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Review - Elation June 12-19, 2005 (long version)


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Sunday June 12




We stayed in Galveston Saturday night so that we could get started on our vacation early. We drove down to the pier about 6:30 am to watch the ship come in. I was shocked. The Ship was already in port. We went back to the port with all our bags about 11:00 am and there were hardly any lines. We saw that a lot of people were already waiting to board. By the time we got through our short line, the other people have already started boarding. We were on the ship by 12:00. Were booked on Riviera Deck (ocean view and a inside room mid ship) Room was already ready so we dropped off our carry on and went to explore the ship. Our DD's room was already decorated with the Bon Voyage decorations we purchased prior to sailing. It was so cool. Our DD and her friend thought they were so special. (of course after they found out that not everyone got that) Our ocean view cabin curtain was ripped down from ceiling and Room Steward "Nur" said that he had already turned it in to maintenance. We were a little confused regarding our dining room assignments so we went to the Imagination Dining Room to verify our tables. Me and DD were booked in same room, but assigned different tables. DW and DD friend were booked across the hall and were assigned the same different tables. Me and DW same table and DD and friend at table right behind us. They were ok with that so we left them as assigned. We went to Tiffany's (Buffet) to eat then explored the ship. We took a few photos. Food in Tiffany's was pretty good except the Cole Slaw had to much vinegar in it and the Roast Beef sandwiches were bland. Went back to room to rest before dinner. The rooms did have New Mattresses and noticed that were switching out other rooms. It looks like they are doing some each time back in port. We saw several mattresses on Dock. Discovered first night at dinner that no one else showed up at DD table so they were all by them selves. We were both assigned to the 6 person Booths. We ended up joining them the second night forward. Curtain still down in room after dinner so we called purser's desk to find out how long. By 10:00 curtain still not fixed. Went to purser’s desk to complain. They promised to have someone there ASAP to fix because we told them they did not want to hear from us at 6 am when the sun starts coming through. Maintenance man finally shows up after "Duct Tape" temporarily fixes our problem (now we know why we brought it). MM said he would come back first thing in am to fix since "Duct Tape" was doing a good job for the night.




Monday June 13


Fun Day at Sea


"Duct Tape" held all night long. Woo Hoo. Room service was very prompt for morning coffee delivery. About 10:30 am went to pool to hang out for a while and met a couple from Ohio. Nice couple but DW did think it was a little early for alcohol. Hey they were on vacation. Had burger and fries poolside. They were pretty good. Played Music Trivia. Did not do so good. The pool area always seemed crowded which made it hard to find a poolside chair with table. Had a meet and Mingle scheduled for 3pm in Atrium Lobby. Met 4 couples and 1 single mother. A few other couples did not make it. It was great. Everyone was very nice and easy to talk to since we had basically met on line prior to cruise. First formal night. I thought we looked pretty good considering we did not have Tuxedo or Cocktail Dress. I dressed in dark suit and DW in nice floor length dress. We did not feel out of place at all. Dan (from M&M) invited us to sit with them at the show. It was Vegas style Singing and dancing show. It was ok. Ended up going to Dan’s room for nightcap. Received a letter from Carnival apologizing for Curtain. That was kinda cool.




Tuesday June 14




Woke up around 6 am (why so early) curtain was slightly parted and DW noticed that we were passing buoy’s. Sounded weird so we went up on deck in time to watch us back into the Progresso Pier. It was truly amazing how they handle these Big Ships. Camera and Video Camera kept messing up from the humidity. It was ok after we had been outside for a little while. Got the girls up and caught the bus to town. The pier is in fact 7 miles long. The bus drops you off next to a little market area about 3 blocks from beach. The driver offers different excursions that can be bought right there at market. We had decided to take it easy that day and do a little shopping and spend time at beach. Progreso is as advertised "A little fishing Village" It was a nice port to visit. I feel bad that only 1 ship will now stop there. I think it could be a great port. The people were very friendly and not to pushy. Went to Corona Beach to hang out for a while. You do not have to pay carnival for excursion for this beach. The excursion only gets you a chair and maybe the small Corona's. (not real sure since we did not do that. We had several drinks and snacks and had a nice shady place to sit for only 13.00 at the restaurant on Corona Beach. The DD and friend went on the Banana Boat ride for $5.00 per person. They really enjoyed that. Drank a little then shopped a little on the way to find the city tour bus. It was a $2.00 tour you catch back at the market that takes you around town with a guide to point out all the cool buildings. We sat up on open upper deck, nice breeze. Did a little more shopping at market, then back to Ship. Discovered Elvis at Progreso Cruise terminal. DW loved that. Souvenirs are also available at shops at pier. Prices were similar. Had late lunch at Tiffany's. Door opening for Dinner was late as usual. DW ordered steak (not on menu) it took a little longer to deliver. Went to show to see LUBO - he can balance things on his head and face. Amazing, It has to be seen to be believed. Kenny Miller was the comedian and he was pretty funny. Had Old Tyme Photos done. Casino and broke even. It was the norm for us the whole trip in the casino.




Wednesday June 15




The big 39 today. Woo Hoo. Got up early, had room service, went to deck to watch us come into port. Saw 3 other ships also coming in. 1 went toward Calica and the other 2 went into Cozumel. Watched Pilot boat put pilot on ship. That was interesting. The pilot boat started smoking real bad. I thought it was going to sink since it kept bobbing. Debarked around 9 am at Punta Langosta Pier Downtown, caught a cab to Los Palmitas Ranch. I believe we were delivered to Ranch I instead of Ranch II. Oh well. Booked Horse ride through Cozumel Insider. Our 2 hr ride turned into almost 3 hrs. Can you say BENGAY. The ride it self took you through jungle trail that was rocky and full of trash. Saw El Cedral. 15 minute rest then back on horses. Glad that was over. DD and friend chose this excursion. We were going to go to Paradise Beach but was running short on time and everyone to tired to go. Went back to Pier, DD and friend went to ship to shower and rest, me and DW did a little shopping downtown. How many Diamond Internationals does one small city need? Took souvenirs back to ship, cleaned up and headed back out to meet up with DD and friend at Senor Frogs. We love that place. Highly recommend this place. It doesn’t seem to matter which location, have had great time at all we have been to. Had snack and drink, went back to ship but was too tired for dining room that night so we ate at Tiffany's. Noticed that night that DW and DD had rashes on lower legs. Looks like poison ivy. itch itch. DW's rash continued to spread through out trip. DD's rash got a little better.




Thursday June 16




Oh My, we are all so sore. Horse back riding finally caught up to us. Did not book excursion through Carnival so we went to Cole Porter Lounge about 7:30 am to get Tender Ticket. Everyone was sitting close to the stage. By the time Carnival Tender Ticket lady shows up the room had quite a few people waiting. She screws up by telling everyone to line up at back of room. People just walking in tried to be first in line. But most of us that were early went straight to front of the line, which was only fair. We were assigned Tender 1. Picked up a couple extra for friends that didn’t make it close to the front that were also there early. About 8:45 they called for everyone that had ticket 1 and 2 back to lounge. Waited about 30 minutes before being led down stairs to boat. About 6 flights of stairs. DD started feeling really bad. (she has a liver disease that can drain her strength at times) I think the horses were too much. DD and friend ended staying on the boat to rest. Met up with Nacho and his wife Cynthia (our tour guide we booked on line from recommendations in cruise critic) He was very gracious about us canceling 2 of the 4 paying customers. They drove us around the city pointed out various points of interest and really made you understand how it is to live in Belize. He pointed out several strange trees, one of which was a cashew tree. The fruit part of the Cashew is very good. This is the part they make the Cashew Wine from. We also saw the Dickies Factory and the Belikin Beer Factory. On to the Ruins. It took us about 40 minutes to get there. Altun Ha is not the largest of the ruins in Belize, but it was very interesting, especially because Nacho is very knowledgeable about these ruins. He has studied a lot about their history. We climbed 2 of the ruins. On a Hot and Humid day, it will wear you out. Wear LOTS of Bug Spray. DW did and still got ate up with mosquito’s. She now has rash and bites. She looks GREAT. The views were amazing, took lots of pictures and videos. Headed back after about an hour or so. Nacho entertained us with jokes, riddles and stories. Did you know that Cashew Wine is called "cheap mans whiskey" ? After 1 bottle you go to bed drunk, wake up fine, go in sun and become drunk all over again. At least that was what we were told. Did not want to try to verify. Drove around "South" side and saw more points of interest. Headed back to pier to do some quick shopping so that we could get back on ship to check on DD and to avoid what looked like a major storm blowing in. Nacho does several different excursions in Belize. He's web site is: www.ncqadventuretours.com Dinner in dining room without kids, donated to casino, bed




Friday June 17


Fun Day at Sea


Actually slept til 8 am. Great breakfast by pool. Trivia game moved from Mikado lounge to Dukes Piano Bar. Did not do very well again. Donated to bingo game in Mikado. Won 22.00 on scratch off's. Woo Hoo. Nap before Newlywed Not So Newlywed Game in Lounge. Do Not miss these kind of game shows if you can. They are hilarious. They picked 3 couples 1 married 2 days, 1 married 25 years and 1 married 61 years. Final Formal night. DD and friend got up and danced with waiters after dinner. Wished we had camera. Actually won 60.00 in casino. Took pictures of Gala Buffet. Amazing what they can do with food. Midnight Comedy show ok, only lasted about 30 minutes. Bed




Saturday June 18


Final Fun Day at Sea


Why cant a week at work go by as fast as a week on vacation... Got up, ate breakfast by pool, Played Win A Cruise Bingo. Yes I still have to pay for my next cruise. Laid out by pool and watched pool Olympics. Now called "Lobster Man" Played 10 game Bingo, DD won 50.00.


Sunday June 19


Man what a mess. After sitting in the Mikado Lounge for 3 hours, we decided we may get a free back to back cruise. Our color was finally called about 11:00 am. Wished we didnt have so much luggage so we could have done self debarkation. They started getting off about 7:30 am. After finally getting off the boat, finding the luggage and immigration was very easy. We had put ribbon on luggage to make it easier to spot. Then came the hard part. We had used EZCruise Parking. They were cheaper, but a LOT Slower. I dont know if that was because we were the last group off or they were just that slow. Dolphin Parking had a longer line but cleared out quicker. Finally on the road home about 12:30.



Ship was set up pretty nice. DW kept getting lost, but you would have to know her to understand. 3 main decks had most of entertainment and other things to do. Jorge (AKA HorHay) is a very funny cruise director. It is great when a person can make fun of himself like he does and he really seems to enjoy it. Nur was our cabin steward and was great. He was very nice about the DD's room. Teenage Girls are not the neatest people we know. He would even unlock our door for us when he saw us coming. Always smiling. We tipped him plenty extra because he deserved it. Putu was one of the poolside waiters that went out of his way to make us feel special. After serving us the first time, he always called me by my first name, even if he wasn’t taking an order from us. Kirk was our Headwaiter and Denise was his assistant. What a great team. Kirk got to know our likes and dislikes so fast that he could almost order for us every night. He even helped DD friend cut up her pork chop the last night because she was having problems. Got great picture of that one. Tipped them extra too. Over all we had a great time and cant wait to book the next one. :D










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Thanks for the detailed review! I'll be on her July 3rd!!!:) Sounds like your family had a wonderful time! How did the rashes and bug bites heal? Fast I hope! What a fun way to spend a b-day...my DH will be celebrating his 32nd on our cruise! Thanks again!! BTW are you experiencing any PCD? I hear it is really bad sometimes!:( :p

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Thanks for the detailed review! I'll be on her July 3rd!!!:) Sounds like your family had a wonderful time! How did the rashes and bug bites heal? Fast I hope! What a fun way to spend a b-day...my DH will be celebrating his 32nd on our cruise! Thanks again!! BTW are you experiencing any PCD? I hear it is really bad sometimes!:( :p


Yes everyone is better now, thanks for asking. As far as the PCD do you really ever get over it? In fact we are already looking at the next one!:D

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LOL, I wouldn't know...this will be my first!:o I have only eye witnessed it from sisters and family members! I know I better get over it quick if if does set in, yes: although, this is the excuse I'll give my DH to get busy sheduling the second cruise!!


Glad the rash's healed fast! I have stocked up on medical supplies since reading these threads; and hope not to deal w/ that. You know, anything weird and rare, I tend to get:( , hoping to not deal w/ rashes and itching on this vacation!!


Maybe you should get busy booking the big 40 cruise...don't you think?:) I think your family would agree;) Thanks!!

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Will be going soon and appreciate the review. You said you ported on puetra longasta pier in Coz? I thought it was supossed to be puetra maya, but your pictures didn't look like puerta maya? Were there vendors for tours at the pier? P. S. (on the PCD) I think you are already hooked and won't get over it until you book another cruise! Sorry, but think how much fun you'll have!

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Huskerdude, thanks for the detailed review! After the roast beef sandwiches, how would you rate the other meals on a scale of 1-10? What was fabulous??;)


Really all the other meals were fine. The best IMHO was the primerib served on formal nights. As a whole on a scale of 1-10, discounting the first lunch, I would give them a 7-8. 9-10 for deserts.:p

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Will be going soon and appreciate the review. You said you ported on puetra longasta pier in Coz? I thought it was supossed to be puetra maya, but your pictures didn't look like puerta maya? Were there vendors for tours at the pier? P. S. (on the PCD) I think you are already hooked and won't get over it until you book another cruise! Sorry, but think how much fun you'll have!


I think the Elation does both ports, Punta Langostaone week, Puerta Maya the next. But the DW thinks it depends on how many ships are in Cozumel that day. And yes they have many people there for any kind of tour you would need. I think we are close to getting a cure for the PCD, but it may be Monday before we are fully cured.:D

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Yes, we have all the capers. We will get them scanned this weekend. Please send us your email address and we will forward.


Please let me know when the capers are up. I am going on the Elation July 17 and would love to see them. Thanks for the great review and pics.



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