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Electronic Cigarettes....are they allowed anywhere on the ship?


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It was not successful, but as the dangers of nicotine and smoking became common knowledge, the percentage of smokers dropped a lot.


Funny you should say that...As the e-cigarette increases in popularity, sales of tobacco cigarettes are dropping like a stone. There are no "dangers" of nicotine its dangers of smoking and supposed dangers of 2nd hand smoke that made companies change their tune.


Many cities are currently having knee jerk reactions and treating e-cigarettes like tobacco without any research or logic to back it up. Then you have states like Maryland who after hearing the facts did not pass a bill to treat e-cigarettes like tobacco. The problem isn't the e-cigarette it is the lack of education and the proliferation of misinformation in the media. Well that and the anti-smoking Na zis that are so zealous to breathe clean air that isn't even close to clean

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Since NCL and many other cruise lines and land based venues have included E-cigs in their rules as restricted to certain areas or banned entirely, your arguments have no basis.


We must remember that they make the rules and have the right to enforce them regardless of what others may think about it.


Either accept the rules or suffer the consequences of violating them----- or go elsewhere.


I agree and am a rule follower. Hence the reason that my e-cigs now sit in the cupboard unused and I am back to regular cigarettes because the rules for e-cigs and cigarettes are now the same. So why bother switching, I might as well stick to what I enjoy the most.


When I got them there were no rules set (they were pretty new), figuring it was harming no one, it would be a good compromise and I wouldn't have to be banished to the naughty spot. Well of course that was short lived.


Most posters on here seem to think that the only reason that smokers are apposed to going to the smoking area is that they will be surrounded by smokers. That’s not always the case, because truthfully when I was using e-cigs it didn’t bother me to be around smokers. What people that agree or make the rules for e-cigs only being allowed where smoking is permitted perhaps fail to realize. Smokers may be willing to search out a naughty spot to smoke their cigarette. A cigarette takes about 5 minutes to smoke and you can smoke it until you are finished. A heavy smoker may have one every 20 minutes to a ½ hr between, so again you may be willing to walk to wherever. E-cigs are different. When you get the urge to “smoke” you drag once or twice on an e-cig and then it lays dormant (no vapor, no cute little light at the end) until you get the urge again, which as pointed out above may be 20 minutes to a ½ hour. That would be equivalent to someone who wants a drink, having to walk to a bar for a gulp or sip and then walking back a ½ hour later for another gulp or sip. They just wouldn’t bother ordering a drink for that hassle.

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@the poster who wanted to know why e-cigs were made to look like cigarettes.


Here is my thoughts. Contrary to popular belief, not all smokers "want to quit, but have difficulty doing so". Some enjoy their cigarettes just as others enjoy a nice glass of wine or whatever.


I believe they were designed that way so the above people would be willing to try them. If they looked and acted like a real cigarette than the smoker was using them to replace the cigarette, not using them to quit smoking. There are lots of products on the market that apparently help smokers to quit and are a lot cheaper than e-cigs.

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Wow, not sure how an e-cig produces that much vapor, mine doesn't. I think that is an over exaggerated photo.


I don't think it's over exaggerated I think it also depends on the person. When I was using an ecig I could had very little vapor without choking while my husband had no problem exhaling as much vapor as show in the picture.

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I don't think it's over exaggerated I think it also depends on the person. When I was using an ecig I could had very little vapor without choking while my husband had no problem exhaling as much vapor as show in the picture.


The picture is from a newsweek article discussing cloud chasers. These are basically 20 somethings that try to blow the biggest cloud of vapor they can by modifying Personal Vaporizers. These are the people that give e-cigarette vapers a bad name. I think these huge clouds are obnoxiously annoying and find them very rare in the quit smoking with vaping population

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The picture is from a newsweek article discussing cloud chasers. These are basically 20 somethings that try to blow the biggest cloud of vapor they can by modifying Personal Vaporizers. These are the people that give e-cigarette vapers a bad name. I think these huge clouds are obnoxiously annoying and find them very rare in the quit smoking with vaping population


Whatever. My point is people create different amounts of vapor while inhaling. It doesn't matter though.

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Whatever. My point is people create different amounts of vapor while inhaling. It doesn't matter though.


I wasn't arguing with you...Just pointing out that there are a group of folks who use e-cigs for the sole purpose of creating bigger and bigger vapor clouds. They actually have monetary contests.

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Whatever. My point is people create different amounts of vapor while inhaling. It doesn't matter though.


I actually think it does matter.


I agree with your statement in another post "They will never in the near future allow people to vape in public areas because other passengers will complain." But I think, in part, it comes back to photos like the one posted giving the total wrong impression.


There are those that will complain no matter what (the world is full of them and if it's not about smoking or vaping, it's about something else that they can't control. There are also those that are fighting this and yet have never laid eyes on an e-cig but media has had a field day and they believe it, such as above.


Personally I think it was the greatest compromise, ever invented and really wished it would have gotten a fair shake before the nay-sayers having no argument, except it looked like a cigarette, so it must be bad. And I'd also like to deck the ones who decided to make them more enticing by adding the flavors (that gives off a scent), which has now added to the complaining crowd, giving them something else to fight with.

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I wasn't arguing with you...Just pointing out that there are a group of folks who use e-cigs for the sole purpose of creating bigger and bigger vapor clouds. They actually have monetary contests.


How dumb, but I guess that's really no different than drinkers who set out to be obnoxious drunks, giving those who don't drink more ammunition to be against booze.

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I figured everyone else has weighed in, why not me?!?


I smoked pretty much a pack a day, every day (save for a couple of periods of 2-3 months where I quit) for 20 years. Always wanted to quit (and yes, I know it was my choice to start) and tried everything - patch, gum, cold turkey, hypnosis... The only thing I didn't try was acupunture or the prescription pill. They all failed me.


Picked up an e-cigarette (not knowing anything about them) early last year, and it didn't work. Then I realized that the e-cigarette I started with (blu) didn't provide the same satisfaction that I got from cigarettes (mouth feel, density of smoke/vapor in my mouth, etc). Yes, I got pleasure from cigarettes and it was more than just the nicotine. Two months ago, I did more research and picked up a variable voltage battery, a cartomizer, and some e-juice. Haven't looked back since. It provided everything that I liked about smoking, with less of what I didn't.


That being said - I think NCL should not have worded the policy the way they did. The bulk of e-cigarettes used out there DO NOT look like cigarettes. Mainly because people try them and don't like them. The ones that are better replacements for cigarettes in terms of feeling like you're smoking (mouth feel, etc) are larger batteries (from the size of a permanent Sharpie marker, to a deck of cards) and larger cartomizers (that hold enough liquid to last an entire day or more). NCL could have worded the policy along the lines of "because of the lack of research available in the potential side effects for our non-smoking and non-vaping guests, we request that e-cigarette users abide by the same restrictions we place on our smoking guests." I don't think anyone would have a problem with that, and it would pretty much eliminate the debate.


As for the argument that alcoholics/drug addicts don't "step down" or use substitutes for alcohol or drugs... That's flat out wrong. My uncle is a recovering alcoholic, and he drinks NA every single day. It's the only thing that got him sober. Why? Because he still enjoys the taste of beer, and it's an alternative for him to consume that keeps him sober. Hell, even Heroin addicts are given Methodone in order to keep them clean. There are in/out patient treatment centers for alcoholism and drugs, but none for cigarettes. AND on top of that, every time I've said I was going to try to quit the reaction from friends and family is "I'll believe it when I see it." WHICH is the exact OPPOSITE reaction you should have with an addict of any sort.


So, I'll keep vaping, I'll abide by the rules set forth by local government/private business entities and know that I'm tobacco free, and soon to be nicotine free.


And now that I know that there's bacon flavored e-juice? Hell, I think I just found the solution to Carnival's "Bacon Police". ;)

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What is it that you find about Princess smoking policies that are so much different than NCL?


This from Princess Q&A .


Electronic Cigarettes

The use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in all areas onboard with the exception of dining areas and the Princess Theater. However, should a fellow passenger in the vicinity feel inconvenienced and complain, even after being told the difference between electronic cigarettes and real cigarettes, we will ask the passenger to refrain from smoking the electronic cigarette.


I feel certain the restrictions will become less flexible in the near future as cruise lines become more aware of the problems associated with handling multiple complaints about this subject.

I think Princess is totally wrong on this policy. They are just pitting their passengers against each other. We all know that there will be obnixous folks on both sides of this issue and there will probably be confrontations, which would be uncomfortable for those involved as well as those around them.

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I think Princess is totally wrong on this policy. They are just pitting their passengers against each other. We all know that there will be obnixous folks on both sides of this issue and there will probably be confrontations, which would be uncomfortable for those involved as well as those around them.


Wrong? perhaps, but at least they are willing to try. Maybe they will be known as the innovator in educating the misinformed. I realize you had an unpleasant experience with one that was flavored (and therefore had odor). Most don't and the experience you had is very equivalent to the same experience that many people have (me included) with scents in general like perfumes/after shave, soaps, deoderants, shampoo etc. But I don't feel cruise lines should be banning because of that reason. I'm sure many men and women would not want to take a cruise line if they had to do a "scent scanning" on the way onto the ship. ;)


The so called reasoning for banning smoking in so many areas is the fact that they say this is medically bad for everyone. There is absolutely no evidence produced that e-cigs are bad for anyone. Therefore the banning is to quiet the misinformed or power-control people from complaining.


And since 'no scented product's have started taken on a new life of their own (hospitals, office buildings etc) and the more people that cry "please don't allow things because they are unpleasant to me". How long until nothing is allowed anywhere and bans have taken over.

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I think Princess is totally wrong on this policy. They are just pitting their passengers against each other. We all know that there will be obnixous folks on both sides of this issue and there will probably be confrontations, which would be uncomfortable for those involved as well as those around them.


I don't agree.


I believe Princess is taking a "wait and see" approach. If the complaints are very low, they may leave this idea in place, but if they get lots of complaints, they will probably implement more restrictions. The confrontations (if any) should end up being between the "vaper" and a Princess employee.


Feedback from their guests is how cruise companies judge their future.

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I think Princess is totally wrong on this policy. They are just pitting their passengers against each other. We all know that there will be obnixous folks on both sides of this issue and there will probably be confrontations, which would be uncomfortable for those involved as well as those around them.


Considering the latest survey states that 65% of people have no problem with someone using an e-cigarette around them my guess is that Princess doesn't have a whole lot of issues. Once people realize that it isn't a real cigarette most of them could care less. Now that the media misinformation has been put out saying e-cigarette vapor is dangerous (which has not been scientifically proven, as a matter of fact quite the opposite) then people are going to start freaking out. By the way the majority of that misinformation campaign has been spearheaded by big tobacco and big pharmaceuticals. Hopefully the smart folks will look between the lines and figure out why that is

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I will risk the onslaught of comments by posting my ideas on this subject based on my experience.


I have dealt with people with all sorts of behavior issues and have heard every excuse and reason you could imagine.


These issues that affect other people can result loss of privileges and employment for those who insist on continuing doing these things..


I found that those who say they can't change are able to do just that when faced with undesirable alternatives.


Many people have stopped smoking and/or drinking when faced with the possibility of losing their jobs. It is a matter of taking control of your emotions and adjusting priorities.


Some have been able to do things they considered impossible after using hypnosis which is nothing but mind control or letting your mind open up to suggestions.


Take control of your mind and body, and you can make changes instead of excuses.


As companies begin to restrict smoking and "vaping" we must accept the fact that they make the rules and we must either change our habits or move on to other venues that accept our activities.

Edited by swedish weave
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I will risk the onslaught of comments by posting my ideas on this subject based on my experience.


I have dealt with people with all sorts of behavior issues and have heard every excuse and reason you could imagine.


These issues that affect other people can result loss of privileges and employment for those who insist on continuing doing these things..


I found that those who say they can't change are able to do just that when faced with undesirable alternatives.


Many people have stopped smoking and/or drinking when faced with the possibility of losing their jobs. It is a matter of taking control of your emotions and adjusting priorities.


Some have been able to do things they considered impossible after using hypnosis which is nothing but mind control or letting your mind open up to suggestions.


Take control of your mind and body, and you can make changes instead of excuses.


I couldn't agree more, I've seen cocaine addicts quit, cold turkey when they risked losing their child permanently. Granted kicking any addiction or strong habit isn't easy. I never make excuses because I know for a fact I am not addicted to nicotine (since my e-cigs have to be nicotine free to be legal in Canada). And except for the fact I didn't enjoy them as much as the real thing, I didn't have a problem with switching my habit to that..


But I really don't see what this post has to do with e-cigs on NCL. :confused:

Edited by che5904
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I couldn't agree more, I've seen cocaine addicts quit, cold turkey when they risked losing their child permanently. Granted kicking any addiction or strong habit isn't easy. I never make excuses because I know for a fact I am not addicted to nicotine (since my e-cigs have to be nicotine free to be legal in Canada). And except for the fact I didn't enjoy them as much as the real thing, I didn't have a problem with switching my habit to that..


But I really don't see what this post has to do with e-cigs on NCL. :confused:


It has a lot to do with the restrictions on NCL.


If you read through the posts you see many posting reasons to defend their right to do activities that NCL has restricted.


Whether E-cigs are safe or not is not the question. The fact that NCL has restricted the use of them is the subject matter of this thread, and all sorts of reasons and excuses are in most of the posts.


The company I worked for restricted smoking, and most complied with the restrictions but a few resisted and I had to convince them that they needed to adjust their priorities or seek other employment.

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It has a lot to do with the restrictions on NCL.


If you read through the posts you see many posting reasons to defend their right to do activities that NCL has restricted.


Whether E-cigs are safe or not is not the question. The fact that NCL has restricted the use of them is the subject matter of this thread, and all sorts of reasons and excuses are in most of the posts.


The company I worked for restricted smoking, and most complied with the restrictions but a few resisted and I had to convince them that they needed to adjust their priorities or seek other employment.


Thanks for clarifying :)

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Wow, not sure how an e-cig produces that much vapor, mine doesn't. I think that is an over exaggerated photo.


Maybe it differs by brand. That was similar to my experience getting off the bus. I felt like I was in a cloud from my waist to the top of my head. It didn't stink or irritate my eyes like cigarette smoke, but still, I didn't want to be standing in it

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There are no "dangers" of nicotine its dangers of smoking and supposed dangers of 2nd hand smoke that made companies change their tune.


Actually, I was reading a CNN article the other about the increase in nicotine poisoning in children. Seems there are hundreds of cases of of kids getting into their parents e-sigs or oil refills, due in part to the inviting smells, and ingesting it. Parents need to make sure the oil is protected like any other toxin. Recently a kid here in San Diego ingested a refill and spent 2 days in the hospital on fluids due to continued vomiting.


Anyway, wanted to share that. Those of you who vape, protect your stuff! :)

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So why bother switching, I might as well stick to what I enjoy the most.



Because we want you to live longer!


Just had a family friend die from lung cancer after smoking for 30 years. It was a horrible demise.

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Because we want you to live longer!


Just had a family friend die from lung cancer after smoking for 30 years. It was a horrible demise.


Re-read the paragraph Mike and I'm sure you could have figured out that I was asking why I would want to bother making the switch. And sorry, the above reason doesn't match with my experiences in life. If they do with yours, I respect your beliefs, it doesn't mean I have to agree with them. ;)

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Actually, I was reading a CNN article the other about the increase in nicotine poisoning in children. Seems there are hundreds of cases of of kids getting into their parents e-sigs or oil refills, due in part to the inviting smells, and ingesting it. Parents need to make sure the oil is protected like any other toxin. Recently a kid here in San Diego ingested a refill and spent 2 days in the hospital on fluids due to continued vomiting.


Anyway, wanted to share that. Those of you who vape, protect your stuff! :)


Agreed, just like any other poison....


According to the NPDS’s annual report from 2012 – the most recent publicly available report – 193,443 poisoning cases involved household cleaning agents, 54,445 involved alcoholic beverages, 11,848 were caused by pens or other ink, and 20,306 were caused by toothpaste.



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Agreed, just like any other poison....


According to the NPDS’s annual report from 2012 – the most recent publicly available report – 193,443 poisoning cases involved household cleaning agents, 54,445 involved alcoholic beverages, 11,848 were caused by pens or other ink, and 20,306 were caused by toothpaste.





Toothpaste? I had no idea.





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