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Walking on Sunshine: Spring Break Review


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Katie bought Colton a stuffed tiger shark at Maya Key. Roatan the Shark and his new owner napped on the way back to the pier.




This is another one of those "Is he sick or just tired?" moments as Colton had a meltdown about the time we got off the little boat. It was a 5 hour excursion and sometimes it's just hard to know, you know?


We were walking about to the ship when he suddenly said his head hurt and then he just "lost it". I don't know that I've ever seen him cry that hard before even when he was so ill as an infant.


We sat down on a bench and Katie rocked him while I dug out the Motrin. (Have child/will travel with meds) After he took the Motrin he felt better within about 5 minutes but Katie and Kristie took turns carrying him back to the ship. Once there we took his temp (none) and put him down for another nap while we snacked on room service grilled cheese sandwiches and cookies and brought from home Smart Water. Colt was fine when he woke up a couple of hours later although he, again, fell asleep during dinner.




Too bad, because he missed the best desserts of the week (although he made up for it on other days. Chocolate Ice Cream is his friend.)









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Thursday, March 12 found us tendering in Belize City, Belize.


This was a MESS! We had room service breakfast at 6, watched the ship port, and, after yesterday's need of a tardy pass, we were in the lounge well before our appointed time today.


It went very well, although it was running about 10 minutes behind, until about the time our number (45) was called. Just about the time 45-47 were called those who had priority tendering from milestone status or FTTF were also released to go to the tenders from the area where they had been stationed. So, suddenly, the stairs were clogged with both sets of people vying for the same area and space. We were on the stairs for 45 minutes as we attempted to go down 3 flights of stairs to get to the tender. It was a mess! Members of our excursion were on 3 or 4 different tenders. We took the tender and then immediately got on another (tender size) boat to get to our excursion on Caye Caulker for the Sharks, Rays and Island Getaway, and, although it didn't take but about 10 minutes to gather everyone from the various tenders, by then we were an hour late getting started. Our excursion was supposed to be 5 1/2 hours and it was, we got back about the time the ship should have sailed. There were 3 other excursions later than us so we sailed about 30 minutes late. Pretty impressive, all in all, that it wasn't much later.


The excursion was wonderful. It takes about a hour to get to the island but there is some sightseeing involved on the way there.


A house just sitting in the middle of the sea.




Mangrove Forests





An abandoned looking house in the middle of the mangrove forests.




several islands - one with a golf course, landing strip, huge mansion, guest houses which are available for rent, swimming pool, etc.


there is a brief stop to order lunch and change clothes/take a potty break before reboarding the boat and heading to the sandbar to find the nurse sharks and sting rays. During that break a gentleman from the island brought a sea star (starfish) for us to see. Kristie is a biology major who teaches high school science. She was most intrigued with it as was her nephew. She reminded us that most sea stars can only live an hour or two out of water, this one was out of water about 10 minutes.







After Mr. Sea Star was back in the water we headed to the reef and sandbar for some real fun.

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We saw lots of sting rays. I have "done" Sting Ray Alley in Grand Cayman. I liked it better from the point of view that I thought the guides were more interesting and explained things better. Our guide this time just kept saying, "Be careful where you step.". Well, Duh.


Our guides in Grand Cayman explained to "scoot" along the sea floor, never raising your feet, so as not to accidentally step on a ray. I showed that technique to Colton and he was good to go. We were in very shallow water so even he could touch the watery ground.


There were lots of rays of varying sizes. We also saw lots of conch shells.















It was a bit cloudy and Colton got cold. I took him back to the boat and the others went with our guide to the reef for some more snorkeling.


Although the excursion is billed as "Rays and Sharks" the nurse sharks were in low supply.

Colton and I saw two sharks. One small one as we got back on the boat and another (maybe the same one although it seemed larger?) as it swam under the boat and out the other side. Katie and Kristie saw one as they were swimming back from the reef.

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Oh my. That tendering doesn't sound fun. Geesh I don't like having to stand in the stairwell trying to get off the ship. I've encountered that before!


OK so about the Belize excursion, the water was shallow enough for your grandson to get in and enjoy? I've been thinking about this same tour but wasn't sure what the rest of us would do while DH snorkeled. But if it's shallow then I suppose all of us could go in (he's a very good swimmer, kids are still learning, and I can't swim at all). How did your grandson handle such a long day? I thought also about just staying on the ship in Belize with the tendering and all.

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Oh my. That tendering doesn't sound fun. Geesh, I don't like having to stand in the stairwell trying to get off the ship. I've encountered that before!


OK so about the Belize excursion, the water was shallow enough for your grandson to get in and enjoy? Did he need or wear a lifejacket? I've been thinking about this same tour but wasn't sure what the rest of us would do while DH snorkeled. But if it's shallow then I suppose all of us could go in (he's a very good swimmer, kids are still learning, and I can't swim at all). How did your grandson handle such a long day? I thought also about just staying on the ship in Belize with the tendering and all.


It was VERY shallow. He did wear a life-jacket - our rule - but I don't remember if they were required or not. He did well. He got cold and I took him back to the boat dried him off, warmed him up, and he played with his stuffed shark and we read a book, too. He fell asleep as we headed back to the ship but, by then, he'd had lunch and played and done lots of things.


Last year when my husband, son, his GF, and I did a similar itinerary I spent the Belize day having a Spa Day - mani, pedi, hair, facial - it was awesome. They did the zip line and cave tour.

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Geography/Biology Lesson:

The Mesoamerican Reef in the Caribbean Basin is the largest coral reef in the Atlantic Ocean. The reef extends nearly 700 miles from the Yucatan Peninsula to the Bay of Islands in Honduras. More than 500 species of fish and 65 types of coral live within the large reef system. The Belize Barrier Reef is a part of the Mesoamerican Reef system. The reef extends from Ambergris Caye in the north to the Sapodilla Cayes in the south. This 185-mile-long reef covers an area of 237,962 acres and is protected by the UNESCO World Heritage program. The reef includes a phenomenon called the Blue Hole that’s visible from space.


The Girls had a great time snorkeling in this reef again in a second country. Katie says she could have snorkeled all day if given the opportunity. Since they were snorkeling near the sand bar it was still very shallow so it was trickier not getting too close to the reef and risking killing a piece of it.


Kristie said some species of coral can sting divers and snorkelers who brush up against it. Hydroids, commonly found in shallow reef beds and resembling plume-like plants, also cause stings, as do some types of sponges. Reactions to a sting from one of these animals typically appear as a rash or inflammation lasting for a few days. Katie must have brushed against one of the stinging creatures since she emerged from the sea with a rash on her arms that lasted several days. Thankfully the ship sells hydrocortisone cream since that's about the only thing I hadn't packed in my first aid/medicine kit.


I'm going to have to study up and figure out what all these creatures are so I can label them. My biologist is too busy preparing for state mandated testing to do it for me.













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It was VERY shallow. He did wear a life-jacket - our rule - but I don't remember if they were required or not. He did well. He got cold and I took him back to the boat dried him off, warmed him up, and he played with his stuffed shark and we read a book, too. He fell asleep as we headed back to the ship but, by then, he'd had lunch and played and done lots of things.


Last year when my husband, son, his GF, and I did a similar itinerary I spent the Belize day having a Spa Day - mani, pedi, hair, facial - it was awesome. They did the zip line and cave tour.


Thanks! Something for me to conisder. Love your review.


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The boat's captain found this and brought it on board just to for Colton. He told him it was a baby octopus which, obviously, it's not. It's a sea star but we've chosen not to disillusion the 5 year old and we've allowed him to think it's an octopus. One of these days he'll figure it out on his own.




After everyone was back on the boat we headed back to Caye Caulker for lunch. It was a tasty lunch, ready for us as soon as we got there since we had placed the order earlier. The price was good but I didn't have anything but 20 dollar bills so I needed change...which arrived in Belize money. I left part as a tip and gave the rest to our room steward. We ate at pre-assigned tables. Ours was next to a grill area that had tables and swings for chairs. Colton played on the swings as we were getting settled and our food was arriving and again after lunch.




It was a great place for a child. There were dogs to pet, things to see, a swing, good food, people asking if you want anything else and rushing to get it for you. Life is good when you are 5 and well-behaved because the adults in your life expect it from you.




Katie's lunch - she's used to Dad's fillets. She wasn't sure how to eat the uncut version but after a few tips from good ol' mom, she got it figured out.



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Caye Caulker






A hurricane split the island in half. The Split is now their swim and play area.






On the way back to the ship we saw (and the guides fed) tarpon.




and the Colton Nap World Tour continued.



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There were several ships in port that day.






Without the stops we made going to the Caye it was a shorter (and speedwise must speedier) ride back to the port.


The captain of our excursion boat said he used to tender his excursions directly to the ship but that Carnival has told him he can no longer do that so we got off one boat and onto a tender and then off that tender boat and onto the ship. As previously mentioned we got back to the ship about the time it should have been sailing and there were 3 or 4 excursion groups still


It was the second elegant night and, although we had photos taken, we could never find more than this one of Kristie.




Kristie took this photo of a room down the hall from us...I guess it never hurts to advertise.




Colton was still not feeling right and slept through dinner again. He was sad to realize he'd missed his towel animal. P3130357.JPG


We decided to take him to the infirmary after the Friday excursion. Funny thing, he woke up on Friday and was his normal self again. Whatever was "off" with him vanished in the night.


Tomorrow: Cozumel and the Dolphins!

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In November when I told my daughters what I wanted to give them for Christmas Katie immediately sat down with Colton to show him photos and YouTubes of Carnival Ships, Sunshine in particular, and shore excursion ideas.


He saw a dolphin and, remembering a trip to Sea World two summers ago, asked if he could pet a dolphin. She laughed and told him maybe. When she told me what he'd said I decided to make certain it happened. On Christmas morning when he checked his stocking to see what Santa had left there was a photo of the Dolphin Swim and Lunch shore excursion and a note from Santa explaining that Colton would have to wait until Spring Break to get to use his gift. Almost as wonderful as his reaction? Children 5 and under are free with a paying adult. HavinsNest Family Motto? Never pay full price.


Friday in Cozumel was Colton's big day. We got up early, had breakfast and set out for our excursion, again making certain to arrive early at the meeting spot. When Santa booked this excursion it was for Chankanaab National Park but by the time Spring Break arrived it had moved to Dolphinaris. I can't rave enough about this excursion.


It was very well organized (although they do exit you through their photo sales area) and it was lots of fun. Life jackets are required, an all you can eat buffet lunch is included, the trainers are very knowledgeable (ours was quite passionate about the animals), and the 40 minutes in the water with the dolphins seems much longer. They run a lot of people through this place (I admit to wondering about the dolphins although they seemed in great health and appeared to be enjoying showing off - one of them kept nudging Kristie as though she wanted a "love"). There are 20 dolphins and I think I counted 8 pods of people, each with two dolphins. There is a separate area for Dolphin Encounter people so that is probably where the other 4 dolphins were. They do not allow you to use cameras in the water. Supposedly for the safety of the dolphins. Perhaps so but it certainly helps their bottom line since they sell a lot of photos and videos of their own that way.


We got our wrist bands and headed towards the lockers - rental was just a couple of bucks, as I recall. You can snorkel and swim after your dolphin time but we chose to eat, do a little shopping (had to buy The Boy a shirt and stuffed dolphin, doncha know?), and watch other groups in the water. The excursion is over at a set time - a 3 hour excursion. Taxis take you to the Dolphinaris and pick you up from there arriving about every 5 - 10 minutes so I got the impression you could stay a while longer if you were so inclined. We left just after the 3 hour point and did a little shopping in the terminal area as we wandered back to the ship.













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What a great review, thanks very much. We can't wait as we sail in 24 days.


The spiney creatures in your pictures are sea Urchins, they are edible, but the spines are their defence mechanism and they can break off like a splinter in your feet or hands if you force yourself on them. Can be painful


Fire coral is another underwater living creature to stay away from


Glad you had such a nice cruise with your extended family.



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Wow you got lots of pictures. From what I've read they are very expensive. Do you remember the cost?



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Photos are my vice. I don't drink. I don't cuss. I don't smoke. All in all I'm probably boring to most people. ;). So I spend money on photos. Between whati bought on board the ship and what I bought at the dolphin place ($168!) I spent over $400 on photos.


Thing is when I am old and demented I won't remember any of this but I will look at the photo albums and scrapbooks and think, "Boy, those people look like they are having fun!".

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What a great review, thanks very much. We can't wait as we sail in 24 days.


The spiney creatures in your pictures are sea Urchins, they are edible, but the spines are their defence mechanism and they can break off like a splinter in your feet or hands if you force yourself on them. Can be painful


Fire coral is another underwater living creature to stay away from


Glad you had such a nice cruise with your extended family.




I knew the urchins. We think it was fire coral that found Katie.


Once I get this review finished I am going to start iding fish. Currently riding my stationary bike and will work on the review when I finish.

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Havinsnest - enjoying your review!


Thank you!


Will do more tomorrow. Our son and his fiancee' booked a Carnival wedding today for December 21. We've spent the evening making/coordinating Christmas Wedding/Cruise plans with daughters and son and other family and friends!!! SO excited.

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I tell everyone what good experiences we've had with Carnival's Guest Services. Our first cruise part of our luggage went into the Gulf on the last morning as luggage was being off-loaded. We were treated better than I can explain - including a free cruise and all our losses paid for as well as new luggage.

It's a good thing that was our first experience because this cruise had several negatives with guest services and the shore excursion desk.


I booked two different excursions which said "5 and under" free. I did a screen shot of the details online of both excursions and printed out them screen print. I got charged for Colton both times. I called my PVP, he put me in touch with the shore excursion department by email, and as I was writing my email to them I realized the second excursion changed to "3 and under" as I was writing the email so I included my screenshots.


The excursion people answered within an hour. The person said, yes, it had changed but I had ordered before the change and they owed me for two excursions. I was to go to the shore excursion desk once we got on board and they would refund me the price of the excursions as OBC. So, the first thing we did when we got on Sunshine was go to the excursion desk. The man working there said his boss was on break but he would try to help me. I always travel with a binder that I call my Travel Book. It includes everything - passport, tickets, hotel confirmations, copies of documents, copies of emails, and what have you.

I showed him my paperwork, emails, screenshots, etc. He picked up the shore excursion book and showed me where the Dolphins were free for Colton but not the Sharks and Rays. I pointed out the emails addressed that issue. He said come back when the boss is here about that one but sign here for credit for the Dolphins. It took three more trips and several conversations before I finally got the second credit.


Went to the Dolphin excursion and two tickets said Dolphin Swim and one said Dolphin Encounter. The guides put me in the Swim since they could see a mistake had been made. Got back from the Dolphins to discover I had been charged another $129 for the Swim. Back down to the shore excursion desk with all my paperwork. Ooops. Their error. YA THINK??? They finaaly gave me a OBC refund. But, it's all good...I was going to spend that money on photos anyway.


As I'm dealing with the shore excursion fiasco, Kristie is trying to email with her husband. Except her internet minutes are gone. Except they aren't. They show as there but they won't work. She called Guest Services and the next 65 minutes was just one dumb thing after another. First they told her it was an error and they would get it back on. When it didn't come back, she called again, and they told her it was MY error and I had to go to the GS Desk and show them my card so we can reactivate her S&S card. Which I did. Still nothing. Another phone call and they told her SHE had requested them to untether her account from mine.


In her words....

if you focus on the negative, you could have a really awful time. Believe all the bad reviews you see, if you want, but we have a lovely balcony, wonderful waiters and fantastic room steward and are having a wonderful time. Just ignore the messed up folio problems (somehow my folio was untethered from the group AND inactivated), the missing photographs (my mom tends to BUY ALL THE PICTURES), the total lack of non crowded public areas, the craptastic shore excursion desk staff and it's all good.


Yes, they untethered her account from my credit card and then tried to convince us SHE had asked for that to happen.


Um, no. This was my gift to my girls. I promised the trip wouldn't cost them a dime. She definitely would not have untethered her account. They finally blamed it on a computer crash the day before and we were finally all back online. Except they gave her her minutes and then gave me the same amount. Back downstairs to let them know we had too many minutes. I was assured no, we didn't have too many minutes. Well, maybe not but *I* didn't buy 395 minutes! I finally gave up trying to convince them they were giving me something for free.

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Katie spent her day getting more sun.




Colton and I did another Build A Bear that is a Monkey (for cousin Elisabeth who is 20 months old)






Look Mutti, this is your room.




And this is mine!




Thank you, Mommy, for taking me to play on the slides.



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