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Viking Cruises: Update on Central Europe Flood Impact

Viking Cruises

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As noted in previous posts, the Elbe cruise (Berlin/Magdeburg to Prague) starting on 23rd June has gone ahead - sort of.

We had previously been warned that high water around Dresden would prevent the ship going through, so plan was to transfer at that point to sister ship 'stranded' upstream for second half of trip; a bit of a nuisance to have to repack and then re-unpack but nothing too drastic. However situation is not that simple.

We were told on Sunday evening that, due to measurements being taken on the river, we were not allowed to set out on Monday morning, but delayed until Tuesday morning. Monday’s excursion would be done by coach from Magdeburg. This went sort of OK, but I feel the excursion, although pleasant enough, was not really worth the 3 1/2 hours spent in the coach. Some, but not all, fellow passengers felt the same.

Sadly, this (Monday) evening we were told that we are now not permitted to sail on Tuesday and not even Wednesday is assured. It seems that the river is not navigable upstream (the way we want to go) until about Dresden. Viking assures us that the visits scheduled will take place but it seems possible that all the first half of the ‘cruise’ will be by coach trips from Magdeburg. Viking have told us quite clearly that they realise that this is not the experience we are expecting and that they are looking carefully at what sort of compensation will be appropriate.

I feel desperately sorry for their hardworking, and no doubt exasperated, staff on board, who seem to be making strenuous efforts to cope with the situation (including organising extra little walking trips and even a diversion excursion to a nearby canal and lock). However, I get the impression that someone (senior management?) took a ‘flyer’ and said “go ahead” prior to full sailing authorisation being given by the river authorities (I would welcome Viking’s correction of my supposition if appropriate). I do wonder if the cruise, which was not cheap, should not have been cancelled before it went ahead, rather than risk running at half mast.

We await developments with interest, but I suggest that passengers getting ready for the next cruise should contact Viking for some pretty firm assurances.

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Will be calling and emailing Viking as well...

But are currently scheduled to depart NYC tonight for our Romantic Danube cruise June 26 Nuremberg to Budapest on the Odin.


There have been no specifics of alterations posted on the site re our sailing date.

A couple of questions


As one of the affected previous ?June 19? Sailing was changed to our vessel, the Odin, should we anticipate a ship change? Or will the Odin return to Nuremberg in time for our departure?


How long do you expect to be still be unable to dock at the normal pier in Passau and should we expect to bus in that day?


As the damage at the Altenworth lock appears to be extensive and I would not be surprised in the least if opening is further delayed beyond the 28th. What are the contingency plans should it still be impassable on the 29th which I believe is our transit through this point. Which sister ship would we transition to? Would you anticipate any "Coach or Hotel" Substitutions (not satisfactory)


Viking Please comment ASAP


My parents recently returned from their cruise with you in Portugal and had a wonderful time


We have been so looking forward to this but are deciding if this will be the cruise we invested so much in or should make use of our trip insurance


Thank you

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As noted in previous posts, the Elbe cruise (Berlin/Magdeburg to Prague) starting on 23rd June has gone ahead - sort of.


We had previously been warned that high water around Dresden would prevent the ship going through, so plan was to transfer at that point to sister ship 'stranded' upstream for second half of trip; a bit of a nuisance to have to repack and then re-unpack but nothing too drastic. However situation is not that simple.


We were told on Sunday evening that, due to measurements being taken on the river, we were not allowed to set out on Monday morning, but delayed until Tuesday morning. Monday’s excursion would be done by coach from Magdeburg. This went sort of OK, but I feel the excursion, although pleasant enough, was not really worth the 3 1/2 hours spent in the coach. Some, but not all, fellow passengers felt the same.


Sadly, this (Monday) evening we were told that we are now not permitted to sail on Tuesday and not even Wednesday is assured. It seems that the river is not navigable upstream (the way we want to go) until about Dresden. Viking assures us that the visits scheduled will take place but it seems possible that all the first half of the ‘cruise’ will be by coach trips from Magdeburg. Viking have told us quite clearly that they realise that this is not the experience we are expecting and that they are looking carefully at what sort of compensation will be appropriate.


I feel desperately sorry for their hardworking, andno doubt exasperated, staff on board, who seem to be making strenuous efforts to cope with the situation (including organising extra little walking trips and even a diversion excursion to a nearby canal and lock). However, I get the impression that someone (senior management?) took a ‘flyer’ and said “go ahead” prior to full sailing authorisation being given by the river authorities (I would welcome Viking’s correction of my supposition if appropriate). I do wonder if the cruise, which was not cheap, should not have beencancelled before it went ahead, rather than risk running at half mast.


We await developments with interest, but I suggest that passengers getting ready for the next cruise should contact Viking for some pretty firm assurances.



We are due to sail from Dresden to Berlin this Saturday, 29th June (down stream), our Tour operator is Riviera Travel and we are travelling on The MS Swiss Ruby. The 'on the ground ' information you post is very useful as the operator is due to make a decision tomorrow (Wednesday) on whether the trip goes ahead. Clearly we do not want to have a holiday where the boat is a fixed floating hotel with coach trips out to the places of interest. Finding independent information on whether the Elbe is open to traffic from Berlin to Dresden has been frustratingly difficult; your post is the only one we have found, so if you can continue to post your news on the navigability of the Elbe from Berlin to Dresden it would be most appreciated.


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Salad Muncher


Thanks for your comments.There is so little on this thread about the Elbe, as opposed to Danube etc., that I thought I might be talking to myself.


Today we had a good (coach) trip to Wittenberg, where Martin Luther strut his stuff some 500 years ago. Not a subject I thought would be that interesting, but in fact it was great. The guides were, as usual, generally very good, if sometimes a little garrulous. Well worth the trip.


Tomorrow (Wednesday) we should be sailing in to Meissen and then on to Dresden. Instead, we have a day (coach) trip to Leipzig, which is less than an hour and a half away and supposed to be very interesting. We will then leave the ship on Thursday, by coach, to do the Meissen and Dresden journey from where we will board the sister ship to actually sail on to Prague. So something will get squeezed out but not certain what.


I can't add much about how Salad Muncher's trip may go, as I don't really have the true facts about the state of the Elbe to hand. All I know is that it has screwed us up quite a bit, but presumably things are improving. The weather has been mostly cloudy today, with a fair amount of rain in Wittenberg, but with little or none back here in Magdeburg and cool temperatures of around 16 degC. Tomorrow is forecast dry and cloudy, and a little cooler. You just need to keep pressing your cruise line for details, I am afraid.


I should add that the food and service aboard our Viking ship has been impeccable, despite the extra load that the programme changes must cause.


I hope you have a good cruise. I will update info when /if I get more news.

Edited by DavidF1940
Correcting minor typos
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Many thanks for the update David. We are still waiting to hear from the TA whether or not our trip has been cancelled. They said they would let us know sometime this afternoon (Wed), even though we are due to leave home tomorrow, so I'll let you know what transpires.

Have you actually sailed anywhere yet? It seems from your post they are bussing you around from a stationary vessel, making your trip a coach holiday rather than a River Cruise. I would be very disapppointed if they gave us the go ahead but did the same thing, so would rather they cancel before we left home which would give us the opportunity maybe to book a trip at another time when the flooding issues are not a problem. Anyway at least you seem to be getting some enjoyment out of your trip and that's the main thing. Please do keep us updated. Kind regards.

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Viking, your posting on this board and information on your US website is excellent.


I accept that it is difficult to get the right balance as some want the "Just reassure me that you will do what you can" line & some (like me) want to understand all of the details.


From my point of view, information such as the Slovak lock are useful to publish even when they are unclear as you are in a better position than most to give us information & more importantly to interpret it.


You state

<<In Germany, between the cities of Regensburg and Passau, the water levels of the Danube River are still comparatively high. Depending on sailing schedules, this many cause some possible delays in the coming days and we will continue to monitor the situation and make any minor itinerary alterations, as needed. >>,

whereas from other sources we are told

<<Regensburg to Passau: Closed without indication of reopening.>> What is the position here and have any of your boats got through this section.


Again, thanks for the information, the more you share the more we will trust you in the future.


I am booked with Avalon UK for Budapest - Amsterdam on the 3rd July & all we are told is <<Water levels are now starting to drop and cruising programmes are beginning to return to normal however, there may be some changes to the programme or planned itineraries. We continue to monitor the situation very closely. Should we be advised of any changes to future bookings, then our teams will be pro-actively contacting those customers directly affected. Normal Booking Conditions apply>>


I do not like being treated like a mushroom & much prefer the openess of Viking.


Hello David - if you think Viking are 'open' then you should have seen how travellers from 1st 2nd June were being treated (as I know from bitter experience) compared with the first rate reponse of Avalon. I wish you better luck - truly hope you have good holiday, and with Avalon believe you will.

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Dear Rhodytennis,


We did try to call you a couple of times based on your post and email, and are sorry that it appears we missed you. Now that you are on the ship you can ask any remaining questions of your Program Director, or you can also email us again at TellUs@vikingcruises.com.


And yes, the Gabcikovo Lock has been repaired and is again functioning without interuption.


We’re happy to hear that your parents had a wonderful cruise with us in Portugal—and we hope you enjoy your time on the Danube just as much!


Very best,

Viking Cruises



Will be calling and emailing Viking as well...

But are currently scheduled to depart NYC tonight for our Romantic Danube cruise June 26 Nuremberg to Budapest on the Odin.


There have been no specifics of alterations posted on the site re our sailing date.

A couple of questions


As one of the affected previous ?June 19? Sailing was changed to our vessel, the Odin, should we anticipate a ship change? Or will the Odin return to Nuremberg in time for our departure?


How long do you expect to be still be unable to dock at the normal pier in Passau and should we expect to bus in that day?


As the damage at the Altenworth lock appears to be extensive and I would not be surprised in the least if opening is further delayed beyond the 28th. What are the contingency plans should it still be impassable on the 29th which I believe is our transit through this point. Which sister ship would we transition to? Would you anticipate any "Coach or Hotel" Substitutions (not satisfactory)


Viking Please comment ASAP


My parents recently returned from their cruise with you in Portugal and had a wonderful time


We have been so looking forward to this but are deciding if this will be the cruise we invested so much in or should make use of our trip insurance


Thank you

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Hi there Fellow Traveller,


You mention departures in the first few days of June. We understand that when these guests of these departures arrived they were taken by surprise at the conditions of the rivers; we were taken by surprise, too. Our Switzerland-based teams worked diligently and in good faith trying to make arrangements as needed and keep their guests informed. We’ve heard frustration over instances where a crew could not provide answers on contingency plans that were beyond the next day, and we apologize for this, to both our guests and our crew, as it was surely frustrating for both parties. With conditions changing quickly, we did the best we could to provide each crew with complete information as it became available. Again, a few hours or a few centimeters of difference can have an enormous impact on a ship’s sailing schedule.


Fellow Traveller, we hope that you will contact us directly at TellUs@vikingcruises.com so that we may discuss your particular concerns—even if you have already done so previously we ask that you contact us once again. Our Customer Relations team is starting to return to normal levels of incoming calls and emails after a few weeks of very high volume, and so we are re-doubling our efforts to address concerns with guests who may feel that they have not been adequately heard. We hope to hear from you soon.


Very best,

Viking Cruises



Hello David - if you think Viking are 'open' then you should have seen how travellers from 1st 2nd June were being treated (as I know from bitter experience) compared with the first rate reponse of Avalon. I wish you better luck - truly hope you have good holiday, and with Avalon believe you will.
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Today (Wednesday) we got more bad news. Apparently it has been raining steadily for a day or so in Czech and German border areas, and the river there has risen sharply again. All current crew and passengers on the Viking Schumann near Dresden, which we were due to be bussed to on Thursday, have had to be taken off the ship for safety. If the rain stops as forecast, it is expected that the waters will still take some time to go down again. So plans for us have had to be altered.


Viking appears to be making the best of a very difficult and ever changing set of circumstances. Tomorrow (Thursday) we will disembark from our current ship at Magdeburg and will be taken by coach, first to Meissen (as per original itinerary except for use of coach) for a tour of factory and town. We will then be taken on to Hotel Kempinsky (apparently a very luxurious place) in Dresden for at least one night. This leaves us with two more "cruise" nights (plus one scheduled night in Prague hotel) and where we will spend these is not yet clear. Even if conditions allow us to transfer to the Schumann for these two nights, it becomes questionable whether the chance of actual cruising would make the extra packing and unpacking turmoil worth the bother.


Two points of clarification emerged from today. Firstly, it appears that the problem holding us in dock at Magdeburg is that the river authorities are taking longer than expected to be confident that all dangerous debris (containers, cars etc) dumped by the floods have been cleared. The second is that Viking claim that the river authorities had told them some time last week that the river would be clear; I have no reason to doubt Viking's version of this, but nor can I verify it of course. If true, it would seem that Viking are as much victims as are the passengers.


I think it fair to say that most passengers are torn between annoyance at the failure to get the holiday they paid for, and appreciation that Viking seem to be doing everything possible to alleviate the situation. Some passengers are beginning to take a more hostile view, but they are, I believe, a very small minority. People are, however, beginning to wonder about compensation levels that may be offered. Personally, I do not want to 'penalise' Viking, but nor do I want to pay cruise rates for a coach holiday, and no amount of alternative luxury hotels makes up for the inconvenience of extra unpacking and losing the cruise experience.


To Salad Muncher: I think you will find some of the above useful in assessing the situation. I and my wife have enjoyed much about the holiday (today's unscheuled trip to Leipzig was well run and enjoyable) but would have preferred to have had it cancelled beforehand and come again next year instead, although given the advice apparently proffered by the river authority, I don't necessarily blame Viking for going ahead. However, as I have said before, I suggest passengers on all forthcoming Elbe trips, get some assurances from their operators as to possibilities of not getting the full cruise package.

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We were scheduled to go on the 2 week Grand European Tour on the Viking Embla on June 8. While we were on the pre cruise stay in Prague, we were given the option to continue with the cruise, with the 1st week by bus, or to cancel. We chose to cancel and were told to call Viking when we returned home. I will not go into details since everyone's situation is different. I did call Viking when I got home and was not satisfied with the initial Viking compensation. I wrote a factual and polite email to Viking, stating my concerns. I received a phone call from Viking Customer Relations the next day. The Customer Relations Agent made an offer that I consider fair and appropriate. I am now a satisfied customer and have booked the same cruise with Viking for next year.

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I will not go into details since everyone's situation is different. I did call Viking when I got home and was not satisfied with the initial Viking compensation. I wrote a factual and polite email to Viking, stating my concerns. I received a phone call from Viking Customer Relations the next day. The Customer Relations Agent made an offer that I consider fair and appropriate. I am now a satisfied customer and have booked the same cruise with Viking for next year.


Your post title sums up things PERFECTLY....'DISAPPOINTED traveller ; SATISFIED Viking Customer'


It may be encouraging for others who were caught in your unfortunate situation to hear how your experience and methodology ( you wrote a factual and polite email) worked out successfully.


Kudos to you and Viking for 'negotiating' a satisfactory resolution.

Edited by remydiva
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Today (Wednesday)


To Salad Muncher: I think you will find some of the above useful in assessing the situation. I and my wife have enjoyed much about the holiday (today's unscheuled trip to Leipzig was well run and enjoyable) but would have preferred to have had it cancelled beforehand and come again next year instead, although given the advice apparently proffered by the river authority, I don't necessarily blame Viking for going ahead. However, as I have said before, I suggest passengers on all forthcoming Elbe trips, get some assurances from their operators as to possibilities of not getting the full cruise package.


Once again David thanks for an excellent appraisal of the current situation. Unfortunately yesterday we had an email from Riviera Travel confirming that (quote from their email)

"We understand and appreciate your concern regarding the itinerary and on an earlier date had no option but to cancel the tour as the water was unfit for travel. However, we are now assured that the river is clear therefore the tour is going ahead as planned encompassing the stated itinerary. "

We still don't think our stated itinerary will be possible, but after two further emails from us and a phone call they are still insisting the trip goes ahead. I am now going to contact them again after reading your report just to get a futher assurance. Just for your info, our itineary is Dresden-Bad Shandau; Bad Shandau - Dresden; Dresden-Meissen; Meissen - Wittenburg; Wittenburg-Magdeburg;Magdeburg-Burg;Betzsee- Berlin.

We'll let you know what the outcome is. Regards, Keith

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Well, there's good news and there's bad news!


Today's coach trip to Meissen (3 hours including 'comfort' break), then tour round the town and then porcelain factory, and then on to 5-star Kempinski hotel in Dresden went well enough; it must be said the coach trips are grating somewhat. Meissen was a pretty little town and the factory was reasonably interesting In the town we saw the first real signs of the dasmage done by the floods. A number of shops had taken in 1 to 1 1/2 metres of water and although clearing up has gone apace, several are still closed; it must have been awful.


The bad news is that the Schummann (the Viking boat we were intended to board eventually) is sitting in the river at Dresden, moored to the 'bank', but not accessible because the bank is partly submerged, nor will it be OK for at least 2 days. The good news is that we are staying in this excellent hotel for 2 nights, and then we will go direct to Prague (by coach of course) and spend 2 nights there instaed of one. This is an excellent solution to a very difficult situation, mainly as it avoids any unnecessary tedious pack-unpack cycles as well as too many tedious cross-country coach trips. I don't know if Viking chose the Kempinski to impress or delight us (it does both) or because it was the only reasonable one that could suply 50+ rooms at short notice. Tomorrow we will have a full day in Dresden, with a morning tour included and free time thereafter. After that, 2 nights in Prague will be nice.


I have several times referred to the valiant work being done by Viking staff here at the sharp end. I should make special mention of Radim, our Czech Cruise Director, who remains cheerful and helpful at all times, and on whom the burden of these severe and sudden changes of plan must mainly fall. He is a young man who I believe has earned the respect of us all.


Hopefully, the holiday will end on a positive note, although we would all have MUCH preferred to have cruised rather than gone on wheels.


Salad Muncher: As you can see, the river situation is not good. I am surprised that your cruise operator can feel confident in going ahead, but of course I do not have access to all the facts. It appears (and I cannot vouch for the details) that some time at the end of last week, the Czech river authorities allowed shipping to resume, and shortly afterwards there was a collision between a vessel and a submerged shipping container, aalthough no one was hurt. Thereafter, it was decided to undertake extensive surveying and dredging. I hope that anyone better in the know than I, will correct this info if needs be. SM, please feel free to pass on anything I have written to your cruise operator.



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thank you David for the live posts about the situation on the Elbe...the forgotten river in all this disaster.


I am reposting it to another thread :eek: that I started about LIVE posts from cruisers currently cruising as there are several on going threads and posts about the horror stories from the past weeks and compensations yet to be resolved.


Please keep on posting as I'm sure there are many more people like Salad Muncher' (bet we know what you were doing when you joined CC and box came up for screen name and your first, second and third choices weren't available!) who are relying on your front line reporting.

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Salad Muncher: As you can see, the river situation is not good. I am surprised that your cruise operator can feel confident in going ahead, but of course I do not have access to all the facts. It appears (and I cannot vouch for the details) that some time at the end of last week, the Czech river authorities allowed shipping to resume, and shortly afterwards there was a collision between a vessel and a submerged shipping container, aalthough no one was hurt. Thereafter, it was decided to undertake extensive surveying and dredging. I hope that anyone better in the know than I, will correct this info if needs be. SM, please feel free to pass on anything I have written to your cruise operator.





Hi David (and anyone else who may be following this story)


With your permission I emailed your posting on the lastest from the Elbe this morning to Riviera Travel and asked them if our trip was guaranteed to go ahead. This was the 4th email I have sent and as yet have not received an email response! However to be fair at 10amish this morning (after reading my email I assume) one of the managers rang my hb and was obviously quite shocked at your revelations. He told my hb that the agent over there had given them the go ahead to proceed, assuring them it was perfectly possible to carry out this trip. My hb told him we had been scouring the internet this morning and had found the flood level alert for Dresden had been raised to level 2 on Wednesday, and that looking at web cabs along the Elbe around Dresden we had not seen one boat moving, they all appeared to be moored alongside. After my hb gave his opinion of what might happen and the consequences of ruining our (and everyone else's) holiday which would probably lead to compensation claims from disgruntled passengers, he agreed to contact the agent once again for further clarification. My hb suggested he contacted the River Authority and / or the ship's captain for a clearer picture. He has just rung us back (4pm ish Friday) to let us know after contacting the agent once again they had been assured all was well and the trip should go ahead. My hb asked if the company had managed to speak to either the Captain or the River Authority, but he said not, just the agent. Therefore we are now leaving early tomorrow morning for Berlin and wait with trepidation of our fate once we arrive!! As we are due to sail within 24 hours from Dresden to Bad Schandau one hopes they have all acted with integrity and honesty with their passengers best interest at the forefront of their decision. Watch this space.....

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The Elbe at Dresden has gone down a bit. The bank where the Schumann is moored is now a bit less covered with water, but you would still get wet feet if boarding. The trouble is that the ground is so saturated that only a small amount of rain could reverse the situation. Weather is mixed; some cloud, some sunshine and just an odd slight shower.


I may well have no more to add about the river, as holliday draws to a close. I will try and summarise on Viking's handling of the whole issue, including compensation.


Remydiva: Thanks for extending my readership (from 1 to 2?)!


SaladM: Good luck. Let us know how it goes.



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Salad Muncher,


I thought I would try and find where the Swiss Ruby currently was located using the Marine Traffic website. Good news is that it is currently in Dresden... but.. and I think this is a big but.., it has been there since the 25th of June and has not moved from there since then (if I am reading the site correctly)!! You can see it's location history at:




I expect David's reports are more accurate than anything any TA will give you at the moment!

Edited by Conejored
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In Elbe area, between Magdeburg and Dresden, mossies have been a bit of a problem, especially but not soley on a 'gondola' trip in an @english Garden' (I forget, and don't have handy,the name of the place). Deterrent and anti-itch soothing stuff would be useful, although readily available locally.





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We have just heard that the Viking Schumann, recently ' stranded' at Dresden (Elbe), is due to transfer on Saturday without passengers to near Prague, presumably to pick up passengers starting out from Prague on Sunday. A good if small improvement, and no guarantee that they will be able to cruise all the way to Magdeburg/Berlin.



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Vikijg Elbe up date:


We arrived in Prague. Journey was approx 1hr in coach with local guide who never stopped talking, 1hr strolling in picturesque area, marred only by the same non-stop talking (and repeating himself) guide, followed by 2 hr lunch, followed by another 2 1/2 hr coach trip, thankfully without aforesaid guide. Much of the last part was along by the Elbe in scenic valley, which made us realise how different it would have been sitting on the boat, sipping tea, reading or whatever, rather than imprisoned in the coach. Hey-ho!


We understand that the next batch of passengers, for the return Prague to Berlin trip, is out here, and that Viking is cleared to sail all the way, lucky so-and-so's; at least OK for the present.


No news yet about compensation offer. I'll lket you know how this goes when it happemns.





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Regarding June 8 Viking Forseti Amsterdam to Budapest - Was the cruise completed? We cancelled on June 5 and filed claim with Travel Guard. Had the feeling that because of water levels we would find ourselves on a 14 day bus trip. Understand that Viking had to make the best of a bad situation but travel insurance gave us the opportunity to bail out. Would like to hear some news about our missed European cruise.

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I said (above) that I would report on any Viking offer of recompense. They have now offered a 50% of paid fare discount on any further cruise booked before end of 2015. :(


I am not happy with this. I am not at all sure I want to go with Viking again, and want a cash rebate. If they can afford to sponsor so much ITV "drama", they can afford something better than "buy one, and if it is not good, get second at half price".

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