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Do you get travel insurance??


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Just as your cruise cost the same through a TA as it would through the cruise line so does the insurance. You are only allowing the insurance company to keep the commissionable portion for themselves. TA's may have more options then you realize. There are always exceptions but few.


Actually in my experience buying thru insuremytrip has given me much better prices than the insurance the ta offered. I don't book directly thru the cruise line



Also I like having choices. The cruise lines and most ta offer 1 or 2

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Good move! Just an FYI for the future insuremytrip.com is better priced and you can tailor your policy to what your specific needs are. Many more choices than what your ta offered as he/she probably only has one or two types of policies for sale.


Also no ta commission on the sale.


Which is what you essentially gave your ta by getting insurance through them




I buy travel guard policies. Usually the silver policy. You buy in $500 increments. Buy within 14 days of initial trip deposit and pre existing are covered.


Mine was also Travel Guard.


When I say TA, I mean the TA that is run by the big box warehouse club that I purchased my cruise through. ;) When I compared the rate they got to the one on the TG site...it was far less for comparable coverage. :)

Edited by Winston Wolf
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If you want to buy insurance for the peace of mind of covering a $2k cost - go ahead - but understand that's what you're paying for. From a strict financial risk/benefit perspective, buying cancelation insurance to cover against one $2k loss in 16 years of traveling is a bad bet.


Medical and medevac coverage is different - those costs can reach into the tens of thousands.


A bad bet? I thought just the opposite. Remember, medical insurance is also included in travel insurance so I was not only covered by trip interruption, but medical also had I needed it. I had spent $160 dollars total for that policy that covered my wife and myself with 2k, in expenses. Which I could have afforded out of pocket, but naturally, I would not have wanted to.


I ordered up another policy for our upcoming ten night cruise in two weeks which cost a mere $155. Hell, the wife spends more than that on new cloths before every trip we go on. With round trip air covered by frequent flyer miles, and booking the cruise after a decent price drop, I feel the policy has been included in the package free. I hope we dont use the policy, and I'd wish this for anyone who travels. We all know things happen, even to us young and healthy folks.

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Actually in my experience buying thru insuremytrip has given me much better prices than the insurance the ta offered. I don't book directly thru the cruise line



Also I like having choices. The cruise lines and most ta offer 1 or 2



Maybe you need a better TA…


Most TA's that are worth their weight aren't there to nickel and dime it for you. They are there for those who want/enjoy a service they can provide. Many don't want/need that and that's fine. However, there are some awesome TA's out there who can save those who are interested a lot of time and yes, even money when used. That being said, don't want to highjack this thread over TA's.

Edited by arf2005
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Maybe you need a better TA…


Most TA's that are worth their weight aren't there to nickel and dime it for you. They are there for those who want/enjoy a service they can provide. Many don't want/need that and that's fine. However, there are some awesome TA's out there who can save those who are interested a lot of time and yes, even money when used. That being said, don't want to highjack this thread over TA's.


Wrong. My ta got me an upgrade and a reduction of $2000 last cruise.


I am just fully capable of researching insurance myself and do not need it to be spoon fed to me by a ta or a cruise line or the new thing having the airline offer it for purchase when you but the tix


Really don't get so bothered by the fact that my excellent ta just happens to offer a more expensive policy than I want or need.


Fwiw you had no cause to question how good my ta is or isn't.


The reality is his BOSS and the big online agency are the ones offering the policy and jack up the price


I am smart enough to know this


But the best cruise prices and the best Obc also come from this agency so I'm sticking with them

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Wrong. My ta got me an upgrade and a reduction of $2000 last cruise.


I am just fully capable of researching insurance myself and do not need it to be spoon fed to me by a ta or a cruise line or the new thing having the airline offer it for purchase when you but the tix


Really don't get so bothered by the fact that my excellent ta just happens to offer a more expensive policy than I want or need.


Fwiw you had no cause to question how good my ta is or isn't.


The reality is his BOSS and the big online agency are the ones offering the policy and jack up the price


I am smart enough to know this


But the best cruise prices and the best Obc also come from this agency so I'm sticking with them


I'm not bothered at all. Just don't quite understand why, if you are using a TA, they can't offer you a policy that is geared to your needs and wants. To me that is part of their job. However, if you are happy far be if for me to suggest you should do anything differently. There are thousands of opinions on here and thousands of ways people chose to go about doing things. Isn't it wonderful that we can all chose the way we like best?!

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I am not surprised that there is a difference of opinion on the need for Travel Insurance on these boards. Everyone has different risk thresholds.


However, I am struck by the near unanimity of the opinion that Travel Insurance is a wise choice. Who woulda thunk.

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So does this thread indicate that we need to add 'insurance ' to the following list ...




price drops after final payment

brands of beer


... all being topics that we ought best just leave alone? :)


(Am I leaving anything out?)


Well no actually we should not leave those topics alone


Because all of the topics you mention plus insurance are very important to be fully informed about when cruising


Debate is fine over these topics because tons of info can be learned by debate


It is when the topics you mention become off limits that information is not being divulged


It is a slippery slope we go down when information and opinions and debate are NOT allowed because the topics can either become heated or the topic bothers someone for no real reason


I know your post was made sort of joking but with all the censorship and irresponsible journalism going on these days plus the cultivating of a " sheeple society" the simple debate over cruise hot topics should be something we cherish and happy we can still have the debate over it.



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... if you are using a TA, they can't offer you a policy that is geared to your needs and wants. To me that is part of their job. ...


Insurance options can be very complicated. Even a good TA can not offer them all, or explain them all. Not a slam against a Travel Agent at all. Just a reality.


Some will just sell whatever is easiest. Some will sell the most profitable. Some will sell... whatever they think is best. Just the way it is.


If you go to insuremytrip, you will see such a wide range of policies. If you were a TA - it would be hard to decide which one you would carry in your "regular day to to day business".

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As I see it, there are a few reasons to get insurance, especially third party, not through NCL, for major vacations such as a cruise, especially out of the country, etc.


1. For the medical coverage. Your own insurance may cover if something happens out of the country, but there may be shortfalls. Most of these policies will cover all related expenses, as well as returning you home, etc.


2. Cancellation Issues - true, you probably have already paid for the cruise/trip, so you can 'afford' the loss. But most likely, at some time in the not to distant future, you will want to setup the same/similar vacation. The insurance returns your money so you have that to put towards the 'replacement' trip.

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If you were following the recent issue in Galveston of an oil spill, 3 ships were stuck outside port way past their docking time. Therefore, if you had a flight that you missed, you might not be reimbursed by the cruise line (oil spill wasn't their fault) or the airline (oil spill not their fault either). Most travel insurance includes trip delay as well as trip interruption, both of which occurred with this instance. My mom is on the Magic this week- they will get $150/day per person for each day they were delayed to cover hotel/food etc when they were not on the cruise. Well worth the minimal cost IMHO if the whole thing was cancelled (Like Royal Caribbean did out of Galveston this week as well).

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So does this thread indicate that we need to add 'insurance ' to the following list ...




price drops after final payment

brands of beer


... all being topics that we ought best just leave alone? :)


(Am I leaving anything out?)


I am never for limiting freedom of expression - even if I am in total opposition to what is being said. I realize you may be saying this tongue in cheek but that's a slippery slope….

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Insurance options can be very complicated. Even a good TA can not offer them all, or explain them all. Not a slam against a Travel Agent at all. Just a reality.


Some will just sell whatever is easiest. Some will sell the most profitable. Some will sell... whatever they think is best. Just the way it is.


If you go to insuremytrip, you will see such a wide range of policies. If you were a TA - it would be hard to decide which one you would carry in your "regular day to to day business".


I don't disagree with your statement at all. My point was - if your are trying to do your job to the best of your ability, you would try to taylor the policy to the needs of the client. That being said, of course not all TA's are created equal - but that's true in any position, any where. I'm sure the site you speak of is a good one as many use it. Again - it's a matter of how much you want to do yourself - many on the boards here prefer to do a lot of the work themselves - it's in their nature to not let go of that control. They want to know all about the trip - that's why they are on here to begin with.

Edited by arf2005
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Well no actually we should not leave those topics alone


Because all of the topics you mention plus insurance are very important to be fully informed about when cruising


Debate is fine over these topics because tons of info can be learned by debate


It is when the topics you mention become off limits that information is not being divulged


It is a slippery slope we go down when information and opinions and debate are NOT allowed because the topics can either become heated or the topic bothers someone for no real reason


I know your post was made sort of joking but with all the censorship and irresponsible journalism going on these days plus the cultivating of a " sheeple society" the simple debate over cruise hot topics should be something we cherish and happy we can still have the debate over it.





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I don't disagree with your statement at all. My point was - if your are trying to do your job to the best of your ability, you would try to taylor the policy to the needs of the client. That being said, of course not all TA's are created equal - but that's true in any position, any where. I'm sure the site you speak of is a good one as many use it. Again - it's a matter of how much you want to do yourself - many on the boards here prefer to do a lot of the work themselves - it's in their nature to not let go of that control. They want to know all about the trip - that's why they are on here to begin with.


fwiw it really is best to buy your own insurance and I too use insuremytrip.


I avoid third party things whenever possible as one can never be 100% sure when bankruptcy/fraud/etc will rear it's ugly head


I never buy insurance from the cruisline or airline for that reason and I always check my credit card online to make sure the TA, who is quite reputable, charges it correctly and I see NCL etc on my statement.


I don't believe everyone is fraudulent nor that every company is going bankrupt, but I am alert and able to do research and follow up that is why I personally do things myself...that coupled with the many many incidents that I and I am sure many posters here have encountered over the years....


an incredible lack of competence in the workplace!!!LOL


You know those Cust. Service/PVP folks who tell you something totally incorrect and the customer just goes with it and doesn't ask for specifics....or reconfirmation of what they just said.


Too make it easier to relate to......just think of how many times you had to make 3 calls in order to get the same answer twice!!! lol



Sad and maybe even funny...but true.

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Lighten up a serious amount. It was 100% humor! Geeze...


Ok I know it was humorous and I suggested as such


But with everyone drinking the " kool aid" by the barrel these days you would be surprised with how many here would believe your post and opt out of free speech. Btw I know this is a privately owned message board that is subject to censorship but that is not my point


In general many are just letting their rights slip away and why

Because they just don't realize what is being taken away from them.

Edited by Crusin6
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On one hand I see many travelers saying travel insurance is a waste of $$$, and how they can afford a incident or the price of a trip cancellation.


On the other hand I see many threads regarding cruise prices and how everyone is trying to get the lowest fare possible for a upcoming cruise. All of a sudden, a $100 price drop means a immediate call to the cruise line for a better deal. If you can afford the initial price paid for the cruise, and even eat that price if something arises causing cancellation. Then why bother calling looking for a better rate after a price drop?

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So you are saying that one should just buy medical and evac trip Iinsurance then? Ok I see your point but I prefer to Insure my $10000 med cruises and $6000 airfares for cancellation as well.


Just because I am willing to spend $16000 at a minimum to take the 6 if us to Europe every 4 years doesn't mean I can afford to lose it if we have to cancel if one if us or an immediate relative gets ill hurt or worse.


Remember not everyone travels solo or as a couple. Those if us that bring families know that cancellation is a possibility and prepare for it.


And honestly I would be the fool to not insure a $16000 trip. I bought $20000 in coverage for $400 last trip. That us less than $75 a person and I don't consider it an investment by any means. I consider it a cost of doing business. Which is Travel and making memories!


Fwiw. I still think some posters here might be thinking in terms if $279 cruises out of Miami and they don't bother to insure them for cancellation. I am thinking much more expensive cruises.

As I said, the key is to buy insurance for risks you can't comfortably absorb on your own. For cancelation insurance, this threshold will be different for every person based on their financial situation and the cost of the trip. Our cruises cost approx $5k for a family of 4 including air. If I lost the cruise it would hurt but we would get over it, so I don't bother with cancelation coverage.


On the other hand I am planning a bigger trip in a few years that will cost around $16k and be a great life experience for my kids. That one I'll probably buy cancelation insurance for, because we're saving for it over several years. We would not want to lose the life experience of the trip so we will buy insurance to cover the cost of replacing it in case something happens.


Make sense?

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I ordered up another policy for our upcoming ten night cruise in two weeks which cost a mere $155. Hell, the wife spends more than that on new cloths before every trip we go on. With round trip air covered by frequent flyer miles, and booking the cruise after a decent price drop, I feel the policy has been included in the package free. I hope we dont use the policy, and I'd wish this for anyone who travels. We all know things happen, even to us young and healthy folks.

I look at insurance from a strict risk/benefit perspective. I don't like buying insurance that I don't need. The policy in your example wasn't free - it was $155. The fact that you spend more than that on clothing shouldn't be a factor in the insurance decision.


On one hand I see many travelers saying travel insurance is a waste of $$$, and how they can afford a incident or the price of a trip cancellation.


On the other hand I see many threads regarding cruise prices and how everyone is trying to get the lowest fare possible for a upcoming cruise. All of a sudden, a $100 price drop means a immediate call to the cruise line for a better deal. If you can afford the initial price paid for the cruise, and even eat that price if something arises causing cancellation. Then why bother calling looking for a better rate after a price drop?

I don't understand your post. What does insurance have to do with price drops? Of course lots of folks want to pay the lowest possible price for their cruise. That's why price drops are a frequent topic here.

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I've purchased insurance for 1 of my 3 cruises so far and not purchasing any on this upcoming one. My husband and I are covered with global medical through work. The only cruise I purchased insurance for was when we travelled to Florida for a week then did a Caribbean cruise. I didn't purchase through the cruiseline because I wanted trip cancellation and interruption on the pre-cruise portion (which we booked independently). The rest of our cruises, including the next one, we're just driving to the port nearby and we are willing to lose the cost of the cruise versus the cost of insurance for cancellation. If we didn't have the medical coverage through work we would have purchased insurance for each on.

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As I said, the key is to buy insurance for risks you can't comfortably absorb on your own. For cancelation insurance, this threshold will be different for every person based on their financial situation and the cost of the trip. Our cruises cost approx $5k for a family of 4 including air. If I lost the cruise it would hurt but we would get over it, so I don't bother with cancelation coverage.


On the other hand I am planning a bigger trip in a few years that will cost around $16k and be a great life experience for my kids. That one I'll probably buy cancelation insurance for, because we're saving for it over several years. We would not want to lose the life experience of the trip so we will buy insurance to cover the cost of replacing it in case something happens.


Make sense?


Sort of. But last time we took a cruise for $5000 my Insurance cost $135.


And we were delayed by a hurricaine and had expenses costing a mere $300 so we were lucky. Interestingly on the return ride from the airport to home I needed to call a limo at a cost if $175.


My bil was to pick us up on the original Saturday return as he wasn't working and of course at no cost. But since we returned on a Tuesday he was working so we had to hire a driver. The insurance paid!!!


We had no hotel costs because we were on a cruise in the gulf.


No airfare issues because JetBlue is wonderful and got us home that Tuesday


Others who were on air Canada couldn't get out until Friday.


It is not about cancellation that scares me it is about delay.


I still find it interesting that anyone would risk losing $5000 instead of paying $135 to secure it. Especially with kids.


Again it is the delays. Missed connections. Medical expenses. Accident potential. Etc that is costly.


What would happen if your kid is hurt while at the Atlantis waterpark and needed immediate attention? Or better yet leave the Atlantis out what if he were hit by those maniac moped drivers in Nassau and fractured something?


However if all you are concerned about is cancellation then why not buy a policy because if you are ok with losing $5000 then what is the big deal to pay $135 to insure that you would not lose the $5000 and as an added bonus insure against delay and medical as well because the chances are you will be taking the cruise anyway

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I learned my lesson the hard way. We have never even thought about buying insurance for any of our cruises. Four days before we were to leave 3 weeks ago I fell on ice down my front steps and missed my cruise due to a 8 day hospital stay. We did get some of our money back such as prepaid excersions, diners, port taxes and fees only lost money spent to upgrade from comped inside to aft balcony room. We have another cruise booked already for this October and I have been pricing insurance packages for that one. Never again without insurance!

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Sort of. But last time we took a cruise for $5000 my Insurance cost $135.


And we were delayed by a hurricaine and had expenses costing a mere $300 so we were lucky. Interestingly on the return ride from the airport to home I needed to call a limo at a cost if $175.


My bil was to pick us up on the original Saturday return as he wasn't working and of course at no cost. But since we returned on a Tuesday he was working so we had to hire a driver. The insurance paid!!!


We had no hotel costs because we were on a cruise in the gulf.


No airfare issues because JetBlue is wonderful and got us home that Tuesday


Others who were on air Canada couldn't get out until Friday.

Glad things turned out OK for you, but not sure your story helps your argument... you only had expenses of $300 which I assume you could afford to cover yourself.


It is not about cancellation that scares me it is about delay.


I still find it interesting that anyone would risk losing $5000 instead of paying $135 to secure it. Especially with kids.


Again it is the delays. Missed connections. Medical expenses. Accident potential. Etc that is costly.


What would happen if your kid is hurt while at the Atlantis waterpark and needed immediate attention? Or better yet leave the Atlantis out what if he were hit by those maniac moped drivers in Nassau and fractured something?

If my kid were injured in a Caribbean port (G-d forbid) I would take her to a local hospital and use my regular medical insurance which provides international coverage. If we had to cut the trip short we would buy plane tickets and go home, cost say $1,500. If an air ambulance were required that would be covered under my medical evacuation insurance policy. Again, medical and evacuation coverage are the two big ticket risks that I want to be sure I'm covered for.


However if all you are concerned about is cancellation then why not buy a policy because if you are ok with losing $5000 then what is the big deal to pay $135 to insure that you would not lose the $5000 and as an added bonus insure against delay and medical as well because the chances are you will be taking the cruise anyway

Because anytime you buy a policy from an insurance company you expect to lose money on the deal. They have calculated the odds very accurately and charge you a premium for any risk you pay them to assume. Here is a simple example:


-Say a cruise travel package cost $5,000. You want to buy trip cancelation and interruption insurance.

-Suppose the risk of something happening to you is 1% and if it does, the average out-of-pocket expense would be $2,500. Your expected loss is 1% x $2,500 = $25.

-An insurance company will write you a policy that covers that risk but they will charge you $50, which includes their profit and overhead.


The $25 difference is money I'd rather put in my pocket by acting as my own insurance company. This strategy works so long as you can comfortably afford to take the loss. If the potential loss increases beyond your comfort level, that is where it makes sense to buy insurance.

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I self insure plenty if stuff. Like my appliances for one. And actually my story does help my argument as my insurance cost $135 and my out if pocket was $300 so after reimbursement my out if picket was only $135 not $300 It also points out that it even covers small stuff and the stuff we don't think of like my return driver from airport to home



But with 6 people traveling I gladly buy Insurance as I do not want to cover 6 airfares etc.


As for my $300 cost. I did say I was lucky but that was because JetBlue was able to book us for that day.


Anyone on air Canada. Us air or delta had to wait approx 3 days to get out. Who would pay those costs of food room etc.


We book 2 rooms in hotels and a typical dinner out costs us $200. My costs would have been $2000 out if picket had I not been on JetBlue oh and plus a rental van if not able to book the airport hotel. 6 people usually need 2 rooms and a minivan.

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Again, I think trip replacement insurance is generally a really bad deal, but that's me.


However, many have mentioned medical coverage. I have a fairly whitebread Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, and that covers me internationally. I've had other plans over the years, including strict HMOs. They--without exception--also covered me internationally, albeit not 100%.


Do people (well, US residents) really have plans that do not cover them outside of the country (I'm excluding evacuation here)? It seems that most carriers would be more than happy to pay $1000 for a seven day hospitalization overseas rather than what they would be paying out in the states.


If so, that would certainly be a valid argument for trip insurance. However, I'm finding it hard to believe most insurance carriers do not have an overseas provision of some sort.

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