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Single Supplement Charge

esther e

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The previous responder is correct, it is usually a 100 percent add on. Two notes to that: 1) it is nort quite doulbe the actual cruise fare for one, beacause the single supplement does not include double the port charges, and 2) the two transatlantic trips this coming November, have only a 25 percent single supplement. That plus the fact that the per person double fares are low ($999 for 10 days, including airfare for one of the trips) make it the two trips very appealing pricewise.

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"the single supplement does not include double the port charges"

That's what I thought too Howard, but I just made reservations for two friends for next spring, and I was told that for singles, you double the brochure price, which already includes the port charges, then add one charge for the govt. fees.

I thought it was a bit excessive charging the poor singles TWICE for port charges, but that is what the reservationist at Oceania said, I'm wondering now if that's correct.

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Guest Jancruz

Res agent was not correct only one port charge...and if your TA checks on some cruises that are not full you can get a break in the SS price..



:) *****

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I would agree with Jan about checking on cruises that may not be full. Waiting until the last minute to book isn't the ideal route I know but last month I booked a Med. Insignia sailing in August. From the advertised 'double occupancy' fare to what I was charged the SS appears to be around 35%. However, Oceania's whole fare structure seems to be something of a minefield as they appear to apply different fare structures to different markets. I booked through a UK TA and the fares available to them appear to be completely different to those advertised in the US - and there is no FREE AIR. I would also agree that they do not favour 'solo' travellers, in fact I would go so far as to say they don't even understand what one is. I wrote to them requesting clarification on a couple of concerns I had re travelling solo with them and the reply I got went straight in the Recycle bin!! I wrote again explaining that I wasn't asking about 'singles' cruising but about travelling solo and they didn't even bother to reply to that one!!!!

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I wrote to them requesting clarification on a couple of concerns I had re travelling solo with them and the reply I got went straight in the Recycle bin!! I wrote again explaining that I wasn't asking about 'singles' cruising but about travelling solo and they didn't even bother to reply to that one!!!!


I know what it is to be ignored. After returning from my South America Cruise in January I was anticipating the receipt of promised discount coupons for future cruises and Oceania Club Membership information. Another couple who travelled with us received their coupons (and have since booked another Oceania Cruise) within the stated time. To this date we have received nothing. I made two telelphone calls and was promised they would be mailed, They were not. I wrote a follow-up letter and an email. After brining my TA into the issue she was able to get our Oceania Club Membership numbers and her email said we would be receiving our membership kit. That was March '05. Frankly, I've given up.


But, I must say that if the right cruise comes along, I certainly would consider Oceania. I really enjoyed the Insignia and the service I received onboard. I'm not bitter (yet) just disappointed.


Rich -

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Lots of people have complained about the office staff. The message doesn't seem to get through to the home office.


But regarding single surcharges -- my mother traveled with us on Regatta in January 2004 and her supplement was 175%. No doubt it has increased by now since the number does seem to consistently be 200%.


However, she was very lucky. She had booked an "E", I think, possibly a "D", and then there was a one day sale providing upgrades. She ended up in an "A" all by herself for the price of a Deck 4 cabin ... Not bad.


If you can be sure of booking an undersold cruise the single traveler can luck out.

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Mura: As I said previously the whole pricing structure seems to be something of a minefield !! Lucky Mum, I'm sure she enjoyed her upgrade to an 'A' category, I wish I had been that lucky !! You certainly seem to get better deals in the US than those available in the UK. Much as I would have loved to have a balcony (a 'B' category would have been fine) when Insignia cruise I booked went on final sale I only progressed as far as a 'C', but as that was approx $1450 cheaper than the 'D' I had previously been quoted, I took it!! Guess I'll have to keep running up the stairs to Deck 5 when I want some fresh air.......


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I'm the president of Oceania Cruises and I am sorry and embarassed that you have not received your well earned deserved Oceania Club Membership kit.


If you would, please call me collect, on my private line at 305 514 2301, and I will personally make sure the kit is sent to you immediately via Fed-Ex.



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I'm the president of Oceania Cruises and I am sorry and embarassed that you have not received your well earned deserved Oceania Club Membership kit.


If you would, please call me collect, on my private line at 305 514 2301, and I will personally make sure the kit is sent to you immediately via Fed-Ex.




Mr. Del Rio:




I am pleased that by you reading these boards action has been taken to resolve the problem Rich experienced re his communications with your company and his Oceania Club membership issue, (and to seeing your comments in response to Brian’s Insignia review on another thread) however, I was very disappointed to see you did not address the original topic of this thread, single supplements.




In addition to my previous comments on this thread I would add that there is an ever increasing number of travelers in this category, and as one of them I believe it is time we were shown a little more consideration than Oceania gives at present. Having to wait for last minute offers, or being granted ‘specials’ on historically low occupancy and/or off-season sailings is hardly an adequate solution to this issue, especially for those who are employed and need to plan their holidays well in advance. We are not the ‘also rans’ of society and we should not have to settle for the ‘left-overs’ because prohibitive single supplements make the ‘first choices’ unaffordable.




That said I am very much looking forward to my Insignia cruise (even without a balcony!!) next month and hope the Oceania onboard experience will be far more pleasurable than the getting there experience has been……….….




Thank you




Anne F.

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Having been single most of my adult life, I spent a lot of time mulling the single supplement over. It seemed to me that no one really does anything but plan for the majority. The majority is couples. They can fill their quota with couples and they realize a certain profit they can operate with from them.

So singles, including me, had a choice. Either pay double, go on the less popular cruises where the overall price is less to double from, or join single groups where they find you a roommate. I never seemed to have friends who could afford to go on trips with me, they always wanted me to pay for them too since it was my idea. :confused:

The funny thing is now that I'm married, we are retired and on a fixed income so I still shop for the less popular cruises that are discounted. Fortunately I got used to doing things that way and find I like it where its less crowded. :)

But gee, I found that no one wanted just one person around. Waiters don't, apartment managers don't charge less for just one in an apartment, and the list goes on and on.

I don't think you should look at it like someone doesn't like you or doesn't want you. Just find someone who caters to your circumstances. This cruise line is small and can't afford to mark things down so much. They have to make a certain profit to operate with the amenities they advertise. That then determines what they gear their pricing for. Okay, you eat less than two. What should they take off the shopping list?

Well, that made sense to me. I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings or feel you aren't liked by me. That isn't it at all. Just put yourself in the marketing position and see the big group of couples waiting to buy and then look at that little group of singles and do the math. But please don't take it personally. Liz

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Well, that made sense to me. I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings or feel you aren't liked by me. That isn't it at all. Just put yourself in the marketing position and see the big group of couples waiting to buy and then look at that little group of singles and do the math. But please don't take it personally. Liz


Liz - You did not hurt my feelings and I do not take your comments personally. As a professional employed within a service industry I fully understand the economics of marketing to the majority customer. My gripe with Oceania (and others) was doing that to the exclusion of the minority customer, until such time as they find the majority hasn't bought all their product, so then they offer it out to the minority at an affordable uplift in order to 'clear the shelves'. Which is excatly what happenned with my cruise, first quoted at a 100% supplement but then requoted at approx 35% when the space needed to be filled close to sail date. On this occasion I was able to take advantage of the offer but under normal circumstances I would not have as I have specific time-windows in which to take holidays. It would be nice to know one could select one's first choice (in my case Oceania) at an affordable single supplement (even if it were capacity controlled) on any sailing, not just on those they know in advance will have space availability, or as last minute offers. Anne

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We are one couple of male/female cats, so the single supplement question does not apply to us. Nonetheless, just for information's sake, you actually have more choices than it appears. At 100% single supplement on Oceania, you can easily get cruises at 25 to 75% single supplement on the true boutique lines (e.g. Seabourn, Silversea and RSSC) for roughly the same cost (especially with the included tips and drinks), when they have voyages on sale. So check on the internet and look at those boutique lines, many of them let you book way ahead of time and pre-plan your trips. As for itineraries, you can always combine two voyages back to back (to make them similar to Oceania's relatively long voyages) and get additional discounts for doing that. Different cruise lines set different priorities in their business practices to attract different target groups of customers. It won't hurt to look around! Hope this helps.

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I was aware of the alternatives and did investigate them however, Oceania was the choice I made as it best suited my requirements. For the record, I would have paid the initial price I was given, regardless of the fact that I don't agree with the policy of across the board 100% supplements, but in doing so it would have meant I would have been very careful about how much money I spent with them when onboard the ship, whereas now I do not have to be quite so mindful. Bottom line is they will probably get just as much of my hard earned cash but instead of it being all in the actual cruise cost it'll be a combination of cruise cost and onboard expenses !! However, I would have preferred that to have been my choice from the onset and not as a result of Oceania offering a reduction in the applied SS at the last minute....... Anne

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I was aware of the alternatives and did investigate them however, Oceania was the choice I made as it best suited my requirements. For the record, I would have paid the initial price I was given, regardless of the fact that I don't agree with the policy of across the board 100% supplements, but in doing so it would have meant I would have been very careful about how much money I spent with them when onboard the ship, whereas now I do not have to be quite so mindful. Bottom line is they will probably get just as much of my hard earned cash but instead of it being all in the actual cruise cost it'll be a combination of cruise cost and onboard expenses !! However, I would have preferred that to have been my choice from the onset and not as a result of Oceania offering a reduction in the applied SS at the last minute....... Anne



I'm the original poster, as my husband was not sure he wanted to go on this particular cruise with me. My TA called Oceania and found out the single supplement was 200%, not 100%. Needless to say, he's going on the cruise! I'd have to pay the same amount alone or with him, give or take a few dollars. And you're right--many lines charge 25% on some cruises. I went to Antarctica a couple of years ago and paid the single supplement, not knowing or caring because I really wanted to go to Antarctica. Last summer I went to Spitzbergen on a British ship, Fred Olsen, who offers single cabins for individual travelers. Very nice. I think that's something ships should consider doing. However, I really don't want to get into marketing problems, etc. Just making a comment that single occupancy cabins would be a nice-to-have on ships.


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Esther - I didn't really want to get into all this either but it seems to be like a stone gathering moss!! As I said way back in this thread the whole pricing structure seems to be something of a minefield and my UK English (as opposed to the US English used by most posters on these boards) is obviously adding more mines to the field!!! Supplement to me is the amount added over and above the advertised double occupancy rate, and my understanding is that Oceania as the norm charge double the per person double occupancy rate for a single occupant of a cabin? That I think equates to a 200% total charge (which in my UK English is base rate plus 100% supplement). Sorry if I have confused other posters or readers of this particular thread, I'll endeavour not to stick my two pence in anymore on this particular issue.


Enjoy your cruise Esther, I certianly intend to enjoy mine (after paying so much for it!!!!)

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I hope you also enjoy your cruise. Where are you off to? Ours is the Amazon in November.



Esther - Nowhere quite as exotic as the Amazon for me, the Mediterranean on Insignia from the 13th August... A well earned and hopefully a pleasurable escape from work for a couple of weeks.... Anne

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To Jayayeff (Anne)


The issue of Single Supplements is purely an economic one.

Cruise lines sell cabins not beds.

If a cruise line has adequate demand to sail full by selling the entire cabin, they will not "break-down" the cabin and sell just one bed at a price that is less than that of the full cabin. When cruise lines do sell singles at less than a 100% supplement, it indicates that there is not enough demand to sell out the ship at the usual and customary double occupancy prices. Therefore, these lines would rather get some revenue rather than zero for their inventory and thus, offer the single traveller what is in essence, a huge discount to the double occupancy price. Believe me, the cruise lines that do offer single supplements at less than 100% are NOT doing it out of the goodness of their heart or to be "nice" to single travellers, they do it because for them, its good business to do so.


As you know, we currently operate only 2 mid-size vessels. (Can't wait for Nautica to start sailing in November) Up to now, we have been forutnate and blessed with having more natural demand for our cruise vacations than we have ships. Therefore, since we normally sail at 100% CABIN occupancy, it would be simply bad business for us to offer single supplements at less than 100% of the double occupancy price. When we do offer a discount from the 100% norm, its because we too are having difficulty sailing full with double occupany guests.


I hope you understand.



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To Jayayeff (Anne)


I hope you understand.






Thank you for re-visiting this thread and responding to my 'gripe' re single supplements. If you have ploughed through all the posts subsequent to the one I addressed to yourself then you're aware that I do understand the economics of the policy however, I'm still of the belief that a capacity controlled single occupancy percentage policy on all sailings would make just as sound economic sense, but this is not the forum in which to debate that point so enough said for now.


Regardless of the SS issue I am confident I have made the right choice in Oceania and I'm thoroughly looking forward to my cruise on the Insignia next month. May I wish you continued success with the introduction of Nautica to your fleet in November and I look forward to seeing her in Dubai when she calls here on her maiden voyage.


Anne F.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm the president of Oceania Cruises and I am sorry and embarassed that you have not received your well earned deserved Oceania Club Membership kit.


If you would, please call me collect, on my private line at 305 514 2301, and I will personally make sure the kit is sent to you immediately via Fed-Ex.




I called Frank's office, provided the information and within one week rec'd the luggage tags and discount certificate. Of course, the certificate expires unless it is used within 45 days from the return of the last voyage (January '05). That being said, I do appreciate Frank's follow through. It is just unfortunate that it took four telephone calls, two emails and this message board to get it done. Still looking forward to our next Oceania Cruise.



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Guest Jancruz



If you just received the coupon your travel agent should certainly be able to use it to apply to any cruise you book within the next 45 days..



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