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Norwegian Dawn Review 2/3 - 2/10


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I love Palm trees!



Fish to the left of Tabyana.



Some new fish that we hadn't seen snorkeling earlier in front of the resort.



There is a hotel next to us and a guy from there had brought out cheerios to feed the fish, needless to say, they liked it!



More fish!



View of the beach from the ocean.

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What the showers look like.



The Dawn at port. We had the room right above the dolphin's dorsal fin.



What a hull balcony's view looks like from inside the room.



Leaving Roatan.



Sunset off the bow.



Our snack of the day, this was by far my favorite!!!

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Leaving Roatan.


I can't get over how beautiful the day was when you were there. Your picture is amazing. Both times I have been to Roatan it has been hazy and overcast. Even overcast, the island is beautiful.


Here is a comparison shot of the day we were there


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I can't get over how beautiful the day was when you were there. Your picture is amazing. Both times I have been to Roatan it has been hazy and overcast. Even overcast, the island is beautiful.


Here is a comparison shot of the day we were there


We were VERY lucky with weather, very few clouds and no rain at all. Crazy how different it looks under grey skies! Thanks for sharing your pic. It's fun to see it in different kinds of light.

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Day Four - Belize City, Belize


We woke up fairly early due to the idiots next door yelling on their balcony and smoking (even with our door shut!). We had a later shore excursion meet time so of course on the day we could sleep in a bit we didn’t. Ah well. We made our way over to Cagney’s for breakfast and this time I tried the pancakes, DELICIOUS! They were possibly my favorite, reminded me of some I had when I stayed in Negril, yumtown.


We decided to head over somewhat early not knowing how long the tender would take. The last time I tendered it was in 2000 so the ships were slow and old. They’ve certainly changed things since I was on a tender last. Think of it as a very large speed boat. There were two levels and fit around 100 people or so? The ride was smooth and took around 30 minutes maybe?


We got to the port and were immediately hit with a wave of humidity. Coming from Ohio where we left 10º weather, it was a bit of a shock and we were all quite miserable pretty quickly. We wandered around a bit after being told, quite rudely, by the lady holding the sign for our tour (Bacab Jungle Park) that we were not to return until 10:40. Allllrighty then. We did some shopping and I got some Zyrtec and Z-packs in the pharmacy. I was overwhelmed with everything they had, wish I’d had more time to browse! LOL!


Eventually we all boarded a bus that had no a/c and headed to Bacab. Luckily the tour guide stopped being mean and was actually quite pleasant and gave us a narrated tour of Belize which was nice, even if the bus was miserable. After about 45 minutes or so we got to the “park” which seemed like we were just getting off at a random place, it really honestly wasn’t very jungly to us. A bit of a backstory: I’d originally done some research and was lobbying for Bannister Island but the other people wanted to do something different in Belize and chose this based on the description of a lush tropical pool surrounded by flowers etc. etc. etc. and also because it was a level one. Since Shirley was with us, we needed to do something that didn’t require much walking and was easy to do.


We got off the bus and headed to this hut where we heard a presentation about the butterflies. We got to see them in their various stages and so forth, which was interesting. They they brought out a boa constrictor which supposedly they just caught, not sure if that’s true or not. He was interesting anyway, but I don’t mind snakes. We then walked this raised bamboo trail to the “main” area of the park and it was pretty dicey for some. The tour was made up of mostly elderly people, I think I may have been the youngest at 33. The bamboo was uneven and some were popping up as you walked across. It was slow going for many in our group. Not impossible but not easy. Also, you don’t have to wear closed toe shoes unless you are not aware, they require it because of red ants but if you keep an eye out so you don’t step into an ant hill you are fine. They also advise you to bring bug spray but then on the tour they ask you do not use it at all because it will ruin the eco park. Trust me, you may want it. It’s pretty buggy. I’m sporting a few bites from that trip.


They give you the option of either staying at the pool and going to the butterfly house at your leisure or to go now and then enjoy your time in the pool. SKIP THE HOUSE. Unless something improves, it’s not worth the walk or the crowded house. There was only two kinds of butterflies. Enough to poke your head in and say “neat” but not worth wasting another 45 minutes over. The walk was OK but there was no signs and our group was so large that we couldn’t hear the first group and the second group was too far behind.


The pool is by far the best feature and I loved it. If you want to go to a lovely pool this is your place. Just skip the rest and go straight to the pool, seriously. It’s a gem. There are showers, changing area and bathrooms (toilets are iffy and hard to flush). There are waitresses to bring you drinks but be cautious with this, I still don’t know how it turned out but my friend used her credit card and they had all kinds of issues. First they didn’t charge her enough, then they came back with a new receipt, then they came back with yet another receipt because they didn’t charge enough AGAIN. Kind of worrysome. May just want to pay cash or go to the bar yourself. I tried the Blackberry Daiquiri (delicious) but the home run was the Milky Way and I am not a huge chocolate fan. WOW. There is food included with the trip and it was pretty good, especially the cole slaw.


The pool is so awesome. There is a waterfall feature that has a crazy fast waterslide built in and a nook for chilling out in. There’s a ton of nooks in the pool to sit in without being all the way in. There’s a couple areas to enter by stairs and an area with lounge chairs in the water. The kiddo pool is attached but separated with rocks you can walk across and they have a mushroom fountain. I didn’t see many kids here when visiting - maybe 5? It appears they also have other things going on here: biking, kayaking and horseback riding. People were sad they couldn’t enjoy the pool much by the time they got back and ate. It truly is the gem of the park. IMHO if they billed it as just that we’d have been fine but it wasn’t. Oh well, live and learn.


We got a new bus that actually had a/c on the return trip (wahoo!) and it took around an hour to get back due to traffic downtown from school getting out. It may have been longer than that because essentially once we got back we had to get on the ship, there wasn’t much time (we left at 3 and got back at 4:15). We did do one quick shot at The Wet Lizard to say we did it. LOL.


The return trip was on a HUGE catamaran that fit TONS of people. It was fast and the people running it were SO nice. They would take cameras from you to take pics of the ships at sea and were super nice. I liked them a lot.


Once we returned we went up to the pool deck and I got some 2 for 1 Martinis. They were once again, perfect. Afterwards we went for a dip in the pool and then went in the hot tub but it was WAY too hot. I love hot tubs, I can take most hot temps but even this was crazy. You couldn’t even put your feet in!!! Someone came by from NCL and said I was being a sissy then stuck his finger in and his eyes got HUGE and he said “wow, that is hot.” I never did go back in! I did meet a sweet Scottish couple while in there though so that was fun!


We ended up grabbing burgers from Blue Lagoon that night for something quick on our way back to our room. I got dressed and went out for another champagne at Gatsby’s before checking out the deck party... which was totally dead. There were a few people in a couple of the hot tubs but that was about it. The band was great and I was sad no one was dancing. I did a shimmy by myself (because heck, no one knows me!) and then went to bed.

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Day Four - Pictures



The Wet Lizard



Caterpillar from Bacab.



I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor... sorry, I always think of that song when I see them.



The butterfly "house" - too many people! Couldn't see much and it was quite warm. A lot of people left early.




The pool.

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The elevated bamboo trail. It isn't long but something to be aware of if you or someone you are with are unsteady on their feet.



The port as we pulled away.



Sit on the port side if you want to see the lighthouse!



Some of the other ships anchored along with us.



The Dawn.



The pool deck at sunset. I love the way it lit up.

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The infamous Rebellious Fish. I saw it and other drinks being served during the week in globe/circle shaped cups, wish I'd got one!



Barb the Duck trying her luck at the dreaded key machine. Don't do it. It's a money suck! However, it's fun to watch!!!!



The deck "party" :(

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Thanks for all of the pictures. We are staying in a cabin very near where you were on our upcoming cruise. Other than the loud neighbors, was the area quiet?


Yes, VERY quiet, save for the neighbors. There was no banging etc from any other part of the ship above or below us.

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Great Review! In particular, I love the food pics.


A couple of questions/points:


Is it possible to have too much cheese (re that Napoleon thing, which looks like a verticle caprese salad - except for the zukes - hmmmmm not sure about the zukes)?


I love palm trees too. They make me think: bring me a tropical drink now!


I'd love to see the fine print on the Ult Bev Package. People interps/experiences of it are all over the place here at CC.


I hope you now have some fondues at home too!


Cheers and thanks.

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Day Five - Costa Maya


We got up and headed to Cagneys once again and this time I got the omelet and it was pretty tasty!!! Not like the pancakes of awesome but still pretty good. Our room was on the starboard side so we couldn’t see Costa Maya out our window and it was sad but it was beautiful from the port side!


We got off the ship pretty quickly and headed to the meeting point, well tried, to go to our place for the day, Maya Chan. The exits aren’t really clearly marked and if you’ve not been here before you may easily get confused. Follow the signs to the first “emergency exit” and find the hut to your left and they should have your name at the hut for transportation. We went to the second exit which was rife with cabbies trying to get us to pay them to go and we knew transportation was included. Thankfully someone overheard our conversation and he told us where to go which wasn’t $2/per person in that taxi! He kept saying he was the “official” one but he definitely was not.


This port is one of the nicest ones I’ve seen. I really like the swim up bar/pool and the lounge area. Something neat to do if you don’t feel like going on an excursion. There’s also areas near the ocean but there’s no sandy beach keep in mind. There’s a ton of things to see and do and I think I could easily be entertained just staying in the port.


When they tell you the ride to Maya Chan is bumpy they weren’t lying. HOLY CRAP!!!! It is pretty bumpy!!! Worth it, but very, very, very bumpy and takes about 30 minutes. Be warned. Think of the worst road you’ve ever been on and multiply it. That’s what you’ll get. It’s worth it but be warned.


We get to Maya Chan and are welcomed by Lee who tells us the lay of the land, where the bathrooms are, where the food will be served etc. Then we each get guided to our private palapa for the day which has chairs for all, a bed and a hammock. Love! They had chips, salsa and guac brought out along with bloody marys and mimosas. There was another ship there that day and they were leaving not long after we got there, I felt bad for them! They got there really early and left around noon Mexico time. I guess they stay on ship time which is confusing and means a stranger day in port IMHO. If you want to go to Maya Chan, don’t go with Carnival Dream! Or go if you don’t mind being there SUPER early in the day.


Maya Chan was simply amazing. The food was spectacular (I know it looks strange but EAT THE SOUP!). The service was amazing. The place was SO peaceful. The only drawback is what everyone else mentions, the seagrass and the water color. Our day it was pee yellow and cloudy due to a rainstorm but by the afternoon it had cleared up a lot. The flipside is that there were TONS of pelicans and birds in the area! I was fine not having blue water. It all feels the same! We went snorkeling and that also was pretty awesome, I had heard it wasn’t so great here but it was fine! By far my favorite thing to do here was lay in the chairs and float around. I need those chairs at home, although I don’t have a pool so that would be a problem LOL! The drinks were delicious and they kept them coming. I got something I called a toxic mango (7 different liquors LOL). Sadly the owners weren’t there due to a family emergency, but their son was super lovely and kind! The wifi only worked for me in the bar area but that was OK.


After we got back we did a bit of browsing in the port shopping area. The key here is to barter AND to have cash. No one would accept credit cards it seems. Or maybe they do but they say they don’t to get cash? Either way, if you plan on shopping here bring cash - also a thick skin. One of the ladies I was with was told that a dress she was looking at would look good on her since she’s pregnant. She’s not pregnant (and it’s a sore subject because she wanted a kid very badly). I’m sure it could happen anywhere but he wasn’t apologetic and got mad when she told him she wasn’t pregnant. It was just a BAD experience overall so we went back to the boat mostly empty handed (I did manage to snag an ornament but at the last second realized the one I’d picked up said “CanCun” on it, switched it for another one that had nothing).


Back on the ship we lazed around a bit before heading to La Cucina for dinner. We were VERY clear when booking our reservations with the desk girl but apparently not enough because she’d booked us in Le Bistro. They were able to get us in though thankfully. The waiter was OK but not one of my favorites of the trip. The menu is mostly italian which I love. I’m not too picky when it comes to italian, heck, I eat Cher Boyardee at times! However, this meal was AWFUL! I had lasagna which the waiter swore was the best thing on the menu. It was horrid. It was made with a beef paste like substance, the noodles were rubbery and it was just bad. The sauce had a funny taste. My second choice, Chicken Parmesan which a friend got was just as bad. The regular noodles and sauce were OK and the salmon was decent. I wasn’t keen on the desert offerings. I am not a fan of nuts, coffee or chocolate so there wasn’t anything for me :(


That evening we finally checked out our first show, Jocka and Maria. They are an acrobat team and are pretty impressive, especially given the swaying that the boat was doing. I wasn’t really sure how it would be when the others wanted to go, I thought it would be lame honestly. I’ve never seen, or been much interested, in the Cirque shows when in Vegas but I figured it’d be entertaining at least. I really enjoyed it and I was definitely impressed!!! I recommend this one to pretty much everyone!


Afterwards we did another spin through the blasted key machine (every night someone else would think they knew the best method of getting the loot!) then it was time to mosey over to the Spinnaker Lounge for the White Hot party. I went for one reason only, to get the blinky light cup. I'd been on a mission for it all week and the waiters kept telling me they discontinued it until finally one said it's a white hot party deal. The cruises I'd been on before it was available at night so I wasn't sure how/where to get one. LOL! I went in at 10PM and was the first person to get one, they hadn't even brought them out yet. LOL! We ended up staying for about 45 minutes or so and it looked like a lot of fun. The ladies I was with aren't really the dancer kind so I just chair danced a bit and had fun. I realized how young I was when everyone - including the people I was with - didn't know what song Baby Got Back was. Oh man. LOL!!! It was also funny, about 10 minutes in, the place CLEARED OUT. So if you go in and want to turn around because there are no chairs, wait a few minutes. You will have one in no time. They also handed out free glow necklaces for the first 15 minutes or so. As soon as the elderly got that they left. Which was fine but amusing. After our round of drinks, we headed to bed.


Turns out our neighbors on the other side had kid(s), that we'd only heard once during the trip on the balcony during the sail away from Roatan. I’m still not 100% sure what was going on over there, it happened another night too. I think they only had one kid but were traveling with friends who had kids so they’d put them all in one of the rooms and leave them for the night. The TV was blaring and they were screaming banshees until just after midnight when it all abruptly shut down. It happened again the next night as well. At least it didn’t go too late but it was annoying. We couldn't hear them too much through the adjoining door but we heard them through the balcony (I think their door was open, ours was closed). At first we thought it was a club below us but it wasn't.

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Great Review! In particular, I love the food pics.


A couple of questions/points:


Is it possible to have too much cheese (re that Napoleon thing, which looks like a verticle caprese salad - except for the zukes - hmmmmm not sure about the zukes)?


I love palm trees too. They make me think: bring me a tropical drink now!


I'd love to see the fine print on the Ult Bev Package. People interps/experiences of it are all over the place here at CC.


I hope you now have some fondues at home too!


Cheers and thanks.


Ironically the person that ordered it LOVES cheese, so for her to say it was too much, means it probably was. She said one slice of the goat cheese would have been perfect.


I couldn't get close enough to the table to check out the fine print, people were crawling all over the thing! It was a madhouse since it was the table to sign up for UBP/pop/wine and water packages.


I will definitely give fondue another whirl now that I am home.

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Day Five - Pictures



Breakfast at Cagney's - ham and cheese omelet, hash browns and bacon.



Welcome to Maya Chan! I bet you are VERY GLAD to be out of that van! LOL!



View from our palapa.



View of Maya Chan from the water. You can see the water isn't blue but it's fine!



Another shot of Maya Chan.



You can tell life was hard there right? Seriously, this place is the place to go to bliss out.

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One of the dozens of pelicans that were out and about. I had a lot of fun watching them.



Lunch was probably the best food we had the entire trip!



Dessert. LOL



Another view, I know, I know. Stop.



We kayaked out to the reef (although it looks daunting from the shore it isn't too bad of a trip) and snorkeled around the reef. Tip: when you think they tell you to wash your mask because of the SALT, don't think it's not a big deal. Due to the accident, I misheard. It was SOAP not SALT and my eyes were burning! Whoops! LOL!



More of the snorkeling. It's definitely worth the trip out and a place you can snorkel despite reports you can't/it's not worth it.

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We never got his name (DANGIT!) but he's a star! The one with me in the picture is pretty awful so you get Nancy instead. LOL.



Walking back to the ship.



Oh I forgot this snack of the day! It was good too!



iPhones SUCK in concert type lighting but Jocka and Maria were amazing.



Hello, please come to my room...



Barb the duck enjoying a cocktail in the blinky cup. LOL

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