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Very Poor Response and Customer Service From Carnival. Please read..


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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?


I think this is one of the best posts in all the Carnival threads (that I've read), especially concerning the Triumph.


Cowpokes, I'm really glad you all made it home safely. There were a lot of us glued to our computers and tv's, praying for your safe return. (And unfortunately, there were a lot who were intent on arguing and proclaiming just how horrible things were for y'all....)

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?


Look Articcat, someone who WAS on the Triumph and WILL sail again!!


Thank you cowpoke for posting on this thread about your experience.

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?

NO! NO! NO! NO!!!


You were on the edge of death! You were left to fend for yourselves and you lived like savages! It was like Katrina!


How dare you skew the facts!

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As a follow up to my previous post...we were also glad we had with us...

Binoculars! 3 Carnival cruise ships came to deliver supplies, in addition to helicopters and coast guard support. To watch that process close up was fascinating. It was very difficult for the lifeboats from the neighboring ships to drop items due to choppy water, it would have been a VERY bad idea for large numbers of people to have been in them.

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I feel sorry for some of the people that post on this board who have such a low level of intelligence, walking around in this society, to think much else could have been done to expedite the people back to the U.S. Could they have made life aboard somewhat better? Most likely. Will they compensate those who have a claim for losses? Probably.


Do alot of Americans get sucked into the "Nanny State", sue first and ask questions later mentality? I was inconvenienced in life therefore I should be given a free ride/compensated beyond reason? Absolutely. And its disgusting.


Good to have a high intellect to identify those of lower functioning. Perhaps you could provide guidelines to live by.

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As a follow up to my previous post...we were also glad we had with us...

Binoculars! 3 Carnival cruise ships came to deliver supplies, in addition to helicopters and coast guard support. To watch that process close up was fascinating. It was very difficult for the lifeboats from the neighboring ships to drop items due to choppy water, it would have been a VERY bad idea for large numbers of people to have been in them.


Welcome home! Glad you are safely home.


Thank you for this as well as your other comments.

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?



LOVE LOVE LOVE your post!!! Thanks so much for posting.

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As a follow up to my previous post...we were also glad we had with us...

Binoculars! 3 Carnival cruise ships came to deliver supplies, in addition to helicopters and coast guard support. To watch that process close up was fascinating. It was very difficult for the lifeboats from the neighboring ships to drop items due to choppy water, it would have been a VERY bad idea for large numbers of people to have been in them.


You have no idea how many people were demanding that you be transferred to another ship.

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I was on this ship.


It was bad - some had worse expereinces then others.


Some had better expereinces then others.


Its all about expectations really.


How are you going to fair in the face of an event such as this?


I am not thinking very well if you are not even willing to throw the dice and see if it happens.


Don't cancel. Change. I cruise on the Conquest in 11 days. Join my family.

If you have a bad time in the face of an adverse situation with me, then you have much deeper issues.


Go on your cruises, have a good time and know when your time is up - it is not you that will decide.


Safe travels, happy times, and next year book a spa at the local club?

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You have no idea how many people were demanding that you be transferred to another ship.


Yep. And most of them were uninformed people who are carnival haters and don't cruise carnival. But they were all knowing.


Sent using my Commodore 64

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NO! NO! NO! NO!!!


You were on the edge of death! You were left to fend for yourselves and you lived like savages! It was like Katrina!


How dare you skew the facts!


Lol- I know! In fact, I would like to be compensated for being so worried about them- it actually sounds like most people still managed to have fun! :mad:


I think the media and people not actually on the boat are more upset then the people that were on the cruise...where is our compensation?!?


But really- I'm glad everyone is ok and happy they finally made it home! :)

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Thank you to Articcat for starting this thread! As 1 poster said, we likely have 1 very happy troll out there right now enjoying this immensely :)


Thank you cowpokes for sharing your story! The truth is appreciated.


I love cruising and look forward to new ships and new destinations!

I think Articcat's intention was to spread a lot of crap around ......and Cowpokes just cleaned it all up.


Thanks to Cowpokes for posting their experiences....;)

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Now I have to wonder if anyone did anything to help clean up the Triumph while on bored or if they just sat around griping because "that is not there job". I know that sounds crazy but me personally, I like my area clean. My DH thinks i'm crazy when I clean up our room, make the bed, wipe down counters, pick up trash in the hallways and wipe up fluids that I find on the floor. He is always saying I'm on vacation and there are people who get paid to do that but that is no reason not to clean up after yourself. So I probably would have went into overdrive on Triumph trying to fight boredom and would have requested a mob and cleaning supplies and tried to make the condition of the ship I was stranded on a little more tolerable. That would probably get you perks with the crew too! (I bet they didn't have 3 hour long waiting lines for food! "Mind if I join you for dinner after I get done cleaning this bathroom?" or "How about slipping me that half bottle of vodka?")


I did clean my living areas up - cabin, deck tent and then our elevator area on deck 7 where we moved our mattresses too.


I carried my dishes back to the 9th deck buffet area


My cabin steward would smile and try to stop us and do it - saying it was his pleasure and such..


They did not stand in lines for food. They were not allowed too.

They had sandwiches and limited water in the crew mess hall area.

LIMITED - we and other passengers I know, passed food along to them.


Passengers came first - it was not a 'we are all in this together'. It was 'these people are still on vacation and did not agree to this ...., make the best of it for them'. And I believe that is the philosophy handed down from the top leaders.


The crew also know top service behavior. It's what they live breath and do for months on end. These are not entitled spoiled Americans. These people know hard work and respect what it takes to make money for their family.


When passengers tried to help we were stopped, an announce,net was actually made telling us thank you for the offers (some out of boredom and true appreciation for the tired crew) but no thanks.


The dancers and bar tenders were put into action serving food on the lines because they VOLUNTEERED - the dances and spa people do not work for same contract company - they are paid differently. Privately I believe.


It was bad but as someone else stated on another thread - I would rather be on this ship as I was then on a crashed plane.

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When i see posts like this..where people cancel future plans worried that the same could happen to them i wonder....how do you leave your house everyday?

I had a ford in the 90s that broke down many times on my way to school. About three times for the exact same reason the car would just shut off on the interstate. I never was rescued from the 100 degree Ga heat by the people who fixed my car. I sweated my butt off and hoped that some stranger would come take me to the next town that was sometimes 30plus miles away. There were no cell phones back then. I was stranded alone many times and never once thought about dropping out of school or suing the dealerships who tried to fix my car. I sucked up the mental anquish and tears and tuffed it out for 5 years and got a degree!


You do want u want and stay home...i will enjoy my cruise with Carnival!

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I have sailed with them before. Thats the loyalty!





adjective \ˈlȯi(-ə)l\




Definition of LOYAL



: unswerving in allegiance:


IF you were loyal you wouldn't be giving up on them. You'd be sticking with them.


I've sailed on RCC before but I'm not loyal to them. I'm a past guest who had a marvelous time. Prior sailings don't make you loyal, sticking with them and continuing to sail with them makes you loyal.


I'm sorry you can't get a refund. I hope you have a wonderful time.

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Just got off the phone with Carnival. I called inquiring about cancelling our two cruises that are fully paid for. Wanted to know what our options were.


Due to the Triumph issues I agree accidents happen, but DON"T agree with the way they handled it. They could of brought another ship out there to get the passangers off.


So I called to see what Carnivals attitude towards upcoming passengers. Its not good.


If you paid for your cruise they are NOT offering refunds. Its a Triumph issue not a Victory or a Liberty issue is there response.


I was told as far as compensation to future passengers, there has not been any brought out to this point.


So in a nutshell, if your unsure about the cruiseline or have concerns about the response, your SOL.


Im booked in two weeks on the Victory then right after on the Liberty. They don't care about loyalty, they just want the money!:(


Yeah, bummer right?


I filed a claim with Carnival on the first night of my 8 day cruise. Now 9 days later and I still havent' heard back from them.


Here's my review if you want to read about it ... http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1792146

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Thank you for your great post !!! It is similar to many of the interviews that were on TV as people disembarked.


Of course, it seems that the media were disappointed that they didn't find many with gloom and doom stories, so thanks for a dose of reality !!!!:D:D


This was the same with the SPlendor. You would have thought people were dying on the ship.


Almost everyone came off saying it was what it was and that the crew, suffering the same conditions, did a great job.


I think the only people complaining were the Anti-Carnival people and the "I am Diamond status" people who complain so much about Carnival, yet they keep cruising with them.

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D - the dances and spa people do not work for same contract company - they are paid differently. Privately I believe.




Correct - The Spa staff are not Carnival employees - they

work for Steiner Leisure Group. Gift shop staff

also do not work for Carnival.


Dancers are Carnival staff... part of the

entertainment dept...

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I thought of that too, but then I realized to do that they have to send a ship larger than Triumph and the only one readily available to do that would have been Magic, but she was in the middle of a seven day cruise. The only other size ships they could have sent was the Victory or another Conquest class ship, but it would have taken several days to get it back to port, emptied, restocked and out to the Triumph. This in addition to the fact that they'd have to cancel the vacation of an additional 3,000-5,000 people.


Then I read the NYT article where they interviewed the woman whom they were able to get off for medical needs. Her sister was supposed to go with her, but the seas were too rough and the woman barely made it off, after having to climb down a rope ladder.



I saw her interview on T.V., she said it was really hard, men were trying to get her on and off the boat while literally holding onto her, the water was that rough. They decided the relative would not go through the same thing for safety reasons.

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Remember, everyone is saying if you don't want the risk, don't go... Well the OP isnt going. There's nothing wrong with his choice. You may be uneducated in at sea transfers... I am too, it's ok, and that's the reason for your decision. I would like to ask you though, if the transfer was easy, why was the passenger who needed dialysis taken off in a helicopter, instead of a boat?




But As far as your money back,


Sorry, that's the policy, it was when you signed up, sorry for that, but don't blame carnival for poor customer service when that's just what the policy is and always was.


Enjoy your time elsewhere, as I see no reason for you to be on a cruise website anymore. Goodbye.

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Has nothing to do with me....... I spent good money on two cruises back to back. If Carnival is a bad company for neglecting basic needs for people, then I have THE RIGHT to request a refund... This is 2012. There is other options to get that ship to a shore so passengers can transfer to another boat. It costs $$$$$ Thats what this is all about. So ya it does affect me, cause if it happens on either one of my cruises, you clowns will come back and say, you knew what you were getting into or it was your decision. Yes it is my decision, and if I lost confidence in the company thats my decision. Ya they won't refund my money..... Who cares. Thats a drop in the bucket. You pro Carnival lovers, they can do no wrong and heaven forbid a poster dosn't agree with you, you all gang up on him like a old boys club. You know what site this is? Cruise CRITIC. It means to criticise. That is what im doing. But you can't take ciriticism, so best you leave to another site...


You are so right! If I could cancel my cruise in October, I would.................faster than a speeding bullet!

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