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Jewel Day by Day Photo Review 11/16/2013 (Southern Caribbean)

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Snorkel at Norman Island TT05


At 12:45 we waited for our snorkel tour to Norman Island- with Miguel, Dennis the snorkel guide and Capt Benjamin. Even though we didn't love the late start, (1:30 for a 1 PM tour) or the utter disorganization of passing out snorkel gear. They dumped a pile of fins on the sidewalk and everyone was shouting fin sizes and tossing the fins to people. The less experienced snorkelers seemed a little overwhelmed; they didn't know what sizes they needed or how to fit them and they didn't get any assistance from the excursion folk. Those of us with snorkeling experience jumped in to help them out.


We almost bailed, thought about going back to Explorations! and getting a Refund!, but the group returning was in high spirits and told the big boss waiting on the dock with us that they really enjoyed the tour, so we stuck it out. I think because they were late big boss had brought some extra fins from the shop to size since there was a delay, and it would be one less thing to do once on board (where the first group obviously had fins) But the fins she found weren't all organized the way things usually are. So I'm going to say under normal circumstances I think this outfitter is probably pretty good, and this was en exception due ti the last minute added late tour due to the cancellation of all the Virgin Gorda tours. (and no, I didn't lost it!)


We were glad we stuck it out, the snorkeling was good. The first stop had 3 caves, and we saw bats and crabs in one of them, thanks to another local guide in the cave who happened to have a flashlight. I had never snorkeled a cave before...its a little spooky, but fun, as the walls close in and it keeps getting darker and shallower, but it always felt safe since these short caves went no where and just ended at the back, so you couldn't get lost.


We saw many fish including a huge school, with thousands of small silvery fish that the pelicans were dining on, diving within inches of me at one time.


(the name of our catamaran snorkel boat)



















Our second stop was at a small beach with beach snorkeling, sandy grassy bottom with little coral islands. We saw lots of life on each coral oasis and some barracuda. The guides said sea horses could be seen but we didn't see any on this part of our trip. (but we did see one in Barbados, I have a picture, so keep your eye out for it!) There was also some good size sting rays swimming around, near the sandy bottom, but we only noticed those from the boat as shadows moving over the sand.


(these photos were from both the first and second stop)














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Snorkel at Norman Island



On the way back we stopped in a spot where all the islands were ringed around us in Sir Francis Drake Passage This is the notorious pirate passage...where pirates could hide and they used all the islets and caves around to hide their treasures! The guides identified all the islands BVI and USVI and then we headed back to the pier, where security had closed off the regular return and was just waiting for us.















(My favorite fish- the parrot fish!)






(the USVI in the distance)






(some sailboats in Sir Francis Drake passage)


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Back on Board


(see if you stick with me, I get less wordy and you get to see more of DH's great photos;))


Our Meet and Mingle was scheduled for 5:15 PM, but we didn't get back on board till after 5, and we were starving and dripping wet! I was disappointed to miss it.


I learned later from others on our RC, that a few folks had wanted to meet ME??!! (well, I guess when you get a message from CC noting that you are the top poster to your RC, people want to meet this person who apparently has too much time on her hands!:rolleyes:) DH was astounded that there were people from CC who wanted to meet me. Frankly, I'm astounded that there are people anywhere who want to meet me, I'm much less interesting in person. Anyway, he teased me about it, but I guess there are folks I've helped (with too much information) and maybe they would like to say hello!


I like to meet people, but we missed the Meet and Mingle because our snorkel excursion didn't return till 5:10 PM and the M&M was scheduled for 5:15 PM, and if there is one thing you don't want to see it's Familygoboston, who is not in her mid to late forties, in her bathing suit.:eek:



We hadn't had a bite since breakfast (well a little rum punch on the snorkel boat doesn't count does it??) We went off to the Seaview cafe for soup and onion rings and then headed back to our balcony for sail way!


(silhouette of Tortola)






(sunset on Tortola)







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Formal night!


We had a picture taken before dinner.


(no one told me that the photographers are MIRACLE workers;))



I know it scanned HUGE...sorry! No one needs that! Also, DH's suit is NOT that shiny! That's a scan problem too...can you tell that DH had no involvement in the scanning of this photo at all:rolleyes:







Day 2 dinner Saffron menu:

Grilled Salmon salad

Shrimp Ravioli


Roasted Duck

Carved Filet of Beef

Artichoke Crepes



I had scallops for the appetizer, shrimp raviolis and DH had the tenderloin. We skipped dessert hoping to have a ice cream twist in the WJ, but it was closed.:(


Tonights show was Headliner Tony Tillman, Las Vegas singer and dancer. Shows were at 9 and 10:45. But this show didn't appeal to us either. We heard a bit of it from the Pit Stop later and it sounded energetic and people appeared to be enjoying it!



We went to the Pit Stop to see what was happening with our Pats biggest competitors- Sunday night football- KC at Denver. There was a spirited crowd pulling for KC; we didn't have a dog in the fight, and knew we'd be planted there on Monday night for Pats vs the Panthers. So we moved on to have a few more photos taken. Since we are all cleaned up, and it's so rare to get DH out from BEHIND the camera, this is our best chance to get a decent photo of the 2 of us together of our two freebie 8x10s.


After that we hit the hay for an early start in SMX


(Day 3 St Maarten tomorrow...thanks for sailing along!!)

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Cruise Compasses Day 2

















(this was also left in our cabin)





We were very pleased to see a formal effort to aid the folks in the Phillipines affected by the storm. This also described the kinds of things done for their own employees. We had waited to make a donation to this cause in hopes that we could make the donation someplace where we had a connection to the people, and this felt like the right place for us to contribute, given our love of cruising and how many people from the Phillipines make that possible for us on Royal ships!!

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My compliments on how your picture catches the real essence of the BLUE plants that adorn the Solarium. We just got off the Jewel this past week and thought that, by day, the Solarium was kind of disgusting and in serious need of refurbishment. Good thing she is going to dry dock early next year.


LOL! Im fairly certain that these plants are scheduled for the "chlorophyl upgrade" during the next refurb;)

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Your review is fabulous, thank you for posting!


I'm on Adventure out of San Juan in February, so I was glad to hear details of embarkation and how the schedule generally pans out with an 8:30 sailing. Also, good to hear about texting. I will probably just check with Verizon about my plan, but texting is going to be essential with my group. Good reminder about "data roaming", too. Aargh. Forgot to turn that off on my last cruise in the Pacific and got a rather large bill the next month!


I look forward to your next adventures!

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Your review is fabulous, thank you for posting!


I'm on Adventure out of San Juan in February, so I was glad to hear details of embarkation and how the schedule generally pans out with an 8:30 sailing. Also, good to hear about texting. I will probably just check with Verizon about my plan, but texting is going to be essential with my group. Good reminder about "data roaming", too. Aargh. Forgot to turn that off on my last cruise in the Pacific and got a rather large bill the next month!


I look forward to your next adventures!


Aramantha...even with verizon, you'll need to pay (even just for the month) to "upgrade" to the global services. We have one phone with it, DH uses it when he travels and we use that one as a family if we travel internationally. What I like is that although data or phone calls might be expensive, at least you have that tool if there is an emergency. If something is wrong with one of my kids, Im not going to worry about how much it costs!:eek: So it's good to have anyway, and the texting is a cheap way to use it in non emergency situations. But it only works with the cell phone towers, so if your group plans to try to text each other (say around the ship) it will only work while you are in port. And we couldn't even get texting to work in Dominica (I think maybe the provider there didn't have a "relationship" with Verizon. But we had no problems on the other islands.


Enjoy your Adventure cruise...I really like the ships with a Royal Promenade...its a fun gathering and people watching space.

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Imagine my surprise when I checked the boards today to see a new Jewel review....and one written by one of my favorite reviewers (you..:p)!!! YAY! It is like a late birthday gift (recently celebrated my 40th). Anyway, enough about me. I am so very pleased by everything you have written about this cruise and the exact itinerary that myself and my family will have in March. Oh, and we have an aft balcony on the 8th floor too!


Thank you for every little bit of information you have to share! I love it all!!!!!!

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We almost bailed, thought about going back to Explorations! and getting a Refund!



I laughed out loud at this. Twice.


I'm so glad you had a great day in Tortola! And capped it off with the Seaview Cafe! *THAT* is a Jewel of a day.


Keep the review and funny coming!

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Imagine my surprise when I checked the boards today to see a new Jewel review....and one written by one of my favorite reviewers (you..:p)!!! YAY! It is like a late birthday gift (recently celebrated my 40th). Anyway, enough about me. I am so very pleased by everything you have written about this cruise and the exact itinerary that myself and my family will have in March. Oh, and we have an aft balcony on the 8th floor too!


Thank you for every little bit of information you have to share! I love it all!!!!!!

And your sig says you are a cruise virgin?? You are in for such a treat


Oh my I looove you! im having a crummy day and you are making me feel great! Ok, nothing serious, but literally every appt I had today the other person blew off!! It's like there was a rip in the time space continuum! and I'm not an insurance salesman- these are appts with people trying to sell ME stuff!


But the most disappointing thing is that my IPhone 5 decided to remove all my iPhone notes and contacts from the cruise:eek: most of my notes were on the iPad, which is ok, but I had taken emails from people I really wanted to stay in touch with. ( yes, you Kerry! I wanted to see those wedding photos one day and Krista and Neil- I have all those photos of you guys in the waterfall to send- but no emails!) grrrr!:)


DH , IT man is going to see if they got stuck in a cloud, so there's hope!



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I laughed out loud at this. Twice.


I'm so glad you had a great day in Tortola! And capped it off with the Seaview Cafe! *THAT* is a Jewel of a day.


Keep the review and funny coming!

It was, except for missing the M&M! I'm glad you caught the ! Joke - wasn't sure if it was too subtle!


I am enjoying your review immensely. So glad to see captions on the pictures so I know what I am looking at.



Thanks. I know! I hate that too! I think it's because people don't really do notes. Even with notes it can be really confusing what was what once you get home! That's why I keep track of the details (only to lose them when my device flummoxes me! )


I also like reviews that help me "see" where I need to go, I see it in real life and realize oh yeah, this is he place!

Some of DHs cameras have a GPS in them so that can help too!

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I am sooooo loving your review!!!! We fly to San Juan on Friday and I cannot wait!


Did they have a nightly Diamond event? Or are they doing the new program of coupons (or something like that on your seapass) on the Jewel?



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Great review as usual. My wife saw the picture of the purse that you momentarily lost. She was curious about the actual size it may be something she may want for our future cruises. Quiet now if you can include details about the purse I would appreciate it, Christmas is just around the corner. :D:D

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I am sooooo loving your review!!!! We fly to San Juan on Friday and I cannot wait!


Did they have a nightly Diamond event? Or are they doing the new program of coupons (or something like that on your seapass) on the Jewel?




Post 57... I posted the C&A paper they put in your cabin...it has all the details on it now, it's great! The nightly Diamond event was in the Vortex from 5-8 each night, it's listed along with the breakfast and the welcome back parties right on the paper that will be in your cabin. So much more convenient than guessing, or waiting for invitations to show up on your bed (though you'll still get those too) On the back is the list of your coupons.

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Post 57... I posted the C&A paper they put in your cabin...it has all the details on it now, it's great! The nightly Diamond event was in the Vortex from 5-8 each night, it's listed along with the breakfast and the welcome back parties right on the paper that will be in your cabin. So much more convenient than guessing, or waiting for invitations to show up on your bed (though you'll still get those too) On the back is the list of your coupons.


Thank you!!!! I missed that when I read the C&A paper the first time.

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Great review as usual. My wife saw the picture of the purse that you momentarily lost. She was curious about the actual size it may be something she may want for our future cruises. Quiet now if you can include details about the purse I would appreciate it, Christmas is just around the corner. :D:D


Shhh! I won't tell, Santa Smeck!:D





There are several options from this company...some slighty larger, this one fits my iPhone, a few credit cards, a few packets of cash, the passports and my small foldable eye glasses, but not much else. Sometimes I can get my tiny sample sized SPF bottle and a SPF Chapstick in. If your wife carries more personal stuff, you might need slightly larger.

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Shhh! I won't tell, Santa Smeck!:D





There are several options from this company...some slighty larger, this one fits my iPhone, a few credit cards, a few packets of cash, the passports and my small foldable eye glasses, but not much else. Sometimes I can get my tiny sample sized SPF bottle and a SPF Chapstick in. If your wife carries more personal stuff, you might need slightly larger.


Thank you your the best!! Elf that is. LOL

Edited by smeck
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Good News!! My DH (the IT man) happily has found that my missing iphone "notes" went to a "notes" folder on my Yahoo mail...weird but true...its a thing according to google. :rolleyes:


The good news is I didn't lose the addresses of the people I meant to stay in contact with...yeah! And I have my notes from Dominica and PR that I took on my iphone...especially the names of the places we went on the off the beaten tour. So happy!


Although, Krista and Neil, your email bounced, so either you meant to give me the wrong one on purpose like a hot girl at a club just trying to get rid of the nerdy guy, or I wrote it down wrong;)


Today was DH's "official" BD, so I didn't get much done tonight, but I have St Maarten all written to go up tomorrow, so I will have more tomorrow!:D


Very happy, notes found, DH is also now officially not mid to late forties;)

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Day 3 Saint Maarten

Jewel Meets her big sister, Independence


(Pano with Independence docked in port)




The weather got quite a bit rougher overnight, I kept waking because on the aft you really hear the stabilizers thunking, (or a door somewhere) and the cabin creaking. It's really to be expected on any ship, but I'm a light sleeper so I woke often even though I was able to fall back to sleep. We woke up early still making our way into SMX, as we arrived we docked alongside Independence on her first cruise out of FLL since making her TA from Britain.


(Independence and Jewel in port)







(the whole day, when some crew would have a break they would arrange to "meet" on the deck and "chat" across the pier to one another from Indy to Jewel. It was really fun to watch these friends who had probably worked together in the past, greeting each other after a long summer away)








Our plan for the day was to go to our favorite little beach club out on Orient beach. During our last visit in April, we did a Segway tour in Phillipsburg with our girls, so we never got over to Orient Beach. We were happy to be going back!


We got our swim suits on and had a nice breakfast in the WJ, which was quite full. We didn't choose to have room service breakfast on the balcony because DH really enjoyed the selection at the WJ.


We did try RS one day when we had an early excursion; we put the menu out on the door around midnight, (well before the 3 AM deadline) but because our cabin was around the corner, it never got noticed by the RS crew. I am sure they just peered down the hall, saw no menus and left, but of course our room was around the corner at the very end, and they wouldn't have seen it hanging unless they walked all the way to the end. Luckily, we had set a walk up call, and didn't rely on RS arriving as our wake up call!


We have found that on this cruise it's quite comfortable to join others at a big table and often they don't speak the same language, so you don't feel obligated to converse beyond thank you and hello, unless you choose to. But we never had trouble finding a table because there are so many! We usually sent one person to sit and the other went to the buffet; this prevented us having to walk around with full plates of food looking for a table, but it did mean it was hard to "pace" the meal so we were both eating at the same time. The Jewel WJ has an eggs to order and omelet station, which is very nice!

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