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Why Ban e-Cigarettes?


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1. Think banning of ecigs may be more of a policing issue. All the calls from people reporting their neighbor is smoking on the balcony, would have to be checked to see if they are smoking a real cigarette or and ecig.


2. All depends what type of ecig person is smoking as to whether it is offensive or presents a health risk:


Toxicity[edit source | editbeta]


Electronic cigarettes should theoretically have fewer toxic effects than traditional cigarettes.[8][9] Nevertheless, concrete evidence is insufficient as of 2013,[8][2] although tentative evidence suggests they are safer than real cigarettes, and possibly as safe as other nicotine replacement products.[5]

The electronic systems appear to generally deliver less nicotine than smoking.[8] The amount of nicotine delivered is believed to vary between different brands of electronic cigarettes.[2]

A preliminary analysis of e-cigarette cartridges by the FDA identified that some contain tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), known cancer-causing agents.[10][11] The FDA's analysis also detected diethylene glycol, a poisonous and hygroscopic liquid, in one of the cartridges manufactured by Smoking Everywhere and nicotine in some cartridges claimed to be nicotine-free.[10][11] Further concerns were raised over inconsistent amounts of nicotine delivered when drawing on the device.[12] In some e-cigarettes, "Tobacco-specific impurities suspected of being harmful to humans – anabasine, myosmine, and ß-nicotyrine – were detected in a majority of the samples tested." It is not clear if these chemicals were detectable in exhaled vapour.[13] The UK National Health Service noted that the toxic chemicals found by the FDA were at levels one-thousandth that of cigarette smoke, and that while there is no certainty that these small traces are harmless, initial test results are reassuring.[14]

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It has been posted, but a reminder of Princess' policy:


Electronic Cigarettes

The use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in all areas onboard with the exception of dining areas and the Princess Theater. However, should a fellow passenger in the vicinity feel inconvenienced and complain, even after being told the difference between electronic cigarettes and real cigarettes, we will ask the passenger to refrain from smoking the electronic cigarette.


After some thought I believe Princess really got it right.


I don't think so. When I complain there may be hard feelings.....

That policy is inviting problems.


Not IF you complain . . . WHEN you complain? Hmmm.

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I hope it won't happen. Never encountered anyone using them and I cruise on Princess often. If studies show the vapor is non toxic I won't complain.


Absolutely your option to complain. My point is -- I just hope that you complain if you are bothered, not just because you see someone with an e-cig.


Usually very easy to fix, you move or the e-cig smoker moves. Both parties happy. Just don't be mean about it. :cool: Like the term, "nicotine addicts." Geez.

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Absolutely your option to complain. My point is -- I just hope that you complain if you are bothered, not just because you see someone with an e-cig.


Usually very easy to fix, you move or the e-cig smoker moves. Both parties happy. Just don't be mean about it. :cool: Like the term, "nicotine addicts." Geez.


Of course I would move away if possible. Or the e-cig smoker move or stop....before complaining. I won't be looking for an e-cig user to be near. I imagine the only circumstance where the issue would come up would be if I were sitting at the bar or something like that and someone started vaping next to me. Very close. I would not sit down next to someone vaping and then complain. I think the Princess policy opens up the causing of hard feelings. The e-cigarette user and the non user both get mad.


As far as the term "nicotine addict'. I don't think that is mean. That is the truth. It is a very strong addiction. That is why it is difficult for most to quit. Most can't just use will power. That is why while I am in favor of major smoking restrictions..... I am not in favor of completely banning smoking on cruise ships. It would not be fair since the drug has been easily obtainable and mass marketed for years. Instead I am in favor of doing everything possible to help people quit. Unfortunatly some companies are using e-cigarettes to hook a new generation on nicotine.

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I agree with everything you've said. I understand some of the concern, especially from the cruise line's point of view ... it's a hassle to regulate. But most of it, particularly on boards like this is to a great extent people's attempt to 'control things to their standards' whatever they may be. Not all e-cigs even use nicotine and even the small amount that is there doctors have said are no more harmful than coffee and other soft drinks containing cafine. The odor, the vapor, etc. done correctly and discreetly on the balcony really shouldn't be a problem unless the person next door is cranking their neck over to 'regulate'. All that being said, I think using common sense is the key here for each person choosing to use the device, especially in private. Many people choose this device to quit rather than pumping the larger amount of nicotine into their body with patches, gum, etc. ... or taking 'drugs' that are on the market with even further harmful side effects. All that being said, the one about teens using it for pot is a new one on me! But then most of the things kids come up with today are really amazing! Where there is a will there is a way ... and that's where parents come in! :) I think the biggest gripe here is those that just want to be fat, drunk and happy want everyone else to do what they do and anything else is all bad ... and this is a great place to 'mouth off' on it. :rolleyes: I say ... put down the microscope people and pick up the mirror ... take a look at yourselves and your behavior and then live and let live .... and have fun cruising yourself leaving others alone! I mean after all, you finally don't have to put up with anyone else's smoke anymore .... except of course those places where it is allowed and my money is on those that will STILL walk over that way despite an alternate route ... 'just so they can continue to complain'!! LOL! I mean after all ... what would some do with nothing to complain about?!! :D No particular offense directed at anyone ... 'just sayin'! :)




Thank you for your post.



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The new policy states...about e-cigs. They are not odor free (but they only have a faint and relatively pleasant odor, compared to tobacco smoke, at least in limited experience) and the chemicals in the vapor cartridges don't simply "disappear."
So do they smell like marijuana?
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My heart goes out to those who have a dependency on the nicotine or on the cig-to-mouth behavior. It is hard to give up a comfort. I've spent many nights per year in places where I have to get dressed to go out to the bathroom, so I understand the inconvenience of having to get dressed for basic necessities. BUT, I am so glad that RCI was looking out for the health and comfort of the clear majority (non-smokers).

Please accept my apology for my lack of hope, but I suspect those who are willing to "switch" cruiselines for the right-to-smoke will probably always be dependent on cigs. I do hope that those who feel displaced by the new policy can find another cruiseline where their habit is welcome, as long as it does not hurt their cabin-neighbors.

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This a copy of the smoking policy on Celebrity cruises , now I'll have two cruise lines to go with and enjoy a smoke free environment.




What is the onboard smoking policy?

For your comfort and enjoyment, our ships are designated as non-smoking; however, we recognize that some of our guests smoke. Therefore, cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas of the ship. Smoking is not permitted in any dining venue, casino, theater, lounge, hallway, elevator, or corridor. This policy includes smoking-like products such as electronic cigarettes. Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom, nor on any stateroom veranda. If you are in violation of this policy, a cleaning fee of $250 USD will be applied to your SeaPass® account and you may be subject to further action pursuant to the "Consequences Section" of the Guest Conduct Policy. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco must be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess or use tobacco onboard.

Additionally, there is a non-smoking policy on all components of the land tour portion of all Celebrity Cruises Cruisetour products. We appreciate your understanding and adherence.

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Very true. I will say that barely anyone notices I'm using an ecig unless I deliberately do something specific, and I use VG based liquids.


I would like all of you complaining about ecig use to please drink your coffee outdoors in a designated coffee drinking area and not on your balcony. It is the same exact premise: you are ingesting caffeine and then exhaling after you are done with your sip. I can smell your coffee breath and the aroma of your coffee, which means I'm getting second hand caffeine.


That's exactly how your anti-ecig usage argument sounds -- ridiculous.


this is how I see it.


I actually find it very sad indeed that there are still complaints about the lifestyle of someone who has managed to give up smoking in place of ecigs, where the passive risk is probably a lot less than someone zooming past me in their car when I am on my bike.


Everyone does something which affects the health long term of the next person. Whether that be their rubbish, their use of cars, their unhealthy lifestyle which affects me financially, their rat infested gardens, their cats causing my hay fever to get worse (or worse still, dog and cat poop). Nappies, washing machines, wasting natural energy, using detergents and bleaches etc etc. all of these things have a long term effect on me and my health.


I will take my hat off to people who live totally self sufficiently and use none of these things, however, that doesn't apply to anyone on a cruise. Everyone on a cruise is affecting my health.


The argument that it looks bad is also a very silly one IMHO. I would much rather see someone smoking than someone with their plate piled so high with food, eating half of it, then wasting it. And so on.


There are thousands of things we don't yet know the long term effects of, which do include techy stuff. I would like to bad anyone using a mobile phone within 10 metres of me.


So,e people really do need to mind their own business. I think it's brilliant that people manage to give up the cigarettes. If e-cigs help we should actually be supporting this.

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I was a 3 pack a day smoker for 30+ years. I have been using my PV for over 3 years now. I use zero nicotine now. I have been told by C&A reps, cabin stewards, a housekeeping director on one ship, a concierge, and a customer relations director to just use the PV on my balcony because the staff will never know. I am not a rule breaker, I will change cruise lines with this policy. I enjoy my PV like some of you enjoy your alcohol or soda, or coffee. If you are interested in facts from true researchers please read this link..



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this is how I see it.


I actually find it very sad indeed that there are still complaints about the lifestyle of someone who has managed to give up smoking in place of ecigs, where the passive risk is probably a lot less than someone zooming past me in their car when I am on my bike.


Everyone does something which affects the health long term of the next person. Whether that be their rubbish, their use of cars, their unhealthy lifestyle which affects me financially, their rat infested gardens, their cats causing my hay fever to get worse (or worse still, dog and cat poop). Nappies, washing machines, wasting natural energy, using detergents and bleaches etc etc. all of these things have a long term effect on me and my health.


I will take my hat off to people who live totally self sufficiently and use none of these things, however, that doesn't apply to anyone on a cruise. Everyone on a cruise is affecting my health.


The argument that it looks bad is also a very silly one IMHO. I would much rather see someone smoking than someone with their plate piled so high with food, eating half of it, then wasting it. And so on.


There are thousands of things we don't yet know the long term effects of, which do include techy stuff. I would like to bad anyone using a mobile phone within 10 metres of me.


So,e people really do need to mind their own business. I think it's brilliant that people manage to give up the cigarettes. If e-cigs help we should actually be supporting this.





I've just started using an e-cigarette part time and I can already tell a difference in how I feel! I'm hoping it will lead to quitting eventually. I do feel very bad for those who are trying to quit using e-cigarettes and are thrown amongst smokers by this policy. It will make it harder on them.

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I've just started using an e-cigarette part time and I can already tell a difference in how I feel! I'm hoping it will lead to quitting eventually. I do feel very bad for those who are trying to quit using e-cigarettes and are thrown amongst smokers by this policy. It will make it harder on them.



Stay strong you can do it! Maybe, one day they'll consider two separate areas.

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It's a silly policy as e-cigs don't smell and can be easily smoked in the cabin without anyone being the wiser.


The main reason smokers go to the balcony is to avoid stinking up the cabin.


E-cigs render the point moot.


So it makes sense to ban e-cigs in public areas (kind of), e-cig users will have no trouble using them in their cabins.

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It's a silly policy as e-cigs don't smell and can be easily smoked in the cabin without anyone being the wiser.


The main reason smokers go to the balcony is to avoid stinking up the cabin.


E-cigs render the point moot.


So it makes sense to ban e-cigs in public areas (kind of), e-cig users will have no trouble using them in their cabins.


Well...they don't smell like smoke, but that doesn't really mean they don't smell at all. That was sort of my point in starting this thread, because I had seen so many people defending them because they have no odor and only put out water vapor. Those are falsities, but I do agree that e-cig users would almost certainly be able to use them in their cabins without anyone being the wiser.

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Just heard on our local news this AM. They are not as yet available here in Canada.

If you are saying e-cigs are not available in Canada, you are incorrect. I recently purchased 2 very nice PV's (correct term for e-cigs not shaped like a cigarette) from Canada and they came with a large variety of sample juices.:)

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Well...they don't smell like smoke, but that doesn't really mean they don't smell at all. That was sort of my point in starting this thread, because I had seen so many people defending them because they have no odor and only put out water vapor. Those are falsities, but I do agree that e-cig users would almost certainly be able to use them in their cabins without anyone being the wiser.



FALSITIES????? Please be so kind and enlighten all the rest of us to your first hand knowledge of e-cigs. I'm betting you have little to none yet you pass yourself off as the know all be all. You have enough posts here to realize that any mention of smoke of any sort brings about an argument yet you start a thread on it. WHY? I've run into some of your other posts and have come to the conclusion that you just like to hear yourself talk.


BTW, I've used e cigs for over two years and highly recommend them for anyone trying to break the tobacco habit. I've yet to see even a dog react to the vapor even with their greatly enhanced sense of smell.


Here's a recent study. Where's yours??



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Well...they don't smell like smoke, but that doesn't really mean they don't smell at all. That was sort of my point in starting this thread, because I had seen so many people defending them because they have no odor and only put out water vapor. Those are falsities, but I do agree that e-cig users would almost certainly be able to use them in their cabins without anyone being the wiser.


Well I have a very sensitive sense of smell and can't smell them. Have you ever really smelled one?


More importantly, any tiny smell there is does not linger, you can't tell someone uses an e-cig when you stand in the elevator with them. It can't be smelled in a room after it's been used. It certainly does not cause others in proximity to smell for hours like cigarettes do.

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