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The Cheapy McCheapsters spend Spring Break on the Carnival Breeze.


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Well, we spent our final Spring Break ever on the Carnival Breeze last week. I figured I'd share some. I won't do a "whole" TR thing, because, let's face it, I have the attention span of a gnat and will wander off eventually. I figure I'll share some info about the cruise, the islands and the shore excursions we chose. By no means was it the best trip ever, and I feel a little bruised in the heart of those who would consider it the trip of a lifetime(!!!) but it was certainly fun and a good value. So if you're interested in tagging along, the more the merrier. It was a loooooooooooooooog ride. To Miami.

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Our summer vacation, which is usually a couples trip turned into a family trip in 2013. We spent a week on the Disney Fantasy in Concierge. Spent enough for a small car.


So, we decided our Spring Break trip, which is our usual family trip would have to be (ahem) budget friendly. Oh, and Caroline, who is a bit of a spoiled turd, wanted Carnival. Only Carnival. Because, Carnival is the "BEST CRUISE EVER!!" and Disney is boring...But, at least Carnival is budget friendly. So it worked for me. Sort of. Except for being sick to death of the usual Eastern and Western itineraries and very gun shy of freezing temperatures. So, in the end it was decided that we'd sail Carnival (budget friendly) on the Breeze (newest ship) to the Southern Caribbean for 8 nights (hopefully warm).


We had to sail from Miami though, which was unfortunate. The thought of spending 20 hours shuttling down I95 with two teenage girls and my husband in earphones warbling made me want to stay home. Alas, I could never find airfare for less than $700 PP and that, my friends was not budget friendly.

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We left for Miami at 0500 on Friday the 11th of April. We made good time, and were in Miami by 2:30 ish.


I'd done some research on park and sail in Miami because, unlike Port Canaveral, Miami is a PIA to park and cruise from. Being spring break week, even though I booked far in advance, my options were pretty limited. I ended up using my trusty tripadvisor and going for the highly rated (though really not so much by me) Hampton Inn Blue Lagoon. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Well, really, it wasn't so much. But it was clean and they had a shuttle to the port. Huzzah. It's close to the Miami airport, so no pretty beach views. A major highway running outside. Basic room. There was a Publix across the street that we walked to ( or played frogger to) to pick up last minute needs. They had a free little "business" center that allowed me to print luggage tags (more on that later :blech:) and a pool that it was too chilly to swim in. But in the end, we parked, went to Publix, ordered pizza. Then I had a major melt down. We went to sleep and woke up the next day for an 11 o'clock shuttle to Port of Miami.


The shuttle was a bit of a nightmare. Lots of people pushing and shoving and lots of large groups and chaos. For those of you who know how easily annoyed I am, need I say I was annoyed? But we got there. In one piece.


So, for those lucky families hopping on the Disney Wonder out of Miami. The Blue Lagoon is an option. With our without my glowing review, it does it's job.

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I booked this cruise ages ago...Maybe last spring? There were plenty of room options available but since we were going with "budget friendly" I chose for the first time. Ever. To book two side by side INSIDE state rooms. I was slightly panicked about it. But, I figured as a Princess who's irritated by many a pea, I can take a coconut once and a while.


So, I called Carnival and talked to my trusty PVC. (Or something like that I can't remember the cutesy names) and requested side by side rooms. I chose two rooms on the 8th deck. Directly next to each other and told the PVC that myself and Angus would be in one, and the two girls (both 17) would be in the other. Though Carnival does allow you to book rooms for children for some reason, on that day the trusty PVC wouldn't let me. So, not wanting to argue and then sit on hold forever, I said, fine, whatever and put a girl and an adult in each room, planning on getting the keys corrected onboard.


So fast forward to April 11th, 2013. Imagine you're hunkered down in the "business center" at the Blue Lagoon. You pull up your online check in, print off your luggage tags (a cost cut here, no welcome package in the mail, all is printed off your printer) and at that point, you realize, without permission and with no notification your room are now on two totally different ends of the ship. Instead of directly next door aft rooms, we had an aft and a forward room. Still on Deck 8.


I called Carnival, and I was pissed, but realizing that my current PVC had not done the deed, I tried to remain calm, but explained that we WOULD have two rooms together. Like I booked. A year ago. Because per Carnival's rules, the girls couldn't BE on the other end of the ship, and I had no intention of bunking with anyone except Angus.


After being on hold forever. They found us two rooms together. Down one deck to 7, but I didn't really care. I know for a fact that at least one other person got a surprise, because I got a welcome on my bed that had someone else's name on it, so they must have had a new room when they checked in in the morning.

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So, this is when we stop being a day by day trip report. As I said. Attention span of a gnat. I did a lot of read and I doubt you care much about that. But I will share things about, A- Cruising Carnival B- Cruising the Carnival Breeze and C-whatever else pops into my mind I think to share.


Soooooo...crazy mobs and get on a shuttle to the port- which is 15 to 20 minutes away. Check in is quick and surprisingly easy for such a big ship. We arrive at the port around 1130 and are onboard by probably 1215. Angus didn't get busted smuggling booze. Our rooms were open and ummm..super small. :dazzled: I think more than missing my balcony and natural light ( which drove Angus nuts by the end of the trip ) I missed having someplace to sit besides a bed. Tiny, tiny, tiny room. But budget friendly! :D If I ever was dying to do some super exotic, expensive cruise and I could only afford an inside, I could do it again. Alas, Angus said he couldn't. But, it wouldn't be the first time I left him home.


We explored the ship. Nice dining room, boring crap shops, (remember when they actually had some NICE stuff for sale in the duty frees on board?) a smokey casino. The ship was well decorated. A few areas poorly planned. Let me tell you my most persistent annoyances with ship planning while we're here.


1- Seriously- when you build the "Serenity" area for 21 and older with nice loungers and clam shells, do NOT put it directly behind the giant waterslide, spray area. I shouldn't have to say that.


2- the drink stations, were ridiculous! It was hard to find them ( juice, lemonade, tea, ice and water) and then at each one there was ONE ice machine. There's like 4500 people on this boat, folks. One ice machine per corner does not cut it!


In all honesty, the ship was not bad. I felt kind of snuggly in the tiny dark room. The guest areas were still new looking and clean and bright.


It was ok.

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I can't remember much. We tried to hang out in the "Not quite Serenity area" and I had my kindle. But, it was chilly, grey and overcast. We quickly lost interest and went inside where we did, I honestly can't remember. Hence why no daily pages.


But, where I'm really going with this is food.

Let's talk about food.


The Lido deck food was "really" good. I remember a Guy's Burgers (good) a burrito bar (Angus and the girls liked it- I didn't eat there) with a salsa bar, a pizza place (really decent pizza open 24 hours) a deli, a tandoori grill (hit with Angus and the girls) a pasta bar, and the usual buffet line. You could seriously NOT be hungry for breakfast or lunch and the food was really pretty good. Which was a good thing. Because..


The formal dining room was freaking disgusting. :face: Seriously, I hated every single meal except for two. Of those, I "liked" one and one was OK. We make an effort on family trips to eat together in the dining room and this trip really tested my resolve on family meals because between the time spent, and the horrific food, it sort of sucked the will out of me every evening.

*In all fairness the rest of my family enjoyed the dining room more than I did and would say it was at least "ok" every night.*


We did not eat at any of the pay restaurants on this trip. We would have eaten at the upcharge steak house ( which is always very good) $35 pp- but couldn't get reservations. I waited too long.


There is a pay Italian restaurant $12 per adult or $7 per child but the menu didn't differ enough from the pasta bar to tempt me. There's a sushi place that looked good ( though I don't like sushi ) but I didn't hear great things about. A pay coffee and desert place that I never use, and a (free) BBQ on deck 5- I think daily that we never made it to.


Oh, and there's a free brunch on sea days in the dining room on sea days. I didn't go to that either.

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LOL Do you do stand-up?? I am enjoying your review. I have no plans to do any of it, but I am enjoying your story. (BTW, which one is the spoiled turd? - They are both nice looking, from what I can tell. Not turd-like or anything :)).


The one in the black shirt is my turd. The floral is her BFF who always travels with us. :)

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I'm pretty jaded about cruise shows.


Seriously, no one can hold a candle DCL's shows. Even their non production guests are awesome and with very few exceptions, I don't think there is any better cruise entertainment out there.


That said, DCL needs to hire this guy.



Seriously one of the best shows I've seen anywhere. Ever. The guy was hilarious, the whole theatre was laughing hysterically. I almost didn't go, thinking, "Meh, a juggler." I'm so glad I did. I really hope DCL picks him up soon. He's way good enough to be onboard.


Other shows we saw were a "magician comedian" Bobby Brizendine. He was good, though didn't hold a candle to Edge. He actually made some wise cracks about DCL during his show, to which I whispered to Angus, "he's saying that because he's not good enough for DCL to pick him up."


We saw a "Motown" show, a "Divas" show which were OK. Not great, but ok.


And then we saw the antithesis of Edge. I was actually a little excited about the "British Invasion" show featuring *British Legends from the 50s, 60s and 70s!!!*


Freddie Mercury would have hung his head in shame. They did "Let's Spend the Night Together", by the Stones so off pitch I couldn't get past it, and I ended up in a hysterical laughing fit ( ahem, not quite appropriate ) and had to leave.


Daily there were also games, DJs, karaoke, piano music. There's a piano bar which is wildly popular but was too crowded to enjoy and a comedy club that I didn't make it to.


So, you should be able to find something to do.

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*excuse my annoyance just finished up my whole Grand Turk section and my computer froze and I lost the whole thing* :headbange


We had four ports scheduled for this cruise. Grand Turk, Dominican Republic, Curacao and Aruba. I planned all of our own excursions without outside companies prior to the trip.


Grand Turk.

We've actually considered a dive trip to Grand Turk, and we've not made it work. It's a VERY small island, with not much to do. It looks like the cruise lines have bought up a huge piece of land at the port and made almost their own private island- called Margaritaville. I'm noticing the cruise lines doing this more and more often, you have to work to actually get away from them. Even on shore.


I'd considered a whale watch for this day, but it was very expensive and it's the tippy end of the season and the company warned me that I may see nothing at all. I gave up that idea and decided to just do a beach day. We had short and strange hours at this port (7-2) and it just seemed the easy thing to do.


Of course, I vetoed Margaritaville on principle. We instead walked down to Jack's Shack.




It was walkable, local and very laid back. We got there early, got some loungers, and spent the say in the sun listening to music, reading and swimming in the ocean. Oh, and hanging out with Jack's dog, Toper. He spends his days alternating between greeting guests, digging his way to China and swimming himself.



Here's Jack's once the crowd started picking up. It was still very laid back and not crowded at all. My only disappointment of the day was they were out of mint, so no Mojito for me.

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Weather was GORGEOUS. This photo is taken from the Margaritaville beach looking towards Jack's which is closer to the pier you can see..It wasn't a bad walk and I'd totally walk it again. We really enjoyed our day there.


The menu was beach bar food, burgers, jerk chicken, conch fritters and drinks. It really was a perfect day made better by the fact that I knew the day would be ok, and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

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Jack's beach..


Ship from the M'ville Beach.IMG_0651_zps771984c3.jpg


Honestly, 1:30 came too soon and we walked back for all aboard. The girls wanted to stop by the shops and look in some of the stores near the pier, (all owned by the cruise line) We didn't buy.


Soon we were back onboard, I'm sure taking a nap and getting ready for a nasty dinner and a show.


It was a good day.

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I should mention that I'd been to all the islands on this cruise in the past. Angus and I went to the DR on vacation before we got married. My impression was beautiful beaches but didn't like anything else about it. My original plan for this day was to stay aboard.


However, Caroline was having none of it so I started looking for something to do. DR is SO poor, and can be dangerous. I knew if we were doing anything, it would have to be all planned prior to arrival day. No wondering around looking to rent a car here.


My first thought was easy and lazy. I'd considered AI day passes to Dreams. ($60 per person plus cab ride) But, I decided that two beach days in a row might be pushing it. So I went to work researching and found Seavis Tours.




We ended up booking the Bayahibe tour to Saona Island. They had a set up with a specific cab company who met us at the pier and drove us to a marina. ($15 PP round trip payable on the way back) there we checked in and paid for the tour. $65 per person. This tour is very popular, and we were emailed prior to our trip to make sure we were going. The day was sold out and they had a wait list. Once we paid we were given bracelets and assigned a boat number. These were speed boats, not built for comfort, but it was another lovely day and they carried us out to Saona Island. It's a national park. Uninhibited. Lovely. There were things that could have been better. (A distinct lack of seating-we were lucky to be on boat two and got in early) but it was Easter week so they may have been above capacity.


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The tour included drinks, lunch (which was surprisingly good or I was just starving after another lack of dinner) and scenery.


A few warnings if you decide to go. Besides the chair situation, that was warning #1. The beach though pretty was very rocky and I felt like it was tearing my feet off. So, though I would have liked to spend more time in the ocean, I didn't because it was painful. There is no electricity or plumbing on Sanoa Island. There was a bathroom, but when they said that at the end of the day they "pour buckets of water into the toilet" to flush them, I wasn't going anywhere near it. :faint: It cut back my desire to drink much. They don't know what Diet Coke is :laughing: Angus came back multiple times empty handed when I sent him to get me one. I finally went myself and asked for Coke Light and, voila. :laughing: The beer was served in teensy, tiny dixie cups. Angus would go up and order 4 at a time. The junk hawkers somehow make it to the island and I was approached about 20 times to buy junk.


After a relaxing day at the Island, we got back on our boats and headed back to the marina. On the way there's a stop at a very shallow natural pool in the middle of nowhere that is highly populated by starfish. We spent about 30 minutes there and it was my favorite part of the trip.



The boats10302061_10203748351212124_8128525743150542711_n_zps61b07ab1.jpg


Angus with tiny beers.10155309_10203748358372303_191488551580919513_n_zpsb7eb8f24.jpg

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Was it last year we were in Curacao on the way to Bonaire?


I was looking forward to my Curacao day. It's a perfect "middle ground" for me. Though I'd prefer quiet over busy and Bonaire over Aruba, Curacao is almost "just right".


The biggest bummer was the hours. We docked at 2 pm and would be there until 11. Since the island is known more for diving & beaches than nightlife, it wasn't ideal.


Again, before we'd arrived, I'd planned out the day. We booked

http://www.irietours.com/ at $25 PP including an "open" bar on the bus. Beers, waters, soda.


The tour started at the port and was ummm slow to start. I think we were waiting on someone and sat in an open and HOT (the windows have been taken out of this brightly painted schoolbus) bus for a while. All the other busses ( I think they had 4 total) left us behind. The first couple hours was an island tour. We stopped at the Curacao liquor factory and had free samples (Yuk) and finally hit the Sea Aquarium beach. We didn't go to the sea aquarium. We walked to Lion's Dive Curacao and drank at their bar (finally a DELIGHTFUL mojito!) and used the free wifi. After an hour we were driven back to the port.


The island is pretty. Though now liberated (?) still very Dutch. I didn't get as many photos as I would have liked. It was tough taking them from the bus window.


I do have to say that I was very impressed that at the end of the tour I asked our driver who to pay and he said, "Me. But only if you had a good time."


We got back after dinner. (I was so not sad about that) and walked around town a little bit. It was already getting dark and then we lost Angus. And I found Tiffany's. Sadly, the lines were long and I had to find my husband so no shopping. (sigh) Keeping it budget friendly here folks, budget friendly.


We ate on the deck, skipped the show (it was the magician that night, I only remember because he played two nights in a row because so many weren't back on board )


Tomorrow Aruba.

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I can't remember much. We tried to hang out in the "Not quite Serenity area" and I had my kindle. But, it was chilly, grey and overcast. We quickly lost interest and went inside where we did, I honestly can't remember. Hence why no daily pages.


But, where I'm really going with this is food.

Let's talk about food.


The Lido deck food was "really" good. I remember a Guy's Burgers (good) a burrito bar (Angus and the girls liked it- I didn't eat there) with a salsa bar, a pizza place (really decent pizza open 24 hours) a deli, a tandoori grill (hit with Angus and the girls) a pasta bar, and the usual buffet line. You could seriously NOT be hungry for breakfast or lunch and the food was really pretty good. Which was a good thing. Because..


The formal dining room was freaking disgusting. :face: Seriously, I hated every single meal except for two. Of those, I "liked" one and one was OK. We make an effort on family trips to eat together in the dining room and this trip really tested my resolve on family meals because between the time spent, and the horrific food, it sort of sucked the will out of me every evening.

*In all fairness the rest of my family enjoyed the dining room more than I did and would say it was at least "ok" every night.*


We did not eat at any of the pay restaurants on this trip. We would have eaten at the upcharge steak house ( which is always very good) $35 pp- but couldn't get reservations. I waited too long.


There is a pay Italian restaurant $12 per adult or $7 per child but the menu didn't differ enough from the pasta bar to tempt me. There's a sushi place that looked good ( though I don't like sushi ) but I didn't hear great things about. A pay coffee and desert place that I never use, and a (free) BBQ on deck 5- I think daily that we never made it to.


Oh, and there's a free brunch on sea days in the dining room on sea days. I didn't go to that either.

You are right about the dining. I have been on eight Carnival cruises. Got off the Liberty a month ago. We really noticd the cutbacks. This ship was beautiful, but it had the 2.0 downgrades, Food, shows, ect. We still have not recieved a comment card online yet.
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