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Cruising with a Toddler. Our Photo Intense Trip Recap of the 9-7-13 Carnival Dream


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If I may give my input, my son was 18 months old when we took him last month on his first cruise and he did great. He isn't potty trained yet, but did wear swim diapers at our half moon cay port. As for sleeping, he slept on a mattress on the floor. He does sleep in a crib, but takes naps on mats at home and at daycare, so he was used to that. He loved having his own "bed". Don't know if this helps our not, lol.


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Thank you. I'll take any advice anyone is well if to give. We will be on the Sunshine, and my big fear is that they won't be potty trained by the cruise and they won't be able to play in the water park.


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Hi Jeff and thank you so much for writing this review!


We are taking our twins on their first cruise in January and it is great to see how things went for you two. It give me a little insight as to what we are in for.


I have a couple of questions.


Does Daniel sleep in a bed at home? I ask because the twins still sleep in cribs. They would be a holy terror otherwise.


Second, it looked like in the pictures of Nassau that Daniel was wearing either a diaper or a pull-up (I could be wrong). How did you handle the toddle water park?


I hope I didn't ask anything too personal. We are working on potty training, but I am a bit nervous because the girls seem so far away from being ready.


Thanks again for your review!


Not a problem. We had already transitioned Daniel into a Toddler bed back home so other then falling off the big Hotel room beds he never had a problem with the couch converted bed in our Cabin. Of course he does have issues with his bed now that we are home but thats another story. We moved him into a bed only a week before the cruise but he had no problem letting his crib go.


Now the Toddler splash area. That is a very touchy subject so all I will recommend is pay very close attention to how your children develop over the next few months. If it was 2 months earlier we wouldn't have let Daniel play in the area. However he is to the point where he ready to start being potty trained. He goes pretty much the exact same times each day and Has NEVER had an accident while being in water. Not in a tub, not in a swim diaper. He knows that when he's in water he doesn't go potty. I'm sure people think we are now the worst parents ever but like I said we wouldn't have let him in there had we not trusted he would be fine. And guess what. He was perfectly fine. We only let him swim in the Toddler area as well. We never took him in the pools or Hot Tubs.


So watch how your children develop and if you think they grasp the concept of not going potty in water. Ultimatly its your call. But from what I observed its a rule that Carnival obviously does not enforce. 90% of the kids playing were probably under 2 and each of them had Swim diapers on. Did there parents trust them like we did Daniel or they just didn't know the rules I don't know. Some kids only had a swim diaper on (yet no swimsuit) and dispite the slide attendant coming over and kicking older kids out constantly nothing was ever said to the toddlers. There were even some kids in only there underwear (yep again no swimsuit) which was more disturbing to me.


Anyways thats All I will say on the subject. Judge us if you will but we trusted out child who is close to being potty trained and he proved yet again that we could trust him in that instance.


Good luck with your training and whatever you decide to do. Do to the touchyness of this subject Its not something I feel is sutible to discuss any longer and I don't want my thread to turn into a bashing session.

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Great pictures of Daniel in the splash area! It looks like you had a great day outside playing.

Was Camp Carnival open during the day? I was just wondering since so many seemed to be at the splash area.

Edited by JaniceB
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Not a problem. We had already transitioned Daniel into a Toddler bed back home so other then falling off the big Hotel room beds he never had a problem with the couch converted bed in our Cabin. Of course he does have issues with his bed now that we are home but thats another story. We moved him into a bed only a week before the cruise but he had no problem letting his crib go.


Now the Toddler splash area. That is a very touchy subject so all I will recommend is pay very close attention to how your children develop over the next few months. If it was 2 months earlier we wouldn't have let Daniel play in the area. However he is to the point where he ready to start being potty trained. He goes pretty much the exact same times each day and Has NEVER had an accident while being in water. Not in a tub, not in a swim diaper. He knows that when he's in water he doesn't go potty. I'm sure people think we are now the worst parents ever but like I said we wouldn't have let him in there had we not trusted he would be fine. And guess what. He was perfectly fine. We only let him swim in the Toddler area as well. We never took him in the pools or Hot Tubs.


So watch how your children develop and if you think they grasp the concept of not going potty in water. Ultimatly its your call. But from what I observed its a rule that Carnival obviously does not enforce. 90% of the kids playing were probably under 2 and each of them had Swim diapers on. Did there parents trust them like we did Daniel or they just didn't know the rules I don't know. Some kids only had a swim diaper on (yet no swimsuit) and dispite the slide attendant coming over and kicking older kids out constantly nothing was ever said to the toddlers. There were even some kids in only there underwear (yep again no swimsuit) which was more disturbing to me.


Anyways thats All I will say on the subject. Judge us if you will but we trusted out child who is close to being potty trained and he proved yet again that we could trust him in that instance.


Good luck with your training and whatever you decide to do. Do to the touchyness of this subject Its not something I feel is sutible to discuss any longer and I don't want my thread to turn into a bashing session.


Thank you so very much! I apologize in advance. I do not want to have your thread hijacked. I feel much better and I can't wait to read the rest of your review.

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Day 6, Part 2: 1st Day at Sea


With our stomachs full from lunch we headed back to our lounge chair in the alloted time. Luckly for us though right as we returned the people next to us were leaving for the afternoon and so we were finally able to get a 2nd lounge chair. I've noted in past reports that I honestly don't like laying out in the sun. So I pulled my lounger into the shade. Daniel was still asleep so I took him to lay with me so that he was out of the sun too. But before long i was joining him asleep. Kiera eventually fell asleep as well and we were out for over an hour.






I awoke slightly before Kiera did but Daniel would still be out for over another hour. I really didn't plan on getting wet any more this afternoon but since Daniel was asleep anyways I went down to the Lido Deck and took a dip in the pool for a few minutes.





When Daniel finally started to wake up we decided that it was time to head back down to our cabin and get ready for the evening activities. We had spent nearly 6 hours in the sun and honestly I was ready to go back inside lol.



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We spent the next 2 hours getting cleaned up and ready for the night. As I looked over the Fun Times we came across our first delema of the cruise. Once again the Family Comedy Show tonight would be at 7:30pm in the Punchliner Comedy Club. However also at 7:30pm would be the late Dinnings Show in the Encore! Theater and tonight it featured a Hipnotist. Both of these we really wanted to see and do but there was no way we could do both.


We eventually decided on the Hipnotist. Mainly because there is usually lots of Comedy found in Hipnotist shows as well. So sorry but I won't be able to tell you how the Comdedian in the Comedy Club was tonight as we never did see him on this cruise. Kiera was running late getting ready so me and Daniel left the cabin early to head to the Encore Theater and get us some seats for the show. Dispite Kiera running late though she still made it before the show actually began.





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If you've seen Hipnotist shows before then you know they all follow the same outline. The host picks people out of the audiance and then proceeds to hypnotise them. Not all of the can be hynotised though so as most will fall deeper into the trance some of them do not and are sent to sit back down. Once they are hypnotised though its pretty funny what the host has them do. We were laughing pretty hard. Especially at one girl that was pretty deep into it and was very funny. At one point she actually slapped the host very hard which he got back to her for at the end by not taking her completly out of the Hypnotism.


The Show was very good and we were very glad that we decided to go to this instead of the Comedy Club. It was every bit as funny and we had a great time. The show got out right as our Dinner time would be starting so from the theater we made our way to the Aft of the ship to our Dinning room for Dinner.







We went in and got seated where our amazing wait staff was waiting for us. Its funny as by this night Daniel really had an idea of what was going on and immidiatly started to look around for the bread basket as he loved getting bread each night. So many of the wait staff loved Daniel that somtimes 4 different baskets of bread would come by so they could say hello to Daniel. Our waitstaff would also take Daniels Sippy Cup when we sat down and go get if filled with Milk for us each night. This was easily one of the best wait staffs we've ever had. Tonight for Daniels dinner we once again ordered him the Chicken Nuggets.




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For our Starters tonight I got the Study in Sushi as well as my Caesar Salad and went an extra step further and also got the Shrimp Cocktailand Kiera started out with the Chicken Quesadilla and a Fields Green Salad.








For our main courses tonight I went with the Braised Short Ribs and Kiera once again got the Atlantic Salmon.



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Daniel was once again getting tired and falling asleep at Dinner tonight. He was so tired that he couldn't even get a french frie in his mouth lol. But once the show started tonight which may have been Gungnam Style he woke right up and had a great time the rest of the evening.







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For our Dessert Kiera and I both decided to get the Strawberry Cheesecake which was also very, very good.




After our very good dinner we again returned to our cabin as we do every night. The cabin had again been turned down already and we had another towel animal waiting for us on the bed.




By the time we left the cabin again it was after 10pm. We were once again heading up the Lido deck not only for our nightly ice cream run but tonight was also the Red Frog Deck Party. The Deck had been completly cleared and the party was hopping. The Cruise Staff was leading the party and everyone in the dance moves. We sat and watched for a moment enjoying the atmosphere. We grabbed our Ice Cream and then went out to enjoy the festivities further.





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The dance party was in full swing but at some point we noticed they must have given out some prizes as people were carrying around inflatable animals and glow sticks and other things. Daniel danced around for a bit before we went up to deck 11 to watch the happenings below us.




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Not that we didn't have any more energy in us but tomorrow we would be in our 2nd port of San Juan and we wanted to get some rest for what was sure to be a long day ahead of us as we explored this port that we have never been to before. Daniel went down surprisingly quickly and we soon followed. Although we had a later arrival time into Puerto Rico tomorrow we still needed to be up and ready early to get off the ship to make the most of our day.





And thats all for Day 6. Thank you so much again to my followers. Please feel free to comment or ask any questions you might have. I'll be back soon as I begin 1 of the 2 busiest days of our vacation. Our time in San Juan is coming up next. And it may take 3 or 4 parts to get thru it all. Until then. Thanks again everyone.






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Day 7, Part 1: San Juan, Puerto Rico (San Cristobal)


As we awoke our 3rd day of the cruise would begin. Today we would find ourselves in our second port of call of San Juan, Puerto Rico. This would be a new port for us and one that I really looked forward to visiting. The only thing we really had planned for the day in port was to walk around and see Old Town.


We had a later arrival into San Juan today as the ship wouldn't dock until 11am. We got up earlier though so that we could get ready for the day and grab breakfast before getting off the ship. Of course Daniel once again tried sneaking some treats first though. As we finished getting ready the open seas outside our window soon changed and San Juan was in sight. As we were approching the large fort of El Marro we left our room to go grab breakfast.







Today we decided to do something different for breakfast and tried out the Main Dinning Room. Not only had we not done breakfast in the MDR since our 2nd cruise but this was also one of the few oppertunities we would have to use our free drink coupons that we got for being Gold status in the VFIP program.


We were able to go right in and get sat down for breakfast. I guess it helped that we got there about 15 minutes before it closed lol. We were directed to a table and then brought our menus. Breakfast in the MDR is done just like dinner is. You have a wait staff that comes by and takes your order from the menu. It took us a while though to get us our food. But it was alright as we weren't in a hurry. The food was really good and much better then anything found in the Lido buffet for breakfast. I wish we could have made it to the MDR for breakfast again on this trip but never did.




If there was one thing I could complain about a little it was using these free drink coupons though. As you walked into the MDR they had a table set up showing some of the drinks you could order. Now I assumed just like at dinner there would be waiters walking around taking Drink orders. We never saw anyone taking drink orders. The only time we even saw our regular table waiter was when our order was taken and when our food was brought. So I don't know if we were suppose to give our drink coupons to them or what. Then once the MDR closed for the morning we really didn't see anyone else. I just wish there was more clarity on how to use them or more ways to use them as we never got the chance to do so.



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After we finished breakfast we went upstairs to the upper decks to watch the ship finish docking in San Juan. The island and water looked great from the ship and it was so odd to see ourselves coming into whats a fairly large city. Puerto Rico is also part of the United States so we had Cell service here. It was fun to take some photos as the ship started to dock to send back home to our families and to post up on facebook.







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The announcement soon came over that we were cleared to get off the ship so we got our ice cream and then went back down to our cabin to get the stroller and anything else we would need during our time off of the ship.





We didn't get off the ship until a little after 11:30 but it worked out great as we missed that initial rush of people trying to get off the ship. We were able to get an elevator with ease and before we knew it we were walking along the dock next to the ship. We would be the only ship docked in San Juan today which was nice and i'm sure helped with the crowds.





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