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The amazing ELATION vacation 2/18-23,2013


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These guys looked like statues at first but they werent. Kinda scared me when they started to move!! lol



I found some gifts for my girls and some vanilla and headed back to our room for a nap. A 2 ½ HOUR NAP!!! Oh geeze I musta been tired! Time to get ready for dinner.



Tonight I had the Mango cream soup and the Indian vegetarian leaving barely enuf room for the diet coconut cake with a shot of espresso. Mom had a salad the didja cured salmon, the jerked pork loin and tiramisu. We caught the waiters dance again too !





Chilled mango creme soup. Has a bit of ginger in it too. Very good




Indian Vegitarian off the everyday menu. Always a good alternative to the regular menu.



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Coconut cake. Diet but soooo good mmmmm


After the espresso and a nap I was ready to go for the night. Didn’t think Id be out too late at the time but one fun led to another… I LOVE the sing a long with Micheal at the piano bar. I first came in when they were doing Guess that song. So fun to be able to get some right myself. Go Gena!!!


Sing a long was great! I stayed for the whole things and met a nice couple and had a blast when we did Bohemian Rhapsody. Now Michael doesn’t like to sing this one so much so he made us promise that we would all join in and it was absolutely insane. We totally brought the house down with that one. Everyone one doing their part and Michael just nailing it on the piano! Best part of the cruise hands down!



I was sad to see the sing a long come to a close for the night and I certainly wasn’t tired yet so I headed to Jeckyl & Hyde. I wasn’t in the mood to dance at first, kinda just having the wall flower vibe but a very drunk and very instant guy got me on the dance floor. I did have fun and I met some new friends that I would label my dancing friends ( Josh, Rhoda and Erica) the rest of the trip. :D


It was a great night that got better when…..well remember when I said I didn’t think Id be out late???? Yeah well my mom did and at 1am she got worried and called to see what was still open. So heres me dancing and hanging out with new friends at J&H and I turn around and theres my mom!!! :o Once a mom always a mom I guess cuz Im 43 and its been a while since Ive had someone check up on me!


Well since she was there, I figured she needed to join the fun. Of course she wouldn’t dance when I asked her but then here comes Josh and she hit’s the floor with him!! Yes I took pictures with my cheapy under water camera that has no flash! Ugh they were too dark to share but I swear it really did happen!! She left eventually and a while later I went off to bed too.




This is Michael at the sing a long in Dukes Piano Bar. This guy is great. I had a blast every time I went!




And then there were 3 new friends

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Thursday, 02/21/13 Progreso


I woke up with a little resistance today so mom went off to breakfast by herself and I just ordered some coffee and fruit from room service.


We didn’t have a plan yet for the day. Originally we thought it would just be a hang around port kinda day but once mom heard about Merida she wanted to see it.


I had read enuf about AutoProgreso to know that if we did want to do something away from port theyd be the ones to go with. They actually do the free bus that takes you down the 5 (?) mile pier to Progreso and have tours you can sign up for right there. Mom got excited about this idea and we signed up for a tour to Merida as well as added a trip to see Dzibilchatun and Cenote de X’Lacah.


After mom retired from the rail road a few years ago she decided to go back to college and work on her Masters degree! Yes at 64 my mom went back to college ( she actually went to college after we graduated HS and graduated in 1994 magna cum laude….yes Im bragging hehe). Anyway she studied a lot about the Mayan culture and did a serious paper on it, so this was right up her alley. Ok back to the review….whoops…..


Ok so AP stuck us in the front of the line to get on the next bus into town where we would be able to spend a little time in Progreso before our bus left for the tour. It was going to be about 100 degrees that day so I got a cowboy hat…it was pink….ok neither of which is usually my thing but I liked it and it was from Mexico and Im ½ Mexican so I figured it’s a Mexican cowboy hat…..just let me go with that…lol.








The shops when you get off the ship before taking the bus to Progreso




Autoprogreso buses are very nice!




On the bus coming into the city you can see the beach

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We walked around town for about an hour before our next bus was to leave. Progeso is defiantly not your glammed up port stop. I think its more of a real look into a small town trying to make it and being a port stop is huge for them. You can see all the many little shops trying to make a go but it doesn’t look easy.


One of the things I had wanted to do if we had stayed in town was to ride the 5buck truck, so when I saw it I was excited to get a picture. Maybe next time Ill ride it. Oh I should also mention that the bus stop in Progreso has free WIFI. I realized this about 2 minutes before our bus left…


The AutoProgreso bus is comfortable and has AC. Along the way our guide for the day Ivan talked a lot about the Yucatan. He is a very proud man and loves his state and capital city, always careful to say that Yucatan is not part of Mexico and they are not like those people. I know he wants us to feel safe to be there considering the problems that Mexico has had for a while. Also tho he is proud of the Mayan culture, language and history. It made him very fun and interesting to listen to.













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Dzibilchaltun ruins were first on our stop. It is know to be one of the most important ceremonial sites of the Mayan world. Ill try to explain more about why with the pictures.


Also on the site was the Cenote, which is basically a sink hole or a well that was the source of water for the Mayans. It was beautiful and a welcome break from the hot Yucatan sun. Ivan would tease us about making sure we had sunblock on because we don’t have his sexy dark skin.




The Welcome center at Dzibilchaltun. Very green and lush







Not so lush on the grounds of the ruins where it is right out in the open. Effigies all in a row




The Pyramid and then the back of the chapel







And the most famous spot is the Temple of the Seven Dolls. Named for the 7 small effigies found at the site when it was discovered. Also at spring and fall equinox at 6 am sharp the sun will shine directly though the middle window, summer solstice though the left and winter solstice though the right...i think thats how it goes. It is also located on the North line. a way of telling direction before there were compasses

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On the far left side of the pyramid you can actually go into just a little space inside. dont worry theres a sky light so you wont be in the dark.




Cenote pictures. We didnt bring our suits as we originally didnt have a plan when we got off the ship. We just stuck our feet in and enjoyed the cool water







This is not another cruise toes picture. When you put your feet in the Cenote the fish come up and eat the dead skin off your feet. It doesnt hurt but it tickles like crazy and they dont stop. Ive actually heard that there are people who pay to get a pedicure this way...




At the deeper end of the Cenote it is 140 feet deep and continues to an underground tunnel which is great for scuba diving

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Ok thats it for tonight. I hope to come back tomorrow and almost finish this review. Whew for not knowing what Id be doing I sure did take a lot of photos on the progreso day and I havent even gotten to Merida yet. Hope you guys like reviews with lots of pictures!! :D:eek:;):p

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Loving your review!


We were meant to be visiting the same ports on board the Triumph a couple of weeks ago..but of course, that didn't happen. :(


I finally got an email from Carnival today that they would be refunding our airfare for the cruise that didn't happen (woohoo!), so of course, what are we thinking of doing? Giving the money straight back to them by booking the Elation out of NOLA. Haha.


Keep writing - enjoying it all!

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Jamona, I saw that you were spending time in New Orleans on a Sunday, was alot of places closed on Sunday,


If you have the time can you email at alilcntry@ hotmail.com and let me know about your experiences on sundays


I'm sooo sorry. I meant to email you but forgot. Id say most things were open. And there was pleanty to see n do that day. As you see we had a very fun and full day. :D

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Loving your review!


We were meant to be visiting the same ports on board the Triumph a couple of weeks ago..but of course, that didn't happen. :(


I finally got an email from Carnival today that they would be refunding our airfare for the cruise that didn't happen (woohoo!), so of course, what are we thinking of doing? Giving the money straight back to them by booking the Elation out of NOLA. Haha.


Keep writing - enjoying it all!


Good to hear than carnival is doing the right thing. You will love NOLA and the Elation:)

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Time to go to Merida. The state of Yucatans capitol city. Oh my god, sooo many beautiful homes in the old part of the city. Again my camera was going crazy and again pictures will help explain how beautiful. I do think we may have been running short on time because we barely had time for a lunch stop….sooo hungry by this time…and Ivan led us quickly though the oldest home in Merida before catching the bus back to the ship bypassing Progreso all together. We had just enuf time to snag a dress I had saw earlier that I wanted for DD18 ( got one for DD22 earlier that day) and jump back on the ship about 20 minutes before sail away. No way did I want to be one of those pier runners everyone watches for! Eek.





Ivan our guide for the day




This round about is a Monument to the country that took 11 years to build










The founder and his father




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A beautiful old church in Merida




The best Mojito ever!!!!!!!!!!




Fresh salsa with lots of cilantro ( my favorite kind) and guac.




This is where we had lunch, just down the block from the city park. Sitting at an umbrella table made dining outside very comfortable.




At Ivans suggestion mom and I both ordered the Yucatan Shrimp. Sooooo good and the shrimp were huge and plentiful. This meal also came with warm corn tortillas.

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A couple of pictures of the city park in Merida. Reminded me of neighborhood parks you see in NYC. Lots of people out enjoying the day today. i wonder if thats normal or could it be siesta time???










A quick tour of the House of Montejo built in 1549 and said to be the oldest house in Merida....and probably one of the nicest too!




From the open entrance on the street you come into the court yard that is very green and lush with a "pond" that is built in the middle.




The house itself surrounds the open air courtyard. Beautiful high ceilings, chandeliers and a lot of antique furniture. You actually have to walk in the middle on the path that they have laid on the floor. I didnt see it and I guess the woman working there kept telling me to step back. whoops

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One more picture of the House of Montejo







This blue building is a hotel. Ivan made some references to it and it sound wonderful but I cant remember what they were anymore....:confused:




Ivans dream home. I can see why!




Back to the ship just in time!

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We dropped off our bags and headed out to the Serenity deck for sail away and eventually a beautiful sunset on an amazing day. Time to get ready for dinner.


Tonight I had the Lobster bisque, frog legs and chateaubriand. Mom had the chilled creamy bing cherry soup, a salad of some sort and the chateaubriand also. We both also heard the grand marnier souffle was good so tried that. For me, tonight a cappucino was in order.


After dinner mom went to back to the room for the night and I went in serch of fun. I tried out the Mega Deck party for a while but wasn’t feeling it so I went to Cole Porter to see if I would get up the nerve to try some karaoke.


I hemed and hawed for a while and finally decided on P!NK- Don’t let me get me. I submitted my song and waited, shaking like a leaf. Josh, a new friend from the other night and showed up, promising to cheer me on. As it turns out karaoke ended before I got called. All that nervousness for nothing. Ok I need a drink!! We head over to Jeckyl & Hyde and run into Rhoda and Erica!! Yay time to dance! It was a fun night.


Im really mad at myself for never taking pictures of those nights at J&H or of my new found ship friends. Kinda sucks too that Ill probably never get to see them again. Thanks guys for taking this solo girl and and making her one of the girls! Thanks Josh for your company. It was always so fun to run into you everywhere and chat for a while. Youre a sweet and funny guy with out being a tool. Ha ya know what I mean.





Sunset from the Serenity. Funny this was the only decent shot I got and I took a bunch. Well I guess one is all you really need! hha








Frog legs. Tastes like chicken?? I really dont think so but it is very close.




Lobster bisque with a little puff pastry in the middle




Chateaubriand, potatoes and creamed spinach. Very good tender and the Baranaise sause is soooo go with it. Ive never had Chateaubriand before so I dont know if thats normal...




Grand Marnier souffle and the much needed cuppuccino.

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Friday 02/22/13 Sea day/ Last day L

Mom went to breakfast on her own again as I had a spa appointment at 930 and didn’t wake up in enuf time to join her. I did get some packing done and then was out the door.


Once again I did the Top to Toe package which this time was $139. I think it’s a good deal for what you get and it come with the full body message, and a spa facial. Theres some other fancy spa moves thrown in there but I cant find my info on it. It is 75 minutes long. Now I think these girls do a wonderful job! I had the best experience on Ecstasy and knew I wanted to go this route again. I feel sooooo good after the massage and I always enjoy a great facial.


After my Spa time I started my habit of getting pictures of the whole ship. I like to do this in one swoop cuz if I try doing it as I go I just end up with a million picture of Tiffanys hallway or something. So if you’ve been waiting for more ship pics nows is that time!





Entrance to the Spa/Gym area




Looking down at the Atrum bar from Deck 12




A higher shot of the Atrium




Looking at the walking/running track




Mini gold and Mast




The coins!!!

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I did find the coin this time around. Had a heck of a time trying on

Ecstasy and failing miserably. Thanks to Hannahsmomtoo who read my Ecstasy review and found it for me. Soooooo I figured since Elation is a sister ship…..maybe…just maybe theyre in the same spot.


I ran into Josh this morning too and we chatted for a bit. Funny how you just seem to run into the same ppl over and over again and some you see once and never again. For instance there was this couple I met on the train home who had taken the train to NOLA same day as me, and was on the same cruise! Never ever met them till we met at dinner on the way home. So weird.





From outside the Mini gold




Ping pong




Lido pool




Aft pool area




Ahhhh love that wake!!





I love getting a shot from here. Aft pool are going down to lido

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The Amazing Elation Vacation 2/18-2/23

Ok, let me start by saying, I never thought Id be cruising again so soon. Lucky for me, when I told my mom about my Ecstasy cruise back in September she said she wanted to go on a cruise too. Actually it was more like a whine…;) hha just kidding mom…kinda. We kinda played around with some ideas and prices and next thing you know were booking the Elation for the February 18th cruise!!!! Lucky for me my DH Terry has a soft spot for me spending quality time with my mom who lives in St Paul/Az so he was very helpful in making this trip a reality.


If you read my Ecstasy review you may remember I kicked a few things off the bucket list. A warm vacation in the middle of a Wisconsin winter was checked off, yay! Actually visiting New Orleans was big on my moms BL too so it was a win/win. Hehe


Looking forward to this vacation, I soon realized that every part of it was part of the journey. I booked a roomette on Amtrak from Chicago to NOLA which included a bus from Madison to Chicago. I love the train to being with and not having to leave my car parked somewhere for a week or hope the weather was decent made Amtrak and easy choice. I also have never had a roomette so I was super excited about that too.

We are sailing on the Elation on 4/4......anxiously awaiting your review and photos !!!

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Basketball and Volleyball courts by the aft pool




Tffanys buffett








Hallway from Tiffanys to the open Lido deck




Lido Deck Grill, and Mangolian wok




Romeo and Juliet lounge. Always thought this was a very pretty space but didnt go to anything here

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