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Help navigating the hot mess that is Carnival Customer Service, so over it!


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Hey all, I come to you out of desperation because I feel like I have no where else to turn. I am going to sum up the issue and then expand if needed, it will make this much shorter.


Me (28) and 2 friends (20, 21) (3 people total) went on a western Caribbean cruise on Carnival Freedom on Nov 30th til The 5th to grand cayman and cozumel. They both gave me cash and I paid the cruise in full with my Bank/Debit card.


Our cabin was room 1002. A porthole handicapped room on deck 10 which slept 4. It was over 220 Sqft (although not a suite) on the bow facing forward.


Our cabin air did not work and if it did it didn't work well. The 1st day we dismissed it as so many people got on and off ect. 2nd day we finally complained, and through out the whole cruise nothing was fixed, and we where offered a 1A interior room (the one with bunk beds standard! On deck 2 on the 3rd day!


I paid for a more expensive room, I expected an equal move. I declined it. They miscommunicated with us many times, and the 2 male guest services staff (Im a male to and I never have run into some one that was inherently rude to me) where very rude and where more concerned with us being told inside info to get the room cooler by the engineers, then they where about fixing the actual air.


Also to add to the room issue, we where below treadmills in the gym. Every morning I went to sleep (or tried to) and awoke with the thump of people (what sounded like jumping) running on the treadmills. I complained when it still went on after 10 and the gym was closed. I found out through chatting with fellow cruisers staff can use them after. I had to complain 3 out of 4 nights on the ship, to have them ask people to not use the treadmills after 10.


The morning we docked, something went very wrong, and the ship (keep in mind where on deck 10 forward) shook so violently that all of our stuff fell off the vanity and shelves and broke a $108 dollar (I bought it new a week before the cruise) bottle of YSL cologne.


I was incredibly mad. I called carnival a day later as when I got off the ship customer services was closed (dont open til 8:30) when I did complain I was assured something would be done.


They called and left a voicemail saying I would be getting a measly 114 dollars back of the $799.14 cruise fair I paid, and nothing more. It barely covers my cologne let alone any of the issues we dealt with.


My friend took to thier FB page and made a huge post about all of our issues, he was then told by the carnival FB team to call cust service. I dont know what there discussion with him was.


Cut to last week, its been over a month and I have never seen a check. So I called last monday. I was told after repeating my complaint that they had no record of me calling in and that my friend did and they cut the check to him and read me his name and address, even though HE DIDNT PAY THE CRUISE LINE. I was angry and told them this was fraud to send some one else my refund. I was told some one would call me back with a resolution.


NO ONE HAS 1 Week later.


I disputed the full cruise of 799.14 it on my bank card. Carnivals responce was since I didnt opt to bail out on the cruise within the first 24 Hours (giving them a chance to fix what I assumed was a fixable issue with the air, or move us to an equivalent room) that I wouldn't have to exercise that option. So the bank declined my dispute, saying, that since I took the cruise in full, that I got what I paid for.


I need to know what recourse I have, or if any one knows of anyone in the carnival phone tree who will listen. Carnival made sure to tell my bank to call carnival and they would be happy to get me some sort of compensation. So far I have trouble believing that.


No offense but the CSRs over at carnival are idiots, and they sound like they natively spoke Spanish and English as a 2nd language and didn't understand or didn't document properly my issues and my demands.


What should I do, Is there any one above CSRs, or do I need to drive the 4 hours from my home in sarasota to carnivals HQ down in Miami at the port and scream bloody murder until I get a fix.


This was my only cruise in the past 3 years, and It was my only vacation, and thanks to carnivals horrible treatment it was ruined and I have no resolve. I wish I never went on the cruise. Thank god I have good friends who made the best of it for me.

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Your post strikes me as a bit histrionic. Take a breath.


Were there any other rooms on deck 10? Was cabin 1A the only category type that had availability? If everything was booked, how should Carnival accommodate your demand to be moved to a different cabin?


Ask your friend to sign the check over to you. Problem solved.


Deck plans show where the location of the gym is. People mention the noise here all the time. Did you know when you booked it (by looking at the deck plans) that you were sleeping under the gym?

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Your post strikes me as a bit histrionic. Take a breath.


Were there any other rooms on deck 10? Was cabin 1A the only category type that had availability? If everything was booked, how should Carnival accommodate your demand to be moved to a different cabin?


Ask your friend to sign the check over to you. Problem solved.


Deck plans show where the location of the gym is. People mention the noise here all the time. Did you know when you booked it (by looking at the deck plans) that you were sleeping under the gym?

I didn't put in but responded already to the first one, Unfortunately, my friend didn't receive the check either, he thought I was getting it. Neither of us have gotten a refund.


I am very frustrated and I apologize. We where not told we would be under a gym, and on the deck plans the front of the ship sloped so I assume it was windows. I was not made aware the treadmills where there being this was only the 2nd carnival ship I have ever been on. The other rooms around us complained of the temp issue as well and the thumping was complained about by the cabin next to us, also below treadmills.


I requested any other room, including an interior on an upper floor (I have titanic/lusitania syndrome)


Also they said that was the only room available and only because some one missed getting on board in Grand Cayman. I said any room, just not a lower interior. I didn't want an upgrade, but certainly not a step down.

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The lesson I learned from your experience is when there is something not working in the cabin (air) don't delay in invoking the cruise guarantee. I will mention the guarantee politely right up front so guest service staff know I'm aware of the policy and then allow them the opportunity to correct the situation to my satisfaction. It's expensive for Carnival to refund the cruise fare and pay to get us home.

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I could be wrong here but everyone was put out by not having air right ? Your friends paid for their cruise just like you right ? So why would your friend give you any money that he got when he complained about the cruise on his own ?

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I could be wrong here but everyone was put out by not having air right ? Your friends paid for their cruise just like you right ? So why would your friend give you any money that he got when he complained about the cruise on his own ?

I dont think you quite understand. He didnt get the money back either, and any money we got, I should have been getting being that I was the actual payee for the cruise, and I would have simply split the refund 3 ways. But I would be expecting way more then $114 dollars, like I said that didnt even cover my broken cologne, let alone a refund, thats like $38 dollars each, which is borderline insulting. I dont want it all back, but heck they could even show good will and offer a future cruise voucher or credit to turn us around and I would have been happy. It just seems like no one cares at all.

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If my room was that horrible I would have taken the room they offered.


As has been stated on many threads always check deck plans to see what is above and below you.


Sorry you had trouble but if the ship is full they can only offer what room is available.

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Lesson learned here was to always check to see what is above you. I never book a room that doesn't have rooms both above and below. If the air situation was that bad and listening to treadmills was keeping me awake, I would have gladly taken the room offered even if I viewed it as a downgrade. Better than being hot and tired!! Carnival couldn't offer you what they didn't have-they offered the only available room. the gym above you is not there fault. Sorry you had a bad cruise.


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I have noticed that the rooms up front in any ship seem to be warmer. Maybe because of the angle of the windows and no shade from above? We have stayed in the front facing rooms twice - not on Carnival. I am always cold natured and was sweating in more than one occasion.


Be that as it may, nowhere is anyone required to disclose that possibility, nor are they under any obligation to tell you what may be above/below you. So for those things I don't feel you can blame anyone but yourself. A lot of us learned what are good/bad rooms by trial and error or by coming on here. I feel Carnival owes you nothing for your bad choices.


As far as the cologne, I think they are being generous in reimbursing you at all. Hello - you are on a moving ship. Things do vibrate and sway. I would never leave a bottle of cologne (or anything breakable) out where it has the potential to fall. Again, bad judgement on your part.


What I do think you have a valid concern is about the check. They say it's in your friend's name. I think either it is on it's way or he got it and cashed it. You could always have them do a stop payment and reissue it or trace it and see if your friend is telling the truth.


Sorry to sound harsh, but it's the way I feel. You did get to cruise. Even though it wasn't in the room you wanted. You could have stayed in your original room and asked for a fan, and that should have taken care of your heat issue. I kind of feel like that you were more unhappy with your poor choice of cabin and were trying to find any reason for them to move you.


Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. Just remember to check around before booking on any line. You will see the same complaints from room not cold enough, public spaces too cold, room below the pool deck/galley/fitness area/etc.

Edited by firemanbobswife
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I would also like to add the the cologne incident may have been out of their control ie if it was a weather/docking location issue then it is their right to not subsidise you.


Also you should have researched the motion issues on certain decks and cabins.

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Sounds like you didn't do much research into the type or location of the room you reserved other than the price. That vibrating sound happens when pulling into and out of port are the bow thrusters, they rattled the crap out of our cabin on our last cruise, but the window outweighed the noise.


If they're giving you a refund, yes it should have gone to you since you were the payee, so hopefully they'll get that fixed. Other than that there's not much you can do.

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I have noticed that the rooms up front in any ship seem to be warmer. Maybe because of the angle of the windows and no shade from above? We have stayed in the front facing rooms twice - not on Carnival. I am always cold natured and was sweating in more than one occasion.


Be that as it may, nowhere is anyone required to disclose that possibility, nor are they under any obligation to tell you what may be above/below you. So for those things I don't feel you can blame anyone but yourself. A lot of us learned what are good/bad rooms by trial and error or by coming on here. I feel Carnival owes you nothing for your bad choices.


As far as the cologne, I think they are being generous in reimbursing you at all. Hello - you are on a moving ship. Things do vibrate and sway. I would never leave a bottle of cologne (or anything breakable) out where it has the potential to fall. Again, bad judgement on your part.


What I do think you have a valid concern is about the check. They say it's in your friend's name. I think either it is on it's way or he got it and cashed it. You could always have them do a stop payment and reissue it or trace it and see if your friend is telling the truth.


Sorry to sound harsh, but it's the way I feel. You did get to cruise. Even though it wasn't in the room you wanted. You could have stayed in your original room and asked for a fan, and that should have taken care of your heat issue. I kind of feel like that you were more unhappy with your poor choice of cabin and were trying to find any reason for them to move you.


Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. Just remember to check around before booking on any line. You will see the same complaints from room not cold enough, public spaces too cold, room below the pool deck/galley/fitness area/etc.

Problem is I had no issue with our cabin, I loved it. If it where cool I would have gladly kept it, this is exactly why I rejected the tiny cabin they offered. I would have rather them simply fix whatever it was the cause the room not to be cool instead of move us. Which was why anytime engineering came up I was happy to accommodate them.


As for the cologne, It was on a shelf with a metal retaining bar. The ship didnt vibrate ever like this until the last day, and I have been on 5 or 6 cruises, and been aboard many a large ship (cruising or not) and none of the ships ever shook like this. It was violent and out of the realm of expected normal motion and vibration. There clearly was something wrong.


Also my friend show me his bank statements, he has never cashed the check, if he had even gotten one. I trust him enough to not think hes putting one over me.

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I think you should be happy you got reimbursed for the cologne. Other than you choosing the wrong cabin and it being warm - you had your cruise. Carnival owes you nothing......and that's as far as you are going to get with it. Maybe it's time to just move on..........

Edited by satbeachbill
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I think this is a case where you will need to be persistent and remain calm when dealing with them.

Gather all of your evidence, document your complaints while on board, who you spoke with at guest services, and keep at it.

I'm sorry the cruise was disappointing. Hopefully you will come to a resolution with Carnival.

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Well I don't know what to tell you. If he straight up cashed it, it wouldn't be on his bank statement. They would have gave him cash.


If I were you, I would just let it go. It doesn't sound like it's worth the aggravation for thirty some dollars a piece.


Maybe next time pack a little fan with you.


It stinks that you had to go through all that. Crap happens. Heck, on my cruise a month ago, I got food poisoning from the ship. I didn't eat or drink anything on shore and I have a feeling it was the shrimp at dinner. Anyway, I went to medical and got the appropriate treatment. I was confined to my room and missed San Juan. Didn't get my port fees back or any OBC not that I would ever expect that. Stuff happens. Will it keep me from sailing again? Heck no! I'm already booked for May!

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Every morning, in Africa, a child have to walk 10 miles one way, just for some fresh water.


Any you complain about your aircon was not cold enough... The ship shaked to much, and, well...



first world problems...

Edited by TheCaveman
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In my experience it takes much longer to get a refund check from Carnival. Because of the Triumph fisco last Feb., Carnvial refunded me for my hotel and travel expenses. They also sent the check to my friend who I booked the trip with. Eventhough we live in different states. I finally go the refund check in June. It took over 50 emails to get it all straightened out. I but they had thousands of people to deal with. They also knocked half the price off the cruise I am taking this month.

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I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't know what the solution is but I can tell you that being nice to the people on the phone will get you further because they really didn't have anything to do with it and will be more apt to try to help you. I know it can be frustrating. To me, you have more leg to stand on about the room being warm than your cologne being broken as we all know we are on a ship and waves and things can cause abrupt movements. I once read about an abrupt movement on the Liberty they thought happened because they are all auto piloted and it got off course and quickly righted itself.


I have heard of rooms being too warm on this board before so I bring a refridgerator magnet that has a thermometer on it and just stick it to the wall in the room just in case I need to see what the temp REALLY is. I can't stand heat, also I actually pack a fan. And we FLY! It just takes up half my carry on but it's worth it for the breeze and the sound.


Best of luck I hope you get some satisfaction. (I would be upset if they sent the check to someone other than myself if I paid for it also)

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Well I don't know what to tell you. If he straight up cashed it, it wouldn't be on his bank statement. They would have gave him cash.


If I were you, I would just let it go. It doesn't sound like it's worth the aggravation for thirty some dollars a piece.


Maybe next time pack a little fan with you.


It stinks that you had to go through all that. Crap happens. Heck, on my cruise a month ago, I got food poisoning from the ship. I didn't eat or drink anything on shore and I have a feeling it was the shrimp at dinner. Anyway, I went to medical and got the appropriate treatment. I was confined to my room and missed San Juan. Didn't get my port fees back or any OBC not that I would ever expect that. Stuff happens. Will it keep me from sailing again? Heck no! I'm already booked for May!

I agree that I need to understand that crap happens, and I am just a bit overly upset about it. I think Ill do what others have suggested and just be persistent and calm (I have always been on the phone with them) and I think this time Ill ask for a supervisor, and If I cant get through to them to atleast cancel the old check and send me one to myself, then Ill see about arranging a meeting with a rep at their office when I am down in miami, to explain why this is such horrible way to do business. I Dont accept that for the money I paid, that having a hot room and rude staffers and promises made an never kept is ok. I guess ultimately unless something is done Ill simply talk with my dollar and boycot carnival for my cruise choice and simply warn as many people as I can about how they treat you. Guess its RCI for me.


Also firemanbobswife, I actually asked for a fan 3 days in a row and finally got one, the front desk said I couldnt have one 2x and then an engineer brought one up, just as one of them was telling me that for the 3rd time. I didnt even expand uppon my dealings with the guest services, and how all they did was contradict each other.


you cant have a fan, yes you can, no you cant


we have another room, no we dont, yest we do;


we sail full, well we dont, yes we do, no we dont.


one gets pretty sick of not getting a straight answer.

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I agree with you on that. If there's one thing I can't stand it's getting conflicting answers.


I'm a straightforward type of person. It may come off as harsh, but I don't care. I don't have time for sugar coating stuff or pussyfooting around. Sometimes it gets me in trouble, but oh well.


If there's one thing I am - it's brutally honest.

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Sorry that you experienced this, but I echo what the others have said.




Any time you are dealing with customer service you NEED to take all emotions out. Stick to the facts, be objective, and be reasonable with your expectations for restitution.




Asking for a 100% refund of your cruise fare, or a refund for your bottle of cologne because the ship shuddered, or declining another cabin on a lower deck because you have "Titanic Syndrome", are all, IMHO, not reasonable. In fact, declining the other cabin undermines how serious your problem with your original cabin was.




Once again, stick to the facts, keep it short and simple, and leave all emotions out. You may get better results with that. Once again, sorry that your cruise wasn't the best.

Edited by Tapi
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