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50lbs before is cruise oct 13


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This past week hasn't been too difficult, we are able to stay in the hotel for a couple weeks so we were able to go food shopping. We are also in a lovely poolside room so I've been getting some swimming in when it's not raining. Curse the rain. Zumba a few times a week since there aren't any treadmills or bikes in the fitness center here... I haven't weighed myself due to lack of scale. But I don't think I mind, I'd rather just focus on trying to eat better and getting in exercise rather than the numbers.

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Joining in... We cruise nov 10,13 so less than 5 months would like at least 30 to 40 but getting serious today 202.4 and 5'1" bought an elliptical that has seat so when pooped out can continue as a bike.. Got my fitness pal and loose it on my phone ..



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Would love to join in. We are cruising Sept 2. I've been following South Beach for the past two weeks. I've lost 8 lbs. and its a great motivator to shed some weight quickly. I've done WW, but it takes too long to see results. I should lose 50 lbs. - but I'll settle for 30- for now. The elimination of carbs was difficult at first, but now its ok. I'm actually continuing phase 1 for one more week - to optimize the weight loss.


Its great to read everyone's strategies. To a lighter and brighter week!

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Hi there,


I've started using livestrong.com/myplate to track my nutrition. It is free and very user-friendly.


I tried aqua zumba for the first time on Wednesday and it is so much fun! I'm also working with a trainer once a week for a little extra motivation. She has me sticking to 1400-1600 calories a day with lots of lean protein and the weight is coming off. Monkeylouis, I love the Les Mills classes, especially BodyPump and Sh'Bam.


I'm still targeting 30 pounds lost by the end November. Keep up the good work, everyone!

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Hi Everyone, I just printed out all 6 pages of your thread, you sound like a great bunch of people, all different diets and exercise programs. Will read it all tonight and jump in to join tomorrow.


My next cruise is not until March 21014 but I need help getting back on track. Had hip surgery and getting my "mojo" back has been....well...let's just say challenging, haha. I think your group will help me with a fresh approach. Cheers :)

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Sorry that I didn't post yesterday as promised, got home and just crashed. I usually make my weigh-day Friday morning. I've done good all week and that is my reward...maybe have one little goodie, it keeps me good on the weekend when I see results.


I have a few questions for you:


lah66-you sound like me with the Steel cut Oats, yum, yum, I get mine at Trader Joe's. Also pair it with yogurt, cheese sticks or fruit.


ozarkmama-Snacking is my biggest weakness as well, I'll prepare my lunch and breakfast for work then get there and if there is a box of donuts, well, one usually finds itself in my mouth before I can even put up a fight.


ladylyn915-you've been doing South Beach...I really considered this but upon research found many people experienced severe headaches or flu like symptoms in the beginning. Was that your experience??? How is the plan over time?


francina-you mentioned coffee withdrawal and said you were given tools to cope, can you share those please?


Swt910hrt-I laughed at something you said about Monster Rehab. Said it tasted like Arnold Palmer. Arnold Palmer's what!!!


Like I said in my first post I am Post-Op total hip replacement and want to get going again, a lot of exercise I can't do anymore but walking has proven to be a great start. I walked all over the County Fair last Sunday and did pretty good, thought I would hurt like crazy the next day but felt OK so know I'm on my way.


I was thinking about revisiting Weight Watchers again, but been there done that, (I hate to do a plan the second time) and it's rather slow. I think I need to reduce the carbs some more and now that the Summer fruit is here, wow, delicious!


OK, that's about it for now, talk to you all again soon I hope. Cheers.

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[quote name=TravelRocker;38934734.

ladylyn915-you've been doing South Beach...I really considered this but upon research found many people experienced severe headaches or flu like symptoms in the beginning. Was that your experience??? How is the plan over time?


I was thinking about revisiting Weight Watchers again' date=' but been there done that, (I hate to do a plan the second time) and it's rather slow. I think I need to reduce the carbs some more and now that the Summer fruit is here, wow, delicious!



B]South Beach is working for me. No headaches, flu symptoms - as a matter of fact, I have more energy than before I started. I was terrified of no carbs- although the diet is more than that- but it is true that after a couple of weeks, the urge for carbs does diminish. I'm down 12.5 lbs. since June 2. and I have lost about 6 inches total.[/b]


WW is great, but its slow. I wanted to see quick results. Remember fruit has carbs - the sweeter the fruit - the more carbs. Stay away from watermelon and cherries( my favorite)



Whatever plan you choose, just stick to it and before you know it, the pounds will come off. Be kind to yourself. If you slip up, start over. Whatever you lose is that much to your credit.


My favorite WW saying - " Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!"

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Hi Everyone, wow, had a great weekend before plunging in for the diet-takeoff yesterday. About a dozen of us met up in San Francisco for Pinot Days, wine tasting, along the Marina Green. All the wineries get together and you just go from one to another and sample, delicious and very festive.


Speaking of festive, Sunday was also the big Pride Parade in the City so all 49 square miles of S.F. were just jumping with celebrations, costumes and people in the streets.


Did well yesterday and today, stayed on track, no junk food, 3 meals and a few nut/raisin snacks. They had a Farmers Market near the wine fest so we stocked up before going in. It's been bloody hot here the last 4-5 days so drinking a lot of liquids has not been hard. I feel that I'm off to a good start.


One of my friends has been on South Beach for a while now and just went over 50 lbs, she looks beautiful, she's really dedicated to it. Said cutting back on the carbs was a bit difficult at the beginning but that went away after a few days. Became a redhead in the process too, haha.


Well, I'll check in later and see how everyone is doing, cheers!

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Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great 4th of July. It's Friday and my weigh-day. Since Monday I've lost 3.5 lbs, it's a short week, only 4 "on program" days so that's pretty good. Next week will be a full 7 days so it will be better. This heat is kicking my butt though and keeping me "puffy".


I got a call from my musician friend who was one of our group who went to Pinot Days last Sunday, he contacted one of the wineries raving about their Pinot and spoke to the wine makers wife for quite a while. Long-story-short, we're all going in on a group order and at a good discount. We're invited to the winery and he even offered to deliver the shipment. Never hurts to have an "In" with a winemaker, :)


Hope you all have a great weekend, (this is like having two Fridays isn't it?) Do your best on your diets of choice, hope to hear from you all soon, Cheers!

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What ship, because we are cruising oct, 13 too!

Also trying to loose for cruise:cool:



We are suppose to go on the Freedom of the sea but found out my some has a hockey tournament that week so we may have to cancel :( Bummer I know but still working towards losing weight. If for nothing else just to feel good and buy some new winter clothes and be happy to shop.


Thinking of starting couch to 5k but I hate running with head phones on.


I also cut out dairy a few weeks ago and almost cut wheat out. I have had no cravings at all for anything bad since doing this and down 6lbs.

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We are suppose to go on the Freedom of the sea but found out my some has a hockey tournament that week so we may have to cancel :( Bummer I know but still working towards losing weight. If for nothing else just to feel good and buy some new winter clothes and be happy to shop.


Thinking of starting couch to 5k but I hate running with head phones on.


I also cut out dairy a few weeks ago and almost cut wheat out. I have had no cravings at all for anything bad since doing this and down 6lbs.


My daughter an her family who are cruising with us Sep. 2, 2013 is a Goalie mom, and, before we could plan the cruise, we had to check travel schedules - my grandson is 9.


I'm not sure I know what couch to 5K is - but I am NOT a runner - walking seems a challenge at times - lol. Good luck however you stay on track!

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This week was very difficult. July 4th barbeques - great (but hot) weather in the Northeast made life tough.


I'm only down 1 lb this week and that will not help my reach my goal of 17 more lbs by cruise day. I need to lose at least 2 lbs a week - even a little more.


Will try to re-focus this week!

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My daughter an her family who are cruising with us Sep. 2, 2013 is a Goalie mom, and, before we could plan the cruise, we had to check travel schedules - my grandson is 9.


I'm not sure I know what couch to 5K is - but I am NOT a runner - walking seems a challenge at times - lol. Good luck however you stay on track!



My 9 year old son is a goalie also :) I thought we were safe in October because we usually don't do tournaments before November.

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Okay been Mia for a while. Having trouble with this heat and doing live-in has hinder my success. But I finally broke down and order Richard Simmons project HOPE. It's a 90 day program for results. I will keep you up to date on how it's going. :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Okay been Mia for a while. Having trouble with this heat and doing live-in has hinder my success. But I finally broke down and order Richard Simmons project HOPE. It's a 90 day program for results. I will keep you up to date on how it's going. :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Good Luck! Love Richard Simmons - but don't have the stamina for him any longer.....

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Sorry that I didn't post yesterday as promised, got home and just crashed. I usually make my weigh-day Friday morning. I've done good all week and that is my reward...maybe have one little goodie, it keeps me good on the weekend when I see results.


I have a few questions for you:



Swt910hrt-I laughed at something you said about Monster Rehab. Said it tasted like Arnold Palmer. Arnold Palmer's what!!!



OK, that's about it for now, talk to you all again soon I hope. Cheers.


Sorry I haven't been on in forever!!! Yes, Monster Energy Rehab in the yellow can is exactly like the Arizona Arnold Palmers (1/2 tea & 1/2 lemonade in case anyone doesn't know) I love them to bits especially since they are only 20 calories a can I believe. They also have Monster Rehab in a pink can, which is tea & pink lemonade LOVE IT!

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Extremely hot her in Ontario, Canada. 44 and very humid! I have been getting up at 6am to walk or run before the sun comes up all the way. Started jogging again and signed up for a 5k run in September so now I have to stick with it. Hoping to see a change on the scale this weekend from all my hard work this week.


Hope everyone is having a great week also.

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Still plugging along..... Down another 3.5 Lb since 7/7. New Jersey has been on fire this past week. My cruise is 6 weeks from tomorrow. I think I have to realistically re-adjust my goal. 10 more LBs by Labor Day is probably more doable. I'm okay with it - I've gotten all the clothes I plan to take - but a few extra lbs off will make them look nicer.

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I just received Richard Simmons project hope. I will start the excercise tonight but the diet plan tomorrow. I have 55 more pounds to lose. However, I am in a better position since I have 5 mths before my cruise.

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Still plugging along..... Down another 3.5 Lb since 7/7. New Jersey has been on fire this past week. My cruise is 6 weeks from tomorrow. I think I have to realistically re-adjust my goal. 10 more LBs by Labor Day is probably more doable. I'm okay with it - I've gotten all the clothes I plan to take - but a few extra lbs off will make them look nicer.



Good work. Your going to feel great on your cruise.


I lost another 2lbs this week and have stuck with my 6am workout plan so far.

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I would love to join you on this weight loss journey. My first cruise (I am a cruise virgin) is Oct 13th too. Right now I am just trying to eat as healthy as I can. I will be in Las Vegas with my Grandkids this weekend picking up another cruise certificate. Then my calandar is free to get serious. I am planning to do a juice feast. Mostly vegetables because I need to get off fruit sugar too for awhile. My doctor likes what juicing does for me. I have Rheumatoid Arthrites and juicing helps with my inflamation. I am not on any medication for my RA so I really need to do this. It is so hard for me to give up many of the foods that is keeping me from losing weight and keep me in pain. On Friday we will be stopping at Whole Foods in Las Vegas to pick up so healthy stuff for our room for us and the kids. We have a refrigerator in our room. My husband will be doing the juice feast with me. He does not need to lose weight like I do, but he likes how he feels. It helps me. :)

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Welcome CinnamintStick! I juice and make green smoothies all the time which is made with green veggies and a little fruit. I am actually drinking one for lunch right now. I am a ovo-vegetarian and since taking things out of my diet my health has improve dramatically. Since eliminating dairy my joint pain and eczema has almost completely gone :) Hope it helps you. There is a 30 day green smoothie challenge you can join online and they send you a new recipe each day. Enjoy your vacation.

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