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Good question! We homeschool and follow a slightly different schedule than public schools. Yes, we will have that week off!


Fantastic! :D


:o Gosh, I was afraid she was getting a cruise and the surprise would be that she couldn't go .... LOL


Have a wonderful cruise! :)




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LOVE all these ideas! My mom used to surprise me as a kid for Christmas by saying for months not to get my hopes up, we couldn't afford it, we aren't doing that this year...and I would get it! ONE year she really couldn't and I didn't get it and I was devestated because she had always said that in the past! lol

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We are surprising our 13 year old daughter with a Carnival Cruise this Christmas. We sail on January 6. I am looking for a fun and creative way to surprise her with it on Christmas. This is our third year giving her a Christmas Cruise surprise, so we don't want to do what we have in the past. I will tell you, she is NOT expecting it at all (she is very gullible and we have made a big point to tell her that it is probably not happening this year). In the past, we have done a scavenger hunt with cruise related clues (gifts) and we also did a puzzle where we gave her the pieces and she had to put it together where she found a message stating that she was going on a cruise.

Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks!


I don't care how gullable she is...lol, if this is the 3rd year in a row it's not going to be a surprise. Have fun with the reveal though.

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No offence but I've always found it odd that folks give trips as gifts to their children. To me it's not a gift to your child it's a family vacation. Does that mean it's the main gift for mom and dad too?

Our friends did that multiple times while their children were growing up and there were definitely times that they took the kids places that they certainly would not have chosen. They would plan a trip for the family and then that became their kids' Christmas gift. We travel with our daughter every year, and it's never occurred to us that that should be our daughter's gift. Once the kids are grown up I get it.


I would wait until the day of the cruise to tell her.

We go on 1-2 cruises a year, its our standard family vacation so it would definitely not pass muster as a gift here, but I can see if you dont normally cruise how it could be!


For my daughters 16th birthday in October I surprised her with a mother-daughter trip to Japan (she's a Japanafreak, and I figured it was cheaper than a car ;-) We had a blast) and that was definitely a special trip aimed specifically at her, that we would normally not go on. I can see how that dynamic could play out for families who don't normally vacation- especially to something kid-centric like Disney, but I suppose a cruise could work too in some circumstances. I tend to agree with you in this case, 3 yrs in a row... it's not a surprise Christmas gift, lol, it's a family vacation.

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I vote to tell her day of. I booked a cruise this Thurs for my hubby and I to celebrate our 25th anniversary which was 1 month ago. This will be a HUGE surprise for him! We own a flower shop, so I'm having him deliver flowers to an employee at the terminal (so he thinks). When he arrives, I will be there waiting with luggage and all!! SURPRISE and we're off for the weekend!!


This is great :) I hope you guys have a fantastic time!!!! He will be so surprised!

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We decided to surprise our kids with a Christmas cruise this year as well - in our case we sail December 23-28 and are giving it as a Hanukkah gift (Hanukkah started Thanksgiving).


We wanted to to make it their gift and surprise them at the same time, so I made a PowerPoint presentation for the first night (when we normally give them the big gift) to introduce the BIG gift for this year.


The first slide said Introducing the 2013 BIG Hanukkah gift with some music and graphics. Slide 2 said that Unfortunately, Hanukkah was tool Early this year. Slide 3 said that we would have to wait until after Black Friday to get it.


Fast Forward to Saturday night. First slide says Introducing 2013 BIG Hanukkah gift (take 2), Slide 2 says that unfortunately it was sold out on Black Friday. Slide 3 says we will have to wait until next weekend.


So far it is going well - they did try to beat me up Saturday night, but they are eagerly waiting for Saturday night to learn what it is! When Saturday night arrives (December 7), I am going to tell them that is was delayed in Shipping and to try again next week.


The next week (December 14), I am going to tell them that it SO BIG it will not fit in the house and that we will have to go to it instead.


The next week (December 21, the day we leave for Florida), I am going to tell them that there was no way get it to our town, so we will have to travel to get to it - the last slide shows a picture of the US and our van in home city sayting where we stop nobody knows. We then will load them in the van and start driving.


That night when we get to the Hotel, they will get their next clue. Something to the effect of a day in the van and halfway to the Sunshine state!


The next night after driving to Miami, their final clue - THe slide show will say we arrived in Miami and tomorrow VICTORY will be ours and a CARNIVAL will be had! They may guess it at this point, but the may not (the don;t know that the Victory is a ship, but they know Carnival as we have sailed them before). IF they get great! If not, they will figure it out when get the ship. Either way I hope they are excited and still get the fun anticipating a big surprise.




Future Cruises - 1

1. Carnival Victory (CCL) – December 23-28, 2013 (Bahamas. Miami, FL)


Past Cruises – 14

14. Westerdam (HAL) – August 3-10, 2013 (Alaska, Seattle, WA)

13. Voyager of the Seas (RCI) – March 31 – April 7, 2012 (Western Caribbean, New Orleans, LA)

12. Disney Wonder (Disney) – February 6-13, 2011 (Mexican Rivera, Los Angeles, CA)

11. Pride of America (NCL) - November 7-14, 2009 (Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, HI)

10. Carnival Pride (CCL) - June 6-13, 2009 (Bahamas / Caribbean, Baltimore, MD)

9. Holiday (CCL) - March 3-8, 2007 (Western Caribbean, Mobile, AL)

8. Jewel (NCL) - July 2-9, 2006 (Western Mediterranean, Barcelona, ESP)

7. Explorer of the Seas (RCI) - November 6-13, 2005 (Western Caribbean, Miami, FL)

6. Imagination (CCL) - June 12-17, 2000 (Western Caribbean, Miami, FL)

5. Inspiration (CCL) - July 14-21, 1996 (Southern Caribbean, San Juan, PR)

Scandanvian ???? – December 27, 1989 (Bahamas, Fort Lauderdale, FL ??)

4. Britanis (Chandris) - December 1985 (Western Caribbean, Montego Bay, JAM)

3. Rhapsody (Paquet) - December 1983 (Western Caribbean, Miami, FL)

2. Festival (CCL) - December 18-25, 1982 (Eastern Caribbean, Miami, FL)

1. Norway (NCL) - December 1980 (Eastern Caribbean, Miami, FL)

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No offence but I've always found it odd that folks give trips as gifts to their children. To me it's not a gift to your child it's a family vacation. Does that mean it's the main gift for mom and dad too?

Our friends did that multiple times while their children were growing up and there were definitely times that they took the kids places that they certainly would not have chosen. They would plan a trip for the family and then that became their kids' Christmas gift. We travel with our daughter every year, and it's never occurred to us that that should be our daughter's gift. Once the kids are grown up I get it.


I would wait until the day of the cruise to tell her.


This is an interesting take. My husband and I tend to cruise just the two of us a couple times a year. She has been on two cruises and absolutely loved them, so much so that it is all she asks for. This is definitely at the top of her Christmas list. We do less elaborate family trips frequently (site seeing, museums, camping, etc.). All families have different traditions, nothing odd about it.


The other thing that we consider is how much "stuff" do we really need? Christmas over the years has become more about "getting stuff" than about making memories and spending time with each other. We try to give "experiences" as gifts, such as trips or classes she is interested in (she's an artist, so we've given pottery classes and painting classes. My husband has even gifted me cake decorating classes because it is something I enjoy doing). We find these types of things help to create memories.


Finally, many people do not have the funds for elaborate family vacations, such as a cruise. Giving it as a Christmas gift is a good alternative because it is likely they were going to be spending money on gifts. It's a great way to make everyone happy.

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I vote to tell her day of. I booked a cruise this Thurs for my hubby and I to celebrate our 25th anniversary which was 1 month ago. This will be a HUGE surprise for him! We own a flower shop, so I'm having him deliver flowers to an employee at the terminal (so he thinks). When he arrives, I will be there waiting with luggage and all!! SURPRISE and we're off for the weekend!!


What a good idea. Too bad we don't have a flower shop!!!


All of these are great ideas. Thank you!

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This is an interesting take. My husband and I tend to cruise just the two of us a couple times a year. She has been on two cruises and absolutely loved them, so much so that it is all she asks for. This is definitely at the top of her Christmas list. We do less elaborate family trips frequently (site seeing, museums, camping, etc.). All families have different traditions, nothing odd about it.


The other thing that we consider is how much "stuff" do we really need? Christmas over the years has become more about "getting stuff" than about making memories and spending time with each other. We try to give "experiences" as gifts, such as trips or classes she is interested in (she's an artist, so we've given pottery classes and painting classes. My husband has even gifted me cake decorating classes because it is something I enjoy doing). We find these types of things help to create memories.


Finally, many people do not have the funds for elaborate family vacations, such as a cruise. Giving it as a Christmas gift is a good alternative because it is likely they were going to be spending money on gifts. It's a great way to make everyone happy.



I absolutely agree..... Last year we did a cruise out of San Juan Puerto Rico the week before Christmas and stayed until a couple of days after and it was a great experience that we will treasure. We had our kids (1 married and her DH) and my MIL and one of my son's best friends, it was a great time. They get to a certain age and Christmas becomes a little more complicated. Our group knew about the cruise but our surprise was that instead of Ocean View rooms like they thought we had booked.... we had our first ever balconies and they were completely shocked and thrilled. It was a neat feeling. Your story is giving me memories and goosebumps just thinking of the excitement for all of you. Enjoy

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I would wrap a box of underwear as a Christmas gift (what kid doesn't like underwear for Christmas right??) and place the boarding pass underneath them...on the bottom of the box. Watch the look on her face when she opens the underwear...then realizes it's really a cruise!!


But then again...I'm a prankster like that!! :D:D

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I would wrap a box of underwear as a Christmas gift (what kid doesn't like underwear for Christmas right??) and place the boarding pass underneath them...on the bottom of the box. Watch the look on her face when she opens the underwear...then realizes it's really a cruise!!


But then again...I'm a prankster like that!! :D:D


Oh, the dreaded underwear for Christmas. That was the worst!!! ;)

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The first slide said Introducing the 2013 BIG Hanukkah gift with some music and graphics. Slide 2 said that Unfortunately, Hanukkah was tool Early this year. Slide 3 said that we would have to wait until after Black Friday to get it.


Fast Forward to Saturday night. First slide says Introducing 2013 BIG Hanukkah gift (take 2), Slide 2 says that unfortunately it was sold out on Black Friday. Slide 3 says we will have to wait until next weekend.


So far it is going well - they did try to beat me up Saturday night, but they are eagerly waiting for Saturday night to learn what it is! When Saturday night arrives (December 7), I am going to tell them that is was delayed in Shipping and to try again next week.


The next week (December 14), I am going to tell them that it SO BIG it will not fit in the house and that we will have to go to it instead.


The next week (December 21, the day we leave for Florida), I am going to tell them that there was no way get it to our town, so we will have to travel to get to it - the last slide shows a picture of the US and our van in home city sayting where we stop nobody knows. We then will load them in the van and start driving.


That night when we get to the Hotel, they will get their next clue. Something to the effect of a day in the van and halfway to the Sunshine state!


The next night after driving to Miami, their final clue - THe slide show will say we arrived in Miami and tomorrow VICTORY will be ours and a CARNIVAL will be had! They may guess it at this point, but the may not (the don;t know that the Victory is a ship, but they know Carnival as we have sailed them before). IF they get great! If not, they will figure it out when get the ship. Either way I hope they are excited and still get the fun anticipating a big surprise. )


This is such a great idea! They will love this.

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I am also surprising my kids with a cruise this year. We are leaving on Dec 29th. They have no idea. They are 15 and 17 and have been on 2 before but this is the first surprise. My daughter(19) is not going, she went on one to Bermuda in Oct.


Right now I plan on wrapping clues in different boxes, but really like the puzzle idea and also the balloon idea.


As far as not giving as a gift a family vacation, i figure I spend alot of money for things they have no interest in in a few weeks after christmas. They really dont ask for much as they already have xbox, phones, ipads. If santa was still in charge, i might think different, but at their ages it works for us.


As far as missing school, our district allows 10 days. My kids dont miss much so i dont care if they miss for vacation. I dont like to vacation in the summer so this works for us.


I hope your daughter is surprised and have a great trip!

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I would wait until the night before the cruise or the morning of to tell her, just before you are about to leave. That way she wouldn't even suspect anything, and since it'd be later than Christmas, she'd likely believe that you weren't going on a cruise for the holidays that year.


Imagine the look on her face if you told her she was hopping on the boat in a few hours! :p

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how you can keep a vacation secret until the day of or day before you leave. There's packing to do if nothing else. And surely a teenage girl will want to pack her own stuff and bring things that might be missing if mom packs it. And if the OP is giving out Christmas gifts associated with the vacation, I don't see how it can possibly stay secret the entire time between now and the day they leave. I would guess the subject would come up somehow while she's home or awake. Maybe if she was younger. Just my opinion.

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We are surprising our 13 year old daughter with a Carnival Cruise this Christmas. We sail on January 6. I am looking for a fun and creative way to surprise her with it on Christmas. This is our third year giving her a Christmas Cruise surprise, so we don't want to do what we have in the past. I will tell you, she is NOT expecting it at all (she is very gullible and we have made a big point to tell her that it is probably not happening this year). In the past, we have done a scavenger hunt with cruise related clues (gifts) and we also did a puzzle where we gave her the pieces and she had to put it together where she found a message stating that she was going on a cruise.

Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks!


I surprised my fiancé on January 6th of last year. I told him we were going to stay with family in Florida. They picked us up at the airport and drove up by the cruise ships and I said "oh my gosh look at the ships!! My dad loves cruises I'm going to send him a picture." I was pretending to try and get a good picture and I said I couldn't and asked if we could get closer. My fiancé got so annoyed because we had been traveling all day and really just wanted to get to the family's house so we could relax. Anyways, we pull up close and I get out and I asked him to get out to help. I started taking our luggage out of the trunk and he still didn't get it. He thought I was looking for the camera. He said "Sydney the camera is in the front seat" I said "I know". He said then what are you doing?!" ( so aggravated at this point) and I said "getting out luggage out", he said "WHY?!?" I said " so we can get on the ship!" Ha he replied "I'm so damn confused" ha. It was his first cruise. We had an amazing time. He walked around in a daze for hours. As we were waiting to get on the ship things started really adding up from the last 10 months that I had been planing this. I never thought I would be able to pull it off but I did. It was incredible. Anyways, do you have family or something you can say you're doing down there to play it off until that day?

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Fantastic! :D


:o Gosh, I was afraid she was getting a cruise and the surprise would be that she couldn't go .... LOL


Have a wonderful cruise! :)





When my son was in middle school, I had no concerns about pulling him for a week to take a cruise. He learned more on a cruise ship than he could in a classroom surrounded by kids with raging hormones:)


Now that he's in HS and has semesters, I really can't pull him out for a week without fearing that he'd miss too much. So he has to stay home with his dad while I go off cruising:)


However, it's up to me as his parent to decide.

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