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Long Review: 9/9/13 - Reflection 11 Day Eastern Med plus Rome


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Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful review. Enjoying all the pictures and food ones. We are taking our first Med cruise in the fall. You have me wanting add this cruise to do list.


You said you upgraded your drink package. Do you think it was worth it on such a port intensive cruise? We liked the molecular bar on Solstice but had not decided if we should upgrade or not. We usually only drink 3-4 drinks a day.


Also I like when you include prices because it helps to give an idea of what to expect.


Would love to read any report if you have one when you stayed each week in Paris and Rome before.

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Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful review. Enjoying all the pictures and food ones. We are taking our first Med cruise in the fall. You have me wanting add this cruise to do list.


You said you upgraded your drink package. Do you think it was worth it on such a port intensive cruise? We liked the molecular bar on Solstice but had not decided if we should upgrade or not. We usually only drink 3-4 drinks a day.


Also I like when you include prices because it helps to give an idea of what to expect.


Would love to read any report if you have one when you stayed each week in Paris and Rome before.


I would say yes because aside from Santorini you're on the ship every night. So for us - the bulk of drinking was Molecular Bar before/after dinner, wine with dinner and maybe a drink at the show. On sea days we didn't drink much during the day. We also loved the fresh squeezed juice every day with breakfast as well as a cappucino and a large water to take a shore.


Leave Rome/Paris with me for now (with a reminder later). I think i have a Paris review on Trip advisor but I never got to Rome. I have it on a private blog though so I will see what I can do for you. I have to finish this one first!

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Today is yet another dream come true. I think I keep saying that but I can’t help it. A lot of things are being crossed off my bucket list during this trip. I have been dreaming of Athens since I was a little girl learning about ancient Greece, the Trojan Horse, Helen of Troy…..sigh.


For today we have opted for another private tour. I guess you could say the key cities or bucket list moments were always placed in the hands of private tours for just the two of us or at least an extremely small group tour. We just get more out of it and get a chance to really ask a lot of questions and have it tailored to us. For something I have dreamt of forever – this is worth the splurge to me.


We went with PK Travel based on all the positive reviews here on Cruise Critic. The website is easy to navigate and they responded within hours to any requests. We opted for the traditional full day tour with a private guide at the Parthenon and I believe that came to 330 euros.


On a side note there was a small group tour of the exact itinerary that we passed on joining as we wanted to be alone but I am sure it was still very nice and a fraction of the cost. At one point we also extended an invitation to our new Irish friends if they wanted to join us but they already had plans. I was glad they did – yes there is room for 4 in the car but that involves three people in the back seat and one in the front and the back seat was designed with bucket seats so the middle spot would not have been comfy. At least I didn’t think so.


It was an early start. Our driver, George picked us up at 7:30am! As with all the ports you just walk off the ship and there is everyone waiting and you just look for your name on a sign.


As we sped away in our Mercedes George explained that there is a planned strike today by doctors and teachers so he wants to organize our day to be out of that area by lunch so it won’t impact us – great idea!


The port is actually about 20 minutes or so away from the city so we hopped on the freeway and made our way there. Our first stop was the Parthenon to beat the crowds and did we ever – we were there before it was even open. George called for our guide to meet us there and as we pulled up we met Hilaria. George said he’d be back to get us in two hours and off he went. Funny how trusting we are with stuff like that. He could have dropped us off with an axe murderer and we would have been thanking him!


We all know the Parthenon is on top of a hill (the acropolis) so don’t ask why I was surprised as we climbed and climbed. Not stairs really but sort of a ramp with patches of marble and dirt that you walk up through trees until voila, you’re at the top. I was a little winded at that point but it’s a combo of my asthma and being out of shape – it really isn’t that difficult.


Some things you see at the top before you get to the Parthenon:







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We gave our guide cash to purchase our entry tickets and she got them as we waited for the gates to open. As we’ve seen a lot of lately there are stray dogs everywhere and she explained to us how each neighbourhood or site adopts them which means feeding them or playing with them. They even donate dog houses which we thought was adorable. We have a dog at home so this made us miss her.


The gates opened (my guess is it was 8am?) and we were off. It was so nice being first in as we almost had the place to ourselves – but not for long. The next two hours still gives me the chills as I reflect. We started at the back and discussed the unfinished gate, saw the soldiers march away after raising the flag and then made our way around the entire structure; incredible. We all know what it looks like and what to expect but once you’re there and dwarfed by its enormity you realize you had no idea it was this spectacular.


Our guide filled us in on history, architecture and modern facts as we made our way around. We were both surprised and sad to learn that many, many pieces of this ancient marvel are housed in the British Museum. She explained that they didn’t want to give them back until a proper museum was available to house them but now with the new Acropolis Museum available they still refuse so I am not sure what that is about. She did tell us when we were at the museum and we see concrete portions to remember that those exact segments are in Britain. It would be interesting to learn more about this.


We savoured every second of our time on the acropolis. Sadly I had heard a rumour which Hilaria confirmed that the acropolis is a popular site for suicides. She told us that she has been conducting tours twice when it happened. I cannot even imagine that. When we were in Paris a person had recently just jumped off the Eiffel tower. These are things you are NOT prepared to see or hear about as you tour the sites.


I will also add that the ground is pretty much all marble and super slippery. I can only imagine how many people must fall every day. Make sure your shoes have a good tread on the sole and even then walk with care.


Here come the pictures....













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We made our way down the hill and there was George waiting for us – chatting with all the other drivers. We tipped Hilaria and climbed into our cool car – George had two cold waters waiting for us. Out the back window I watched as she checked how much we gave her and showed it to George which I was disappointed to see.


As we left here George said he had a treat for us and he started zig zagging around the city and next thing you know we’re driving up a winding road and we end up on a huge hill with the most spectacular views of the city and the Parthenon – a treat indeed.








Now we head back down and so begins a whirlwind of a day. The benefit of being two in a car – George would pull up to a stop (which may not have been a legal stop) and would say “there across the street is the first modern Olympic stadium” and we would hop out of the car, run across the street, take our photos and run back to the car. We absolutely got to see more this way then I think we would have alone or in a bigger group. And for certain things this was the perfect pit stop – we did this for the stadium, the parliament, the university (which has awesome statues of Plato and Socrates BTW) and a few other spots and it was great.







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Once we did the core area George wanted to get us out before the strike so we then made our way to the Temple of Zeus (see previous 2 posts for pics - sorry!). This is one of those sites where you don’t think it will be a big deal but it is. Wow!! Sometimes not knowing what to expect can make it even more special. This was really great to see and we took a lot of pictures. Especially when you think of the column falling and what that must have sounded or felt like. Not very crowded, lots of dogs and no shade at this spot.


Then we went to the Agora which is smaller than I expected and to be honest we just did a quick walk around and left. Not to say we were “ruined” out, but without knowing what you’re looking at sometimes they do start to look alike.















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From there George pointed out the direction of the Plaka district and we agreed on 90 minutes of shopping before meeting back. He made sure we had a landmark to get our bearings and we were off.


I should add here that he asked earlier on what we wanted to do for lunch. I had in my mind eating in the Plaka district and finding a spot with a view of the Acropolis – but as you’re trying to see and do as much as possible suddenly that seems so indulgent with your time. He asked if we like seafood (I do not but Ken does so I say yes knowing there is always something for me) and he suggests a seaside lunch closer to the ship on the coast and we agree that sounds lovely.


So he sends us off to shop in the Plaka. It’s very much like Rome in that its narrow cobblestone street after street lined with shops. The best part of all; no one cares if you buy or not! We would literally walk into a shop, look, touch, even pick up items and the shop keeper would be reading a book or watching tv – no pushy sales. It was lovely! Within a very short period of time we had some gorgeous leather sandals for each of the kids, I had more olive oil soap, olives and oregano. We even hit a small grocery store for some cough drops for Ken which I loved as I always enjoy looking at grocery stores in foreign countries – the labels, the brands and the items. It turns out that having a name with Greek origins means you see it everywhere. There was Melissa brand pasta, Melissa tea…..I’m very popular in Greece!


We found another leather store where Ken bought himself some leather flip flops and then we just wandered around until it was time to head back. I had worried that 90 minutes wasn’t enough time for shopping but for us it was. Sadly we have lost all those items.


We find our way back to George and he takes us to our final stop at the Museum. Leaving the museum until the end when we’re tired, hot and hungry – was probably not the best idea. If nothing else we should have gotten a snack while shopping. The museum is great. I loved walking over the plexi glass floor and seeing the excavations below – Ken didn’t seem too impressed but I was.








And then you make your way around the museum and see the originals of what you saw on the Acropolis and you also really get to see what pieces are in Britain as well. My biggest pet peeve here was that no photos were allowed which as usual we followed. Yet everywhere you turned people were taking pictures. A few guards spoke up and said something while others looked away. There were signs everywhere and in every language so it just bothered me to see the disrespect – and that I wasn’t getting those same pictures. One of my favorite parts of the Parthenon/Acropolis is the porch maidens and the originals are in here and being restored. I would love to have had a picture.

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We left the museum and now George heads off to the coast. Goodbye Athens – we WILL be back! We successfully avoided any traffic or strikes although I did hear a cruise ship that was supposed to be in Athens the next day wasn’t going to stop because of another strike. I felt so bad for those passengers. I would be so devastated.


We arrive at a small port town and it was very quaint and charming. We are driving along the road that follows the harbour and it’s lined with restaurants all facing the water. As we pass one I notice the owner/manager standing out front and he gives our driver a nod who then responds with a little wave of his own. I realize then that this was the plan all along. I suddenly feel like the butt of a joke as we drive further “seemingly” choosing a spot and we “surprisingly” find our way back to the one with the secret handshake! I don’t like being played and I totally felt like we were taken here for a kick back or something.


So we play the game and George asks the owner to give us his very best table and I am happy to say we were seated right at the water which was lovely.






Now for the menu – not so great for a person like me who does not eat seafood and is just starting to eat fish. There is not moussaka or any traditional dishes like that. So I settle on two appetizers; dolmathas (stuffed grape leaves) and of course my salad. Ken ordered a fish which was caught that day and came to him head and all – yuck! I am sure we started with saganaki and Ken had a Greek beer while I had white wine.






It was ok – my worst meal in Greece – but tolerable. We invited our driver to join us but he stayed up at the road talking to the owner and I swear I saw money exchange hands! Next thing you know its time to leave and sadly make our way back to the ship. Every port means we’re closer to the end of our adventure and that makes me sad each time.



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The day ended as it usually did; we showered and got ready for dinner stopping at the Molecular Bar first for a pre-dinner cocktail. Ken is starting to feel worse - chest congestion, runny nose - which is not good. Sergey calls his co-mixologist over and tells her we need help. She starts mixing and grinding, some hot water is ordered and next thing we know Ken has a steaming drink in front of him and is ordered to drink it all. He does and we head to dinner.


Dinner in the MDR is always delicious. Tonight is spring rolls, lobster ravioli, some sort of white fish, osso bucco and a chocolate cake. I have terrible notes from this night so forgive the lack of details.













Following dinner our Irish friends invite us to join them at the show but Ken bows out - he is feeling worse and worse. I tell him to go up and take a hot shower and I will get him some ginger tea. He drinks it and we go to bed fairly early.



About 2am I wake and find Ken is soaking wet, in fact the bed is soaked as well. He is sweating like I have never seen before and I am worried. He is cool to the touch so no fever but still I am concerned. He falls back asleep and we don't budge again until morning when he declars he feels 100% better! Later on we see Sergey and Loida and they wink at him - this was the plan all along. Whatever they gave him was supposed to sweat out all the bad stuff and help him feel better. It was a recipe from Loida's grandmother - thank you for that!

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Our last day at sea. As you know by now we really don't take advantage of any ship activities. We really treat a cruise as a floating hotel I guess. We eat, drink , gamble and watch shows. I didn't even see the pool, we didn't go to any games or events. We say we will and we mean to....it just doesn't happen.


We start the day with Ken feeling refreshed. We pack up one of our suitcases with dirty clothes and souvenirs and stuff we know we won't touch again until Rome. We have lunch and I think we ended up back in the casino. Have I won the $1600 jackpot on the slot machine yet? If not, today is the day I win it. very nice! In fact we spend so much time here this last day that the casino host comes over and welcomes me to the Blue Chip Club. I guess I gambled too much!


So I get a card for free drinks in the casino (pointless with my UBP), she offers us a free dinner so we book Tuscan Grill again for the last night and she says she will send us a bottle of wine - again not needed with the drink package. She then tells me to expect offers in the mail for discounts and even free cruises. She asks if we can travel last minute but sadly we can not.


Next we head up and get all dressed up for our last formal night. Tonight we have a plan with our Irish friends. We meet them for one drink at the martini bar they love pre-dinner and then they will come the MB which we love post dinner. We do that and have a wonderful night.


I should add now that across the hall from the MB is the jewelry store. And Sergey our mixologist or liquid chef is smitten with Alina in the store. So they adorably make eyes at each other all night, every night - its pretty cute. Anyway every night I stroll through the shop and look at rings and I fall in love with a tanzanite ring which I then proceed to eye and try on pretty much every night. Well tonight I show my new friend and she loves it too. She has great taste.


This is our last night in the MDR so we say goodbye to our servers who we love. I will post the table card so you can see where to sit in select dining! We drink too much with our friends and really have a great time. Also when we got to the table the wine steward came up and said the casino was buying us a bottle. We went with an Amarone since that isn't in our UBP.


Tonight's dinner is oysters, soup, crab cake (I think that is what that picture is!), lamb and beef wellington - boy my notes are awful as the cruise goes on. Maybe too much wine tonight!













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So happy you're back to finish this review! As I said in an earlier post, we did this exact same cruise the previous year. I'm reliving it all over again, through your adventure. Thank you for taking the time to post all of your wonderful experiences!

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Our servers and our new friends....



I was wondering if you could share the fee you paid for Hilaria your guide in Athens?


Enjoying your review and pictures very much. Loved the Porch Maidens and will be on the lookout for them next June.:D


Out of all the sights you saw, what should we not miss? We will be on a half day tour with PK Travel. Any tips are very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by travellover39
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I was wondering if you could share the fee you paid for Hilaria your guide in Athens?


Enjoying your review and pictures very much. Loved the Porch Maidens and will be on the lookout for them next June.:D


Out of all the sights you saw, what should we not miss? We will be on a half day tour with PK Travel. Any tips are very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


The full day with PK was 230 and the guide an additional 100 euros.


For sure the Parthenon/Acropolis which is 2 hours, the Museum really ties it all together but will be a personal choice given your time crunch, we really enjoyed Temple of Zeus. I would say you can skip the Agora and maybe explore Plaka instead.

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Great review! I will read again for the details once we make our reservation. Probably will be on the silhouette 14 night eastern Mediterranean in October. I'll be sure to ask for advice on your tours. We did all private tours this year on our Mediterranean equinox cruise out of Barcelona. Wonderful trip if you are looking for another.


Thanks for sharing

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The full day with PK was 230 and the guide an additional 100 euros.


For sure the Parthenon/Acropolis which is 2 hours, the Museum really ties it all together but will be a personal choice given your time crunch, we really enjoyed Temple of Zeus. I would say you can skip the Agora and maybe explore Plaka instead.


Thank you.:)


The half day tour is 5 hours, we will do our best to see as much as we can. We are on the 10 night cruise and it's very port intensive as you know.


We have tours booked for every port except Naples. (we have been there before) Athens is our 2nd port,trying not to exhaust ourselves before we start.;) I appreciate the tips, as long as we see the Acropolis I will be happy, everything else will be a big plus. :)


Thanks for sharing your cruise adventure with us.

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This is all so helpful for our plans next May. Right now we are looking at Athens on our own, but I may look at the PK tours for a small group tour?


I am just dreading what is coming about how your luggage was lost. It's like reading Gone with the Wind, or Little Woman. You know Rhett will leave, or Beth will die, but you don't know all the details yet. Bless you for writing so cheerfully for the rest of us.

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On a side note there was a small group tour of the exact itinerary that we passed on joining as we wanted to be alone but I am sure it was still very nice and a fraction of the cost.


Hey Melissa, I've been looking to see if I could spot anyone from our group in the background of your pictures, but I don't see anyone. However I found you and Ken in one of the pictures I took that day. Do you see yourself? Funny! I didn't see you at all that day. It really was a awesome day wasn't it?




We took a ton of pictures inside the New Acropolis Museum, I'm sorry you didn't get any. We had a guide and he told us that pictures were not allowed on the first floor, but we could snap at will on the second floor, so we did. No one told us to stop. In fact it looks like a security guard's arm in this picture.



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