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Solo Fun Aboard the Sunshine for BC7 (Feb. 16 - Feb. 23)

Leo's Rule

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Saturday, February 22, 2014 (Last Sea Day 3)

I’m up at 6:30! I get ready for the day and head to Sunset Restaurant around 8:45 so I can pick up my Bloggers t-shirt and was greeted with a massive line! I feel so bad because there was one girl whose face I know, but I never could remember her name and she would always talk to me. I was standing behind her in line for the t-shirt. Once I made it inside the restaurant I was shocked that we didn’t have breakfast in there; the one time I thought food would be served and it wasn’t. So after collecting my shirt, I make my way to Sunrise for breakfast and ended up being seated with Stephen and his brother as well as an ex coworker, her husband, and another lady. My old co-worker looked familiar to me and I to her, but we couldn’t figure out where we knew each other from and I happened to mention the company I worked for in later conversation and she told me which department she used to work for while with my employer.


Our server was slow, but at least our food was hot when it arrived. I learned from Stephen that a bar hop was taking place on the ship at 1 pm. I wasn’t going to go, but decided it would be cool to film them. After breakfast I head to my room and grab my cup that I will use later that evening for our glow party and fill it with the Orange Passion Guava Berry juice. Once I return the room, I place my juice in the fridge and start packing my suitcases, but didn’t completely pack them because I knew my alcohol would be delivered and I needed to place it in my suitcase.


I really didn’t find a lot to do in the FunTimes, so I didn’t make a great effort to leave my room. I did head out around noon because I wanted to do the trivia at 12:30, but I didn’t stick around for it long because it was based on a music genre I didn’t listen to in the 90s. I head back to my room and noticed it still hadn’t been cleaned, but that was no biggie for me, but I did run into my room steward. I left him with his tip and didn’t stay in the room long because I needed to get to the meeting place for the bar hop.


While waiting for everyone to show up, I learned a poker draw would take place at the last bar we visited. I wasn’t going to participate because I can’t play poker, but then decided to borrow $6 from James C. so I could play too; David T. had to convince me to participate. I didn’t have cash on me and didn’t have enough time to go to my cabin, that’s why I had to borrow it from James. Let’s just say we had a blast doing the bar crawl/bar hop and got strange looks from some people and cheers from others. Two of the funniest moments are when John and Calvyn saw us; John had to pose for a photo and the second funniest moment was when 10+ of us came piling out of the glass elevators. The people waiting to get on were like WT-F? LOL. You just had to be there. If you haven’t had one, you must try the Caribbean Colada from the Red Frog Pub! OMG, it’s so delicious…and I don’t even like Pina Coladas! Havana Bar was our last stop and that’s where the poker draw took place. I was the last person to go up and what do you know; I won! I walked away with $215!!! Thanks Dave for talking me into participating!










There was a digital scavenger hunt taking place and I wanted to play. I entered 15 minutes into the game, but it was a losing battle because you really needed to be on a team IMO. One of the things we had to look for was an employee from a certain country and I ran to the casino in search of him or her. One did work in the casino, but they were busy dealing cards; I’d find an available employee in one of the gift shops. While in the casino and I ran into two of the Divas; Debbie S. and Ashley H, and Debbie invited me to JiJi’s for dinner at 6:30. I accepted in a heartbeat. And before you start saying I flaked on Ashley and her husband; I did not because they were supposed to join us too. I may have completed 5 or 6 things off the scavenger hunt list, but I gave up because I didn’t have a lot of time left and my alarm went off for me to head to the Liquid Lounge. I head there and noticed some people had on their Bloggers shirts. Oh no, I’m not prepared for our group photo. I run to my room to change my shirt and run back to the lounge. I learned that I was early for the photo; that didn’t begin until 5:00, so why was my alarm going off? Then it hit me, I needed to be present for the raffle of the cruise! I didn’t win, but a blogger did win the free cruise. Next up was bingo and I wasn’t staying for that. I asked Mike, Ashely’s husband, to save my seat because I was coming back at 5:00 for the Blogger’s Farewell party.


I head to my cabin once again and try to assemble my crown that I was going to wear to the Farewell Party/Glowing Home Party. That crown gave me hell and I gave up. It was almost 5:00! I don my glowing accessories and head to the party. We had free flowing drinks and hors d’oeuvres. I don’t recall what was discussed in the Farewell party, but whatever it was, it was taking long. John had somewhere else to be and we needed to get cracking with the group photo. We posed for many pictures, but I think the highlight was when Calvyn was asked to turn his back to us and John motioned for all of us to turn our backs as well and Radu took the photo. I think Calvyn may have suspected something, but I don’t know for sure.



Group photo, but our backs aren't turned in this photo


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As the event was ending, I asked Ashley and Mike what time were they heading to JiJi’s and that’s when I learned they weren’t joining us. Ashley wanted to tip her waiters and there was a particular dessert she wanted that night. I really didn’t feel like dressing up tonight, but called Debbie to ask what she was wearing and based on her comment, I changed out of my t-shirt and put my blouse back on.


I make sure I’m on time for JiJi’s tonight. I left my cabin around 6:20. Debbie was already seated and the waitress remembered me from Thursday. When I was seated I informed Debbie that Ashley and Mike wouldn’t be joining us. I don’t recall how many drinks I had at our Farewell Party, but I was somewhat full and it was hard to make sure I didn’t let food go to waste. JiJi’s is family style and I don’t recall how the ordering takes place; you’re allowed so many items from each section of the menu based on the number of people in your party; whatever the number was for 2 people, in one section we did order something additional.


We had the Tamarind & Shrimp Soup, Pot Stickers, Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet & Sour Fragrant Shrimp, and Steamed Jasmine Rice with Shrimp. For dessert we ordered Fried Wontons and Crème Brulee. For the life of me I can’t recall what we had for drinks; I just know I ordered whatever Dee (John’s new assistant) ordered Thursday night; she said it was good, but I disagree. I enjoyed everything we ordered; even the sweet and sour shrimp! I don’t know what they did to the sauce because it tasted nothing like the crap I’ve had before. I generally do not eat sweet and sour anything.

Debbie and I chatted for a long while, and then we parted ways.


Up tomorrow are pictures and the continuation of the last sea day.

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I love your review. We will be sailing on the Sunshine for NYE 2015 and are so excited. This will be only our second cruise so we are still newbies in training and still have a lot to learn. I think it is great how social you are and it seems you have met many people through your cruise travels. I only wish it were that easy for me. I spoke to a few people on our first cruise but it never really went further then a conversation in passing. Your excursions looked like so much fun. :D

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Love this review!!! Cant wait to see more pics!! We just booked this yesterday,and so anxious to read anything about the Sunshine...We're fresh off the Breeze so the depression is settling in, but with one now booked, I think can hold on ...for another 341 days, lol

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I love your review. We will be sailing on the Sunshine for NYE 2015 and are so excited. This will be only our second cruise so we are still newbies in training and still have a lot to learn. I think it is great how social you are and it seems you have met many people through your cruise travels. I only wish it were that easy for me. I spoke to a few people on our first cruise but it never really went further then a conversation in passing. Your excursions looked like so much fun. :D


Thank you for reading it. I'd love to do a NYE cruise at least once, but the price always deters me. I always tell people that I'm shy, but noone believes me. LOL It helped that I met so many great people on here and elsewhere. I was concerned about being alone and not knowing anyone. I had two cruises prior to BC7 and my attention was focused on those and not so much on interacting with the group for BC7, but that changed after my surgery. I'm sure you'll be a social butterfly. :D Some people you'll connect with and some you just won't. Though you have a ways to go, have fun on your upcoming cruise!


Love this review!!! Cant wait to see more pics!! We just booked this yesterday,and so anxious to read anything about the Sunshine...We're fresh off the Breeze so the depression is settling in, but with one now booked, I think can hold on ...for another 341 days, lol


When you least expect it your countdown will be in the single digits. I think you'll enjoy the Sunshine, just be prepared for some of the smells near Liquid Lounge...if they haven't been addressed.

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When you least expect it your countdown will be in the single digits. I think you'll enjoy the Sunshine, just be prepared for some of the smells near Liquid Lounge...if they haven't been addressed.


Well if it smells anything like when we sailed on the dream,we'll be fine,lol


Sent from my SCH-I415 using Tapatalk

Edited by jolyroger
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Pictures from breakfast and the Bar Hop



I did something different and ordered fish for breakfast; it was good



This was either Stephen's or William's breakfast



I don't recall who ate this; it looks good, but I just can't do runny yolk



We got the biggest laugh on this dish. Someone ordered tomato soup and we were like, WoW, that's it? But then the server came back and poured the soup in. LOL



The bar hop continues. I do believe that was my 2nd Caribbean Colada



Ward and I being silly

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Well if it smells anything like when we sailed on the dream,we'll be fine,lol


Sent from my SCH-I415 using Tapatalk


LOL. I haven't sailed on Dream yet, but since she's in NOLA now, I may do another cruise from there...we'll see.

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The new mascot for Carnival. I had to be sneaky to get this...they wanted the professional photographer to take the photo (he did), but I wasn't paying $15 for this...no way


Pictures of the JiJi Menu




The numbers you see in the circles corresponds to the region of Asia the foods were "born"








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The food!













Debbie and I. Our hostess had to tell us to turn the signs...we originally had them where the word "Ho" was read. Oops.


After dinner at JiJi’s I head to my cabin to grab my light-up cup; I figured why let my glowing accessories go to waste. When I arrived to my cabin I noticed that my liquor had been delivered, so I spent some time getting my luggage in order and then I placed what I didn’t want to lug around outside my cabin and headed to the 10:15 comedy show. It was a full house; not a seat to be found, so I stood in the corner and watched Rob Little’s performance. Rob is an absolute fool; I enjoyed his show! At one point he was picking on someone in the audience and she threw him off guard because she told him to eff off. You had to be there; it was funny. But why did I know the person he was teasing? I teased her about it on social media once I made it home.


After the show I posed for a picture with Rob and then I walked around the ship a bit before heading to my cabin to call it a night.



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Rob and I



My bed mate


Sunday, February 23, 2014 (Debarkation Day)


Boo hoo is all I can say. I wasn’t ready to leave. I got ready for the day and I called Ashley to see if we were still meeting for breakfast and we were. We enjoyed our breakfast and then went our separate ways. I wasn’t in a big rush to get off the ship since I was headed to my hotel, so I camped out on the Lido Deck for a while. Eventually I said the wait was for the birds and I decided to disembark.


Can I just say that I hate the Port of New Orleans? The whole process is just off to me; I can’t really explain it other than the fact that there is one line leading to the Customs Officers and it’s a mess to me. But once you made it to that area, there were several lines to leave. Thankfully I paid a porter to gather my one bag; that made the process a little better.


Once outside, I was shuffled around a bit because I was by myself and my porter kept trying to get me a shared ride, but I ended up in a taxi by my lonesome. I saw John Heald hop in a limo as I was leaving. My hotel was maybe a 5 minute drive from the port. When I entered the lobby it was packed. So many people were checking in or trying to find a room. I gave my bags to the staff since my room wouldn’t be ready until 3 and I camped out in the lobby and worked on my review. I could have gone out for the parades, but it started to rain and all I had was my small umbrella. I logged on to FB and discovered Kevin Z (a crazy guy I met on the ship) was staying in NOLA with some of his friends who were also on the cruise and we decided to meet up for dinner later that night.


The hotel staff called me and informed me that my room was ready. “Pretty Ricky”, the flirtatious bellhop, took my bags to my room and I tipped him for bringing them up. I felt like a celebrity because we passed many rooms on my floor, but in order to get to my room you had to use the room key to get through a bank of doors. I really enjoyed my room. I needed to charge my phone, so I spent some time charging it and I needed to rearrange my luggage and place the alcohol I purchased onboard in my luggage. While I was in my room I thought I heard a noise, but ignored it. Then the noise seemed like it was taking place in my room, so I walked around to see what was going on….why was someone entering my room!!!! It was the maid and we frightened each other. She said she was told to come clean the room. I should have called down to the front desk to see if they had in fact sent her, but I brushed it off. She apologized for the mixup and exited my room.


After that I had to find some place to hide my valuables since there was no safe in the room. That was a first for this chain because all of their other hotels I’ve stayed at always had a safe. After securing my valuables, I head out of the hotel and surprisingly I was able to catch the tail end of some of the parades. I caught a bag full of beads, but had to give it away because I couldn’t carry it on the plane; I already had my carry on, my purse, and I was only paying for one checked bag. After watching the parades I headed to Café Du Monde for beignets. When I arrived there the line was crazy ridiculous, but I waited and it was worth the wait. I purchased some jewelry on the way back to my hotel and put it away. I had a couple of drinks at the bar and phoned Kevin to make sure we were still on for dinner.


I believe I left my hotel around 7:30 pm or 8:00 pm to meet them at Harrah’s hotel. We ended up going to Manning’s for dinner. I wasn’t that impressed with their food, the burger I ordered was ok. But I was blessed because Kevin’s friend paid for our meals. We hung around a little bit and then we all went our separate ways. I was a brave soul because I walked back to my hotel in the 10’oclock or 11’oclock hour by myself. I showered and called it a night. Technically I should end it here, but I have to talk about the awesome breakfast that was served the next morning. The cooks deserve an award for that breakfast. If I find myself in NOLA again, I will definitely book there again. I’ll end by saying that I made it home safely and I thoroughly enjoyed myself on BC7…so much so that I’m booked for BC8.


If you have questions, please free to ask.



My goodbye to my bed mates



The hallway where my room was located



A glimpse of my room



Airport bound...figured I'd spare you the pics from the parade


Thanks for reading the review

Edited by Leo's Rule
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