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Prinsendam Baltic cruise


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Hello from a very wet Amsterdam!!


DH and I arrived yesterday and have been able to enjoy a walk thru the Jordann, a vist to Anne Frankhuis, a Canal bus ride, a canalside snack of Witte beer and bitterballs at de Prins, and the Van Gogh museum in between rain showers. Right now we are having periods of absolutely soaking rains, that an umbrella seems pointless against, so BillS and DW and DH and I may look like drowned rats at dinner tonight! Hoping the rain lifts a bit in the morning so I can walk to Bloemnmarkt and get a big bunch of fresh flowers to decorate our room on the Prinsendam.


We are very happy with our accommodations here at the Pultizer. We are located in a lovely old room that once was a brick warehouse here on the Prinsengracht. The service here is top notch and they were able to clean a room and have us into it by Noon, for which we are grateful after a long overnight flight from California. We chose to fly Northwest, hoping to be on a KLM widebody...instead we were on a NW DC-10.......not the most enjoyable flight across the Pond!


Will try to post again from here at the Pulitzer before we board the Prinsendam, we still have some time left on our T-mobile wi-fi package that we purchased for the time we stay here. 60 minutes for $39.95 doesn’t make the ship’s prices look too high.......:cool:

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Happy to hear you're enjoying your visit. I hope you get all the rain and that there isn't any left 4 weeks from now when we're there!


Just curious ... what about the DC-10 did you not like? It's a wide-body aircraft. We're also flying Northwest on a DC-10 from Memphis. I think that's the same aircraft we flew last time, even though it was a KLM plane.

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I sure hope the rain lets up before it's time to sail. Last year we were delayed in Amsterdam 36 hours as they were concerned with the ship's passage through the locks on the Amstel River getting into the North Sea. It was very windy however, so I hope you're not in a similar state.


Did you see the museums or take a canal boat ride? Isn't Amsterdam great?

The is a restaurant that has a world-known cat not too far from the red light district. We also went to Zaanse Shans, the windmill village.


Please let us know about Prinsendam, and have a wonderful trip. I'll be waiting to hear all about your trip.

Bon Voyage


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Enjoy your trip.


We came very close to booking the Prinsendam into the Baltic - but Oceania made us an offer that we couldn't turn down - two for one pricing, with free air.


We embark the Regatta, in Stockholm, 8-31-05.

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Happy to hear you're enjoying your visit. I hope you get all the rain and that there isn't any left 4 weeks from now when we're there!


Just curious ... what about the DC-10 did you not like? It's a wide-body aircraft. We're also flying Northwest on a DC-10 from Memphis. I think that's the same aircraft we flew last time, even though it was a KLM plane.



I guess I wqas just spoiled by my transatlantics on British Air with the personal video screen and choice of movies. On this flight, I couldn't even see the one old screen at the front of the cabin, and by the time they got to us for dinner, the only thing left was a chickpea curry. :rolleyes:


Had a much lovelier dinner tonight with Bill S and his DW Virginia in what proved to be a lovely little restaurant. It's still raining on and off, hoping to go out to see the lights on the canals in a bit.:)

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Had a much lovelier dinner tonight with Bill S and his DW Virginia in what proved to be a lovely little restaurant.
Bill and Virginia are nice people. Glad you had the chance to dine with them. We will be looking for a place to eat when we're there, so if you remember the name of the restaurant I'd be happy to have your recommendation.


I see what you mean about the video screen thing. And there is quite a bit of difference between British Air and NWA ... no doubt. The British just do it up better!

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Thanks for reporting in. I too hope it starts to dry up for you, but the good thing is you made it over safely and now you are almost aboard the beautiful Prinsendam. Tell Bill and Virgina "Hi" from Tom and Lisa. Enjoy the rest of your time in Amsterdam, I have not been there since 1971 and even then it was quite an interesting city.


Looking forward to your reports:)

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Later today the sun will come out, nor more rain expected.


The passage through Northseacanal (not river Amstel as grannynurse said) to IJmuiden will be very nice. The locks (sluizen we call them), are made to keep the saltwater out of the rivers and canals. It is smaller then Panama but still impressive to see.

You will experience this about 100/120 minutes after departure from Amsterdam.


Happy sailing, enjoy your cruise!!

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Hello again from Amsterdam. We are preparing to board the Prinsendam in a few hours and have just returned from a lovely walk on the Canals to the Bloemnmarkt where I purchased a wonderfully fresh bouquet of fresh flowers that I will bring onto the ship for our cabin. The weather is a bit better today, with high clouds but no rain as of yet.:)


Would highly recommend the Pulitzer...for it's flare and service, both top notch! Wil follow up once we are on board and have a computer package. Thanks to all for your well wishes!:D

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We'll be looking for your reports from onboard. We certainly hope you enjoy your stay on our "other home".


Having flown a DC-10 from Chicago to Honolulu nonstop and also from Atlanta to Barcelona, I've come to refer to that plane as a flying cattlecar. Not my favorite way to travel, that's for sure.


Grumpy and Slinkie

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I am glad you enjoyed your stay at the Pulitzer, since the weather was not the best. I will be waiting to read your reports from the Prinsendam. Have a wonderful cruise and a safe trip home.



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July 27th


Kiel Canal, Germany


This morning I awoke at dawn to find my full refreshed husband dress, shaved and raring to go at 6:30. Unfortunately, he’d snored all night long and I was not so enthusiastic........


By 7:30 I conceded to the morning, knowing that we were just about to arrive at the Brunsbuttel locks and the entrance to the Kiel Canal. As I sit here on my balcony with the lovely mosaic table, I am watching the German farmside pass by.....folks seem to enjoy the sight of this relatively large passenger ship and stand and wave at the side of the Canal. Everywhere I have cruised, a wave is the international greeting and Germany has indeed welcomed us in fine fashion this morning. Along the banks of the Canals, adults stand and wave, while the children wave and scream ‘Helloooooo’.


The Prinsendam and their staff continues to amaze, where else on the HAL fleet can you get fresh squeeze orange juice deliver to your cabin when you just indicated ‘OJ’ on your breakfast tag. DH and I enjoy ordering a large carafe of coffee and some juice on the veranda before heading up for breakfast. When we headed up to the Lido for breakfast we discovered that on this ship you can order eggs benedict in the Lido! At 11:30 am we will meet with the other CC’ers downstairs for lunch. Despite all the ship has to offer this afternoon, I am planning to continue to sit here on my balcony and watch Germany pass by.


I might mention that our Cabin steward, Danang (like the City) has been wonderfuly accommodating. He reports that he was on the last World Cruise, and yes indeed, he had heard of the infamous Slinkie and Grumpy!


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Localady... we're so glad to hear that you are enjoying the Prinsendam. Yes, the eggs benedict any day in the Lido is a real treat.


Who is the CD and who are the ACD's now? I think JohnnyI is back on board, but haven't heard if any of the others that were on the World Cruise are still there or have come back. We really miss that gang of goofballs! They work hard, but always appear to be having fun, too. They really make a difference in the overall cruise experience.


May you skys be blue and your seas calm... but if not, just hang on and enjoy the ride!

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Peter Daems ic the CD on this crise. Had the pleasure of also cruising with him on the Rotterdam last year.


Here's a synopsis of the last day.....suffice it to say, I think I've died and gone to cruise heaven on the Ship!


Wed. Afternoon-


Kiel Canal


I is just amazing how beautiful this Canal is!!! I suspect that a Ship like this passing by might be an occasion around here as we have encountered German along the side of each of the Canal during the entire cruise.....more waves...I think my shoulders may be sore is a very wonderful way. We bumped into Andy Bali, he was on our Amsterdam cruise and I believe he was our Asst. Dining Steward....anyway, he is so familiar to me and he confirmed he was on the Amsterdam for the South American cruises. I recall that he was absolutely the most charming man. It was wonderful to see that he’d been promoted, they have a gem in that man IMHO:)


Again we are in a bike riding country......we have been transmitting the Canal for many hours....before lunch I watched a small boy and his parents working hard to bike at the pace of the Ship. The boy was on a smaller bike and seemed to have to work twice as hard as his parents on the larger bikes. Later this afternoon, a couple hours later, I looked out to see the same small boy, still bicycling madly..... My boys could take a lesson from that.....


The people of Germany continue to greet us all along the Canal....they greet us from the balconies of their absolutely fairy book homes that border the Canal and the extensive agricultural lands.


Today we had a get together with our CC friends...in attendance were DarrellT and his 3 friends, Pete Jackson and his lovely wife, the Van Dyks from Canada and Bill S, with his wonderful wife looking on. What a nice group of travelers. We all agreed that the service on this ship is top notch. Pete Jackson and his wife reported that they had been totally spoiled by the last 14 days and were anxious for the rest of the itinerary. He noted that there ad only been rain one day in their Iceland/Arctic cruise, a sea day in the North Atlantic.








Thursday July 28th-


Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark


Today we docked in the small town of Ronne, on the Island of Bornholm. Although Bornholm is closer to Sweden, it’s actually a part of Denmark. This Island has an amazing amount of Meditterrean plants on the Island for it’s latitude. This is ecause of the great stone deposits under the Island which maintain the heat so well that they proudly grow figs, grapes, peach and cherries as well as many types of trees including California Cyprus and Olive. This Island survives on tourism and the Island’s population grows 4 fold in the summer. Our guide told us that German, Danish and Polish vacationers come here for the sun ad wonderfully soft sandy beaches. It’s kinda hard for me to imagine as I am sitting on my deck , my windbreaker blocking some of the steady cool to cold breeze. Many of the roads here on the Island amounted to o more than one car lanes with no apparent area to yield. That said, our bus driver took them at a speed that really gave him no ability to yield as he expertly maneuvered through the old and narrow village streets.


During our travels we stopped at a glass blowing shop and in a small seaside town for a traditional ‘golden Bornholmmer’ a very delightful tasting herring that has been smoked on alderwood and is served with a dense dark bread, salt, butter and traditionally a good Danish beer. Okay so it was 10:30am, but when in Bornholm, you have to wash the herring down with beer!:cool:


Tomorrow- Visby, Gotland, Sweden:)

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OK so you tried to talk me into going with you, that doesn't mean you have to make it sound soooo good!!! Happy for you that you are having such a great time and wait till you see what there is yet to come. Andy Bali was indeed on our South America cruise and served us in the King's room. We enjoyed his services on the Prinsendam last year in the Med, he sure is a gem. I know he will recognize me, but likely does not know my name, otherwise I'd ask you to say "hello" from us. Just have to find myself another Prinsendam jaunt. Many more happy SUNNY days and I'll be following along with your reports.

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Localady...Thanks so much for posting..I am enjoying reading the thread. Hope you took a picture of the group so I can see all the fun you are having..Can't wait to hear about St Petersburgh... Enjoy...Jackie:)

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Grumpy- We absolutely adore cabin 196. The extra bank of windows give us an outstanding view of the aft of the ship and provide additional muted light. BillS and Virginia also have indicated that they love it! Thank you so much for steering us this way...it was well worth the wait!!



I will try to contain my enjoyment in these reports......suffice it to say we are having a Terrible time.;)


Friday, July 29th


Visby, Gotland, Sweden


Under threatening skies this morning we sailed into the quaint city of Visby, the largest city on the Island of Gotland, Sweden. Gotland is the largest island in Sweden. Although Visby has a small normal population, the Island blossoms with 750 thousand tourists visiting during the summer months. The Island supports many small factories making products such as chesses and rum. We elected to take the overview of the Island and it took us out into the strikingly beautiful farmlands and forests. The ‘symbol’ of the island is a long-horn sheep, they even have statues of them about Visby’s old city.


12% of the population farm here with wheat fields dotting the countryside. It’s a very tidy Island, it is quite evident that the people take great pride in their homes, gardens and in the lands of the island themselves. The Swedish government actually will subsidize farms who allow there farmlands to fallow and produce a plethora of wildflowers, including red Flanders poppies and blue bachelor buttons. The Island is purported to have 20,000 kinds of wild orchids which grow here. The traditional local traditional feast is grilled lambs head (yes the entire thing!). This is definitely an acquired taste I think.


Tonight is a formal night as we only had a ½ day in Visby. I suspect that most will be well dressed, even during informal night the bulk of men were in jackets. This seems to be a more elegant ship in general. I was in need of a new gold chain for a new opal pendant I had gotten, and asked the woman in the shop on board if they would be selling ‘gold by the foot’ as I wanted it to hang at a specific length. With tight lips she informed me that the Prinsendam is too elegant to sell that.........


The Master for the cruise is Captain Hans Mateboer, the Hotel Manager is Jan Willem Kuipers. Our cabin featured new to me shampoo, body wash, conditioner and body lotion called ‘Thymes Eucalyptus’. They smell very nice and seem to work well on my hair. Oddly enough, it’s been reported by those in non-Veranda suites still have the usual products. Not sure if this is a test situation or what.


Tomorrow we have a long day in Finland and Porvoo, followed by 2 very busy days in St. Petersburg with Red October. I think this afternoon a nap is in order!;)


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THANKS my Loca Friend, very interesting details. Guess you'll have to wait till November to buy that gold chain. Be sure to rest when you can, each day the clock will be changed giving you an hour less sleep each night, the touring, especially in St.Petersburg can be quite tiring. Take care and enjoy . . . . . . . .

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JohnnyI is onboard as SrACD. Jen went to the Zaandam after the World Cruise, but her best friend Jamie (from Grade 2) has taken her place as one of the ACDs. Jen and Jamie look and act very much alike, so the transition must have been a bit confusing for the crew that stayed aboard after the WC.

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Thanks for the info, Margie Lady...Oh, no... another Jen?:D


Localady... so glad you like the cabin. There was a comment on another thread sometime back, that there was a lot of sound from the neighboring cabins, which we did not find to be the case at all in the SS cabins. What is your impression? Since those cabins were added later, I wonder if they might have a different sound suppression construction.


The Thymes Eucalyptus products are the same as what we had in SS on our cruise, have no idea if they were in all cabins or not, but they were pretty good products.

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I was enjoying your fun review and then I realized that I did the baltic on the same ship.,except it was the cunard Royal viking Sun. It is such a perfect size. We had such fun. I really want to do the ship again.. Keep the reviews coming.

Thanks for taking to time to share your journey.:)

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