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Camp Carnival- how did your 2 yr old do?


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Just curious if anyone had a 2 yr old in camp carnival & how they liked it. My daughter loved it last year but was almost 3 and is more independent. My son just turned 2 yesterday (we're sailing in a few weeks), is very clingy to me & very rarely leaves me. Not sure if it will work but I'm going to try it. At what point will they call me to come pick him up? I remember when I would bring my daughter there was always one kid being held. He will not allow anyone else to hold him. Will they call me to pick him up if he's crying? I want him to give it a chance but I don't want him crying hysterically either. I will just tell them to call me if he wants me I guess? Also, will they kick him out for hitting? He's a hitter but USUALLY only to his sister & not strangers. Ugh, as you can see I'm worried, he's rarely not at my side.

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My twins went to Camp Carnival the week after they turned 2 and they had never been in day care (they had a nanny). They both would cry at drop off, but I did the drop-and-run as suggested here. One did fantastic and had a great time every visit. With the other I would get called after awhile since she wouldn't stop crying. What's funny now is that child is now even more independent than her sister. It seems there's no way to know until you try it - and I would keep trying each day. They also suggested that I bring her at night after she fell asleep in her stroller, which allowed me some alone time.


The hitting however, I'm thinking is not going to fly.




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Our son, age 2.5, cried at drop off but we kept it light and cheerful, quick kiss and go. Watching on the monitor in the hall, he stopped crying after about 3 min, so we left. However, it was very warm in there (this was on the Pride, camp was all the way front and was getting full sun from the windows) and he was wearing a sweater and got overheated and threw up. They called us to come get him. Mandatory check in the medical center and banned from camp for 24 hrs. He got the all clear easily. We didn't try camp again until a few days later since he was with us on port days. This time, he cried for less than a minute, and we were able to leave him for 1.5 hrs.


Overall, camp was only mildly successful for us. The times it was open for drop off (ie. 9-12 and 1-4) were not very convenient for a 2 year old that eats lunch at 11:30, naps from 12-3 has dinner at 6 and goes to bed at 7. Now that he is almost 4, I can see how much better an experience it will be for him.


Bottom line is, every child is different and even on vacation, you'll have to be willing to deal with things as they happen. I wouldn't plan my whole vacation around the assumption that camp will work, but I'd give it a shot.

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My daughter was 2 on her first cruise and did fine in Camp Carnival, but she had her brother (5) and a cousin (3.5) with her all the time. She had never been to day care yet, but had a babysitter for a few hours once a week. I don't remember her being upset and they never had to call us to get her.


On her second cruise, 10 years later, I barely saw her. She start high school this fall. *sigh* They grow up so fast. :eek:

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Awesome, thanks ladies :)


I'm hoping that by having his 3 yr old sister there he will be better. He has no problem going to my parents house when i leave becuase they had lots of toys. Maybe that will help at camp carnival. My 3 yr old cannot stop talking about it, she loved every moment of it. She would wake up and run to the door asking to go to "kids club" or "school". I really just hope he gives it a chance. And i also hope he is well behaved. My mom tells me that hes really well behaved when i'm not around. Hopefully this will be true.

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Our son, age 2.5, cried at drop off but we kept it light and cheerful, quick kiss and go. Watching on the monitor in the hall, he stopped crying after about 3 min, so we left. However, it was very warm in there (this was on the Pride, camp was all the way front and was getting full sun from the windows) and he was wearing a sweater and got overheated and threw up. They called us to come get him. Mandatory check in the medical center and banned from camp for 24 hrs. He got the all clear easily. We didn't try camp again until a few days later since he was with us on port days. This time, he cried for less than a minute, and we were able to leave him for 1.5 hrs.


Overall, camp was only mildly successful for us. The times it was open for drop off (ie. 9-12 and 1-4) were not very convenient for a 2 year old that eats lunch at 11:30, naps from 12-3 has dinner at 6 and goes to bed at 7. Now that he is almost 4, I can see how much better an experience it will be for him.


Bottom line is, every child is different and even on vacation, you'll have to be willing to deal with things as they happen. I wouldn't plan my whole vacation around the assumption that camp will work, but I'd give it a shot.


We were on the Pride too and are also sailing on her again in a few weeks. I really liked the counselors in there :D

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DD was about two and a half when we cruised on the Carnival Magic. I don't think she really liked Camp Carnival all that much.


I think she liked some of the activities, e.g. the Funship Freddy visit, but overall I don't think she enjoyed it. I think it was too overwhelming for her. And I think that it was hard for her being one of the littlest ones in the room. It looked to me like there were some 5 year old girls who bossed her around and pretended like she was their baby. We cruised on spring break and there were about 2k kids on the ship so I'm sure it would be better on an off time.


I understand now why most of the cruiselines don't allow 2 year olds in their programs. I think they can be too little for that kind of a setting. Of course it depends on the child and the dynamics in the room. But I think that their staffing is probably not adequate to be watching out for the little ones.

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DD was about two and a half when we cruised on the Carnival Magic. I don't think she really liked Camp Carnival all that much.


I think she liked some of the activities, e.g. the Funship Freddy visit, but overall I don't think she enjoyed it. I think it was too overwhelming for her. And I think that it was hard for her being one of the littlest ones in the room. It looked to me like there were some 5 year old girls who bossed her around and pretended like she was their baby. We cruised on spring break and there were about 2k kids on the ship so I'm sure it would be better on an off time.


I understand now why most of the cruiselines don't allow 2 year olds in their programs. I think they can be too little for that kind of a setting. Of course it depends on the child and the dynamics in the room. But I think that their staffing is probably not adequate to be watching out for the little ones.


I can see that could be a problem for some kids, especially if they don't have older siblings or haven't spent much time in day care. Mine is the youngest of 3, with 2 older brothers, so she was very used to being around bigger kids.


For us, it also really helped that we were on an Alaskan cruise. There were kids on board, but nothing like a Caribbean cruise during spring break. The camps never seemed even remotely crowded. The OP said they are sailing in a few weeks, so that should be past all the spring breaks, yet before most schools are out for summer. Hopefully it will be a quieter time in the clubs, which should help.

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I do agree. 2 is a rough year & I also understand why the other lines start their programs at 3. With that said, I do think the individual child also plays a factor. My daughter was 2 on our last cruise (but turned 3 2 months later) and absolutely LOVED it. She loved all the activities, wanted to go everyday & still talks about it now & can't wait to go back to "kids club". They're so different though. My son is so attached. He also just turned 2 on Monday & I find a huge difference in the beginning of the 2nd year & end. I'm also worried about the structured part. He is a boy with so much energy and just loves to run & get into everything. I cannot see him sitting still doing their crafts & game time. Surely 2 yr olds don't sit still?! Or is mine just super active LOL. Im hoping they will just let him play with the toys during this time? He also cannot talk too well. Mostly just I understand him. I dunno, guess ill just see how it goes. But yes, I agree, I can see why other programs start at 3.

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On our last cruise we had our 5 year old and our 2 year old she was just 2....she liked it for the most part....she never fell asleep when other kids did....she didnt like eating dinner with them....i think she just was over worked...we looked at the schedule each day and saw what they would enjoy so some days they went for like an hour and then we picked them up...they loved the arts and crafts but both being girls werent too thrilled when it was something sports or like that..

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Well we are sailing in a little over week so I will soon find out. ;) My dd turned 2 in January. DH and I both work outside the home full-time so she is used to going to a baby sitter. However she has gone to the same sitter this whole time and this will be different. She doesn't cry when we drop her off at the regular sitters' or with grandma and grandpa but she does cry when we try nursery or sunday school at church.


The other big wrinkle is that unfortunately we are changing child care providers Monday (not my choice on the timing). So Monday she gets a new child care, Friday we leave for our trip, then there is the cruise and camp. I guess I will see just how adaptable she is. :eek:


In the church nursery she will always cry when we drop her off, but I can stand outside of the door for a few minutes and she stops crying. That is my hope this trip. But it depends on how nuturing and understanding the counselors are. But I hope she goes to camp. DH and I really need atleast a little time to ourselves. She has been sleeping in our bed for months now. :rolleyes:

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My son cried. He was about 2 yrs 3 months. They called after about 10 minutes and said come get him. They did say we could try again the next day but we just kept him with us the rest of the trip. At the time he had been in daycare about 8 months, so he was used to being away from us, but I think it was because the counselors were strangers. DS loves camp now and likes eating with his friends.


On our upcoming cruise DD will be almost 3 and I have a feeling she will be the same way. That is, she will not want us to leave her there. She is definitely a mama's girl and likes to stay in the same room as me all the time. DS will be 7 so he will be in a different age group than DD.


On the 2-5 age group. I think they need a better division of ages. When DS was 5 and in kindergarten he definitely had different interests than the kids that just turned 2, still in diapers, couldn't read, etc.

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Agree. 2-5 is such a HUGE difference. Even 2 to 3 is a big difference. I'm thinking my son will be similar to your experience. He's very attached to me, follows me everywhere even in the house. My 3 yr old is super independent so I never even questioned how she would do. But yeah, I'm expecting the ssme experience you had.

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Just curious if anyone had a 2 yr old in camp carnival & how they liked it. My daughter loved it last year but was almost 3 and is more independent. My son just turned 2 yesterday (we're sailing in a few weeks), is very clingy to me & very rarely leaves me. Not sure if it will work but I'm going to try it. At what point will they call me to come pick him up? I remember when I would bring my daughter there was always one kid being held. He will not allow anyone else to hold him. Will they call me to pick him up if he's crying? I want him to give it a chance but I don't want him crying hysterically either. I will just tell them to call me if he wants me I guess? Also, will they kick him out for hitting? He's a hitter but USUALLY only to his sister & not strangers. Ugh, as you can see I'm worried, he's rarely not at my side.


we just got back from a 7 day cruise, and DD just turned 2 a week before. my mom would watch her during the week, and really doesn't have the opportunity to interact with other kids. the week that we got back (this week), she started 3 days at preschool. camp carnival was a really important transition for her. the counselors said that she made good progress in a week's time. wouldn't let them hold her in the beginning, and by the end--she was going to them. when she didn't want to interact, she played alone. when she did want to interact, she did. the very first day, she went into the bathroom and sat in the corner and covered her ears. eventually she came out and slowly started playing. she loves Nemo, so we brought the video and they were kind enough to play it so that we were able to leave. we found it easier to just have one of us drop her off. it was hard to hear her cry, but we knew that it was important so that she could do fine at preschool this week. we even did ship-sponsored excursions 3 of the days, and the last port day--we took a taxi to and from our destination---all days with DD at camp carnival. i've read on here that most parents wouldn't even think of leaving, but i got over that fear. i felt really good about the camp carnival environment and the counselors. the director even has the same last name as us. maybe it was a sign. she would say, don't worry about her--i'll be sure that she's fine, she's family. have no idea if we're related, she's from canada and we're from california. now that we're back, DD seems to have acclimated to going to preschool. on the first day that i picked her up after work, she didn't even notice that i walked into the room. :)

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Our two year old went last year and did grea.t They did call us one afternoon because he had gotten really cranky and thrown some toys. He hadn't had a nap and so they just called, we went and picked him up for a nap and he was welcomed back with open arms the next time they came. The counselors said they knew it wasn't his personality so they were understanding.

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I'm happy to see this thread. We are taking our son on the Carnival Pride at the end of September. His birthday is Sept 28th and we embark on the 29th. I'm a SAHM so he's never been to daycare or in the care of anyone other than me, DH and my mom. I'm scared to death about taking him to camp, but he absolutely loves to play with other kids. He gets very upset if we won't let him down when we are shopping and he sees other kids running around.

I think he will be OK for an hour or so once or twice during the cruise, but I'm nervous as can be already and the cruise is still a little over 5 months away. :eek:

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I'm happy to see this thread. We are taking our son on the Carnival Pride at the end of September. His birthday is Sept 28th and we embark on the 29th. I'm a SAHM so he's never been to daycare or in the care of anyone other than me, DH and my mom. I'm scared to death about taking him to camp, but he absolutely loves to play with other kids. He gets very upset if we won't let him down when we are shopping and he sees other kids running around.


I think he will be OK for an hour or so once or twice during the cruise, but I'm nervous as can be already and the cruise is still a little over 5 months away. :eek:


I was in your same boat. Now that I know our DD did fine, we're looking forward to the next Carnival cruises that we have booked!

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Same here Erika. I'm a SAHM & he is never with anyone but me or daddy. Once in a great while grandma too. Mine is just a really wild kid. If we let him down at a mall he would run away and I would be running down the mall after him lol. He's a bolter. And destroys everything. We call him a hurricane. Hopefully it's okay in the kids club when he Tares apart their room instead of participating in their scheduled activities cuz there's no way he will sit still longer than 2.2 seconds for that & I'm not exaggerating lol!

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