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EQUINOX - 10 Day Ultimate Caribbean - Picture Trip Report 3/14/14...


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I'm really enjoying your trip report and accompanying photos.


We've booked the 10 night Equinox for next February, which will make it three years in a row we did a February 10 night Equinox cruise! We considered the 11 night for next year, but we really love the 10 night itinerary. It will also be our third year in a row with Gina and the boys on Calabaza.


In addition, we're booked on Silhouette TA 11/1/14 and also the Silhouette TA 10/31/15.


Have you ever done a TA? They are wonderful! 15 glorious days!


Thanks for your comments. Never have done a TA... I think I would like it because I love Seas Days.



Kevin Reid

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Thank for your comments. Never have done a TA... I think I would like it because I love Seas Days.






Kevin Reid



If you like sea days you will love a TA. and they are usually very reasonably priced especially if you book early.



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Wake Up it is St. Patrick's Day




Hideous! I agree. St Patrick's Day means zero to this 6th generation Irish Canadian. Like most of us Irish Canadians and Irish American my Irish fore fathers were forced to leave Ireland because of the potatoe famine and immigrated to the very green land of PEI in the mid 1800's. When going to UPEI I received a bursary from the estate of an Irish bootlegger for being a Male Irish Catholic. The ship was middy decorated for St. Patty's Day with a few shamrocks pasted here and there nothing picture worthy like Christmas. BTW these Irish dollar store charm item went right onto the garage at the end of the day.


Today we are arriving USVI at the Havensight Dock. I think our captain likes to keep to schedule because if he could he would leave early and get to ports early. I like that. We are the first ship to arrive and pull in as far as possible because Carnival Valor (I so much want to spell this as Valour) and RCL Adventurer of the Seas are right behind us.




I see me a Canadian Flag on the dock do you see it?




Here comes Carnival Valor right behind us which had just left San Juan on Sunday. This is the first time I have seen this ship since we sailed on her March 2011. The conquest class of ships have very weird deck plans.You just can't walk across one deck you have walk up a couple then down. All this to get around the kitchen in the middle I think. The theme for Valor is Hereos or I think it should be called American Patriotism. In my opinion their decorating/theme comes off as tacky. Thank Good Carnival does not contract with that person/firm anymore. Oh! This is the Celebrity forum not Carnival lets get back on track.




Carnival Valor inching her way up her up to Equinox.




RCL Adventurer of the Sea finally coming into picture this is not the last time we will see this sister company ship along side us in port.




So it took me a while to get back to the Trip Report... thanks for sticking with me. I have quite a few pictures picked out for our day at USVI.



Kevin Reid

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USVI What to Do?


So this not the first time to this port for any of us... so what to do this time? But, first let me get this last St. Patty Pic out of the way? Don't blame me Donna bought those darn things.




From our cabin your get a view of how close we pull in.




That is mine to the left in the dark blue.




Our first trip to USVI in 2005 was on Century and we didn't dock at Havensight but, rather the other one I think it is called Crowne Bay. So did the natural rookie cruise thing and booked the ship's driving tour where we got to see the beautiful view of Magen's Bay etc. Here is a pic borrowed from a previous year we didn't go there this year. Hey borrowing is okay because they are my pictures!




Second trip to USVI 2010 aboard the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox we just ventured into town and window shopped and hung around Havensight. Last year we were back for our third visit and booked the ship offered Jeep Convoy self driven tour. This was excellent and we gave serious though about doing it again this year. Picture from last year in our yellow Jeep. First time ever for me driving on the wrong side of the road. Which was weird indeed.




The Jeeps are parked directly across from Carnival Valor. Good excuse to show you this nice little pano of Carnival Valor.




So for 2014 we decide to Venture back into town via taxi because Ken and NJ did not get there last year. Then back to ship and go up on the Sky Ride that is close to the port.


More to come for Day 4 stay tuned.



Kevin Reid

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USVI Downtown and Skyride




The taxi ride downtown was $4 per persons and they drop you off right about here. Donna just loves these "junk" tourist tents I am your typical man and I just follow behind looking for her coloured socks. You get this "sock" reference if you saw the comedian Fed Klett who was preforming in Equinox Theatre tonight.




Oh look! Celebrity Equinox is in Today.




I think Norma Jean also just noticed that Celebrity Equinox is in today.




Don't you just love the entrepreneurial spirit of some of the locals? Lets charge those tourists to use our washrooms. The women said the attendant was pretty stingy with toilet tissue. Lucky me I keep walking and found a free one.




Donna and NJ checking out the tourist treasure before taking taxi back to Havensight.




Stick with me the Skyride is up next.



Kevin Reid

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Firstly thank you for your interesting comments.


Dailies and Trivia: In the past I have only scanned the front cover of the Celebrity Today. But figured heck I going to try a Trip Report this time so I scanned everything. Personally I don't like to ruin the surprise so I don't generally read ones that are posted on CC but, I know lot of folks love them. That is just me. I love Trivia but I did not attend once this cruise. I have been pretty lucky in the past scouting the room and asking ringers to join our team. Sounds like your husband would be good. My strength is 70's and 80's pop music. Little story from our 2010 Equinox Cruise. They were having a 70's music trivia up in Sky one morning so during the game I had to continually get and up and fetch pencils. The person running the trivia, "boy you are sure using a lot of pencils." My response, " I am drawing the album covers for bonus points". :p Yes! Donna and I did win.


We love our "Anne of Green Gables" and Lucy here on PEI. Snow you can have it now. I am impressed that you know that connection. Generally when on a cruise and asked where we are from we usually say Eastern Canada. MY American friends please don't get offended but your sense of geography outside of the US is not good. Generally they have no idea where Prince Edward Island is. Of course, I probably could not tell a person from Scotland where the cities are in the UK either.


Thanks again for adding your comments,

Kevin Reid


The new picture you posted of the snow, when you could not get to your car, to me...it looks like buckets of Seven Minute White icing. That is a southern icing that involves using a mixer to beat icing that is cooking in a pot on the stove for seven eternal minutes, and the fear of getting electrocuted is very real, but my Mother was known as a good cook and we did it for her. it is divine tasting, and is as white and fluffy as that snow looks

I love your Trivia Story. We have played Trivia with Canadians on Princess a good bit, and you must have an excellent school system......because they are good. Good company too.


I read not only the first Anne Book, but all of the rest until she married Gilbert and had children of her Own. Lucy Maud Montgomery did a book(s) on "Rilla' and another on 'Patricia". Once on a long road trip home ( from NE Florida to NW Alabama, we played the radio tape of "Jane of Lantern Hill.'. All of us...my daughter, my husband ( went to college because he could kick a football very well) and myself,...were engrossed. We would stop to potty and gas up, and then rush back to find out what happened. Dinner was in Birmingham, and after ordering, We just had them pack it up, and we ate in the Car. Tears were shed by all of us when she had to leave her Father. We sniffed all the way through Bankhead National Forest. At night. With NO Streetlights. And we were all quietly sobbing over Jane's situation.


We finished it before we hit Muscle Shoals City, my hometown, and we still laugh about how caught up in that book we were.

Once My husband got so caught up in Tom Sawyer, that we had to listen to it on the way up. and on the Way back. Over 1.000 miles of Tom Sawyer.,I was a bit sick of Tom by the time we hit the Florida State line coming home, but.to this day, ....there is no trivia question about Tom Sawyer,that I have not been able to answer.


And how does your lovely wife stay so trim.....knocking back that delicious food you show in your delectable pictures.?

You totally make me want to take that same cruise. All four of you sound like so much fun.


And just think, when you are trudging through the snow, If Global Warming is real..........Canada is sitting in the Cat bird seat!! While you might not become Florida, you could be Kentucky....or Tennessee.....and enjoy a much milder climate. I love Florida. I whine when I get cold. But the snow...............looks terrific. You should submit your photos. They would make great Christmas Cards. Another essay. My double bad.

Edited by AmberTeka
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Back for a Quick Snack


Before going back to the ship Donna and Nj did a lit bit of shopping at Havensight. So after I took this picture I noticed a "No Picture Taking" sign really. Why?




The blue skys were cooperating today for picture taking.




We found a spot outside at the back of the Oceanview cafe. A beautiful day for sitting outside. I just love the rolls and bread they have at the Oceanview.




I just love this flag must be the Red and White colours in it. Doesn't this picture just make you want to be sitting out there right now?




Seriously the Sky Ride is coming up next. Keep your comments and question coming.



Kevin Reid

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The Skyride


Before I get to sky ride here is an other pano.




Last year we walked over to the Skyride and for some reason we decided not to do it. So I had a whole year to think about it and knew I wanted to go up. For Some reason I thought the price was $35... no it was only $21 which really isn't bad. If you want the chance to get some neat pictures then this is a must. The ride up is about 5-7 minutes and I did stick the GoPro out the window to catch some video. I honestly didn't even check out the shops I spent all my time taking pictures and video. I had all three main cameras with (2 Sony + GoPro)




The group self timed photo from my gorilla pod.




Now how neat is this next picture with all three ships and the beautiful blue sky?




A zoom in on RCL's Adventurer of the Seas...




A zoom in of the Prettier on the outside then on the inside Carnival Valor.




More to come...

Kevin Reid

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Finish Skyride and More Picture Wandering


I would be remiss if I did not include a zoom in of the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox. Do you notice how I keep repeating "Beautiful Celebrity Equinox"? Our captain back in 2010 would always start his daily announcement with that from the "Navigation Bridge". Wish you could also hear me because I am also doing that with my best Greek accent.




A shot of the cable cars coming back down. This picture reminds me of roller coaster picture taking moments when I would wait for the coaster train to be in the perfect spot.




Back down to sea level and the women went back to catch a few rays up on deck 14. While Ken I stayed and wandered around and took some picture beside I wanted to get a look/pics of Carnival Valor.




I like this aft shot of Equinox with her duck bill rear.




This is where the Jeep excursion leaves from that we took last year. Highly recommended.




We were not able to walk past this point. There is that Canadian Flag again.




Still some more picture wandering to share before the ship leaves USVI. Stick with me.



Kevin Reid

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More Wandering Picture Before Leaving


So back on the ship and I wanted to get into Tuscan Grill to take a few pictures of Carnival Valor from the windows. Before Tuscan here is a picture of the Molecular Bar. Every trip Donna keeps saying that she is going to try Molecular but never has gotten there yet.




The ensemble Lounge Bar which we passed by many times.






This is my favourite Speciality Dining Venue... Tuscan Grill the Aft Wake Window is priceless and besides the steaks and service are also excellent.




The big table from Silk Harvest.




The entrance to the Aqua Class only Blu.




Picture of the Sky Ride from Equinox.




Next up Leaving USVI and Murano.



Kevin Reid

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Still Wandering


The afternoon is getting late and the last people are flowing back, USVI was the only port that required a Picture ID. Celebrity security reminded everybody as they left to have their photo ID. But, people still fumbled thru their stuff looking for their ID.




Now that is a well kept building looks very nice.




Neat shot with the port in the background rather than the ocean.






Deck five which I think is the best spot to watch the ship(s) leave you are at a nice level to get pictures and videos. I have to give Donna credit for making me realize that this indeed is the best deck rather than 14/15. Sssh! Keep this a secret just between us.




Next up Leaving USVI.



Kevin Reid

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Three Ships Leaving USVI


I just love watching our ship and the other ships leaving and the main reason why we do not do the early sitting in the MDR. After this cruise with the flexibility of Blu I thinks our late MDR sittings are over. Future will be select MDR. Next picture Carnival Valor leaving Havensight with RCL ahead of them.




Sailboat coming back into Havensight.




This next picture is kind of neat with all three ships in the picture.




Then I rushed back up to Deck 11 to catch the balance of the sail away from our balcony. Of course i need a video of it from both directions.




Next up our wonderful first experience at Murano. But that will have to wait until later. It is getting late here on PEI and I have the season premier of "Game of Thrones" to watch.


Please stick with me and be sure to post your comments and questions. Thanks!



Kevin Reid

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Finish Skyride and More Picture Wandering


I would be remiss if I did not include a zoom in of the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox. Do you notice how I keep repeating "Beautiful Celebrity Equinox"? Our captain back in 2010 would always start his daily announcement with that from the "Navigation Bridge". Wish you could also hear me because I am also doing that with my best Greek accent.




I too imagine that being said with a Greek accent. We were on the last 10 day Ultimate Caribbean Sailing. Our second time doing this route on the Equinox. Absolutely fantastic ship and crew, and a beautiful set of islands! I also believe that Captain Michael was the Captain back in 2012 when we did this route.

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The day on Calabaza was fantastic !!... Mark and I would definately sail with Captain Danny / Andrew / Fabian again on the Calabaza. We highly recommend it !! All Smiles.... Beth :D


Yes indeed what a fantastic day, with an incredible extra bonus of seeing whales! Thank you again for the photos. :)

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The new picture you posted of the snow, when you could not get to your car, to me...it looks like buckets of Seven Minute White icing. That is a southern icing that involves using a mixer to beat icing that is cooking in a pot on the stove for seven eternal minutes,..


Yes! Donna's mother called this "seven minute icing" or "boiling icing". Donna recently made her mom's icing this past February.



I love your Trivia Story. We have played Trivia with Canadians on Princess a good bit, and you must have an excellent school system......because they are good. Good company too. .


I think the people who gravitate to trivia are generally good at it. My oldest son is pretty good at it especially world geography. On our Carnival Valor cruise we won trivia and they gave us a really nice little Carnival ship trophies. So I did find something that Carnival does better. When I get home tonight I will post the pic.


I read not only the first Anne Book, but all of the rest until she married Gilbert and had children of her Own. ..


I never did read any of the books but, did see the "Anne of Green Gables" play at the Charlottetown Confederation Centre. It has been running every summer at the Charlottetown festival since early 60's. Actually I think this summer is its 50th anniversary. I wonder if you might of caught the TV show "Road to Avonlea" which was shot entirely on PEI and set in the late 1800's? Maybe on your local PBS station?


Did you know that Celebrity does sail into Charlottetown? It is a stop on their Canada New England Tour. Chances are that there will be no snow at that time of the year.:D If you do please send me an e-mail.



And how does your lovely wife stay so trim.....knocking back that delicious food you show in your delectable pictures.?


Donna says thank you for your kind comments.



Kevin Reid

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Love your photos Kevin. Didn't think about it until you shared your photos but First In = Last Out @ Havensight which makes for a nice time in port. :)


The two previous times docking at Havensight we were not first usually was a Princess ship. Being docked where we were put us a little closer to the Mall or further way from Senoir Frogs depending on how you look at it. Speaking of Senior frogs we noticed last year that it was closed at USVI and Cozumel but open this year. Maybe depends on the # of ships in?



Kevin Reid

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Fantastic pictures really enjoying your review looking forward to the rest

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Why thank you for your comment. Hopefully you are getting to view the pictures on a screen bigger than your iPhone?



Kevin Reid

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Yes Kevin getting the pics on full screen on my PC just sending the messages on my I phone looking forward to more pics and updates soon , when will you be posting your next update ? we are going on the Reflection round the Eastern Mediterranean in July so very interested on your pics and reports on the ship and food !!



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Yes Kevin getting the pics on full screen on my PC just sending the messages on my I phone looking forward to more pics and updates soon , when will you be posting your next update ? we are going on the Reflection round the Eastern Mediterranean in July so very interested on your pics and reports on the ship and food !!



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Next picture update will be this evening when I get home from work. Tonight's recap will include the Wonderful service and food from Murano and hopefully get a start at St Kitts where we had tremendous fun Zip Lining. Happy to have you along.


We would love to do a Med cruise but, a few barriers. One flights from Canada are expensive. Two - We live for our summers on Prince Edward Island. Tourism along with Agriculture is our # 1 industry. When we lived 2000 kms away from PEI we would drive home to here for our summer vacations so there is no way we are going to leave here when we now live back here.


Celebrity Reflection I think will be a marvelous ship for your Med cruise. She is one year newer than Silhouette that we spent two weeks on last year.



Kevin Reid

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I think the people who gravitate to trivia are generally good at it. My oldest son is pretty good at it especially world geography. On our Carnival Valor cruise we won trivia and they gave us a really nice little Carnival ship trophies. So I did find something that Carnival does better. When I get home tonight I will post the pic.


As Promised here is our Carnival Valor winning Trivia pose with our trophy.





Kevin Reid

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They don't? :eek:

That was my impression of your first picture. I expected to see Mrs. Lynde trundling up the lane to deliver news of great import.


Even during my party-til-you-drop years, part of me wanted Anne's life, and I wore those books out! Indeed, I can tell you, be patient. Soon will come "the capricious Canadian spring."


Great review. The Equinox was our first (and second) cruise. We love her, and I am very eager to sail her again. Thank you!


We love our "Anne of Green Gables" and Lucy here on PEI. Snow you can have it now. I am impressed that you know that connection. Generally when on a cruise and asked where we are from we usually say Eastern Canada. MY American friends please don't get offended but your sense of geography outside of the US is not good. Generally they have no idea where Prince Edward Island is.

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The Wonderful Murano


The person who came up with idea of... "Lets charge our guests extra for a separate dining experience" is quite simply a genius. Our first cruise 2005 Celebrity Century no such a thing as "Specialty Dining". FWD to 2010 and on Equinox for the first time and seen these places called Speciality Dining and thought, "Why would anybody pay extra to eat when the MDR is excellent and free?" Actually that rational is still valid today. Nobody is forcing you to pay extra so stick with the MDR if that is your thing? Our first "specialty" was 2012 on Solstice at Tuscan. Booking Aqua Class we were offered 50% off first night so the plan all along was book Murano 1st night but, waited to long after boarding to book. While booking Silk Harvest the person offered Murano and Tuscan at 20% off so we booked both then later Donna and I booked Tuscan for Lunch on the last Seas Day.






Murano Warning: If you don't like to be pampered while dining do not book Murano. In my opinion the food is only half the experience the show put on by the staff is the other half of the experience. Just try to exit Murano to use the washroom and somebody is rushing over to open the door for you. When you come back to your table your napkin is already gone and they have a new one placed and ready to go.




Did any body notice the picture above was not Equinox's Murano but Solstice's?


Donna and I were always a little nervous to try Murano because well you already know we don't like fish and pretty much meat & potato folks. We looked at the menu many times online and finally decided lets just try it.




Left Side of Menu which offers a wine paring with each course. Not for me because I paired everything Evian and Coke.




Right side of the menu which we ordered from. Sorry not the best pictures of the menus but it is all I got.




We all ended up ordering the Chateaubriand for Two or four in our case.



Kevin Reid

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