic mistrust' that you have.

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what secret hints do you use to differentiate between first time negative posters who are trolls and those who are not? If you could clarify this for us ,I'm sure it would make things easier for us unfortunate people who don't have enough posts on cruise critic yet to have developed the 'basic mistrust' that you have.

Lesson#1: when someone posts that the cruiseline they are no longer going to cruise is charging for things that other cruiselines don't, when in fact anyone that has cruised on more than one line knows is not true, that is a pretty good indication that part of the post is either over exaggeration or complete fiction.


I don't think anyone is completely discounting that the OP was robbed. But what is wrong in asking someone why they did something that may have helped contribute to a certain outcome?

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You don't have to register to read the boards.....I read for a year before I registered so I could post (and then lost over 200 posts in the change over to the new boards.) I am taking my third Carnival cruise in February (14th overall) and I will admit up front that Carnival is NOT my favorite cruise line........but I am giving them a THIRD chance! I sure hope that I am not flamed or questioned if I post a review of that trip and there are some negatives in that review. Seems that the majority of Carnival junkies cannot stand to hear that sometimes things are better on other ships or cruise lines........oh well, that is life! I don't expect perfection from Carnival or any other cruise line - perfection is impossible....and you know what? I don't trust all the reviews posted that are 100% positive - nothing wrong happened, the food was spectacular, etc. Those reviews make me wonder also.


To the OP - I am sorry that you were robbed. It is unexcusable - I don't care if you leave an expensive or inexpensive object or cash lying around. It should not be stolen. Period.


As to charging for lattes and speciality coffees, almost all cruise lines charge for them. That is just another revenue making center for them, as is bingo and the photos (which is why I never play Bingo or buy a picture unless it is a great one or special for some reason - which is so rare that I haven't bought a pic on my last 4 cruises.)

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My first cruise was on the Fantasy ... I became addicted to cruising from day one ... I do not think that the age of the ship is necessarily the thing that disappoints first timers ... I really can not be sure what it is since I was not unsatisfied with my cruise experience ... I went into it with a completely open mind ... I knew that the stuff I saw in commercials was just that ... Made for TV and I did not expect that level of perfection ... I also know that while every one on the staff should be honest, they are not and did not leave any thing of value, be it monetary or personal, where it could be a temptation ... Whether one is on a ship, in a hotel, or even at their place of work, common sense is the key ..

I feel bad that the OP had something negative happen on the first cruise, I also feel that in some ways, the OP is responsible for what happened. I also hope that they do not let the first experience be the only experience.

Just my 2 cents worth ...


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you admit you still left your lap top and camera out.


A lot of us do. It just that IMHO they are harder to conceal if stolen on a cruise ship. The likely candidate is ALWAYS the people that have access to your room. They would have to unload them pretty fast, or have a market for them.


Cash and jewelry, IMHO are different. Cash, unless marked, is untraceable, and jewelry, unless registered and the hope diamond, are pretty much under the radar, but instatnly tradeable.


But put cash ANYWHERE, it is the temptations of temptations.

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Not questioning the Op's validity but this seems to be a compilation of previous posters experiences. I can see where some would question it.


Hmmm, this persons cruise sounds a lot like other people's cruise's !

How dare they think they could fool us........

Claiming to have played Bingo.....drank coffee......had a room steward...PLEASE.....! :rolleyes:

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I get so tired of pople acting like a 10 year old ship is akin to a 10 year old car. A ship is a multi-million dollar resort.

I have been on ships that were 50 years old.


I do have to say.........Carnival's 10 year old ships are not in as good of shape as other older ships I've been on.

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I agree with Mervyn........loyalists to any particular cruise line will ream posters (new as well as experienced) over the coals if anyone sares to think their cruise was less than pefect. :cool:

Give me a major break!

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