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Daily Clothes Planning Spreadsheet

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I have found my people! :D I use packing spreadsheets for EVERY trip, business and pleasure.


For my non-cruise trips, I have my spreadsheet broken down by day and then day clothes and evening clothes for dressing down. The columns are: bottoms (slacks, dockers, capris, jeans,shorts), top #1 (blouse, shortsleeve, tank), top #2 (cardigans or blazer), Socks, Shoes and then the final column is jewelry. The row is the day. If I have two outfits (work for day and dress down for evening) then I use two rows for the day.


For cruises, the spreadsheet is more complex! For this spreadsheet, the columns are days and I note whether it's a sea day or docked/excursion. The rows are Morning, Afternoon and Evening. In each cell Day 1/Morning, Day 1/Afternoon, etc, I put in my clothes for that time. If it's a docked day, the morning and afternoon are merged and usually the same thing. I include all the clothes, shoes and jewelry in the cell. They are color coded too - blue are sea days and some shade of pale orange are docked days. That's the first page! :eek: The second page in the spreadsheet is a list per type - Tops as one column, Bottoms, Shoes, Jewelry, etc. I copy over from page 1 to page 2 and use page 2 as a packing list. Once I have page 2, I start washing clothes and putting them when clean in a guest room - folded on the bed or hanging in the closet. Oh, and at the bottom of the first sheet are the things I take on EVERY trip. Undies, bras, nightie, brush, comb, makeup, etc. This is especially good for phone cords, folding hamper and all the the little things that are a pain to forget at home.


I have shared my spreadsheet with many of my fellow cruisers, some appreciate my er...attention to detail...while others think I'm nuts (but a well packed and organized nut). Overpacking is not an issue and I always feel relaxed that I haven't forgotten anything.


If anyone wants a copy, I'm happy to share!







I know you posted this awhile ago..... But If you wouldn't mind I would LOVE a copy of your packing spread sheet .......we leave in 49 days for a seven day on the AOS...and would like to share it with a first time cruiser as well.




Mary (weweremarriedin1992@gmail.com)

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DH's List

____9_ T shirts

___7__ Shorts

___5__ Pants

___9__ Underwear / Undershirts

__3___ Pajamas

__2__ Formal Shirts / Dressy Pants

___2__ Belts - Ties

___7__ Dress socks & everyday

___1__ Suit

___2__ Cufflinks/studs

___1__ Evening dress shoes

___1__ Exercise/walking

___3__ Swim suits / Swim suit tees / Sandals

My List

___9__ Tops

___7__ Capris / pants

____5_ Bras (include strapless)

___9__ Panties

__3___ gown/pajamas - robe

__2___ Formal Gowns

___?__ Pantyhose

___3__ Socks

___3__ Swim suits / Swim Cover ups

___1__ Jacket sweater

___3__ Shoes / Sandals

___1__ Evening dress shoes

___2__ Purses (day and evening)

___?__ Jewelry / Watch

_____ raincoat / Jacket

_____ Toothbrushes / Toothpaste / Dental floss

_____ Deodorant

_____ Shaver - Razor w/extra blades

_____ Bath soap

_____ Shampoo / Conditioner

_____ Bathroom Spray

_____ Curlers / Hair spray / Mousse / Hair items (bobby pins' date=' scrunchies) Combs -- Brushes

_____ Baby Powder

_____ Cosmetics

_____ Perfumes / After-shave

_____ Medicine / Vitamins

_____ Headache meds

_____ Antihistamine / Tums / Pepto Bismol / Band-Aids

_____ Neosporin or bactine / Antibiotic cream / Tweezers / Anti-bacterial hand wash

_____ Small scissors / Q-Tips

_____ Alcohol prep-pads

_____ Nail polishes / Polish removers

_____ Sewing kit (w/safety pins)

_____ 2 Highlighters / Bingo Dapper

_____ Snorkel equipment

_____ Suntan Lotion

_____ Sheet

_____ Tissues / Lip balm

_____ Sunglasses

_____ Beach Bag / Beach Hats

_____ Beach shoes

_____ Floats * Pump

_____ Cooler / cooler bottles

_____ Moist baby wipes / Zip Lock Bags

_____ House keys

_____ Reading Glasses

_____ Passports

_____ Cruise Documents

_____ Medical Info

_____ Cash

_____ Cell phone

_____ Cruise Activity List

_____ Goodies…breath mints

_____ Wine opener / 2 Bottles of Wine

_____ Camera / Extra Camera Memory Cards & Batteries

_____ Airline Itinerary Tickets /Hotel Itinerary


I don't know how you do it girls, who pack in one or two suitcases...

I give you credit. It would be a miracle if I could get all of the above in two . :o:cool:[/quote']


I'm curious about one thing. Why do you pack a sheet?

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My apologies for not responding sooner! :eek: I was cruising using my spreadsheets! :p I'm happy to repost the sheets if you can't get them, but post #94 in this thread has the original posting. I'm going on a two-weeker in February so that will definitely put these suckers to the test!


If you can't get them or download them, I'll repost. Feel free to make edits or suggestions. Enjoy! Let us all know how it goes!



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Found an interesting quote






Wish I could be one of those who have no problem wearing things twice. (would save on packing)

Me' date=' if I wear anything for any length of time, half hr, couple of hours, a day... it goes right into the hamper to be washed. Can't put on something that hasn't been cleaned. :o That's the ocd in me.[/quote']


I hope you realize that is not good for your clothes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Take a deep breath take a deep breath. It’s okay. I AM NOT A FREAK. There are others out there like me.


My first packing experience was a disaster. I was 11 my little sister was 8 and for some reason my mu expected us to pack out own bags for a week long trip to the Murray river. Do you know those red, white and blue stripe bags you can buy for like 2 bucks from a cheap shop. They usually come in three sizes. Small, 6 bottles of wine size. Medium, 8 year old sister size and large couple of pillows and bedding size.


Yeah did you pick upon the on the little sister part. My mum kept yelling at us to go get packed but we were to busy playing around. So I told my sister to get inside the bag ill zip it up and then you yell out “I’m packed” cause technically she was. Well after being inside the bag for a few seconds she got scared and wanted to get out. So I unzipped the bag just as she lifted her head. Her hair got stuck in the zipper! We started screaming mum and big sister came in and were trying to open the bag but it was stuck. Mum looks at me and in a voice resembling every evil queen from Disney movies. “If she dies it’s your fault.” My big sis went and grabbed the scissors and went to cut the bag but mum was like no don’t ruin the bag cut her hair. : o. In the end we cut a bit of both in order to get my sister out alive. My mum then stitched up the plastic bag and guess who had to use it for the suitcase yep, me.


Since then I have always had a packing list and my little sister isn’t on it.


I remember making one for a school camp. We had clothes for best and then really casual clothes but nothing in between that were suitable for camp. I brought the list to school to ask my friends what they were packing and received ridicule. It might have something to do with having written on my list pink spotted underwear, blue striped underwear. I am a really fussy person. Seems in socks, gussets in underwear and tags really annoyed me.


I tend to buy clothes for a trip. Again I have lots of home clothes or dressy clothes but not alot of day to day for holidaying in. I’ll wear the items a few items to make sure the clothes feel and look right. Figure out if I need to wear a singlet/tank under a shirt or a white or black bra or underpants. I then remove sticked on clothing tags and then put the clothes in another room or spare cupboard. I am worried ill stain or ruin them before the trip. I end up wearing a real mismatch of clothes leading up to the trip as all my stuff I love wearing is in “cruise quarantine” lol


As soon as I book my trip I start writing lists. In case I need to buy stuff. I've always worn my clothes twice more if I only wear them for a few hours. If it passes the S&S test then I can wear it again. ( Sight and Sniff test) I also wash things in the sink or shower. Undies, socks, thin t shirts. Although I usually bring alot of undies but I find I often shower more on a holiday. I normally shower in the morning but then on holiday ill shower again in the afternoon before dinner after a day full of touring.



I don’t follow the 3 main colours thing as many do. I just make sure that 1 item will matched with another. IE 2 shorts, 2 shirts I can switch the tops between the bottoms. I apply this to both casual and dressy. Or sometimes ill wear a top once at night for dinner but then wear the top again during the day for with causal shorts.


I usually just hand write my list but basically in a similar way some of you have done your spread sheets. I usually go over my itinerary and write down each day and if there is any specific requirements. IE if we were visiting a national park that day I’d then write down sneakers and plan my clothes around that.


I work on my lists for months. I usually pack a few weeks before. I take out all my clothes and put them on my bed. I then try on each outfit to make sure it works. I then pack. Take stuff out. Then like the day before I stuff more stuff back in.


In the end I find with my lists I never forget anything. I also don’t over pack, well to much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I just got that app on my ipad the other day - started on some 'packing list' thing - but didn't realize you could do this as well? Hmmm - may need to take another look! Thanks :)


This app is pretty flexible. When you enter the dates of your trip the packing list will list exercise outfits, outfits, and underwear for each day of your trip. You have to manually type in what you are wearing though. You can also change the names of the daily planner clothing or delete them. Also after entering the date the app will tell you how many days are left before leaving for that trip.


Also if you choose the suggested packing list for a cruise it will include 2 Formal days. My cruise is for 7 days so I am not sure if 3 Formal Days would be added for longer cruises. There may be a way to add a Formal Day if not.



Edited by Shak
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This app is pretty flexible. When you enter the dates of your trip the packing list will list exercise outfits, outfits, and underwear for each day of your trip. You have to manually type in what you are wearing though. You can also change the names of the daily planner clothing or delete them. Also after entering the date the app will tell you how many days are left before leaving for that trip.


Also if you choose the suggested packing list for a cruise it will include 2 Formal days. My cruise is for 7 days so I am not sure if 3 Formal Days would be added for longer cruises. There may be a way to add a Formal Day if not.




may be doing something wrong? can't find the option for picking outfits for specific days?


I did pick the 'cruise' list' and am working with that as a packing list - but how do I find the 'days' so i can enter specific items for each day?


Any help greatly appreciated! thanks:)

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may be doing something wrong? can't find the option for picking outfits for specific days?


I did pick the 'cruise' list' and am working with that as a packing list - but how do I find the 'days' so i can enter specific items for each day?


Any help greatly appreciated! thanks:)


After you select the type of trip from the templates you will be asked to enter the dates (don't choose Laundry) and after I finish I get for a 7 day cruise Exercise, Outfits, and Underwear for each day as well as 2 Formal incorporated into the packing list. You can change the name or delete these if you like. You have to type in what you are wearing for each day.



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After you select the type of trip from the templates you will be asked to enter the dates (don't choose Laundry) and after I finish I get for a 7 day cruise Exercise, Outfits, and Underwear for each day as well as 2 Formal incorporated into the packing list. You can change the name or delete these if you like. You have to type in what you are wearing for each day.






Would you please give the name of the App again? :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put together my spreadsheet! :D I have all my clothing listed by day as well as in a packing list. I only need to buy another pair of shorts (not enough) and some sandals (old ones NEED to be replaced). I already bought my formal dresses. Everything else is already in my closet.


BTW - my cruise is a little less than 4 months off. I am a serious planner. LOL!

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Amanda - blue ribbon for being on it so quickly! Once you spreadsheet, you never go back! I'm so glad it worked for you!!


One of the things that helps me post-spreadsheet, closer to the trip, is that once I wash items on the spreadsheet, I put them in my spare bedroom. I check it off the spreadsheet when it goes in the bedroom. Then I check items off the spreadsheet again when it goes in the suitcase. I know, I know, I've got a problem, but it really helps to not forget stuff.


I've got a severe overpacker inside me dying to get out and this is how I keep her at bay!


Enjoy! :D:D:D



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I need to know what I am taking with me day by day on a cruise. I found it so funny that your chart is almost identical to mine. I too, mark, what I will wear on each day, depending on what I will be doing that day, with allowance for change of course. After all, as ladies we can change our minds as often as we like.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For those that like to make lists of each day outfits this app allows you do just that.






For those looking for the Stow app mentioned above, it's no longer available. :(


On another note, I've gained some valuable insights from the many posters. I'm thinking of doing a trial run today using what I've learned. Our next trip is a 14-night Iceland & Fjords cruise in July, but we'll be starting with 6-nights in Paris. I know layers will be key.

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For those looking for the Stow app mentioned above, it's no longer available. :(


On another note, I've gained some valuable insights from the many posters. I'm thinking of doing a trial run today using what I've learned. Our next trip is a 14-night Iceland & Fjords cruise in July, but we'll be starting with 6-nights in Paris. I know layers will be key.


Thanks for the update. The developer wrote an open letter to Stow users stating that he was accepting a job at a travel app developer and he is not going to sell the rights to the app but will no long be supporting it after this year. Too bad it had a lot of promise.



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For those looking for the Stow app mentioned above, it's no longer available. :(



Thanks for letting us know about the app. I've turned myself upside down for the last couple of days trying to search for it. Now I know it's not me that's going crazy!

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I'm so glad i'm not the only one!:D


I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs on it for all my cruise/holiday planning.


Tabs 1, 2 & 3 are for finances and budgeting including payment schemes, foreign currencies and expected expenditure :)


Tab 4 is my day to day outfit planner. What I will wear each day and evening. I also include what that day is i.e.. day at sea, embarkation or port day.

Tab 5 is the clothed packing check-list.

(also every item of my clothing i have unconciously named so i know which top or dress im talking about i.e. cobalt dip hem dress or yellow pattern maxi dress) :rolleyes:

Tab 6 is my toiletries and miscellaneous items packing list.


Tab 7 is my travel itinerary planner. Flight details, port details, info on excursions, what might be happening that day.

Tab 8 is my info tab. Its full of interesting little tips that i find on here and other little websites about my ship, ports etc.

Tab 8 is my shopping list of what I need to get.


I'm a crazy planner but I find it oddly therapeutic planning my holidays :)


If i'm really struggling with outfit choice then i try everything on and take pictures in order to better visualise what i want to take.


I also like to do a lots of research on ports of call so i can better figure out what to wear.


I find that planning helps so that when you look at everything you can see where outfits can be double up to use on other days etc.

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I'm so glad i'm not the only one!:D


I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs on it for all my cruise/holiday planning.


Tabs 1, 2 & 3 are for finances and budgeting including payment schemes, foreign currencies and expected expenditure :)


Tab 4 is my day to day outfit planner. What I will wear each day and evening. I also include what that day is i.e.. day at sea, embarkation or port day.

Tab 5 is the clothed packing check-list.

(also every item of my clothing i have unconciously named so i know which top or dress im talking about i.e. cobalt dip hem dress or yellow pattern maxi dress) :rolleyes:

Tab 6 is my toiletries and miscellaneous items packing list.


Tab 7 is my travel itinerary planner. Flight details, port details, info on excursions, what might be happening that day.

Tab 8 is my info tab. Its full of interesting little tips that i find on here and other little websites about my ship, ports etc.

Tab 8 is my shopping list of what I need to get.


I'm a crazy planner but I find it oddly therapeutic planning my holidays :)


If i'm really struggling with outfit choice then i try everything on and take pictures in order to better visualise what i want to take.


I also like to do a lots of research on ports of call so i can better figure out what to wear.


I find that planning helps so that when you look at everything you can see where outfits can be double up to use on other days etc.


Would you be willing to share your spreadsheet or a photo of it? Sounds exactly what I'm looking for. :)



Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app

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I have so found my people! I love my spread sheets for travel! I am a serious panic "What if I need this?" over packer!


Years ago (before fees) I was a chaperone for a high school band trip to Hawaii (8 days) and when my bag came down the baggage carousel it had a big orange "heavy" tag on it! I don't think I wore half of what I had packed! So when we went to England, Scotland & Norway I started my spread sheets. Two weeks in one 25" suitcase and a cross body bag. That included gifts for family in Norway.


First tab is all the travel info & emergency numbers (borrowed that idea!). Next tab is everything that goes into either the suitcase or carry on. Then shopping lists, to do list, etc. There is a tab where I list the basic piece of clothing (i.e. black pants) at the top of the column and list below it tops & shoes that will go with it. I print off the first tab keep it in my carry on. If I need to make a claim I can send a pdf of everything that was in the suitcase. After reading this thread and others I've already borrowed some fabulous ideas from other posters.


We are heading to Alaska on the Regatta in August and I have already started my lists. I keep the spreadsheet in Dropbox so I can access it anywhere. When we were trying to decide between Oceania and Princess I did a cost analysis between the two. Right now I've got a spread sheet going to keep track of excursions and comparing prices between going through the ship and private vendors. The spread sheet for each day's activity/clothing will be on my iPad. I don't do well keeping track of a lot of paper.


Did Disneyland for 3 days with girlfriends, spreadsheet, carry on that fit under the seat and a cross body purse. They laughed at my ocd spread sheet and then wanted a copy for themselves. :D


My daughter is getting married in early August and yep I'm using a spreadsheet to track expenses, vendors, timeline & to do list.


Sparkles87 I like how you think!


My name is Carolyn and I'm a spreadsheet junkie

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