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What Time did U Leave the Hotel?


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I am a on time Person, as a matter of Fact Im a lil early.. I have been raised (started with my work, then I applied it to everyday life) To believe that if U are on time U are late :) That's just My life and what works for me.. Ok, so with that being said.. I Want to Ask All my Past Brides/Grooms, or Anyone That may want to answer some questions. It would Truely Help me and even Future Brides/Grooms out.. To me being Early should set the tone for a relax feeling (no rushing), Extra Time to Do or touch up Hair/Make Up, Have a Drink with your Gurls (you finally made it to your day Let's Celebrate) Maybe even nicer quality Pix, bc they weren't in a rush to snap, OR Flim.. Thanks in Advance.. And please Know as Soon as I know these Answers I will be posting them..Im gonna try to be as detailed as I can.. So many Brides & a couple of Grooms up here Have been VERY Helpful, so I want to do my part too.. Have a Great Week Everyone:p


Finally the Questions that I think will help are?


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?


What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?


What time did U get to the Port?


About how long would you say you waited in port?


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**


** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?

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What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?


What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?

Meet in the hotel lobby at 9:45


What time did U get to the Port?

The bridal party was running late and we didn't get there until 11 or so


About how long would you say you waited in port?

The longest part was waiting for the shuttle to get through the traffic. Once we got off of the shuttle we were inside the ship in less than 10-15 minutes.


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**


11:15 ish or so. I wasn't wearing a watch but that is my guestimate


** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


I had about 45 minutes or so to chill before I had to get dressed. The girls and I actually went to Ledo deck for some lunch and made it back in time to get dressed with the photographer and the rehearsal.

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WELL Uvakat I SURE Appreciate U taking the time out to answer this Question and Not just looking at it.. This REALLLLLY is a Great help.. Looking at different peoples time, can help you have a More Clearly Time for YOUR Port/Cruise.. U rock..

Anywho thanks so much:D

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Thank You Gurl.. I though it would be helpful My self.. I cant WAIT to do a Review for yall.. How are U feeling today?

Yes, it would be helpful and girl I'm here at work physically but definitely not mentally lol Just keep thinking about all the little things I need to get done...including continuing to pack lol

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Mine wasn't an embarkation day wedding, but I was a guest at one. And it was NOT a typical experience. But I wanted to share it anyway, to let you know that even when things don't go as planned, it can still be great day. So, here are the answers for a Carnival sailing day wedding out of NYC.


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?




What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?


Shuttle was from Long Island, so meeting time was 8:30. Those of us staying in NYC left about 45 minutes in advance.


What time did U get to the Port?


Arrived just about 10am.


About how long would you say you waited in port?


More than 2 hours. But this was out of the ordinary. All the guests arrived by about 10:45am, so everyone was pretty much ontime. We had hoped to board as early as 11am, but the ship was held up clearing customs and we had an unusually long wait.


About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?

We did not actually board until 12:30. The ceremony had been scheduled for 1pm, but they pushed it back to 1:15 so wedding party could quickly change.


About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


In this case, no chill time. If we had been able to board at 11am as planned, there might have been 45 minute to an hour or so to relax, but not more than that. The guests had a few mintues to wander about before gettting to the ceremony location, but the bridal party had no time at all. On the upside, the photographer was waiting for them the moment we boarded, so was still able to get some 'getting ready' shots.

The wedding coordinator and ship staff were very accomodating about the delay, and made sure that neither the ceremony or reception felt rushed. It felt like the non-sailing guests had to leave too soon, but that's also a reflection of what a good time everyone was having!

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Ohh wooow.. See all that was good to know.. Anything can happen or be different.. Thanks alot for adding this *+*,


Mine wasn't an embarkation day wedding, but I was a guest at one. And it was NOT a typical experience. But I wanted to share it anyway, to let you know that even when things don't go as planned, it can still be great day. So, here are the answers for a Carnival sailing day wedding out of NYC.


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?




What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?


Shuttle was from Long Island, so meeting time was 8:30. Those of us staying in NYC left about 45 minutes in advance.


What time did U get to the Port?


Arrived just about 10am.


About how long would you say you waited in port?


More than 2 hours. But this was out of the ordinary. All the guests arrived by about 10:45am, so everyone was pretty much ontime. We had hoped to board as early as 11am, but the ship was held up clearing customs and we had an unusually long wait.


About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?

We did not actually board until 12:30. The ceremony had been scheduled for 1pm, but they pushed it back to 1:15 so wedding party could quickly change.


About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


In this case, no chill time. If we had been able to board at 11am as planned, there might have been 45 minute to an hour or so to relax, but not more than that. The guests had a few mintues to wander about before gettting to the ceremony location, but the bridal party had no time at all. On the upside, the photographer was waiting for them the moment we boarded, so was still able to get some 'getting ready' shots.


The wedding coordinator and ship staff were very accomodating about the delay, and made sure that neither the ceremony or reception felt rushed. It felt like the non-sailing guests had to leave too soon, but that's also a reflection of what a good time everyone was having!

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And when DO U plan to Pack Hunty??? lol.. U dont have NO time....


Yes, it would be helpful and girl I'm here at work physically but definitely not mentally lol Just keep thinking about all the little things I need to get done...including continuing to pack lol
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I obviously haven't had my wedding yet, but I can tell you what times we are planning on. I am forever paranoid, especially with large groups, so this has been stressing me out a but!


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?

10:30 - Miami


What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?

We aren't having a shuttle. We are staying at a hotel across from the port, and the hotel said its much easier for them to call us two taxi vans than to rely or book a shuttle cuz traffic will be nuts. I have told my hair and make up folks we need to be there at 10, and I am telling everyone except my parents we are leaving at 9:45. My parents are getting told 9:15...so that way, maybe they will be on time (they are late to everything!)


What time did U get to the Port?

My plan is to be there by 10...10:15 worst case scenario


About how long would you say you waited in port?

Hopefully not long! Lets get this party started!


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**

As of now, I am the only wedding this day, so I am hopeful once we clear, it's easy and quick to get on.


** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


I want time to relax in my room and not feel rushed, I hope anyway. I've assigned people to grab me a snack and drink, as well as somebody to sit with me and help get ready, as I hear that's the most boring part for brides. My ideal would be to have at lest 45 mins of chill/get ready time!

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I so feel You.. Yeah U HAVE to tell them 15-30 mins earlyer then the time.. NAD If U dont mind me asking and U can Email me if U like allaboutthis04 at yahoo dot com. but I would like to know which Hotel are U staying at that told U that.. BC im staying pretty close my self.. and they are Ordering the Shuttles for us...

Again Thanks alot for your answers.. I dont care that U havent went yet. Ur info was Still Helpul...


I obviously haven't had my wedding yet, but I can tell you what times we are planning on. I am forever paranoid, especially with large groups, so this has been stressing me out a but!


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?

10:30 - Miami


What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?

We aren't having a shuttle. We are staying at a hotel across from the port, and the hotel said its much easier for them to call us two taxi vans than to rely or book a shuttle cuz traffic will be nuts. I have told my hair and make up folks we need to be there at 10, and I am telling everyone except my parents we are leaving at 9:45. My parents are getting told 9:15...so that way, maybe they will be on time (they are late to everything!)


What time did U get to the Port?

My plan is to be there by 10...10:15 worst case scenario


About how long would you say you waited in port?

Hopefully not long! Lets get this party started!


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**

As of now, I am the only wedding this day, so I am hopeful once we clear, it's easy and quick to get on.


** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


I want time to relax in my room and not feel rushed, I hope anyway. I've assigned people to grab me a snack and drink, as well as somebody to sit with me and help get ready, as I hear that's the most boring part for brides. My ideal would be to have at lest 45 mins of chill/get ready time!

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I obviously haven't had my wedding yet, but I can tell you what times we are planning on. I am forever paranoid, especially with large groups, so this has been stressing me out a but!



I was the same way. I actually started telling people who were always late that the meet time was 9:30. Ironically, the girls were the late ones. I am almost always early or on time and this time the bridesmaids, moms, and I were the only ones late. Apparently everybody was in the lobby and ready to go at 9:45

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Just sent you am email!


I so feel You.. Yeah U HAVE to tell them 15-30 mins earlyer then the time.. NAD If U dont mind me asking and U can Email me if U like allaboutthis04 at yahoo dot com. but I would like to know which Hotel are U staying at that told U that.. BC im staying pretty close my self.. and they are Ordering the Shuttles for us...

Again Thanks alot for your answers.. I dont care that U havent went yet. Ur info was Still Helpul...

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What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?




What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?


We took separate cars from the hotel and our family in PA took their own bus there which got there really early - at 9


What time did U get to the Port?


Around 11 :(

About how long would you say you waited in port?


First we had to check-in, get our luggage together... than we had about 10 minutes to talk to the coordinator and sign our wedding license


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**


11:30 I think? Wedding started I think at 12?


** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


30 minutes, which I didn't need. My dress was very uncomplicated, but if you were to need lacing then I would say you'd definitely need it. It took me 5 mins to get my dress on.


We stayed at a hotel 10 mins from the ship, problem is there was an accident that happened on the road to get there. There were 3 cars driving to the port from the hotel - My friend Tom drove 4, my dad drove me and 2 groomsmen + his wife, and friend's husband drove 4. My mom took a taxi with her friend. My mom got there fine since the taxi driver knew the roads. We ended up in Manhattan! (We were suppose to be in Brookyn). We ended up being really late... I was totally panicking and had a mini breakdown :P Everyone was rushing me and trying to talk to me, it was SO overwhelming! All ended up fine though in the end.

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Wooow, Artemis908,,

Thank You for sharing.. Yet again.. Here was a Completely different store. And the Ending was still great as well.. Thanks ALOT for coming back and sharing :) I hope life is going Good *=*,

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Wooow, Artemis908,,


Thank You for sharing.. Yet again.. Here was a Completely different store. And the Ending was still great as well.. Thanks ALOT for coming back and sharing :) I hope life is going Good *=*,


No problem at all, was an amazing experience and I try to help the future brides out there who can hopefully learn from my experiences. :) Everyone's weddings experiences are different - like my one friend had such a complicated dress, even though they had laced it up the night before when she got in they had to really play around with the laces so that they were tight enough, it took her at least 30 minutes just to get into her dress! For me, I just popped in and zipped. That's it lol

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I am a on time Person, as a matter of Fact Im a lil early.. I have been raised (started with my work, then I applied it to everyday life) To believe that if U are on time U are late :) That's just My life and what works for me.. Ok, so with that being said.. I Want to Ask All my Past Brides/Grooms, or Anyone That may want to answer some questions. It would Truely Help me and even Future Brides/Grooms out.. To me being Early should set the tone for a relax feeling (no rushing), Extra Time to Do or touch up Hair/Make Up, Have a Drink with your Gurls (you finally made it to your day Let's Celebrate) Maybe even nicer quality Pix, bc they weren't in a rush to snap, OR Flim.. Thanks in Advance.. And please Know as Soon as I know these Answers I will be posting them..Im gonna try to be as detailed as I can.. So many Brides & a couple of Grooms up here Have been VERY Helpful, so I want to do my part too.. Have a Great Week Everyone:p


Finally the Questions that I think will help are?


What Time Did your Coordinator Tell You to be at the Port?


By 1030


What Time did You tell Your Guest the Shuttle was leaving AT?


930 (although it was really scheduled for 945). We asked all guests to meet in the hotel lobby by 915. And they were all on time!


What time did U get to the Port?


1040. Our shuttle was late. Boo!


About how long would you say you waited in port?


1.5 hours. The ship was delayed getting cleared by Customs. Another boo!


** About what Time Did you Get on the Ship?**




** About how long was Your Chill Time from the Moment You stepped on the Ship, to The Time you Left Ur cabin to head to Your Wedding?


No chill time. Third boo! Right after we boarded, we had a brief rehearsal with our officiant and to try out our pop-up huppah. Then I had to rush to get ready for our 1 pm ceremony, which started late.


Even after all of that, though, it was a pretty great day!





Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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OMGosssssssssssssssssh LOL. Thanks Ladies.. And Even with3 Boo's It was still great.... Honey I can't wait to here the FULL 411 and see some pix.. U done teased us now... lol


I don't mean to. Lol! I totally have a new-found respect for our fellow cruise brides who've written recaps. It's a lot of work. Lol!


Typed with my thumbs on a tablet

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Oh How I know from written my other Reviews.. lol..


I don't mean to. Lol! I totally have a new-found respect for our fellow cruise brides who've written recaps. It's a lot of work. Lol!


Typed with my thumbs on a tablet

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Hey Twin A,



What did you do while you were waiting 1.5 hours for the ship to clear?



Megan !


Hi Megan!


We first met with our officiant to review the ceremony since we had personalized the standard text quite a bit. Then our coordinator went over some details with us about our family photo list, who would be getting ready where, special music, etc. Then we spent the rest of the time chatting with guests, especially those who weren't sailing with us. We also stole a few minutes just to sit by ourselves at my husband's insistence - he's such a romantic. :)


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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