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Could not Board Fascination in Jacksonville Today. Any hope?


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I am so sorry to hear this. Did you try Mary or Michelle? I am always so afraid that I am going to forget something when I travel. I keep checking things to make sure.


Years down the line (and they will never let you forget) it will be what we call a family remembrance. A "do you remember the cruise that Dad forgot his identification????" Your daughter will always remember her 16th birthday and will have the advantage of getting you to make it up to her..LOL


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Your daughter will learn just as much about being human and making mistakes and being calm and trying everything and taking responsibility and not stopping fun for all if 2 have what is needed and a lot of people caring and seeing how anyone can make a mistake and a calm thread with good people and not alot of flack..i can go on and on..seeing your attempts to fix it, sorrow and responsibly learning is a HUGE birthday present..we all learn as much if not more form our mistakes made in grace..that is a huge gift in a father and a great 16th present.


Have a nice family dinner celebration at home and another good cruise with her when you can...


You can surely hold your head high with tons of examples to all here....and sweet dreams to you and your family...you reminded us that nobody takes your calm and peace..you kept your cool..this was really hard but you did not give that away..even in moments of deep regret and frustration..we all benefited from witnessing that too..may you be met with a compassionate family with stories to share and have beautiful times together at home and in travel in the future..Peace to you...take care and rest your weary head now...sincerely, sarah

Edited by sjn911
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Peace to you...take care and rest your weary head now...


^^Yes. This.^^


You are an amazing father and an amazing person. Has your daughter ever seen the movie "Sixteen Candles"? This is like the sequel, 25 years later.


This will be a sweet memory for her, I'm sure of it :)

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I guess I just don't understand how everyone else had their docs and not the OP (if they were all in the same household.) It only stands to reason that you don't just grab YOURS, you get everyone's together and pack it in the carryon bag first thing in the car before you ever pack one suitcase or do anything. Before I drive away, I check and recheck and make my husband look for the passports too just so I have an extra set of eyeballs and can finally relax. These docs are THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO PACK even if you didn't pack a single swimsuit or peice of underwear or NOTHING, if you have your travel docs, you can pick up anything else you need close to port.


As a PP stated, I never ever trust my honey to pack these things. He can barely keep track of his wallet. My OCD methods include checking the drawer they are in every few weeks to double check the expiration dates and whereabouts. As we get closer to online check-in, they go RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DESKTOP computer where they are seen on a daily basis and in the info is entered into online check-in. About a week before the trip, I pack my 'boarding backpack' and they go into it and it sits on my kitchen table so I can stare at it for the next week and it stares back at me and I can double check that the passports are in it. Finally, the night before we leave, the carryon boarding back pack is packed into the car, before anything else, and then the other suitcases are packed. And finally, we do the double eyeball check for the documents before we drive away, and I do periodic checks too. We use our passports to fly as well (because they are the most accepted form of ID) and it helps me to keep an eye on them.


Basically, I'm just so very very terrified of leaving without them but my obsession has lead to successful trips every single time. But no, I would never leave my honey on his own to pack his documentation. I just wonder how everyone else had theirs but him....


Let's all do a DOCUMENT CHECK! Don't just assume they are where you thought they were or that the expiration date is way on down the line!


OP, I wish you the best. AlL i can say is that this trip deserves a RE-DO!!!

Edited by TwinPrincessMermaids
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Well, since this is not going to work the way we all wanted it to, at least I hope that your daughter and your wife are having a good girl-bonding cruise and perhaps enjoying some of the aspects of the vacation that ate more girl-friendly, to make up for the loss of your presence with them.


thank YOU! I too am hoping so. Today is their first stop in the Bahamas so hoping they get off the ship and have a good time. I like the thought of "girl-bonding" for them. The good news is that nothing is ever 100% bad. You can always find a slither of light if you look for it. We shall sail again :-)

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I've been following your efforts to make this family trip. I was always hoping for a great result. I think when your family returns just have them read this post. I've never seen anyone try so hard to make something happen. Sorry it didn't work out, but stuff happens. Anyone who can't understand probably never locked themselves out of a car or house, lost a wallet... Or on your grand scale, it just happened. I'm sure you'll be getting a great souvenir on their return.

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thank YOU! I too am hoping so. Today is their first stop in the Bahamas so hoping they get off the ship and have a good time. I like the thought of "girl-bonding" for them. The good news is that nothing is ever 100% bad. You can always find a slither of light if you look for it. We shall sail again :-)


Love your attitude about all this. My DW, ever the optimist, says there is a silver lining in every cloud, we just have to look very hard for it sometimes.

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Thanks for posting that link to that thread. I just read the whole thing.


Sounds like if anybody misses the ship from now on at embarkation they are SOL.


I am so sorry this did not work out for you and your family.



thank YOU again for your help. I was motivated by everyone's positive vibes. I couldn't fix this mistake but the next go around will be fun.

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I guess I just don't understand how everyone else had their docs and not the OP (if they were all in the same household.) It only stands to reason that you don't just grab YOURS, you get everyone's together and pack it in the carryon bag first thing in the car before you ever pack one suitcase or do anything. Before I drive away, I check and recheck and make my husband look for the passports too just so I have an extra set of eyeballs and can finally relax. These docs are THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO PACK even if you didn't pack a single swimsuit or peice of underwear or NOTHING, if you have your travel docs, you can pick up anything else you need close to port.


As a PP stated, I never ever trust my honey to pack these things. He can barely keep track of his wallet. My OCD methods include checking the drawer they are in every few weeks to double check the expiration dates and whereabouts. As we get closer to online check-in, they go RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DESKTOP computer where they are seen on a daily basis and in the info is entered into online check-in. About a week before the trip, I pack my 'boarding backpack' and they go into it and it sits on my kitchen table so I can stare at it for the next week and it stares back at me and I can double check that the passports are in it. Finally, the night before we leave, the carryon boarding back pack is packed into the car, before anything else, and then the other suitcases are packed. And finally, we do the double eyeball check for the documents before we drive away, and I do periodic checks too. We use our passports to fly as well (because they are the most accepted form of ID) and it helps me to keep an eye on them.


Basically, I'm just so very very terrified of leaving without them but my obsession has lead to successful trips every single time. But no, I would never leave my honey on his own to pack his documentation. I just wonder how everyone else had theirs but him....


Let's all do a DOCUMENT CHECK! Don't just assume they are where you thought they were or that the expiration date is way on down the line!


OP, I wish you the best. AlL i can say is that this trip deserves a RE-DO!!!


Well, good for you. Hope you don't ever make this mistake or any mistake for that matter.

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I am so sorry to hear this. Did you try Mary or Michelle? I am always so afraid that I am going to forget something when I travel. I keep checking things to make sure.


Years down the line (and they will never let you forget) it will be what we call a family remembrance. A "do you remember the cruise that Dad forgot his identification????" Your daughter will always remember her 16th birthday and will have the advantage of getting you to make it up to her..LOL


I didn't know how to get in touch with either but not sure I could have had better help than all of you. With the new changes I think my fate was set the minute I left the house without birth certificate. I am glad I did not know in advance because there is a chance that my daughter and wife would not have gotten on the boat. Glad I was able to get them to port and on their way. Hoping they are having a great time.

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Your daughter will learn just as much about being human and making mistakes and being calm and trying everything and taking responsibility and not stopping fun for all if 2 have what is needed and a lot of people caring and seeing how anyone can make a mistake and a calm thread with good people and not alot of flack..i can go on and on..seeing your attempts to fix it, sorrow and responsibly learning is a HUGE birthday present..we all learn as much if not more form our mistakes made in grace..that is a huge gift in a father and a great 16th present.


Have a nice family dinner celebration at home and another good cruise with her when you can...


You can surely hold your head high with tons of examples to all here....and sweet dreams to you and your family...you reminded us that nobody takes your calm and peace..you kept your cool..this was really hard but you did not give that away..even in moments of deep regret and frustration..we all benefited from witnessing that too..may you be met with a compassionate family with stories to share and have beautiful times together at home and in travel in the future..Peace to you...take care and rest your weary head now...sincerely, sarah

thank YOU so much for your kind words. we shall sail again :-)

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I guess I just don't understand how everyone else had their docs and not the OP (if they were all in the same household.) It only stands to reason that you don't just grab YOURS, you get everyone's together and pack it in the carryon bag first thing in the car before you ever pack one suitcase or do anything. Before I drive away, I check and recheck and make my husband look for the passports too just so I have an extra set of eyeballs and can finally relax. These docs are THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO PACK even if you didn't pack a single swimsuit or peice of underwear or NOTHING, if you have your travel docs, you can pick up anything else you need close to port.


As a PP stated, I never ever trust my honey to pack these things. He can barely keep track of his wallet. My OCD methods include checking the drawer they are in every few weeks to double check the expiration dates and whereabouts. As we get closer to online check-in, they go RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DESKTOP computer where they are seen on a daily basis and in the info is entered into online check-in. About a week before the trip, I pack my 'boarding backpack' and they go into it and it sits on my kitchen table so I can stare at it for the next week and it stares back at me and I can double check that the passports are in it. Finally, the night before we leave, the carryon boarding back pack is packed into the car, before anything else, and then the other suitcases are packed. And finally, we do the double eyeball check for the documents before we drive away, and I do periodic checks too. We use our passports to fly as well (because they are the most accepted form of ID) and it helps me to keep an eye on them.


Basically, I'm just so very very terrified of leaving without them but my obsession has lead to successful trips every single time. But no, I would never leave my honey on his own to pack his documentation. I just wonder how everyone else had theirs but him....


Let's all do a DOCUMENT CHECK! Don't just assume they are where you thought they were or that the expiration date is way on down the line!


OP, I wish you the best. AlL i can say is that this trip deserves a RE-DO!!!

I keep saying it was my own little perfect storm. ive been sailing with carnival only since 1998 and have never had a personal lapse like this. a good thing about mistakes though is that if done right you have the opportunity to make up for it somehow. I am looking forward to the next opportunity to make this up to my family.

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^^Yes. This.^^


You are an amazing father and an amazing person. Has your daughter ever seen the movie "Sixteen Candles"? This is like the sequel, 25 years later.


This will be a sweet memory for her, I'm sure of it :)

thank YOU!!

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Truly sorry you missed out on your cruise. Make it up to your daughter when she gets back and have a father daughter dinner at a place of her choice.

On a positive note:

1: it gives all of us a reminder to make sure docs are in order

2: you get to spend time with some of the greatest on the web (CC)

3: You didn't get 14" of snow

4: and there is always room for another cruise!!!!!!;)

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Did you ever offer to absorb Carnival's fine if they incurred one? I would be curious as to what their response was.

I learned that there was a $300 fee in these cases plus cost of flight. I immediately offered to pay this. There have been some policy changes that make it more difficult to do this in cases like mine. I sensed that there could be an even higher govt tax and there is also a possibility of all passengers having to go thru customs again. The later I think could be resolved but the additional fees are what caused carnival (and most likely others) to change their policy.

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I've been following your efforts to make this family trip. I was always hoping for a great result. I think when your family returns just have them read this post. I've never seen anyone try so hard to make something happen. Sorry it didn't work out, but stuff happens. Anyone who can't understand probably never locked themselves out of a car or house, lost a wallet... Or on your grand scale, it just happened. I'm sure you'll be getting a great souvenir on their return.


thank YOU so much!!! We'll get'em next time!!

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Well, good for you. Hope you don't ever make this mistake or any mistake for that matter.


I'm terrified of making this mistake, that's why I'm paranoid about it. I still wonder why the family didn't all pitch in and help to make sure everyone had what they needed. But really, I do hope the family gets to plan another one! I have learned that the downsides usually lead to major upsides! And I know the next one is going to be really great for the family!

Edited by TwinPrincessMermaids
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Finally, the night before we leave, the carryon boarding back pack is packed into the car, before anything else, and then the other suitcases are packed. And finally, we do the double eyeball check for the documents before we drive away, and I do periodic checks too. We use our passports to fly as well (because they are the most accepted form of ID) and it helps me to keep an eye on them.




I too am obsessed with checking a rechecking our passports and docs. We have a bright yellow padded travel folder with zippers and stuff that was sent to us free of charge years ago from a major online travel site. I make sure to always have my eye on it and check no less than 50 times throughout our travels that it is there.


Packing the important stuff in the car the night before though IMHO is a BAD idea. What happens if your car gets broken into and they make off with your docs? Then you will not only have the stress of that happening, but you will also miss your cruise. I would keep them by the door and maybe put a sticky note in the car that says "Docs?" or something like that to remind you to check you have them. If you park in your garage, then chances are slim that it will get broken into, but a lot of people (like myself) have garages and don't park in them due to various reasons.

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Love your attitude about all this. My DW, ever the optimist, says there is a silver lining in every cloud, we just have to look very hard for it sometimes.


thank YOU fellow Georgian! I know these posts can sometimes go downhill but the facts on this one were clear from the beginning. I left the documents so the only thing to do from then on was put on the best face and try to make something good happen. thankd again for your king words

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