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Liberty 9/14-9/21 Eastern Review *Pic Heavy*


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Great review so far. We will be sailing the Wetern itinerary one week from today! We've been booked since July 2012 and needless to say we are sooo ready!!! Can't wait to read more! :-)



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Thank ya! You are going to have a fantastic time!


We were on there with you. I've got to get around to that review.


Awesome! Yes, you should! I would love to read it :)

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A few more ship pictures & on to elegant night!










Elegant night brought us that gem of a picture from Page 1 - the all black thing wasn't planned lol Everyone showed up in black except my MIL who was in a bright turqoise dress. She saw everyone else & went to change. I think we look nice!



In my best Mean Girls/Regina George voice "We're ,like, REALLY pretty"



I love these 2. I love how EVERYONE assumes I'm just their sister. No,no. Our waitress actually thought me & Matt were brother & sister and Jordan was the outsider. It always makes for a hilarious situation. Jordan & Matt don't look like brothers at all & it always takes people by surprise.



^My elegant night dinner which is my favorite thing on the ship...Chile Rellenos! Oh God, it's so good.




We went to a show that evening called Wonderful World. I've pretty much learned my lesson with the shows. Yet, like Lido dessert, they're not great but I always go back for more! I love Broadway & music & dance. With the Liberty I thought their singers were great but it's ALWAYS the dancers! They're always off. I can't focus on anything else lol What can I say? I watch a lot of Dancing With The Stars.



This evening I will be posting St Thomas & CHEF'S TABLE! So finally we get into some good stuff!

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St Thomas day! This day we took a tour. Only 4 of us. Basically my FIL stayed on the ship every day. You won't see much of him throughout this review...



First things first, I am normally in charge of any cruise extras. I plan the days. It's pretty simple as I know that no one besides Jordan will do anything physical so I keep it mostly tours and beaches. I looked at Sunny Liston, Papa Bear, etc etc. Sunny Liston seemed to be the way to go & I was going to book it for everyone but then a) Matt wants to bring his girlfriend (who obviously did not come) b) Matt decides he's not going on the cruise c) Matt IS coming on the cruise d) Matt wants to bring his girlfriend on the cruise again e) Father in law doesn't want to do the tour. So, with Sunny Liston needing a deposit (small $10 deposit, but still) I decided "Oh well. We'll deal with it when we get there" because at that point I had no clue who would be doing the tour with us and who wasn't! Or even who may show up to cruise!



After getting off the ship we walked out to the taxi area & luckily found lots of tour vehicles available. We got set up with a lady who called herself "Tin Tin" who spoke with a very thick accent. We toured the island for an hour for $25/pp. The tour was decent. We hit up all the places that all the other tours went to (we saw Sapphire Beach, Coki Beach, Paradise Point, & whatever that place is that serves "famous" banana daquiries) - sadly, I couldn't understand a lot of what Tin Tin was saying because of her accent & she spoke from the front of her vehicle through an intercom.



Matt called his girlfriend & he summed up our tour perfectly with this -


"We're doing some kinda freaking tour right now. This tour is 6 people piled into the back of some woman's freaking pick up truck..."


^I wish I would've booked a legit tour.



But back to the positive - St Thomas is beautiful! It has absolutely gorgeous views! It was a warm day but nothing unbearable & just absolutely gorgeous out!



^^Startin' out the day right





^^Sapphire Beach





^^Paradise Point



^^Magen's Bay - we didn't get to go there! Boohoo!



God I hate the 6 picture per post rule...To be continued.

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^I got to take a picture with this *******...oh, and the donkey! (C.C will probably bleep that joke out)



^The guy told us to kiss. This is what he got in return. I love him but we are not kiss-in-pictures people.










Next up is Chef's Table. Our 2nd Chef's Table. Last year, Matt went with us but I didn't book him this year because of all the scheduling difficulties listed in the above post. Can I just say how much I LOVE Chef's Table?! The food is delicious and both times we've met such awesome people! 2 of which I still talk to often on Facebook!



Like last year our group met in the main atrium, we were the 3rd couple to arrive. I immediately saw another couple there that I recognized from CC! I was so excited. Chef Bijou came around after a few minutes & everyone had arrived & gave us all a glass of champagne & toasted us. We talked in the lobby for a few & it was off to the galley - luckily, during our normal dinner time so I could prance around in my dress & wave to the in laws like a fancy pants.


Into the galley we did a mini tour & went to a table for our hor d'oeuvres - you have a little kalamata olive stuffed with parm (I love olives. Jordan does not but I was proud that he ate it anyways) - a date stuffed with chorizo *yum* - a langoustino fritter *yum* - and a piece of bread wrapped in prosciutto. We had a few people with different preferences (aversions to seafood, vegetarian) so it was cool to see how they came up with something different for them.


After the hor d'oeuvres we got to see the pastry chef to show us how to do the melting cake.


THEN...finally time to eat! Back through the galley & into a nice little private side room.


I will continue into my next post with food & more about Chef's Table but for now I leave you with this & it's just me, sittin' in my window before leaving to meet everyone.



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^Making the melting cake. I was surprised that this chef didn't mind that we took pics in the galley.



^Garlic brioche. So yummy & moist, you don't need butter. I always say I won't eat all the bread so I won't fill up but I'm always one of the first ones to wolf it down.



^Tomatoes Our Way - I'll tell ya, the white chocolate (cocoa butter coated) one is just delicious. They're all delicious actually that one just happens to be my favorite.



^Tuna Banh Mi. Shockingly, I like it. The tuna is excellent but I love those crisps on the sides!



^Cornish game hen. The sauces they drizzle over your meat are just wonderful. I also really enjoy those little caviar cups!



^Bavarois. My least favorite. I couldn't eat force myself to eat all of it like I did last year. The soup is apple juice/turnip. I'm just not a fan. I made it half way though.

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^Salmon. I love salmon. Ya can't go wrong with salmon. I enjoyed everything on this plate from the fish to the little rolled beets.



^Wagyu. This stuff is like buttah. Ohhh, it's good! Those little potato ball things are good. The pumpkin fudge is good. That whole plate is perfect. I'll take 3.



^Chocolate 88F. Before this plate was presented, the table had already sang to me. We also sang to a man named Marcus (part of the couple I'd seen on CC) who's birthday was the 21st. Marcus saw my birthday was listed on the paper the Chef had while we were in the lobby waiting so we had a little celebration! When this was presented, Vasile' the Maitre D' & a team of waiters came in to present both myself & Marcus a birthday dessert & sang to us individually. It was so awesome really! I just wish I hadn't blown my candle out before taking this pic (I was excited & already made my real wish!) ---- anyways, this dessert was spectacular. And different! Last dessert was Chef in a Candy Shop - was good but this was better! The cake was so creamy, flavored with raspberry, & in the middle you get this great butterscotch center.


Can you tell I really love food? I recommend the Chef's Table times infinity to anyone who truly enjoys their food. Or food presentation. Or knowledge about food! It's well worth the $75!!





^Our nice group shot! The other birthday-boy is the man in the tan shirt. Really nice couple! But everyone we really spoke to at the table was absolutely lovely!



^This was a first. We didn't get this photo last year. It was not free like the group shot but I thought it'd make a nice addition to the scrapbooks.



I also want to make mention of the magician that performed for the group before the salmon was served. His name is Sameer & we REALLY enjoyed him! He came to our actual dinner table twice throughout the week after Chef's Table & always treated us like he knew us forever. A really nice & talented guy. He wants to be on America's Got Talent. I think he should!



Alright folks. That's it for the night. I'm gonna try to wrap this thang up soon but San Juan will be a long post lol San Juan was by far my favorite port! So...coming up tomorrow will be San Juan. Good night!

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Lovely review. Nice to see different dinner pictures. I've never seen chili relanoes or vegetarian choices. One question: where did you snorkel in HMC that you saw lots of fish?


We actually didn't snorkel at all. We just went on the beach & they were everywhere! Even the little sting ray I mentioned. It was really cool. Actually, as Jordan & I were about to get out of the water to go back to the ship we walked up on this guy who had TONS of fish swarming around him because he had a tiny bag of Rice Krispies from breakfast that he was feeding them. THAT was a sight to see! We stood there for a minute or too letting them swim around us too.

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In San Juan I knew exactly what I wanted to do - I was going to the forts. The in laws did their thing (still no idea what they actually did) because my FIL was not EVEN going to do all that walking so it was just Jordan, Matt, & I.


It was HOT!! But nice! We had a great breeze too. Later on in the day, we hit a freak rainstorm that helped A LOT in cooling us off but not so much in cleaning us off. We all looked pretty gross by day's end. I was walkin' around lookin' like Tan Mom & Matt sweated through his 30 layers of clothes he wore.


If you don't know who Tan Mom is I will provide you with this lovely image :




You're welcome.



Anyways, onto our day!


Of course - breakfast. The most important meal of the day ya know! Which is why I had more french toast lol



San Juan was an EASY port to navigate! We docked right there at the Carnival port. As soon as you're out of the port you actually have a pretty decent view of San Cristobal so with the help of our phones we found out how to get there.


YES there is a TON of walking involved if you choose to do the forts. I figured we'd only do one fort but ,no, Jordan decided we should do both (no complaints, they were awesome!) - but yeah, if you're traveling with older people or ,heck, even babies I would not choose both forts. I probably wouldn't do either fort, actually. We actually saw both people packing their toddlers AND helping those in wheelchairs so it's definitely doable but it did NOT look easy. Plus, I'm lazy so heck no. It doesn't help that I'm out of shape.



^When I was still looking normal. The day had just begun.



^"It smells like urine in here" - me

"Could be because you're in a homeless person's urinal" - Jordan



^From San Cristobal



^My shoulders were already good & glazed and Matt was already soaking through his clothes. It can only get worse from here.



^But these views made up for everything! LOOK HOW GORGEOUS! Also, you can see the 2nd fort ,El Morro, off in the background!




To get access to the forts, prices are $3 for one or $5 for both. They do have gift shops - and drink machines. I went through 3 waters. Stay hydrated & wear your sunscreen! I did - the boys didn't. None of us really burnt though - I look pretty ridiculous in some of these pics but my face was just red from the heat. Also, I wore sandals (Nike) & had no problems. My feet may as well be made of rock though - they feel nothing. I saw quite a few women in fancier, cuter sandals though so choose at your own risk.



From what our phones said - from the ship/dock all the way to El Morro it was 1.67 miles. We walked there & back, although we did see the trolley often. I was very impressed with Matt. He was definitely tired & only once said "I'm not walking that!" but he walked it anyways (just a steep ramp straight up) and never gave up.

Edited by AutumnBM
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^BAM! My red-face snuck up on ya!



^Put this in here so you can see the slope you walk on. Some were REALLY steep (bad idea for us sandal wearers), some were nearly nothing. Then you had the stair areas. At one spot in El Morro the steps were TALL and at least 5 flights. I'm not kidding. My legs were like jelly after those.



^The entrance to our 2nd fort. El Morro. The first fort I never really found a nice "opening view" angle.



El Morro



I have some pics from the insides as well but ,honestly, I found the outside views to be way better. If you'd like to see them they are on my Facebook page. It's private but I always add CC members - just shoot me a message if you'd like.

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Very nice review.....there is an elevator just like the one you mentioned on the Freedom that does the same thing. It only goes one floor and it takes forever.


By the way....where are you guys from???? You look really familiar. We live out by Rockford


We're actually in Indiana but right on the state line. My husband works in Chicago though so he's all over the place, all the time. I always use Chicago as our "base location" lol Because people KNOW where that's at as opposed to where we actually live.



Were you on this cruise? Maybe you saw us sometime!

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We're actually in Indiana but right on the state line. My husband works in Chicago though so he's all over the place, all the time. I always use Chicago as our "base location" lol Because people KNOW where that's at as opposed to where we actually live.



Were you on this cruise? Maybe you saw us sometime!


No we've never cruised on the Liberty.


Yeah I hear ya about saying Chicago. When were onboard and tell people where were from we say "Kirkland" and they say "where's that" and we will say about 50 miles west of Chicago and they'll say "oh okay."

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Ok ya'll. I'm wrappin' this thing up soon. I have a blog too (albeit not a popular one lol) that I'm gonna post about the cruise on as well so I'm gonna try and finish everything around the same time.


A bit of food porn before Grand Turk



^Beef stroganoff. This does not look appealing at all but it was really good. Huge portion of pasta though which I couldn't make it all the way through.



^Favorite dessert besides melting cake. Bitter & Blanc



^Another delicious thing that does not look appealing. Chicken burrito from Blue Iguana



^Vegetarian option again - Spanakopita, Stuffed Peppers, & eggplant. SO GOOD despite how disgusting it looks. I am just not a food photographer lol



^That french toast from brunch I mentioned earlier. It tasted a bit like funnel cake. It was ok.



^Matt's mac & cheese from brunch. Really, REALLY NOT GOOD. Just gross.





Grand Turk day! Grand Turk is lovely but we've been there before, so I had no problem with booking my spa day on GT day. We only got off to shop & snap a few pics from GT, we were back on the ship by 1 so I could have lunch & get ready for he spa. We left Matt shopping for his girlfriend & lost my in laws long before that so we had a very short day. Nothing exciting here folks.



Now as for my spa appoint - I have booked a spa appointment every cruise except one. We always cruise around our anniversary or my birthday so Jordan likes (well, "likes" may be exaggerating it a bit) to splurge & let me pick out a package I'd like. I always get the same thing - the "Top to Toe" package. It has a full body exfoliation, like 7 different massages (arms, neck, back, shoulder, foot, leg, scalp), & a facial. I love it. I always end up falling asleep on the table.



However, 2 things.

1) There's always a product pitch at the end. No, as a matter of fact, I DON'T need the $44 camel hair exfoliating brush for my dry skin and ,NO, I don't need the $74 (YEP!) bottle of "Milk Bath" lotion. I should've snapped a pic of the card she gave me with her suggestions & the totals. Omg, ridiculous.


2) With this visit, they have added a mandatory automatic 15% gratuity. I am not cheap nor am I a greedy tipper but I wasn't cool with this at all. I was told I could remove it if I wanted to but when I received my receipt to sign, it was already there & added to my total.



Next up, last sea day & VIFP party!

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Our last sea day is always so sad.


We did have one thing to look forward to though & that was our Gold/Platinum/Diamond party! I was so excited for this!


I wasn't expecting it to be much but it was actually very nice. They held it in the lounge where the comedy shows are so it was pretty packed but as soon as we got there, we gave the guy outside our invites, walked insides, and the first thing - a waiter gives you a drink. You finish that? You get another drink. You're NOT finished with that? "Here would you like another drink?!" Why yes, yes I would. Keep 'em coming! *And they did*


Along with the drinks there were about 3 different appetizers being passed around as well.


This is going to sound really stupid but can anyone tell me (who's been to this party) - the drinks they serve...there is liquor in them right? They were HUGE and I couldn't taste anything (I'm not a big drinker anyways but I reckon I know the taste of alcohol well enough...) -- I tasted NOTHING & I felt nothing! Now Jordan on the other hand? 3 drinks down & he's walking funny and definitely a bit tipsy.



Ok lol That sounded dumb but I really do want to know.



The party went on for about 45 minutes - there were a few mini games (shout & cheer for the ships you've been on) - the captain & all the officers were introduced - the diamond members got to go on stage to have their photos made with all the officers - it was just a really nice time. I can't wait for the next one!





^The captain is the little guy with the mic

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^Gettin' his drank on!



^Not my best angle!



...Til next time Carnival! We'll be back! Hopefully next spring!!





Overall a great time! Sorry to wrap it up so quickly but our last few days we didn't do much to be honest. Once again, I ended up taking over 300 photos so if you'd like to see more of the ship or a specific port you can always check my FB page. I've actually added a handful of members before & tell them all "I keep my page private from people I don't know but I always add CC members, know 'em or not!" - cruising people are the best people lol

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Loved your review. We plan on taking the trolley to both forts when we are in San Juan next January.


We have the permanent national park pass (for seniors) so we will not have to pay for each fort. Not much savings, but it will pay for one drink for me since my SO does not drink!!!!

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Loved your review. We plan on taking the trolley to both forts when we are in San Juan next January.


We have the permanent national park pass (for seniors) so we will not have to pay for each fort. Not much savings, but it will pay for one drink for me since my SO does not drink!!!!


Now there's looking on the real bright side :D


& thank you so much!

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Enjoyed your review very much! We will be on this same itinerary in December and I've been reading every Liberty review that I can find. Loved all the photos and especially the food porn!:D This will be our fourth cruise with Carnival and I have to say that I have never been disappointed with their food!


Thanks again!

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Loved reading this review! Will be on Liberty next year and am trying to get acquainted with the ship as much as possible. Haven't quite put my finger on the theme the designer was going for but still looks interesting. I also took a peak at your photos on your FB page from last year as well. Loved seeing the photos of Magic you took while parked next to her. Brought back some memories of our Jan. cruise and a different perspective of the ship. You seem to capture the places that DH and I hung out the most while on that cruise. lol On my bucket list is to try the glass stair case if I ever get on a Spirit Class ship. I'm terrified of heights but a "face your fear" sort of thing. Thanks for sharing and glad you had a good cruise.

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