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Taking a Uhaul to Allure

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75 is a much better route than the 77,26,95 route. Other than weather in Jellico and Rush hour in Atlanta, there isn't any real potential bad spots along the route. It's 1100 miles from the starting point to the port. At 20 hours that would be 55 miles an hour average. Honestly, since one of the guys driving drives a race car in his spare time, I expect them to get there in 17 hours or less. lol



I know 75 is a better route starting in Cincy and going to FL but 77 is a better route for me start east of Cols and going to Daytona. Well didn't know he was a race car driver hope he can get the U-Haul with over 2 tons of luggage to go over 60.


ain't no way in hell he is going to get there in 17 hours in a U_Haul I don't care if he's a fighter pilot.

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I was just wondering, how much will it cost to rent the truck and leave it sit for the week, I know we did a uhaul one time and it was not cheap, so much per mile if I remember

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That is why renting a trailer is better. It is a fixed price per day. I wouldn't worry about it too much at a hotel. You back it in so it is up against a pole or fence so so done can't open the door.

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A little more backstory, so everyone can understand our situation. We are coming from Cincinnati with a group(for now) of about 40 people. With each person likely having two bags, thats at least 80 bags. We are driving the luggage down in a uhaul mainly to avoid the airline baggage fees. It would be about $5000 to fly just the bags, so it is much cheaper to just have someone drive the luggage to FL. It also is nicer for those who overpack not having to worry about forcing everything into two bags so they can get on a plane. People will be getting off the cruise and taking a shuttle straight to the airport, so the bags need to get on the uhaul before they leave the port.


After reading through this thread, the suggestion of just letting them take their own bags to the uhaul in the parking lot might be the best bet. Not sure why I hadn't looked before, but I just took a loot at Google maps and that will probably work. I didn't realize how close the parking was to the port. Of course I will check with the port directly in the last few weeks before the cruise to make sure their policies will allow that.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone!


Okay, please forgive me but what I am reading (or how I am interpreting it) is each person is taking 2 full sized suitcases. The reason I assume this is roll on carry cases are free to take on a plane.

Given there are 40 people and you said 80 cases that is 2 cases per person. That seems a lot for a one week cruise. Normally my family of three take a carry on each and one large check in total. Assuming the party of 40 comprises of 20 couples then that would only be 20 bags that need to check in on the plane. Given that two people are driving regardless then 38 people should equate to 19 checked bags.


Obviously I do not know who you fly with but I think AA charge $25 per bag so on a return trip would be $50 x 19 bags = $950 which is nowhere near the $5000 you were quoting:confused:

Would work out at $50 per couple or $25 each and saves a big headache

Not sure hiring anything would be much of a saving.


Just my initial thoughts:)


Forgot to mention high level frequent flyers or business/ first class passengers don't pay checked in bags either (in case there are any)

Edited by Spurschick
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Assuming the party of 40 comprises of 20 couples then that would only be 20 bags that need to check in on the plane. Given that two people are driving regardless then 38 people should equate to 19 checked bags.


Obviously I do not know who you fly with but I think AA charge $25 per bag so on a return trip would be $50 x 19 bags = $950 which is nowhere near the $5000 you were quoting:confused:

Would work out at $50 per couple or $25 each and saves a big headache

Not sure hiring anything would be much of a saving.


Just my initial thoughts:)


Forgot to mention high level frequent flyers or business/ first class passengers don't pay checked in bags either (in case there are any)



That was definitely math that needed to be done. I'm impressed! :) I didn't even think "maybe this isn't actually necessary"....

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Okay, please forgive me but what I am reading (or how I am interpreting it) is each person is taking 2 full sized suitcases. The reason I assume this is roll on carry cases are free to take on a plane.

Given there are 40 people and you said 80 cases that is 2 cases per person. That seems a lot for a one week cruise. Normally my family of three take a carry on each and one large check in total. Assuming the party of 40 comprises of 20 couples then that would only be 20 bags that need to check in on the plane. Given that two people are driving regardless then 38 people should equate to 19 checked bags.


Obviously I do not know who you fly with but I think AA charge $25 per bag so on a return trip would be $50 x 19 bags = $950 which is nowhere near the $5000 you were quoting:confused:

Would work out at $50 per couple or $25 each and saves a big headache

Not sure hiring anything would be much of a saving.


Just my initial thoughts:)


Forgot to mention high level frequent flyers or business/ first class passengers don't pay checked in bags either (in case there are any)


I've never taken less than two big bags for a week long cruise. My gf takes 3 bags for a weekend trip(I know, I know). My parents took 4 on their last 7 day cruise. One of which was just for suits and dresses. Maybe we just cruise and/or pack differently, but I will usually go through 2 or 3 outfits a day(day wear, dinner, maybe a change after dinner). My laptop case is my carry on, but even without that, I can't see stuffing everything into one checked bag and one carry on. But like I said, your mileage may vary.


That being said, the first bag is $25, the second is $35. That is each way so thats $60 *2 making it $120 per person. 40 people times $120 is $4800. The math is right.


You can rent a uhaul trailer for two weeks for less than half of you $950. So since someone is driving anyway, even using your math, this is cheaper.

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Okay, please forgive me but what I am reading (or how I am interpreting it) is each person is taking 2 full sized suitcases. The reason I assume this is roll on carry cases are free to take on a plane.

Given there are 40 people and you said 80 cases that is 2 cases per person. That seems a lot for a one week cruise. Normally my family of three take a carry on each and one large check in total. Assuming the party of 40 comprises of 20 couples then that would only be 20 bags that need to check in on the plane. Given that two people are driving regardless then 38 people should equate to 19 checked bags.


Obviously I do not know who you fly with but I think AA charge $25 per bag so on a return trip would be $50 x 19 bags = $950 which is nowhere near the $5000 you were quoting:confused:

Would work out at $50 per couple or $25 each and saves a big headache

Not sure hiring anything would be much of a saving.


Just my initial thoughts:)


Forgot to mention high level frequent flyers or business/ first class passengers don't pay checked in bags either (in case there are any)


Even packing very heavy we take at max 1 rollerbag to carry on and one checked item, so never 2 checked bags per person. If you fly Delta and have the Delta Credit card, everyone on that reservation (up to 4 ppl I think), gets 1 bag free. Other airlines have different programs.


The u-hauls also have a mileage rate, figure 79 cents per mile for the basic smaller box truck. So that $20 a day rate that sounds so attractive turns into sure $200 for the base rate, but then figure another $1800 for the round trip mileage, $1100 for the gas/tolls, plus at least $100+ for parking, right? So you're looking at least at $3000 to move about 60 pieces of luggage (not everyone will do 2 bags), which is minimum $50 each... which it what it would cost to fly 1 piece of checked luggage round trip.


Possibly no cost savings and an increase in hassle factor for the bags. Because this will also require the travelers to have their stuff ready, and dropped off a couple of days early, and if you have any last minute packers in your group this will be sheer torture for them. :cool:


If you have someone driving anyway, you might be better off sending that person down with just stuff that doesn't pack well- as in maybe 3-4 cases of wine to bring on board with your 2 per room allotment. And a case of sunscreen, maybe some snorkel gear if people have it. And not bother with the u-haul.

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I know 75 is a better route starting in Cincy and going to FL but 77 is a better route for me start east of Cols and going to Daytona. Well didn't know he was a race car driver hope he can get the U-Haul with over 2 tons of luggage to go over 60.


ain't no way in hell he is going to get there in 17 hours in a U_Haul I don't care if he's a fighter pilot.


My point wasn't confrontational, just that some people aren't afraid to drive fast. I see uhauls on the highway all the time running 70+ mph. In reality, they will probably be driving a 1 ton truck pulling a Uhaul trailer. They may be there in 16 hours.


The original point of my post was more about the loading/unloading than the logistics of getting it there and back. Thanks for the input though.

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Okay, please forgive me but what I am reading (or how I am interpreting it) is each person is taking 2 full sized suitcases. The reason I assume this is roll on carry cases are free to take on a plane.

Given there are 40 people and you said 80 cases that is 2 cases per person. That seems a lot for a one week cruise. Normally my family of three take a carry on each and one large check in total. Assuming the party of 40 comprises of 20 couples then that would only be 20 bags that need to check in on the plane. Given that two people are driving regardless then 38 people should equate to 19 checked bags.


Obviously I do not know who you fly with but I think AA charge $25 per bag so on a return trip would be $50 x 19 bags = $950 which is nowhere near the $5000 you were quoting:confused:

Would work out at $50 per couple or $25 each and saves a big headache

Not sure hiring anything would be much of a saving.


Just my initial thoughts:)


Forgot to mention high level frequent flyers or business/ first class passengers don't pay checked in bags either (in case there are any)


That part of your post (in red) made me laugh because for just my husband and I we have one carry on each and one personal bag (computer or purse) that we take on the plane, then we have one BIG checked bag each and then either another large checked bag or checked garmet bag and that is just for two people on an 8 day cruise. We also take our own Flowboards so we have a LOT of stuff when we cruise :D

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Hey wanted to add some tips - I've taken a few trips with large groups of HS age kids (not crusing which would have been so much nicer)


Make sure everyone has what they need in their carry on (I know it's silly to remind, but I've dug for bags to find something)


Make sure all the bags are tagged before going in. We needed to deal with rooms so we also added a stip of colored duct tape to further identify them. We also had a checklist with the # of bags each person put in.


Drop off shouldn't be a big deal since you can pull up & the porters will take care of you


On the return - keep the car & haul in the lot & have everyone pull their own bags (or use a porter). I'm not sure what the parking is like there, but if you have to park out a bit due to the trailer then have everyone wait in one spot closer to the curb & drive up to load. We did this when there were 6 of us @ Cape Liberty. My mom has mobility issues so her, my MIL & kids waited closer to the ship, but still in the parking lot (hope that makes sense)


Lastly I would call the lot, it shouldn't be a problem to park, we've seen campers in both Cape Liberty & Baltimore, but they might charge extra.


Have a great trip

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A little more backstory, so everyone can understand our situation. We are coming from Cincinnati with a group(for now) of about 40 people. With each person likely having two bags, thats at least 80 bags. We are driving the luggage down in a uhaul mainly to avoid the airline baggage fees. It would be about $5000 to fly just the bags, so it is much cheaper to just have someone drive the luggage to FL. It also is nicer for those who overpack not having to worry about forcing everything into two bags so they can get on a plane. People will be getting off the cruise and taking a shuttle straight to the airport, so the bags need to get on the uhaul before they leave the port.


After reading through this thread, the suggestion of just letting them take their own bags to the uhaul in the parking lot might be the best bet. Not sure why I hadn't looked before, but I just took a loot at Google maps and that will probably work. I didn't realize how close the parking was to the port. Of course I will check with the port directly in the last few weeks before the cruise to make sure their policies will allow that.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone!


For what it is worth I just finished a cruise at Port Everglades where I drove and parked a car for the duration. There are a number of terminals there so even though I was on RCCL I was not at the same terminal as the Allure, however, the parking lots are very close to the terminals, are gated and fenced so I felt secure. As there was ample parking and although I was not pulling a trailer that would take up more than one space I don't believe that you are charged by the space, but rather by the vehicle. Walking to the parking lot would not be problem unless someone had mobility issues as the distance is direct and very short. One thing I will say is due to a lot of construction in the area your GPS will not give you the correct directions into the area and the signage is what I would consider to be very poor at best so allow a bit of time to navigate the entrance. I will add that the exit is much better marked and easier to navigate.

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Just wanted to mention, Southwest allows 2 free checked bags per passenger. I usually check one going and 2 coming home. Also, for $20 each, you could use the luggage valet coming home if your flight is not too early. You put your luggage in the hall on the last night and see it again at your home airport. Well worth the money! Not all airlines participate in this program at Port Everglades, though.

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Whilst I understand your math in that situation, I think most people would agree that is more the exception than the norm.


Also whilst I agree the rent fee for haul is low the mile they are traveling is so significant it will significantly increase on that.

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That part of your post (in red) made me laugh because for just my husband and I we have one carry on each and one personal bag (computer or purse) that we take on the plane, then we have one BIG checked bag each and then either another large checked bag or checked garmet bag and that is just for two people on an 8 day cruise. We also take our own Flowboards so we have a LOT of stuff when we cruise :D[/


Don't get me wrong, we take a carry on and personal item each as well, but one large expandable case is more than sufficient for us, but my point was 3 cases per person seems excessive!


Perhaps because my DH is ex army and taught me a thousand times how to fold and pack helps:D

We take all footwear in bags in carry on as they are bulky, fill in gaps with socks etc, keep every thing else nice and flat in large case.


My DH taught me you get a lot more packed if you don't have shoes to pack around!

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What everyone is forgetting is most U-Haul Round Trip Rentals are Unlimited Mileage. So the rental price is the price no need to factor in Mileage.

Edited by mauraoel
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My point wasn't confrontational, just that some people aren't afraid to drive fast. I see uhauls on the highway all the time running 70+ mph. In reality, they will probably be driving a 1 ton truck pulling a Uhaul trailer. They may be there in 16 hours.


The original point of my post was more about the loading/unloading than the logistics of getting it there and back. Thanks for the input though.


I would be very surprised if security would let you cruise right up to the drop area pulling a trailer.


so you expect them to get there in 16 hours the same that google tells you it will take to drive?


good luck

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No reason that they will not be allowed to drive up to the unloading area. The port security will have already checked it out at the gate, there is a pull over area for that


Shuttles pull trailers all the time for everyone luggage and are in and out the port, such as sas

Edited by setsail
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