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I will not do another cruise FAT!!!!!


Yup you read it here first...ok that is not entirely true I have said it a million times but this time I mean it. I will not avoid the photographers anymore. I will not wear a shirt over my bathingsuite anymore.


I have been making some prgress with just cutting out some bad choices and moving more but need to ramp it up a bit. I have about 60 weeks till my next caribbean cruise and even at a pound a week that would be more then I want to lose. I am looking to lose 40 - 45 pds and from there will re-evaluate and see if I need to lose more or if that is perfect for me.


Anyone else?



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Hey Kim,


We were almost on the same cruise and either I or you changed the sail date. It was the Legend 2010 I believe. I remember you from the original roll-call.


Anyhow, I can relate to sailing and not feeling totally comfortable wearing outfits and having to use "props" -aka- cleaver cover ups to make due with the photographers and such.


I will join you in this thead but only have between 10-20 pounds to put me exaclty where I want to be, BUT, with that said, I am at a plateau and have not budged on the scale much. Up a half pound then down a half pound.


I am going to do a re-evaluation of my eating plan and excercise plan and see if I am possibly doing something wrong or what ???



Are you on a specific plan or just doing it on your own ? Also, what do you do in terms of avtivity ? Perpaps we can share a few things and make mini-5lb goals.


I will check-in here each day or so if you want.


Perhaps someother folks will want to join-in. The more - the merrier.


Cari H.




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Happy Saturday! I would like to join you. Helps to hear other struggles. I have tried all the diets I think, lol. I read a couple books on nutrition and why some women have more trouble than others losing weight. To make a long story short, I realized I am probably eating too much added sugar and flour. Guess I was right cause since Jan 2 I have lost 11 lbs by simply changing some of my "low calorie" foods to foods with less sugar and white flour. I feel much better also. Twice in the last month I did have about 2 cups of mom's mac & cheese one afternoon and another time I ate about a cup and a half of roasted potatoes with some butter, 2 slices of white bread and probably about 5 oz roast beef. Still lost weight, so you can have those things once in a while. I am cruising the Royal in about 4 weeks but planning to cruise the Regal March 2015. Hopefully I can get rid of the 55-60 extra lbs I am carrying around yet. I have the meals down, now I need to work on water intake and exercise.! Good luck to us all!


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Hi Ladies, I'm in the same boat. Trying to lose at least 70 lbs but I would even be happy with say 40-50 before my birthday cruise in October and then at goal by our Disney cruise in April.


Just like many of us I have said "I'm not going on another cruise FAT" but yet I do. I even went on the Jillian Michaels fitness cruise in 2010 and GAINED weight :eek: I've also never really had a support system so maybe this is what I need.


Lets just say I have tried every diet on the market and the only one I did OK with was weight watchers but its still hard MAKING the right choice when your family is chowing down on pizza and wings :mad:


Look forward to chatting with you all and GOOD LUCK. :D

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Hello Ladies, glad to have a nice group to get started with.


I have lost quite a bit but would love to lose at least 10 more lbs and preferably 20 then stop and just TRY to maintain.


I have hit a plateau for the past few weeks. I am doing everything right, at least I think so, but the scale is either up a half pound or so, or down a half pound or so.


I am taking a close look at just what I have been eating and decided to try to eat-clean for the next few weeks and see how that goes. No processed foods, white flour etc..... lots of lean meats and protiens, fresh veggies & fruit and only good, whole grains in small amounts.


I've been on WW for years and I mostly agree with the program. The one thing with the program that I personally do not agree with is they push a lot of thier products that have lots of preservatives in them. I love the WW bars and treats but too many can be as dangerous. I try to use them as an occasional treat but this week, have cut them out of my shopping trip.


I also am not a breakfast eater but in order to get my metabolism rolling, I force myself to eat it. I usually stick to the same thing as it is just plain easy. I measure out one cup of skim milk and use a half cup divided between my two morning cups of coffee. The other half cup, I use with a serving of wheat puffs cereal and a half of a sliced banana. I do alternate my cereals just so I do not become bored. I also like Special-K high protein and plain Cheerios.


My lunch is usually just a bowl of soup or a cup of yogurt with berries.


I do drink lots of water and decaf herbal tea so that helps out as well.


Dinner is usually a lean protein such as chicken, a few fresh veggies and a whole grain. I do have to admit that I love fried chicken and do make an oven-fried version that I have a couple of times a week. I do try to limit my portion as well as team it up with veggies and a small portion of oven-baked french fries. Sometime homemade and sometimes Ore-Ida. Maybe this is where I'm falling short. Once a week should be good but more than once may be keeping me at a plateau ????


Anyhow, this is the start to my week. I usually weigh on Friday mornings and will post my successes or lack-of. If anyone else wants to join me in the Friday weigh-in that would be great. You don't have to post your weight, if you don't want to, just the loss. All optional of course.


Wishing everyone a great week. I will check back in a few.


Cari H.




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Good morning ladies!!!


Sorry I did not get any alerts that anyone responded to my post :confused:


Thank you all for joining me. I would love to help cheer you all on as you reach your goals. I know we can do this we just need to commit to it.


I agree with the NO WHITE I have been getting better at this and am weaning off. My official no more white date will be March 1. I am going to Disney for about a week at the end of the month and know I won't be able to avoid some treats that I love.



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Good Afternoon Ladies, Today is the re-start of my WW program and my weigh in is set for Sundays so I will be posting my loss next week.


For today my breakfast was a frozen Special K flatbread breakfast sandwich, it was ok never tried it before but in a hurry it will do. I haven't had lunch yet but I have plenty of frozen Lean Cuisine's and Atkins meals to choose from. I normally do not eat more than one frozen meal in a day but my fridge and pantry are empty so I'm trying to stick with something I have on hand.


Talk with ya'll soon, my sisters are actually on their way over to plan out details for our next two cruises and our Vegas trip so I need to clean up a bit. :D



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Hi Ladies.


I would love to join your group. I have 35 lbs to lose by October. My cruise is in November but I have to have time to buy new clothes, right ?!?!:D


There are three things that I have to cut out of my diet to lose this weight - soda, starch & sugar. My biggest problem is my DH has the metabolism of a cheetah and he was a chef!! He cooks so awesome!! (and he can eat ANYTHING!)


I also work 10 hour days so my exercise level is nonexistent right now. I'm hoping that the weather will start to get nicer soon & I can start walking.


It will be nice to have other "girls" to talk with about this weight stuff!!

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Good morning, just got back from the grocery store and I stocked up on fruits/veggies and lots of chicken :rolleyes: Even though my weigh in day is Sunday I decided to jump on the scale this morning just to see and I am down 1.6 lbs since Sunday a.m. :D. I was also reading over some of the other post on here and came across the one about walking to your next cruise and I thought that was a brilliant idea. So from my house to the Port of Miami it is 1,204 miles. Although I cant make it by October I plan on trying to make it there by my Disney cruise in April 2015. So for me I will basically need to walk an average of 2.85 miles per day to complete the 1,204 mile journey in 421 days. I start TODAY. Well I'm off to start the first 3 miles of my journey now talk with ya'll later.



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Lunch yesterday was a quick grab, so I put a few slices of white meat turkey lunch meat into one small whole grain tortilla with some shredded lettuce and a dash of hot sauce. I ate this on-the-run with a bottle of water. Dinner was a small lean boneless pork chop with steamed green beans and a big Romaine salad with lots of veggies and a dash of fat-free dressing.


I just wanted to share a cool find that I snagged yesterday at K-mart - of all places. I went in there to grab some shampoo and walked over to the ladies dept and found an awsome pair of slimming jeans that make me look 2 times smaller than I really am. They also enlongaged my legs. Woo-hoo.


The ones that fit me best were called: Riders by Lee Slender Stretch-mid-rise-boot cut. They have a hidden tummy control panel. ( very hidden, I wouldn't have known it was even there) The jeans hold their shape and really do flatter the figure. They were $25.99 per pair but I love them and may go back for another pair. They started at size 6 and went up to 20 I think. They come in P-petite M-average and T-tall.

Here is a pic.




Another really great find was what I thought were swim suit shorts. I do not like the traditional bikini bottms and am really not into swim skirts. They turned out to be Yoga-shorts, but you can't tell a bit. The bottom part of the actual short is black and the top waist panel came in a few different designs and colors. I got a floral print as I have several solid colored bikini and tankini tops that will match perfectly. The colored waist band can also be folded up if you want to hide muffin top or folded down to sit below your belly-button. They naturally sit right at the belly button and the legs are snug to the thighs so would be great for swimming and such. Just wanted to share this in case anyone else loves swim shorts and cannot find a perfect pair. There is no swim liner inside so I just plan to wear a pair of t-back panties so no lines will show. The shorts were made by Bongo and were $10 Here is a pic of the exact pair that I got. http://www.kmart.com/bongo-junior-s-yoga-shorts-floral-print/p-027VA71427412P

They also came with the top band in a lepoard print, tropical pastal pring, black and white geometric print and a solid black or red.


Score and Score !!!!


Wishing my fellow-Losers a great Tuesday.


Cari H.



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My Friday weigh in ----- I stayed exactly the same as last week's weight. So a maintain.


I have changed my workout routine around a little and am hoping that this in addition to a few more eating modifications will give me the budge on the scale that I need.


Whoever said the last 10 lbs or so was the hardest to lose, was right!



Wishing everyone a good weekend,


Cari H.




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Weigh in for this week is -1 lb. I did not exercise this week, my bad.:(


Good luck this week ladies! Cindy


Congratulations Cindy that's awesome. :D


Cari- Good news is you didn't gain so that's always a win in my book. :)


My weigh in is tomorrow a.m. but I did finish off my week with 10.5 miles walked, only 1193.5 to go.:eek:


Keep up the good work!!



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Well I had a bad WI this a.m. I actually gained 1.1 lbs. :mad: I wouldn't say I did great with food this past week but I wouldn't say it was terrible either. I did however start walking again which I did every day since Tuesday, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. I think this week I will eliminate all sodas since I was drinking them a lot this past week. I am mad but I wont give up! Just need to try even harder this week and hope for a big loss next Sunday.


Good luck this week!!



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Well I had a bad WI this a.m. I actually gained 1.1 lbs. :mad: I wouldn't say I did great with food this past week but I wouldn't say it was terrible either. I did however start walking again which I did every day since Tuesday, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. I think this week I will eliminate all sodas since I was drinking them a lot this past week. I am mad but I wont give up! Just need to try even harder this week and hope for a big loss next Sunday.


Good luck this week!!







Chelll, hang in there, everyone is entitled to a bad week and 1.1 lbs is not all that bad.


I agree about the sodas. I have cut down to one decaf-Diet cola per day. I used to drink them all day long and ended up feeling bloated. I can't totally eliminate it so I have one can per day and it does seem to fix my fix.



I am in the midst of packing for a to move to Fla next month and have let my excercise routine take a back seat. I am packing up a 3 bedroom house all by myself and it's way more work than I thought it would be. I did promise myself last night, that I would get at least 30 min in on the treadmill and then alternate each day with my floor excercises. I will see how this goes and what the scale says this coming Friday.


I admit that I did have some Valentine's chocolates. I really wish that I hadn't, but it happened and I'm back on the wagon. Bad Friday for me too. :( I am one that absolutely cannot have chocolate or goodies in the house. They were part of a gift basket and I really had intended to leave them at church but they got the best of me and I had a mini-binge.



We are all human..... so getting back on track is the most important thing. And.... Wow !!! 10 miles is great. I do about 1.5 miles X 5 days per week =7.5. 10+ is awsome, you go girl !!!


Wishing all a great week.


Cari H.




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Hi Ladies!!


I see you are an active group!!! I am cruising in Aug 2014 and I am trying to lose 50 more pounds. I started WW Jan 9th and my last weigh in I was down 15 pounds...I missed my weigh in last week because of the snow (I went by there and they were closed).


I have been working out everyday and I only went over my points once (superbowl Sun and it was planned).


It is nice to find "others" like me!!! :)

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Hi Ladies!!


I see you are an active group!!! I am cruising in Aug 2014 and I am trying to lose 50 more pounds. I started WW Jan 9th and my last weigh in I was down 15 pounds...I missed my weigh in last week because of the snow (I went by there and they were closed).


I have been working out everyday and I only went over my points once (superbowl Sun and it was planned).


It is nice to find "others" like me!!! :)


Welcome to our group, and a big CONGRATS on the 15 lbs lost since Jan that is AWESOME:D I too just rejoined WW but after my first week I gained 1.1 lbs. Not sure if it was all the walking I had be doing or the sodas I was not tracking :( but this week I am cutting out all soda to see if that will help me get back on track.


Cari- Thanks for the encouragement I really appreciate it and I think if I were packing up a three bed home that I would be sweating up a storm so I'm sure you are getting a great work out in and you don't even realize it.:) As for the sodas I did not purchase any at the store this week so I don't have any in the fridge calling out to me:rolleyes:


As for chocolate.... don't even get me started:p My DH was instructed this year to PLEASE not bring home any for Valentines so instead he got me a beautiful vase of rose's, so I completely understand the mini binge.


I'm very nervous about this coming Friday because we are going to the Rodeo and I know we will be enjoying good food and beer that night but I promise I will take it easy


Good Luck this week Ladies!!!!

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I weighed in today and I am down another 3.8 for a total of 18.8 so far!! I am really starting to notice it too!! My normal weigh in day is Thursday and this past Thursday they were closed because of the snow. So my 3.8 was actually over a week and a half...I won't weigh in again til next Thursday to get back on schedule...I didn't want to weigh this Thursday because Wed is my birthday and they may kick me out of WW if they weigh me the next day...I have a lot of eating to do that day....


Chel, just cutting out the sodas you will see a HUGE loss, even without WW. The sodas keep you bloated and the sodium in them is horrible. My first week of WW I cut out my sodas and dropped 9.2 pounds....a lot of it was water weight but who cares...9.2 is 9.2 in my book:D


I also had a gain a few weeks ago..I was working out way too much and I was devastated when I gained 0.8 after expecting a loss. It was most likely due to my muscles retaining fluid as my body was trying to adjust to the increased activity. Don't get discouraged, you may be surprised and see a big loss next week.


All that talk of running makes me exhausted!! I am a workout video type of girl...of course running on a white sand beach to a tiki bar that serves rum punch by a bartender named Raual might make me start running:p


Keep up the good work ladies!!!!

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I've been working on losing weight, have 15-20 pounds to go for my April cruise.

Trying to eat no carbs been working out everyday.


Good luck to all.



Hi Dorlene,


You should be able to lose that by April with no problem!! Keep working everyday and you will get there!!

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Hello, my husband and I are going on a cruise in June! I am wanting to lose 40 more lbs. I'm not sure I will get there but I will be happy with 30. I have been eating low carb since mid January and have lost 13lbs so far. My weekends are hard for me, we visit our parents on Sundays and they never have food I can eat. It always includes pasta, potatoes or rice. Ugh! I am not getting any exercise in right now. I have 5 year old twins and a 2 year old. They keep me so busy I don't feel like I can find the time.



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Hello, my husband and I are going on a cruise in June! I am wanting to lose 40 more lbs. I'm not sure I will get there but I will be happy with 30. I have been eating low carb since mid January and have lost 13lbs so far. My weekends are hard for me, we visit our parents on Sundays and they never have food I can eat. It always includes pasta, potatoes or rice. Ugh! I am not getting any exercise in right now. I have 5 year old twins and a 2 year old. They keep me so busy I don't feel like I can find the time.



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Hello welcome to our group:) I will never complain about my 5 yr old running me crazy ever again..... You have your hands full that's for sure and I understand how difficult it can be to find time for yourself. I just recently started working out during our "quite time" for my son, its the only way I can workout without him bouncing off the walls. Hope you can find time for yourself :D


Bahamma Mamma~ I did not have any soda yesterday YAY:D it was hard but I did it. Your 9.2 lbs lost is impressive I sure hope with the removal of soda and trying to cut back on salt I can have a nice loss on Sunday. Happy Birthday as well and enjoy your day tomorrow.:)


Good Luck Ladies



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Hello, my husband and I are going on a cruise in June! I am wanting to lose 40 more lbs. I'm not sure I will get there but I will be happy with 30. I have been eating low carb since mid January and have lost 13lbs so far. My weekends are hard for me, we visit our parents on Sundays and they never have food I can eat. It always includes pasta, potatoes or rice. Ugh! I am not getting any exercise in right now. I have 5 year old twins and a 2 year old. They keep me so busy I don't feel like I can find the time.



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OMG, 5 yr old twins and a 2 yr old. Girl, you are probably getting more activity then you think that you are. :D


My children are older, so it's just me here at home, but I do fly down to visit my Mom and family several times per year. Mom is an old-fashioned cook that loves to serve lots of starches as sides too.


I have made it a habit of hitting the grocery store on the way from the airport. I don't wait another second because I know if I let myself get into the " comfort of home " routine that I will not be able to break it.


For my breakfasts, I buy a box of my favorite cereal, yogurt, bananas,and skim milk. For lunches, sliced 98% fat-free turkey breast, lettuce and tomato and a lite whole-grain bread or tortillas. Dinners are easy, I just offer to cook, I then make lean meats and veggies. If we have the entire family over and it's one of those calorie laden meals, I fill up on salad with a fat-free dressing and then take a small amount on my plate.


No desserts for me. I skip them and enjoy frozen Greek Yogurt or something simple.


I also try to get a walk in, however short it may be, just to keep moving.




Perhaps, you could offer to make the side dishes or maybe just be assertive and tell them that you are working on getting fit and just bring your own side dishes and perhaps just have a small sample of theirs. If they are family, they should understand.


God Bless you and your beautiful family. My two youngest children are 4 years apart with another 5 years older, and I thought that was hard.


Hang in there Momma.


Cari H.



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Good job Chel!! I am proud of you!!!! Breaking the soda is hard...but it can be done...the first few days are the worst but once you get through that you will feel amazing!!!


Keep up the good work everyone....I was bad this morning..my DH went and got me a little B-day breakfast treat worth 28 WW points:eek:...I am only allowed 27 for the day...so I only drank 1/2 of the drink....but we have dinner reservations tonight...:rolleyes:...I took the day off from work so I plan to work out for several hours today before we go:D.....I got this:cool:...but no B-day cake for me. Today is a pre-planned well deserved cheat day!!!


Have a great day everyone!!!

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Good job Chel!! I am proud of you!!!! Breaking the soda is hard...but it can be done...the first few days are the worst but once you get through that you will feel amazing!!!


Keep up the good work everyone....I was bad this morning..my DH went and got me a little B-day breakfast treat worth 28 WW points:eek:...I am only allowed 27 for the day...so I only drank 1/2 of the drink....but we have dinner reservations tonight...:rolleyes:...I took the day off from work so I plan to work out for several hours today before we go:D.....I got this:cool:...but no B-day cake for me. Today is a pre-planned well deserved cheat day!!!


Have a great day everyone!!!



Happy Birthday to you !!!!! Have a nice time.


Cari H.





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