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Solarium Zoo on Enchantment of the Seas 7/7/05

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We only visited the Solarium once on our Vision cruise back in 12/03 and were swimming in the pool when a couple decided to bring their baby (diaper and all) into the pool with them. We looked at each other and said "yuck!" and got out, all the while wondering where the staff was. We would have said something to this couple, but they apparently didn't speak English. :(

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I know that RCCL does enforce "some" of their rules. When we were on Brilliance, we wanted to take a picture of the inside of the "teen only" area for a friend of ours who was cruising with her teen granddaughter a few weeks after us... and we were met at the door and not allowed in!!!!! Not even to take a picture of the general "room"... not the people... there were no teens in there at that time. I obviously didn't push the issue either...


I didn't see any kids in the Solarium Pool Area on our sailing... but there were only 35 or so kids on board. Saw a family who always had their diapered kids in the childrens pool though. My boys stopped swimming in the pool and nicknamed it "the potty".

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Every adult we spoke to in the Solarium was very upset by the zoo like conditions. Except of course the parents of these children. The weather was not that bad. We used the jacuzzi on the pool deck last night and the wind was not an issue at all in the jacuzzi. My cruise experience should be ruined because the chief purser wants to pacify the little darlings on board? I think not. It was a bad call. How anyone can defend infants in a jacuzzi is beyond me. Imagine relaxing in the adults only jacuzzi and within 15 minutes you are surrounded by 6 children kicking and screaming, some wearing snorkeling masks. Disgraceful. Children have Adventure Ocean as well as the main pool and jacuzzi's. All the adults want is one area to get away from the madness. That area was denied to their loyal repeat customers on this cruise. I'm not upset about it anymore. I see who comes first on Royal.


I wasn't condoning the actions of the parents. I just believe that the drama i see on these boards is kinda funny...I saw the "solarium zoo" thread and said what did i miss? What is so horrendous that it merits such a title. I saw the kids yesterday in the Solarium and chose to leave. I looked outside...and the weather was lousy for a child to be in a pool(outside). There were way more places for me to go and relax and I did. The fact that this thread is six pages long and you bumped it to the top makes me laugh....it wasn't getting enough people nervous about the Enchantment? Reminds me of the women this morning who told me she was 3x Diamond Plus and how upset she was that the girl in Lattitudes charged her a gratuity on her free coupon coffee...ru kidding me...how much was that? 15% of 4.00 = .60. In the same breath she managed (as she was complaining)to tell me how a leg collapsed on a chair in the stateroom causing her friend injury. I was foolish enough to feel bad until I found out later her friend was the at least 400+ lb man standing by her. Did it occur to her that chairs liked that were not designed to support weights like that? ok done ranting....


Sorry KG that you had an unpleasant experience...that's no fun. But I've learned that cruising is what you make it. Hopefully your next cruise, whether with RCI or not, will be calmer and more adult friendly.

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I just spent a few day at a golf resort in Souther California and had to deal with a rude child their too. He was about 5yo and in the hot tub alone. His older(about 14yo) brother was in the pool with is semi-hidden from the hot tub. Anyway, this kid is sitting in the tub with no jacuzzi action going. I turn the dial and the jets start right up. As I am getting in, he tells me "your too fat to have the bubbles on"! He then gets out and turn the dial back so they go off. So I sat there for a minute steaming(not because of the hot water). By the time I decided to turn them on again, he decided to get out and told me that I can have the bubble on but only for 5 minutes. He turns them on and leaves. As I am sitting there, he comes back, turns it off again and gets back in. I told him that if he turns it off again I will make sure that he and his family will be banned from the pool area. Then he goes to his brother and tells him that I yelled at him for going in the hot tub! They leave and 10 minutes later out comes the dad. He asks if I have a problem with his kids and I told him what happened with the younger one. His response was that if his son was in the hot tub first, then it is his choice if he wants the jets on. I told him that if he wants to sit in water without jets, then he should go in the regular pool and that the hot tub is meant to be used with the jets on. He then said something that I won't put in words on this board, but it wasn't nice and walked away.


Point is that these kids are everywhere, not just on ships and the parents just don't get it. BTW, I am a parent and my 8yo DS was in the pool behaving himself while this was happening.

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One thing I haven't seen addressed on this thread at all is the fact that kids are not supposed to be in hot tubs at all for health reasons. That is why children aren't supposed to be in there, as well as pregnant women, and people who don't do well with heat. I'm not saying htat I think kid's should be in an adult area, but they shouldn't be in the hot tubs anywhere whther it is a cruise ship, a hotel, or a swim club or gym.

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Please read the forum guidelines. Bumping is prohibited in the rules. I am sure you just missed this rule, as I can tell from your posts that you follow all the rules.


Sounds like we have people on the Royal payroll posting on these boards. I assume that's also against forum rules.

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I wasn't condoning the actions of the parents. I just believe that the drama i see on these boards is kinda funny...I saw the "solarium zoo" thread and said what did i miss? What is so horrendous that it merits such a title. I saw the kids yesterday in the Solarium and chose to leave. I looked outside...and the weather was lousy for a child to be in a pool(outside). There were way more places for me to go and relax and I did. The fact that this thread is six pages long and you bumped it to the top makes me laugh....it wasn't getting enough people nervous about the Enchantment? Reminds me of the women this morning who told me she was 3x Diamond Plus and how upset she was that the girl in Lattitudes charged her a gratuity on her free coupon coffee...ru kidding me...how much was that? 15% of 4.00 = .60. In the same breath she managed (as she was complaining)to tell me how a leg collapsed on a chair in the stateroom causing her friend injury. I was foolish enough to feel bad until I found out later her friend was the at least 400+ lb man standing by her. Did it occur to her that chairs liked that were not designed to support weights like that? ok done ranting....


Sorry KG that you had an unpleasant experience...that's no fun. But I've learned that cruising is what you make it. Hopefully your next cruise, whether with RCI or not, will be calmer and more adult friendly.


Cruising is what I make of it? My Fiancee and I paid over a thousand dollars with the intention of spending a good deal of time using the Solarium since neither of us drink or gamble. This was impossible as I have stated. I have every right to be angry about it. You're entitled to your opinion but I assure you it's not in the majority.

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Sounds like we have people on the Royal payroll posting on these boards. I assume that's also against forum rules.


You caught me. I guess it's safe to tell everyone about the plan at RCI to start cruising out of Minnesota!


A Voyager class ship will port out of Duluth and sail the Great Lakes starting in December. ;)

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I think you are being a little hard on kewlguy. I think what he is experiencing on his cruise should be addressed by RCCL and I also think that other people should be aware of the problem before they cruise. There was a valid point brought up,

children should not be in the hot tubs at all. Not in the adult area or the regular pool. But the parents that use them as babysitters, obviously do not care about the health of their child. :rolleyes:

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I think that RCCL (and other lines for that matter) should extend the solarium pool to be part of the gym area (which is limited to adults) What I have noticed is those Steiner's employees has no issue argueing with parents SCREAMING at them that they want ther're 16 YO's in the gym.


As for children in disco after 10PM, what the heck are parents thinking? You want your 10-18 YO's hanging out with all those adults? My God, after all the terrible news out of Aruba you think parents would think twice about letting their kids run amuck! There are 1000's of people on a ship every week, you want to run the risk that your week has the one sick person that will find find your unattended child hanging out in the Disco? This is why there is a teen disco where things are a little more monitored!


But yeah, ships are become overrun with kids these days, only Disney seems to understand that an adults only area should be that way otherwise you risk being labled as "families only" and isolating a market with higher disposal income. It's their loss!

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It seems to me that no matter how many legitimate topics are posted, the replies end up getting very personal and combative. Frustrates me - and shameful if said post ends up being deleted due to these types of replies.

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I think that RCCL (and other lines for that matter) should extend the solarium pool to be part of the gym area (which is limited to adults)


Amen. I'd make the entire Solarium adults only. You need to swipe your sign and sail card to enter. Similar to the Concierge lounge.

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All I am saying is that if you want a cruise line or any other company for that matter to enforce rules, they should enforce ALL the rules not just the ones that affect you (or any other person) personally.


I for one do not like young kids hanging out where they shouldn't be and I don't like the idea of skirting rules about bringing alcohol on board. Enforce them both!


I agree with you Joe. These days it seems the "rules" apply to everyone but "me", if you know what I mean. Sometimes it seems the people complaining the most, have a bottle of wine they "smuggled in", while they are ironing their clothes in their room, and trying to hide from going to muster. LOL :D

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I guess I've been lucky, but in 10 RCI cruises since 2000, at all times of the year and different classes of ships, I've never seen children in the Solarium, it's hot tubs or pool. The exception was a transatlantic and an Alaskan trip, when specific hours were posted, and the kids used it and left on time.


It would make me mad, though, if the quiet were to be disturbed, as I love the peace of the Solariums!

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I think you are being a little hard on kewlguy. I think what he is experiencing on his cruise should be addressed by RCCL and I also think that other people should be aware of the problem before they cruise. There was a valid point brought up,

children should not be in the hot tubs at all. Not in the adult area or the regular pool. But the parents that use them as babysitters, obviously do not care about the health of their child. :rolleyes:


I have no problem with the solaruim being off limits to kids. My wife and I have enjoyed the hot tubs many times. If kids were running wild then I would have handled it like many of the posters stated. My issue was why bump the thread? There was a lot of posts and obviously this thread had run it's course.

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That said, we are taking DD on her first cruise in 34 days (but whos counting). She will not be allowed in any areas that are not meant for kids, as we follow THE RULES. What better way to set a good example for your children than by saying,"Sorry Johnny but this is a place just for grownups. We will have to play somewhere else as those are the rules". Children understand rules and need them. They also need parents to ENFORCE them. There should be no difference between home and the ship.





I am a teacher and I will tell you that if more parents had that attitude the world would be a much better place. Kids learn from their parents' example.


As for me, I noticed the same issue last year on VOS. I am going on EOS 8/14 and I will be very upset if this issue continues. I am going to call RCI costomer service and let them know. I urge everyone who is annoyed by this to do the same. It is one thing that we are talking about it here, it is a much bigger deal if these things are written on comment cards AND brought to the attention of the corporate offices by calling customer service directly. I am doing this today....you should do the same.

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This post just illustrates one of the many reasons I never cruise when school is out. Parents no longer parent. Parenting now means being your kids' best friend. Disipline is a foreign concept. You can see it everyday in the public school system, at the grocery store and at the mall. Flame away.........


Unfortunately, those of us who are teachers do not have this options and even though I will act as a teacher when on board and tell kids and parents what the rules are, I am on vacation and don't think I should have to!

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I have to ask...do you have children?

In the time it takes a parent to sneeze, a child could run on stairs and slip.

This is childhood.

When my younger son was little, he did not know the meaning of "walk", he ran everywhere. We constantly reminded him to be careful. We were with him always. He fell, scraped himself up, learned his lesson for a while, and went back to being a happy, excited, polite, running child. He is now a wonderful 14 year old who still runs everywhere.

Heck, I slipped on the stairs and on the deck on our last cruise and I can assure you that I was not running.

Thank goodness the girl is fine.



You are misunderstanding the problem. It is not the kid who is in the hot tub for 2 seconds when mom is sneezing, it is the one who is in there for 2 hours with his mom feeding him fries as he splaches everyone else in the hot tub.


There is a big difference.

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I was on the same cruise on the 7th......the weather was awfull....and I paid good $$$ to take my three children on vacation. Children were only allowed in the solarium pool because of the cold and ONLY between 12-2 and 4-6 which my husband and I honored entirely. If you saw bad behavior you should have complained louder.....my son used the outdoor heated pool a lot too....but for some reason royal closed this pool on Sunday.....next time mabe you should go on an older cruise if you wanted no kids near you.....

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I think that RCCL (and other lines for that matter) should extend the solarium pool to be part of the gym area (which is limited to adults) What I have noticed is those Steiner's employees has no issue argueing with parents SCREAMING at them that they want ther're 16 YO's in the gym.




That's a GREAT idea. This is the only way it will work!!!

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