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Another cruiser just off the Allure

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Okay, sorry, but this thing called "work" keeps getting in the way!


So, I can give you the 1st half of day one, still working on finishing up that and I still have about 250 pictures to upload to photobucket yet. But, let's try to keep this moving along.


Day 1 – You put your elbows where?


The forecast for Sunday was mostly sunny with a chance of afternoon, let’s make that clear, AFTERNOON, thunderstorms.


Our hotel room faced east, so I had left our shoes on the table, just under the roof, so that the early morning sun might try to dry them a bit before we left for the ship. We had planned to rise around 8 or so and have an early breakfast at the pool restaurant. This hopefully would leave us a little time to get a swim in before the excitement of the day started. Yes, I like to swim. DW knows I like to be by the pool, kindle in hand, and enjoy swimming, reading and a cold drink. Nothing better.


So, we woke up and I opened the curtains. To a pouring rain. I checked the time and, yes, it was around 8AM, well before the afternoon. Took out my iPhone to check my weather app and the forecast for right where we were standing, where it was raining, was saying that it currently was partly cloudy. The radar showed one tiny little blip of rain, right where we were. Nice everywhere else, but raining enough to keep everything wet right here.


So, there went the breakfast plans. There went the sitting by the pool in the warm Florida sunshine plans. So, on vacation, you adapt. By the time I was dressed, the rain had settle down to a drizzle and I went to the Dunkin Donuts across the street for a quick breakfast. I brought them back to the room and by now, it looked like some sun might come out.


The sun was lying. By the time we finished our donuts, the drizzle had started again. Not a rain, but a persistent, never ending drizzle. I had wanted to take pictures of the pool area, so I said the heck with it, and took several pictures I posted yesterday. I also took several of the yachts parked just outside our room.




This really tall catamaran one was just outside our patio door:




Here is a picture of the deck of our room. Can you guess which room is ours? (hint, look for the shoes)




Finally, too late to enjoy the morning, the sun began to really poke through around 10AM. So, packed our shoes in plastic bags, and started to get ready to leave.


There is no other feeling, is there, when you get ready to leave for the ship. Your excitement level is building, you strain in your car seat for any glance of the ship you can gather and can hardly sit still. So, finally, at 10:30, I just couldn’t wait anymore.


Now, like many who have sailed on the Allure or the Oasis the last few weeks, I also got the dreaded “email”. Yes, the dreaded "please don’t arrive until 12:30 email". Well, I told DW, we might as well wait in the terminal as well as here, and at least, when boarding begins, we’ll be first on. It is the suite thing, those in the suites get to board right after the back-to-backs and goodness, I was NOT going to miss this perk, 12:30 be darned.


So, we checked out and seconds, and I mean just seconds, if a not a second, after we had our receipt there was a power surge/outing at the hotel and all the computers went “blip” or “bleep” and went dark for a few seconds. And then they couldn’t get them back up. So, timing, guys and gals, timing is everything. Leaving the poor hotel clerks trying to re-boot their systems, we waved "ta ta".


We wandered outside and the doorman of the hotel offered us a $15 ride to the port. This was total, and not per person. I asked him when they were leaving and he said 5 minutes. So, I further asked him, is it really 5 minutes, or likely 15 or 20, or whenever a second couple shows up?


The correct answer was “whenever another couple shows up”. Is the $15 a bargain? Probably not. When we arrived back in Fort Lauderdale next Sunday, the fare from the port to the airport, which is a bit longer that from the Hyatt to the port, was only $11.20 without tip. So, I would guess a cab from the Hyatt likely will cost around $10 or $11 (before tip), so waiting on the van probably cost us the same as the cost of 1/3 of a Lava Flow (everyone, in your best Homer Simpson voice, ummmmmm Lava Flow). No real biggie. But, next time, use the cab, a bit cheaper and it leaves when you show up and is not dependent on another couple showing up.


However, in our case, the next couple showed up in 10 minutes, and, now the official timing record of our check in at Port Canaveral:


Arrive at port: 10:50 AM

Bags checked (and I did tip the attendant): 10:52 AM

Security: 10:54 AM – Security area was empty, no wait

Arrive at check in desk: 10:56 AM

Through check in desk (no picture taken for sea pass card due to technical issue) We had pre-printed and signed all our paperwork. It only took this long because we were very chatty with the friendly check-in person and her neighbor – 11:05AM

Welcome aboard photo: 11:06 AM

Seated in the suite guest waiting area: 11:08 AM

A bit less than twenty minutes from start to finish.

We settled in for the advertised hour or so wait. DW had our kindles ready and the seats were comfortable and our books interesting. But now when the doors open, we were ready to go.

11:18 AM – Back to back cruisers board.

11:20 AM – suite guests can board.

Wait, what, I’m settled in here! Quickly, away with the Kindles and like a flash, to the first check in area. Here our pictures were taken and seconds later we were walking up the gangway.

11:23 – Arrive on ship.


And gap in wonderment. Sorry for the bit of out of focus, here are our views looking to our left and right.






Now, we booked this cruise last October. I’ve read review after review and memorized Gambee’s and KansCocoa’s pictures of the ship, and I knew what to expect when arriving. And, this was not the first time we sailed and we’ve been on the Adventure of the Seas and really knew what to expect so nothing could really surprise me . . . . .


We start to climb the gangway and my first reaction is. . . . . . .


This thing is huge, I mean, huge, beyond words, impossible to imagine or understand until you see it huge. There now needs to be a new word in the English dictionary called “Oasis Class” – ship so large that nothing can prepare you for it.


After all pictures, all the reviews and all the prep work, I just didn’t understand or grasp the immensity of it all. I was awed, floored, they had to tell me to move to get out of the way, my jaw dropped, anyone who has been on this ship understands the reaction. We were here!


So, as I quickly took a couple of not so good pictures, DW and just stopped for a second and took it all in. She gave me a big hug and for a moment, just for a moment, the challenges of the last two weeks caught up to her. I had been expecting this. She is the Power of Attorney for her mother and the pressure of the last two weeks had been pretty intense and all those emotions were coming out now. I just continued the hug and gave her the moment. My DW is a pretty strong person, she had been holding the ball very well and she knows how proud of her I am. It was only for a minute or two, but it was good to let that emotion out.


Seconds later the moment passed and she was smiling again. How could you not? The Allure is one big, beautiful ship and had the next 7 days to discover all we could about her.


Continued on the next post. . . . .

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Did you ever want to be on a nearly empty cruise ship? From the Promenade, we quickly made our way to deck 15 (Sports and Pool zone) into the ever INCREASING sunshine, yeah!!!! So, here are the pools and the pool deck, totally devoid of passengers. They would never be this empty again! In fact, I bet very few have ever had the chance to walk around this pool and have it totally 100% to themselves. During the day (3AM doesn’t count).


A quick couple of notes about the pools. There are 4 outdoor pool areas. Now, here is where I get my aft confused with my forward, so let’s see if I can remember this correctly.


The two aft pool areas are the kid area and the sports pool. Since we don’t have kids, we did not visit the kids area, but I’ve provided a few pictures so everyone can see what it looks like. On the other side of the Central Park opening is the Sports pool. Since neither of us like volleyball, we never swam in this one either. You will notice some fencing along this pool so that the volleyball doesn’t soar all the way into Central Park. This is probably a good thing. Can you imagine if a ball went over the fence and there was a long pause (no one gets hit, though). Then, you hear a loud “doink” or something and the ball comes flying up from Central Park, over the fence, and into the pool area, over the volleyball net and is missed by the opposing team. Shouldn’t that count for more than one point?


Kids water play area:




Sports pool:




The two forward pools are the more general usage pool areas. There is the beach pool with the umbrellas that can almost never be opened because the cross wind on the deck is too strong, especially at sea. This is a salt water pool and floating in here is really easy. Others have said, and I agree, these are the most comfortable pool chairs. The second pool is the main pool and is fresh water. However, this is also the smoking side of the ship and if you don’t like that, you won’t enjoy sitting here.


Where is the ice cream (frozen yogurt)? There are two machines on the big posts between the pools, but the face the sports pool and the children’s pool. I liked the strawberry and the chocolate. Don’t make the cones to large, they melt FAST. Lick quick!


Beach Pool:




Main Pool:




See how empty everything is? No one else is aboard yet. We enjoyed these quiet moments because the pools would never be this quiet again!


Central Park photos from the main pool area:






That's all today folks, thanks for reading!


More tomorrow, assuming work gets out of the way!


Really, no one knew the referenced song:


"Six o'clock already I was just in the middle of a dream"


Really, no one, Bueller??



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I love the description of how you felt when you first got on the ship. I too have read every review and pics about this class of ship I feel like I know it inside and out. I hope I feel the same way you did. :D

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Know, I know how those on these boards say go to the Park Café for the beef sandwich (Kummelweck). However, I do like the Honey Stung Chicken you can only get on sail away day from the Windjammer café. Where to go, where to go . . . . . .


We were so early that crowds weren’t going to be a problem. Well, the Honey Stung Chicken won and we went to the Windjammer. It was still quite empty but all the food stations were full. Now, when we boarded the ship, they had the purell cleaners out and they were everywhere. Before entering any food venue and upon exiting any food venue, they had you wash your hands. I also noticed they were polishing the handrails in the stairwells like, all the time (see, we took the stairs). For the record, though, we did not encounter, or hear about, anyone getting Norovirus during the week. The Captain never made an announcement, I didn’t see any rooms closed off, didn’t overhear any conversations and no mention was ever stated. Not saying Norovirus wasn’t present, just saying we didn’t see any evidence of it.


We sat down and since we had our carryon stuff with us, we went for goodies on separate turns. RCCL choose for background music hits from the last 70s and 80s. Very popular stuff, Journey, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, REO Speedwagon, groups and music from my era. So, there I was, waiting for DW. We had a table by the window, overlooking all the action going on in the port, I was relaxing and the waiter had brought us our first DC (Diet Cokes – we had the Coke package but the cups were in our stateroom so we couldn’t Freestyle, yet).


Then, as I sat there waiting and watching others show up and vie for seats, what song would come on but Come Sail Away by Styx. Only my favorite song, like EVER. Pardon me, my age is showing. Not that I’m any sort of Karaoke fan, but I couldn’t help but quietly sing along, not too loud. The group at the table next me started to sing along too. Soon, there were 7 or 8 us, as DW came back and we all shared some late 70s Rock and Roll. The waiters all applauded when we had finished. What an outstanding start to the day.


We did enjoy several items in the WJ, but normally I am not a big fan of food porn pictures and my camera doesn’t take really good indoor shots, as you will soon discover. So, no pictures from this lunch. It was good, the beef was tasty, the grouper really good, and I do enjoy the chicken. I only wish they had had more chocolate selections at the dessert table, but that is a mere quibble. I remember on past cruises that one sail away day they would have these awesome chocolate brownies, and not the ones they serve at the Promenade café, but some very dense and very chocolaty brownies. No biggie.


Okay, so while I was wolfing down my chicken and DW was enjoying the grouper and the Shepard’s pie, two guys sat down at the table behind us. Now, the tables in the WJ are very close to each other, you really do kind’ve sit on top of each other. I also have the (bad) habit of eavesdropping on other people’s conversations.


When DW and I travel, we focus on enjoying ourselves. Our vacation is what we make of it. If either one of us finds the other starting to complain or whine, we tend to tell each other to stop it, we’re on vacation and we need to just “go with it” and have fun. It is a mindset that has led us to many a good vacation. I mean, here we are on the world largest cruise ship, the sun is coming out, the temperatures are warm, we have our drinks, our bellies are full and the whole week stretches before us. What could possibly be better?


Well, for our added amusement, the guys behind us started to complain. The food wasn’t right, the beef was tough, something else wasn’t good, the view was awful (hey guys, go to the port side, the view there is better), it was too hot, the waiters were too slow, the cabins weren’t available yet, and on and on. It was all I could do to not laugh out loud. You spent all this money on the cruise and all you can do is whine? Too funny. Thankfully they quickly left and did not put a damper on our mood, which was, as you can tell, totally opposite.


We finished up around 12:30 and the WJ was getting crowded so we departed our table giving it over to another couple. We took more pictures from the sports deck and waited for the cabins to open at 1PM, which they promptly did. A few more pictures while we were waiting:








Then a quick walk on the boardwalk as we found our muster station:




Okay, one of me:




To be continued, next post



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So, you may have noticed that I gave the cruise 9.5 out of 10. Here is where some points were deducted. This had no impact on our overall cruise experience, but is probably the one instance where my expectations were not quite met.


Several reviewers here on CC have gotten to their cabins around 1PM and their luggage was already there. So, I was a bit bummed to get our cabin (Suite 8660) and not find any luggage waiting us. Still, we had packed everything we needed on our carryon, so not a day breaker. Now, you would think that over the next 7 days the guy with the camera (that’s me) would have taken a few moments to take pictures of the cabin and the double balcony. That balcony had a table with two chairs and two loungers. It was awesome! Oh, about the pictures, somehow, I forgot all about it, so no cabin pictures, and yes, the lovely DW has already admonished me about that. But, not to cry over spilt milk, we’ll just have to cruise in that cabin again someday. Trust me, it is an awesome cabin.


We found our soda cups (how many diet flavors of Freestyle cruising was I able to try, they’ll be a count later). I found the juice package I had pre-ordered. DW is a diabetic and we needed to ensure she had juice available in case she had low sugars during the night. She pattern is to have low sugar around 3-5 in the morning, so the juice was there as an insurance policy. We ordered apple, the paperwork said apple and juice delivered was orange. DW much prefers apple.


So, we had two minor issues. But, the sun was shining and I wanted to check out these things called Flowriders. So, we dropped off the carryons and went back to the aft sports deck to check them out. I knew that there was no way I was going to try the standup one. I’m not known for my prime balancing skills and falling on that one was fearful to me.


I had a different opinion of the boogie board one. We sat and watched the young’uns take on and do very well on the boogie board. Finally, I decided that if I was going to do this, it had to be now while the lines were short and if I liked it, I had all week to do it again. We had brought our bathing suits on our carryon so I went back down to the room to change.


A short time later, it was my turn and the attendant began trying to instruct me. You see, he said, you put your elbows on the back of the board and leave them there. Then, you shift your weight on the those elbows to steer the board. Sure, yeah, right, got it. So, I put my elbows on the board, tried to grab the side of it at the same time and crept towards the running water. This leaves your arms in a rather unnatural position, especially if you haven’t tried this before. I kind’ve knelt myself down and thrust, lightly, myself into the artificial waves.


And was promptly booted off the board. The attendant was quite patience and truth be told he really was trying to help. But, remember, that I am not an easily bendable teenager or young adult trying to this. But, I bravely tried again and DW bravely tried to take pictures without her thumb on the lens. Briefly, no matter how briefly, I had some success. I tried to steer the board and stay on it and keep my elbows on the board at the same time. Here are pictures as proof, that for a few seconds, success!


And I'm off!




Still on!




The wave wins. Sure, hon, no thumb on this one. :p




What surprised me was how tired it made my arms. Not that I’m Mr. Workout or anything, but that took me off guard. I can do 45 minutes on the elliptical, yet this boogie thing was hard on the arms. I passed the board to the next person, although I think the attendant would have let me had another go, but the wipe out had cut my big toe and I needed a minute to catch myself.


Well, I had to go and get a band aid for my toe and by the time we got back, I wasn’t quite ready to try again and truth be told, I wussed out the rest of the week. But, I’m glad I tried it and if I encounter the Flowrider again, I’d give it another go.


Our muster station was in the Aqua Theater and we arrived at about 4:15. By now, all the crew were in their safety vests and directing everyone to where they needed to be. The clouds were gathering again and I thought it might be a bit of a stretch to get through muster before the afternoon rains came through. We made it. The Princess ship left while we were at muster so no pictures of her leaving port. Muster is muster, what can you say. Thankfully, it did not take long.


To be continued. . . ..

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Our CC group was meeting at the Sky Bar on deck 16. We were quick after muster to get there before everyone else, but some others were gathering at one of the secret aft balconies on deck 14. Since the weather was turning possibly rainy, DW and I each got a Coco Loco (yummy) and moved down to the portside deck 14 aft balcony, where we essentially had a private sail away party. We had the official sail away party music from the Aqua theater playing and some great views from this wonderful location. I did get several shots as we steadily moved away from the dock and through the channel. Although it didn’t rain, the clouds had arrived again. Never-the-less, the sail away was exciting, fun and really enjoyable.


Sail Away party from the Aqua theater:




More Sail Away pictures - channel towards the bridge:




Turning into the channel:




On patrol:




I want to live here:




Really, either one will do.



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More sail away pictures:


Dream homes:




These guys were really cool:




Nearly through the channel:




Entering the Atlantic, as you can see, even from Deck 14, you are really high.




Bye Port Lauderdale, see you in a week:




Last sail away picture:




To be continued (again)



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We had time to run back to the cabin before our 6:45 My Time Dining reservation. DW was a bit upset that second suitcase still had not arrived and was sitting in the hallway about dozen cabins away. So, I took action and found it and took it bag to the cabin. This made DW happy. Why this suitcase was allowed to just sit in the hall and not be delivered was a tad annoying. However, we quickly unpacked and the matter was forgotten, until this review.


We went to the Deck 5 dinning room for our reservation. As many others have said, it seems like a lot of chaos on day one. Our only concern was our 9PM OceanAria show. We arrived at the check in desk at our allotted time, the poor attendant seemed a bit stressed. When she asked us if we wanted to share a table or have a private one we immediately said share as we like meeting other people. Apparently, that was the right answer because she then gave us a big smile of thanks and we were then seated at a table for 8 with 6 other couples, one from Ottawa, one from northern Michigan (I forget the town) and one from the New York area. There was pleasant conversation throughout the evening.


I didn't take pics of the menu, but I believe plenty of others have posted them. DW was stunned when I ordered the smoked fish dip (I had vowed to try new things) and the Atlantic Salmon with horseradish (I generally don’t care for horseradish, or seafood) but the waiter recommended it and said the horseradish was a very small part of the dish.


Sorry, in a the crowded dining room I didn't want to try flash pictures so no food stuff here. The fish dip thing was outstanding as was DWs spinach salad. The waiter was right on about the Atlantic Salmon as you really couldn't taste the horseradish. DW has the filet sliders on the tomato brioche bun and they were good too (they are offered every night). The only disappointing dish was the Bailey’s Crème Brulee. It was well under cooked, soggy and you could only taste the Bailey’s, which was way too strong. This was one of the few real dishes that missed. Thankfully, misses were exceptions and not the rule. Two bites and I was done. DW’s sugar-free Strawberry Mousse thing was much better.


I don’t remember the waiter’s name here, but he was very, very slow. We told him that we have 9PM reservations for Ocean Aria and we didn’t get our desserts until after 8:30, making us have to dash to get into the show before they started letting in those without reservations.


This is one of the few times our Suite status paid off as when we arrived, we were directed to a special row only for suite guests that was center stage and outside of the splash zone. They were great seats and we didn’t have long to wait for the show to begin.


And what a show. Sorry, no flash pictures so I didn't even try to take any. We choose the Allure because of the entertainment and OceanAria was a sensational start. I can’t explain it. There is no plot, really, the show consists of several acrobatic, diving, trampoline and comedic pool elements. The talent of the performers is amazing, even more so when you consider that they are doing all these tricks, all these high dives from 62 feet high while the ship is moving. A very enjoyable show and, I think, my favorite from the whole week. DO NOT MISS OCEANARIA!!!!!!


We needed a stretch after that great show and we started our nightly tradition of walking laps between deck 15 or deck 16. This week featured a beautiful full moon and we liked wandering the upper decks and moon and/or star gazing. We generally did 3 or 4 laps which actually had to add up to more than a mile of walking. By now, the clouds from Florida were left behind and the moon was shinning brightly.


Although the cleaning crew closes much of the pool area at night (kids zone, sports pool, Solarium pool and either the main poor or beach pool are all closed, and half of the hot tubs are closed too), we noticed that at least one of the cantilever hot tubs remained available. We changed and enjoyed some evening hot tub time.


One last note about day 1. I cannot speak for others or other cruises, but we had remarkably calm seas and calm winds. I swear, unless you were looking outside, you couldn't tell that you were on a ship moving at about 19 knots. There was no movement, I mean none at all. Dinner could have been on any land based restaurant and the performers at OceanAria didn't have to adjust for swaying or rocking conditions. Perhaps we hit a quiet week weather wise, or perhaps the ship being so big rides just that smoothly, but in all our cruises, we had never felt one where we didn't feel any motion.


After our hot tub time, we were both exhausted from the long day and retired to the suite for a sweet night of very sound sleep.


End of day 1.


Upcoming - Day 2 - What to do with 3 & 6 off suit.


However, we do have major MIL items to take care of this weekend, so I'll resume this trip log on Monday.


For all those reading and commenting - thank you very much, I enjoy comments and encouragement. This is taking me much longer than I ever thought it would!


Have a great weekend everyone.



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i'm continuing to enjoy your review!!

and for the record, you have a wonderful writing style!!!!


i'm starting to wonder if i'm making a mistake waiting for final payment day to make reservations....

but it's only one more month now to final payment, so i may as well wait....

i just hope i still get reservations for all the shows at that time :)

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a question - for an adults only cruise, what do you think the best cabin location is? both in terms of deck and forward vs aft...


i want to try to be near the stairs, but i can't figure out if forward or aft is better...

Depends what you think you want to be near. Aft is near the main dining room, Windjammer, Boardwalk, Concierge Lounge, Guest Services. Forward is near the Solarium (and Solarium Cafe), the Fitness Center, the Diamond Lounge, the theater, and other entertainment.

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Depends what you think you want to be near. Aft is near the main dining room, Windjammer, Boardwalk, Concierge Lounge, Guest Services. Forward is near the Solarium (and Solarium Cafe), the Fitness Center, the Diamond Lounge, the theater, and other entertainment.


we'll be in a regular room not a suite :( so we don't need to be near the concierge lounge (i wish, but just too much money), so i guess forward sounds like it would be best for us...

thanks!! :)

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