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JW and Jerome's Excellent Adventure on the Celebrity REFLECTION!


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Read the follow up I just posted to the original. I am a Martini Time Traveler!


Oh and here we go...Nessie's Caretaker................now I have to Tinkle!




Update: Jerome just reminded me that the Cathedral closed at 6PM and he recanted, we were at the Casino for more than an hour, and we went back after Senior Frogs. Oh I forgot, "Did I have the Hat on?" I asked Jerome. "Yes, you did, and they loved it!" Jerome continued, "If you so remember, JW, That's when they gave us the Certificates." "Remember, we had 8:30 Reservations at The Lawn Club so we had time to kill" "No, I don't remember, but if you say so", I just said to him. __________________

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Read the follow up I just posted to the original. I am a Martini Time Traveler!


Oh and here we go...Nessie's Caretaker................now I have to Tinkle!



Well don't go tinkling in the Loch! :eek: never know what she might bite off!


It's a pretty cool job I must admit :D

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Saw a small plaque in a gift store today that so reminded me of this thread. Wanted to take a picture but, of course, my phone was dead. It read, "One martini, two martini, three martini, FLOOR."


Perhaps this was hat lady when she was MUCH younger?!?


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Jerome and I stop by the “Water Man’" as soon as we get back on board for a trusty bottle of 1,2,3 Evian Water, then head up to the room. It was an interesting day in San Juan, and Jerome says to me, “JW, just where do you think we are going to put that twenty pound rosary?” “Do you really want me to answer that, Jerome?” As a side note, it fit inside one of our suitcase’s just fine. “Thanaa” That is the sound I make when I stick out my tongue at you! You want to get a laugh from the US Custom's Agent? Write down under your purchases, "8 Foot Rosary", and the dollar amount. Watch them raise an eyebrow and laugh when you tell them about it.


I get our outfits ready for the Lawn Club Grill experience. Jerome and I are really looking forward to preparing our meal at this unique restaurant. They have just changed over Maitre D’s, and we now have Ben (Benidick) and Chef Victor. When we arrived, I was surprised to see the majority of Officers including the Cruise Director Paul, enjoying dinner, peppered throughout the restaurant. It was a cool, comfortable environment. And the lights of San Juan were a perfect backdrop for us tonight.


Ben showed us to our table which was up front and center, and the view for making and creating our dinner was fantastic. Of course, Martini’s and Manhattan’s were necessary to begin with. Then, the menu was presented.


First, there is the hand constructed flat bread (when they say “Hand Constructed” it means by YOUR Hands). Then there is a traditional Salad Bar. Finally, there is a large selection of meats, poultry, lamb, veal and fish. And don’t forget the Lobster Macaroni! Oh my gosh, that is a big Nommy Num Num! I will tell you what we ordered for the two of us as our main course. We ordered The Filet Mignon, The New York Sirloin, The Rib Eye Steak, The Veal Chop, Rack of Lamb, The Vegetable Skewer, The Shrimp and Scallop Skewer and The Red Snapper. And guess what…..Jerome cooked it all! But I am getting ahead of myself.


First things first. Ben asked us which of the two of us were going to make the flat bread. I raised my hand like a little girl having to tinkle real bad in Catholic School and said to the Nun “OOH Me, Me, Me!” Jerome said “JW, you are not trying out for the opera for Krisakes!” “ Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi,” he sang. I went up and, they have aprons that read "The Lawn Club Grill" on them, but I brought my own, a vintage 1950’s apron decorated appropriately with Martini Glasses and Olives. I looked so much like June Cleaver of Leave it to Beaver! I was trying for the Florence Henderson Brady Bunch look, but with it ended up more June Cleaver.





Anyway, I meet this tall, very tall Chef and he proceeds to show me how to prepare the pizza dough. We start with corn meal flour, a pair of Dough Boobies", why two? We only need one....Now I know why there is a "Back-Up", and we press, press, press the dough flat. Jerome said I looked just like Lucy when she was making the pizza in one of her I Love Lucy episodes. I was having a "Diddilly Dee Dee Dee" time, and everyone was laughing at my antics.


Well, it came time to stretch and stretch the dough, then came the first toss….Whoop! Up in the air it flew and came back down and I grabbed it with one hand, held it up to the crowd and pronounced “Look, It’s My Underwear!”






Laughter, Laughter, Roar, Roar from the crowd….Now for the big toss! What goes up, must come down……not always. I wonder if you look up into the rafters and the track lights of the restaurant, you can still see the dough stuck up in there?


Amazing how much fun it is to make flat bread. Until one has to toss it! So if you are one of the lucky ones that does not get their dough stuck in the rafters, yay for you! Once your flat bread has come down from the ceiling, it is placed in a shallow pan. Then I took my pan and proceeded over to the Salad Bar and added my toppings. Sauce, Cheese, Olives, Onions, Peppers, Pepperoni, Ham, what else, …..Chicken!


I turn my flat bread over to Big Tall Chef and he takes over from here, placing it in the pizza oven to cook. As that was the end of my show, applause, applause, applause, and I return to the table. We are invited now to go up to the salad bar and create a salad masterpiece to enjoy while our flat bread is cooking.


The best part about our table is, that we got to watch everyone in succession make their flat breads, and it’s truly better than television. It’s Very funny to watch and a sensational unique experience. And don’t be like one of those whiny people saying “I cook at home, the last thing I want to do on vacation is Cook!” Wrong! It’s a Culinary Experience and a chance to cook and learn, side by side with a Master Grill Chef! Unless of course you are a “Master of My Grilling Domain” (In your own mind) and your Ego won’t allow you to actually want to LEARN a few things or three. That is how Jerome was at first. He thinks he is the Greatest Bar-B-Cue Master in the whole wide world. No, that is not big enough, THE UNIVERSE!


Our Flat bread arrives, it’s really good, if I do say so myself. And now it’s time. ‘Jerome, your turn.” I said. “No, I don’t want to!” he says. I said, “Oh Shut Up!” “Get that apron of yours on and get up there, Now!” “JW”, Jerome barks, “I already know how to Grill.” I said, gritting my teeth, “Get Up There NOW!”


So, I had to make Jerome don his 1950’s Vintage Apron with a caricature of a ‘50’s Chef and with the words “Come And Get It!“ and he was off to the Grilling Hour of Power! Well, Chef Victor taught Jerome a thing or two and he loved every minute of grilling with a Master Grill Chef. See, Jerome just wasn’t just cooking one kind of steak, or fish, or a chop. He was learning how to prepare it all, at the same time!


First they seasoned the meat and fish, and then at the proper time, added each item to the grill, individually. The cooking time varied with each item, and Jerome learned about using your hand to judge the temp of a Filet vs. a New York. Needless to say, he was up there for 45 minutes! There are two television monitors that the whole room can watch as he grilled, and I was pleased to see that many of our other Men in the dining room, and one Lady, joined in cooking as well!


I could tell Jerome was parched while he was grilling, so we got him another 1,2,3 “Grilling” Manhattan and me a glass of wine. When Chef Victor and Jerome finished, Jerome’s platter, and I mean PLATTER of food was placed on a raised platform rack on the table. “Wow that is a lot of food! I said as I knew that after the flat bread and the salad, where was I going to put it all?






Oh my, the steaks were amazing. Each was cooked flawlessly to a perfect Medium Rare, and each had it’s own unique flavor. The Chops, outrageous and the shrimp and scallops, a real treat. I had never had grilled scallops before. Quite tasty. Jerome, Now I personally can say you are a “Grill Master”. And since we have been home, he has grilled several times, and I have Victor to thank for Jerome’s new found talent.


They present three sauces for dipping the meats in, but with the high quality of the meat and the perfect blend of seasonings, no sauce is necessary at all! And we at it all! ALL! I love the ice water served in Mason Jars, so down home country! Of course, non-Southerners don't get it.






What a unique and perfect experience. As we were finishing dinner, we began to sail away from San Juan, how much more perfect can this night get?






“Dessert?” I said to Ben the Maitre D’ “Are you crazy?” Ben said, “I am going to make you something and just have a bite.” “Promise me you will just have one bite?” “Ben”, “I said, I can’t have another bite.” Deaf ears, We each ordered Cappuccino with Bailey’s and once they arrived, here comes Ben with some sort of divine smelling dessert and two spoons. “Voila” (I just love that The Staff all say “Voila” when they bring you something special) It is The Chocolate Chip Cookie with Ice Cream. Oh My GAWD! Ben, I love you for making me have this. It was awesome! And we, mostly me, ate the whole thing.


I highly recommend the Lawn Club Grill as a Participation Culinary Experience. Jerome and I can’t wait to do it again in November. What a treat! Fabulous Time! Even if the first flat bread got stuck on the ceiling!


Now onto the Martini Bar!

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This is what I need every day, it puts a smile on my face and makes me happy to see someone enjoying a cruise so so much. Like others I would love to cruise with you, but it doesnt look like our paths will cross anytime soon. I am going on the Millie to Alsaka the end of May and doing a TA on the Connie the end of November.

I am not a hat lady or a scooter jockey just a plain old every day person who loves the Martini Bar.

Thanks for all your efforts in making your trip such an enjoyable read.


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It's amazing how many hits that you have for your posts! We are blessed that you found your home on Celebrity Ships! Who wants to read the posts from the fashion police, the lanyard watchers, and the critical crowd? I would rather laugh and find the fun things to do on the ships! Thanks, again for sharing your humor and your Holiday Home with us.

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I'm still giggling about the raging rascal Mama mimosa, the penis balloon and the 20 pound ping pong rosary..... The tea bag comment made me tinkle though lol :p

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Holy Bocephus, this is by far and away the most amusing thing I have ever read on the Celebrity board. Between ass cheeks frozen to the bar, Lolly, and possibly my favorite insult of all time (as*ho*e blue print), I have been giggling like a maniac at my desk and my coworkers think I have gone and lost my mind.


I must confess though, I am a frequent user of the word that you despise, particularly the maternal variations, and I don't think I've ever come across someone who hated it so much. :rolleyes: Of course it's not something that I use in mixed company or in church or what not, but I don't think much about dropping a few F-bombs while having a few drinks with a feisty crowd. Now you've got me pondering more creative methods. Thanks for the inspiration. :)


Anxiously awaiting the next installment! Thanks for putting in all the time and effort to let us cruise with you vicariously.

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Love the review. Been keeping quiet up to now, but I have to chime in now. I agreewith your comments about the Roll calls very much. Folks, become active in the roll call for wahtever cruise you are on. I'm on one in a few months and there are only 2 of us posting. So far only 3 of us, my wife and I are two of them, are signed up for the CC connection meeting. On our first cruise the roll call was packed a year ahead of time They orgainzed two slot pulls and a cabin crawl. Oh well all I can say is take part in the roll call and meet some wonderful folks.:D Again love the review almost makes me want to start drinking again LOL:D

“Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap” Dreamily in my slumber, knowing the boat is gently rocking back and forth, back and forth. The curtain’s are drawn into darkness, ahh yes, we are on vacation and I am sleeping….”Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap”…“What the?” Jerome with his head muffled in his pillow says “Maydoubleyou…moensone’s it dedoor”…..”???” “Huh”, I said still dreamily drifting….. Jerome sticks his head up “Someone’s at the Gosh Darn Door!” “What?”, I said. Jerome shouts at me (Don’t shout at Auntie Mame when she is Hung!) “The Door! Jerome exclaims. “Someone is knocking at the door!” “Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap”. “So, someone is knocking at the door” I said hoping that Jerome would get out of bed and answer it, but NO! I had to do it.


Who would be knocking at the door this early. Early? What the heck time is it anyway? I look at my watch, it’s too dark in the room but sunlight is peeking in from the curtains. I had just gone to bed at I guess at around 3:30 AM and literally fell out right to sleep. “Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap” “I’m Coming! Just a Minute!” I said scrounging around in the dark for my comfy pants to answer the door. Where is that light switch? I wish I had paid more attention to Jerome when he was showing me all the switches, outlets and things like that that are more important that a Martini on the first day. Ah, Found the bright light switch by the door. Click!


“JW what the heck are you doing turning the bright lights on for!” I hear Jerome scouling, muffled from the bed covers. “Oh shut up!” I said, reaching for the door handle. No sooner did I unlock the door it flung open with a Big “Good Morning!” It was Corazon, our amazing Room Steward, and she had a tray of about 15 stacked plates with tin covers, and several beverage items on her little shoulder. I had to laugh out loud because the tray and plates with tin covers were stacked so high that she and the tray were as tall as me at six foot two! Boy, I thought, that this little one is strong! You go girl!


Into the room she comes, Jerome sits up on the bed with a surprised look on his face and is just staring at the Tray and all the plates and tin covers piled high that Corazon is now placing on the cocktail table. Once she is done, she turns to me and says “I have more, I be right back.” “You boy’s must be hungry dis morning, yes?” she says giggling….Jerome starts to say something but the door opens again and Corazon brings in another stack of 5 covered plates and places them on the desk. “It’s a beautiful morning, enjoy the day Mr Jerome and Mr JW!” Miss Corazon says, and as she is leaving out the door she turns and we see her smiling saying “If you need anything you let me know Okay? Have a wonderful day!”


Jerome and I look at each other and then at the pile of Room Service Food. Jerome says “Did you fill out one of those forms for room service, cause I sure as hell didn’t!” I say “Why Yes I did, before I went to bed.” “I wanted to see if it were true what I read on Cruise Critic that if you hand write something in on the Room Service form if they would bring it.” And that is an affirmative, Yes they did!


See, I researched before we went on the cruise and I saw all four of the room service breakfast cards posted on line. Standard, Concierge, Aqua and Suite categories. Well, on all of the cards but ours was “Smoked Salmon and Bagel”, and I always have delivered from room service every morning on a cruise, “Smoked Salmon and a Bagel” We were in a standard category 1-A. I hand wrote in Smoked Salmon and a Bagel and I got it! So, when I filled out the card (for which I really don’t remember doing with all that went on last night), I filled out Hard Boiled Eggs, Waffles, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Squeezed OJ, V-8, Extra Lemons, Watermelon, Danish, Rye Toast, Four Orders of Bacon, Sausage and Coffee. Yogurt, Cereal, Milk, Cream Cheese. So much of it was not on our list but I wrote it by hand. I got it all! Every bit of it, and yes, I was a slight bit hung over so I immediately went for the V-8 with lots of lemon.


“What time is it?” I said as I pulled the curtains open like Zza Zza Gabor in the opening scene of Green Acers (You know….“New York is where I’d Rather Be!” flinging open wide the curtains exposing NYC) and what a glorious morning at sea! Calm ocean, marvelous breeze, bright sunshine,. Just what you'd dream it is always going to be on your first day at sea!


“Eight O’clock” Jerome groans. “Oh, good, we did not miss the Meet and Greet!” I said excitedly, “Let’s eat on the Balcony!“ Jerome is so very good at setting up Breakfast on the balcony. We are truly so gay!

We brought our own table cloth from home, put our sofa cushions on the chairs then we settled in for breakfast, mainly combining all the different plates and such on to one platter, sort of like our own Private Buffet in the living area with dining Al Fresco on the Balcony!


Gorgeous morning, lingering over coffee, boy am I stuffed! “Well, gotta get up and get ready for the meetin’!” “Yep!, We’s got to get to da Meetin’!” Jerome just shakes his head.


So now what am I going to wear. Let’s see. I have Embarkation Wear, Deck Wear, Bathing Suit Wear, Casual Wear, Formal Wear, Sleep Wear, Shoe Wear, Parade around the Promenade Deck Wear, Under Wear, Lawn Club Grill Apron Wear (Yes we brought our own apron’s!), what am I to do?


Fortunately, I always manage to prepare a “Wardrobe” list for both of us, that way we use every stitch of clothing and “Wear” we pack and never over pack. I refer to my trusty list. Ah Yes….Cruise Critic Meet & Greet Wear! Blue Shorts, Shirt, Undershirt, Under “Wear”, Socks, Sneakers. I made the bed and then neatly arranged both of our clothing selections on the bed.


Now I do have to say that we also followed the advice of Library Lady and purchased six Closet Maid Cubes for the over bed storage. One 12 x 12 color coded cube each for socks, underwear/undershirts and folded shirts. Plus we bought two 7x7 cubes for the end table shelf and they fit perfectly for cell phones, Kleenex and Tum’s….gotta have my Tum’s. We also purchased a 10 slot hanging shoe organizer from Target and it held all our (mostly all mine by the way) shoe “Wear” and that way, there were no messy shoes all over the place.


The Cruise Critic Meet and Greet was scheduled for 10:15 AM that morning and I was excited to meet all the folks I had been chatting with for months. Sad to say our Roll Call was a bit on the slim side but we had sixty eight registered members for the Celebrity Meet and Greet event….did not make sense to me as I handled the Roll Call and we did not have that many members on it. Hmmmmm. In any case, when we arrived in our stateroom yesterday, there was already and invitation from Celebrity for the Event, which I thought was a terrific touch that no other cruise line does.


Jerome and I get to the Lobby Bar….what is that called?…..”The Passport Bar”. It’s located right across from Guest Relations…..I remember THAT from last night! Stepping onto the elevator, “There is that Tree!” “WOW!” I said. We had a few minutes so we stopped at Deck Five, and went to Café Al Bacio for a Cappuccino with Bailey’s. Very nice, and this was our morning ritual from this point on. We are on vacation and yep, its 9:40 and I am drinking! 1,2,3 not Drunk yet.


We walked down to Deck Four and for some reason, they have the Grand Staircase to Deck Three roped off, never quite understood that. So we took the elevator to Deck Three, then proceeded right to the Passport Bar where there was already several “Cruise Critic” members, or so they said, there already. Celebrity had a beautifully fully serviced Continental Breakfast Buffet set out for our CC Meet and Greet, to which I was thoroughly impressed. I loved how the coffee cups were arranged in the “X” pattern always reminding you of Celebrity! Nice Touch! You know, when I got there, I thought I was in the wrong place or was on the wrong Roll Call. No one knew who I was, (What???? The Reflection Queen? No One Knew Me! All those posts over the past 6 months with pics and all?) and I kept asking “What everyone’s screen name was?” and everyone looked at me with Deer in Headlight eyes. What I later found out from these people is, that they are not registered on Cruise Critic, and some just lurk on the sidelines and come to “Complain” to the Cruise Director and monopolize his time along with all the other officer’s that showed up to meet us.


It’s nice for Celebrity to take the time to get to know us avid cruising enthusiasts, but I have to tell you, there were many, many people there that were never on the Roll Call, never knew anything about Cruise Critic, and some only signed up for the “Free” Event, not knowing at all what it was about And boy did some of these BBB’s let loose and complain! (A BBB is NOT the Better Business Bureau but my abbreviation for an Entitled Blue Hair Biddy) The complaints from these ladies were always prefaced by “We are Such and Such Elite Members and been on five thousand cruises (not really) and Blah Blah Blah, This such and such is sub standard, Blah, Blah, Blah“. I ended up going up to these BBB’s with my Roll Call list and asking them, “Look, this is a Cruise Critic Roll Call Meet and Mingle event and what is your screen name from the roll call?” “Did you participate in our roll call?” “Did you Lurk on the sidelines, if so Welcome!” “What’s a Roll Call? One biddy asked me. "Isn't there a Cruise Critic on board that we can complain too?" Another said to me. Oh Lord. Yeah Lady, Me, and my name is Rex Reed.


Grrrrr! I thought to myself. The Complaint forum is at Guest Relations, not here at our Meet and Mingle! We are grateful to have Mr. Paul Baya the Cruise Director, and all the wonderful important Hotel and Operations Staff come and spend a few minutes of their precious time with us. Because Mr Baya could not get a word in edgewise I had to intervene by saying “Please direct your disruptive Elite Complaints to the desk over there and let us enjoy our meeting!” “Who are these people?” several Roll Call Members said to me? “All they are doing is complaining about nonessential things that have nothing to do with us” another said to me. Fortunately, Mr. Paul Baya took over and the meeting was a lovely beginning to what was to become an awesome cruise. Many of these people were ever on the Cruise Critic Roll Call, and were not part of the camaraderie of what this forum is all about. I made every attempt to include them in friendly conversation but they only wanted someone to write about their complaints. What I did find out was that at Guest Relations, they do post a sign that says “Cruise Critic” 10:15 Passport Bar. Well, that explains it. Rex Reed was on board!


Note to Readers: Please join in your Roll Call for your sailing. Don’t just sign up for the Meet and Mingle with out knowing what Cruise Critic is all about. You’ll find that you have been missing out on all the fun! Cruise Critic is not a complaint forum, it is a forum for “Our Cruise Experiences”. This only becomes a complaint forum if there is a challenge for member and the cruise line fails to meet that challenge and the member is looking for advice from other members. Therefore, I, as a participating member may bring it up here, for advice from other members. I do not offer solutions to your individual problems, whether on board the ship or off. Your opinion is Your opinion. My Opinion is My Experience and My Honest Opinion. I cannot solve your particular problem for you on board the ship. Nor will your problem change My Opinion about My Vacation. Me in particular, I always allow the benefit of a challenge to be readily solved by the Cruise line. In few cases where it has not been met, well, simply put, that is where I got the nickname “The Mouth of the South” . I have so much fun on Cruise Critic and consider it Invaluable Research. Now, where was I.


But the best part of the morning was meeting RUXANDRA!!!!!!! Who is Ruxandra? Well she is the most important person on Deck Three every morning. Ruxandra is the Bartender at The Passport Bar who is responsible for waking me up with a hand constructed GREY GOOSE BLOODY MARY! We Love Ruxandra! The day did not start for us without a visit to Ruxandra, and her sense of humor is refreshing. There was one morning we slept in late and she actually was worried! When we finally showed up, she said she was going to call to find out if we were okay. See, gotta love Celebrity for taking care of you with Grey Goose Bloody Mary’s and Ruxandra! I just love that name too….RUX-AN-DRA! (Bet you jut said that out loud like I did….it makes me want to Tinkle and be back on that ship right now!)

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