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Review of Dawn 7/24 What a week!!!


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Hello everyone.

Just got back from the Dawn 7/24. It was quite a week of excitements, entertainments, and shockers. I will try by very best to give a brief revview without boring everyone.

Sunday: We arrived at 10 AM to the NYC dock. It was crowded since there was a production crew ready to board as well. The staff of NCL had coffee, juice, pastries, and sandwiches so we would not starve as we waited. NCL seemed vary organize in checking everyone. I heard some complain that NCL was taking too long. However, I personally thought that with a crowd that magnitude it seemed fair the wait period. At about 1 to 2PM we were on board. Of course my son and I went straight to the Garden Rest. by the pool side and had a buffet lunch. By 4PM, I had located another cruise critic member and we met by the pool side on deck 12. We were ready to sail. She was loaded with party favors for the kids and adults alike. 4PM, we sailed, The other CC member I had just met started giving away party favors to everyone hoping that we could all celebrate our sailaway together, I noticed how many turned her down as they gave her a look as if something was wrong with her. I thought to myself that this must be a quiet crowd that did not want to be bothered, so I joined the other CC member in her celebration. We passed by the Statue of Liberty and the right under the Verezano Bridge, need I say it was a great feeling but I still did not feel like a start of a great vacation. By 5:30PM, I was in my cabin on deck 11 getting ready for dinner. My luggage had arrived in a timely fashion so I was abel to change clothes and I headed over to the Venetian where I was to meet the oher CC member. The Venetian was beautiful, white linen table cloths. Staff everywhere. The service was exceptional. The food extremely delicious. Highly recommended by this critic. After dinner we decided to check the night life aboard this beautiful ship. We went to the Spinnaker Lounge, Spinnakers Dance Floor,Dazzles Lounge, Pearly King Bar, Gatsby's Bar, Topsiders, Bimini, Casino's Bar; The music was playing everywhere. But where did everyone go? Everywhere we went, it was empty. We decided to check out the Teen disco, at last teens, teens everywhere. Oh well at least I knew we were not alone. though I think the teens thought we were crazy to be in there or we were sent by their parents to check up on them. None of the above. We decided to call it a night and let the teens have fun. End of Day One. I will come back to this thread later on today to let everone know how Day Two went.


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We'll be on the 8-21 cruise.


I read that someone said there was a Murder Mystery Dinner on Day 1. True?


Maybe there were people taking advantage of it and that is why they weren't in the other places. I'm hoping the 'soon to read' day 2-7 are a bit more festive.


thanks for the update/review, I'm looking forward for your next post.

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I was on the 7/24 sailing.


The brief highlights:


1) Saw live liftoff of the Space Shuttle on Tuesday

2) Saw Doris Roberts moping--yes moping--around the ship (although she did plop down in the middle of everyone at the private island)

3) A "hoped-for" reality show was filming their pilot show

4) It was by far the smoothest sailing ever. Never felt we were moving.

5) Saw escape artist chained and dumped into the pool, only to emerge 2 minutes and 15 seconds later with no chains on. AMAZING!!!

6) For second time this year, wondered who did "Edge" con into booking this juvenile, amteurish, sophmoric, embarrassing "act." Insult to Jean Ann Ryan company, given that they shared the same stage.

7) Second City was much funnier than it was earlier this year, possibly because they changed one of the female members to a much funnier one.

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I was on the 7/24 sailing of the DAWN as well!




I'm so upset to be home :( Its hard getting back to "reality"


I'lll be able to give my review late in the week !


Doris Roberts did'nt want to be bothered and seemed to be moping about that.

She was'nt rude to people but she was'nt very nice either.... she just wanted to be left alone (which i kinda understand...but the Dawn is'nt the sort of ship you go on with that sort of star power and then your gong to be left alone)

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Glad You guys had fun! That would be neat to see the Dawn on T.V., hope the show gets picked up. Babywewe, I know how you feel about being home I was soooo depressed. My Fiancee was so excited I was home, I walked in the house and was like beat it I need my car keys so I can drop of my film and reminice(sp?) Haha I have a picture of Colin and I on my desk. It took a good 2 weeks to get back to reality.

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Isn't it amazing that Colin is the only cruise director discussed on these boards.


I can't even remember a single cruise director over the years, except for him.


Oh yes, Ricky Martin on the Majesty. Two years ago, my daughter was not allowed to be with the teens even though she was a few weeks away from her 13th birthday. So, instead of having her typical very enjoyable cruise--since she is very good at meeting people--she had a miserable time. We tried to speak with Ricky Martin, but he wouldn't even come out of his office.


I think I saw him on deck once the entire cruise.

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Monday: Got up early for breakfast at the Garden Cafe, it is a large buffet style resturant of which half of it is turned into the Trattoria Italian resturant after 5pm. Breakfast was good but if you like scrambled eggs, I suggest you have the cook there who is making specialty eggs make you a fresh bash. The already made eggs seemed too watery for my taste so I asked him to make me a fresh back and it was great. After breakfast I went to Deck 13 to the Star Bar for the CC meet and Greet. Following the meet and greet The CC memdber I had met the day before and I went to the pool and sun bathe since it was a day at sea. There was activities such as pool bngo. After a while I decided to search for my son whom I had not seen all day since. So I walked around the pool deck and came to the kiddie at T-Rex. There were many kids playing at the pool. There is also a jacuzzi for the parents if they wanted to stay there with the kids. There is a day care for the kids so parents can enjoy some time alone. The baby sitting if free of charge, They also have a late night which is 10PM till 1AM for $5.00 an hour. My kid which in reality is not a kid was no where near the T-Rex but watching the children play distracted me from finding my son.I walked all around the ship getting a feel for everything. (still did not find my son) That's ok, He is not a kid. As I go through my little venture of searching the ship and trying to grasp where everything was, I hear a rumor that Doris Roberts is on board. Who's Doris Roberts, I ask myself, Oh yea! Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond. Well it is just a rumor, I have not seen her. By 3PM, I decide I go and find the CC member I had met the day before and have dinner. We had arranged to have dinner at the Bamboo. There is a cover charge but they were having a 1/2 off the cover charge special. Reservations required. Whe we arrived at the Bamboo, we realized that there was a misunderstanding with our reservations. We requested hibachi but that was full so our regular reservation was for the other areas in the Bamboo. Being that we would not be happy there. We decided to have dinner at the Aqua. Thw Aqua was very elegant but I personally think the Venetian was nicer. We hit the casino after dinner. The casino was sort of small but never the less nice. By now I was exualted since I had walked all over the ship. So I went to bed. Day 3 will be next much better.

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I also sailed on 7/24 Dawn, and Colin is just perfect for his job, he is full of energy and a delight to watch. Watching the shows that are aired on the cabin TV were a treat. I wanted to him to do a hour of "stand up" by himself, and I stated in another thread, I think he would be perfect for one man show on broadway. The week was definitely amazing, the ship is huge and you walk around not being able to find anything for the first two days. Doris Roberts seemed to mind her own business as she should have, she had a large group with her (around 25-30 people), I saw her early in the week and not at all toward the end. I thought she would be staying in the Garden Villas, but heard from friends on the ship that she was on Deck 9. Watching the Space Shuttle Launch for the first time was exciting. Best Wishes and Congradulations to Lance (Assistant Cruise Director) or Lancey as he was commonly referred to by someone, on the birth of his son Mark, over the weekend. The crew was great, although I think the Dining Room staffs are under staffed, as there is Waiter and an assistant, but no bar attendant or wine stewart as on most cruise lines. This probably allows the waiter and assistant to receive more automatic tipping, but it slows down the dinner process. It was interesting to be sitting at lunch at Aqua as we were pulling out of Nassau and just as we passed the lighthouse, you could notice as the ship slowed down, then we back up, there were two people on the pier, and the captain was gratious enough to go back and get them. Missed Bach's Escape in the pool, but did get into the small audience for the taping of Bluff, which confusses me. I heard all week that it was a gambling reality show, then we go to a taping of "What's my line", an improve comedy show, which wasn't bad.


Sorry if I stepped on your tread, but I didn't want to start a new thread to add my few comments. P.S. The casino is small compared to a real casino, but as cruise ship casino's go, I think it was a pretty nice size.

You are also helping me relive my vacation as I read your accounts, and think where was I at these times. - Thanks - Don't you wish you were still on the ship.

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Monday: Got up early for breakfast at the Garden Cafe, it is a large buffet style resturant of which half of it is turned into the Trattoria Italian resturant after 5pm. Breakfast was good but if you like scrambled eggs, I suggest you have the cook there who is making specialty eggs make you a fresh bash. The already made eggs seemed too watery for my taste so I asked him to make me a fresh back and it was great. After breakfast I went to Deck 13 to the Star Bar for the CC meet and Greet. Following the meet and greet The CC memdber I had met the day before and I went to the pool and sun bathe since it was a day at sea. There was activities such as pool bngo. After a while I decided to search for my son whom I had not seen all day since. So I walked around the pool deck and came to the kiddie at T-Rex. There were many kids playing at the pool. There is also a jacuzzi for the parents if they wanted to stay there with the kids. There is a day care for the kids so parents can enjoy some time alone. The baby sitting if free of charge, They also have a late night which is 10PM till 1AM for $5.00 an hour. My kid which in reality is not a kid was no where near the T-Rex but watching the children play distracted me from finding my son.I walked all around the ship getting a feel for everything. (still did not find my son) That's ok, He is not a kid. As I go through my little venture of searching the ship and trying to grasp where everything was, I hear a rumor that Doris Roberts is on board. Who's Doris Roberts, I ask myself, Oh yea! Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond. Well it is just a rumor, I have not seen her. By 3PM, I decide I go and find the CC member I had met the day before and have dinner. We had arranged to have dinner at the Bamboo. There is a cover charge but they were having a 1/2 off the cover charge special. Reservations required. Whe we arrived at the Bamboo, we realized that there was a misunderstanding with our reservations. We requested hibachi but that was full so our regular reservation was for the other areas in the Bamboo. Being that we would not be happy there. We decided to have dinner at the Aqua. Thw Aqua was very elegant but I personally think the Venetian was nicer. We hit the casino after dinner. The casino was sort of small but never the less nice. By now I was exualted since I had walked all over the ship. So I went to bed. Day 3 will be next much better.


Thanks for that, information, I was sitting here wondering who the heck 'Doris Roberts' was since I never heard of her! Now you have told me, and since that is a show I don't watch it isn't surprising I didn't recognize her name.

So how old is your son? And did he enjoy the cruise?

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pic22 -

I thought Lance (Or lancy) and having a baby was a total joke! On Live at 5 he said he did'nt have a wife or girlfriend.... the way colin told us he was having a baby made me think it was a joke. That his wife was having a baby and he has'nt seen his wife in 10 months LOL ! As i was leaving sunday morning i saw lance and i said "bye lancy!" Colin should have a late night, adult only comedy show ... because he loves the dirty jokes. Did you see the show where he told the "duck" joke and almost got himself in trouble.

I tried to watch Bachs escape from the pool but there was just too many people around the pool to see anything (even from the balcony). It was a pretty crazy thing to watch.... do you think he does that every week?


I wish colin would have my babies...

I mean... i wish colin would have his own talk show!


I could chat all day about our sailing! anyone who wants to email me can at wewe(remove this)@optonline.net

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That expalins it, I had a rough night Thursday:D to many blue hawaii's, I couldn't see if i was coming or going, all i remember that night was I had to go to the bathroom and ended on deck 12 by the pool!! Needless to say I slept most of Friday, even missed my excursion in the am. Owell I had a ball thursday night though ;)

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I was horrified when he did that.


She looked so sweet and well dressed (always was all week) and she did her hair so nicely to celebrate her 18th birthday that evening.


I hope she billed him Big Time for the ruined clothes and evening.


That was outrageous what he did and he should have been disciplined for that action.

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Tuesday: Breakfast, then straight to the pool deck to watch the Shuttle Launch. Colin was on top of things as he kept announcing the time of the launch and where to locate the shuttle. The launch was to take place between 10:39 AM and 10:44 AM. And it launched right on time. What an exciting moment that was. And I felt it to be the start and highlight of my vacation. I saw a large cloud of white smoke followed by a stright line of flame with a long smoke tail attached to it. It was amazing and then it dissappeared. Many applauded to this remarkable event. After the launch, we headed straight for Cocoa Beach. We were there for a fewe hours, then headed to Kennedy Space Center. Ticket cost at the center 22.00 per person for standard entry. By 6:00 pm, we started back to the ship. Once on board the teenagers went on their own. I decided to have dinner with my new CC friend. We ate at the "Le Bistro" Oh, My God. The food was out of this world. The service was exceptional. We headed back to the casino, walked around some more, burn those calories...and back to bed.


The murder mystery dinner was scheduled for wednesday. I still have not see Doris Roberts nor any of the production crew for the reality show Bluff. My son is 24, this was his first cruise, so I was working very hard to make it special. By the way, he dressed very well without jeans 3 night out of 7, the other nights he ate at the buffet. And even though it ws just the two of us traveling, he was making friends all over the ship.

Wednesday's event will follow soon.

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That expalins it, I had a rough night Thursday:D to many blue hawaii's, I couldn't see if i was coming or going, all i remember that night was I had to go to the bathroom and ended on deck 12 by the pool!! Needless to say I slept most of Friday, even missed my excursion in the am. Owell I had a ball thursday night though ;)


Had to go to the bathroom....woke up by the pool :eek: Hmmmm :D

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Wednesday: Had breakfast with my son. We arrived Miami. We left the ship not knowing what to do. We walked outside and saw the BB tours. We decided to take it. $18.00 per person and it takes you to Southside beach then to bayside beach, runs every 1/2 hour roundtrip continiously till 430pm. Once we arrived South Beach we walked around the streets and to the beach. The beach was sort of empty. We decided to go to Bayside and do some shoppng. Once we arrived at Bayside, we walked around some, took pictures. Around 3PM we headed back to the ship. Miami brought back fond memories from the last time I was there. As I pointed these out to my son. What a beautiul mother/son bonding that day was. Once back on the ship, I met with the CC member and we decided to have Tex-Mex for dinner that night. Well I'll be short and sweet. The food was good for those who like very spicy foods. I have a bean burrito with alot of water. Could not even finish it. I have read how many do not like the coffee on the Dawn, well I found it drinkable especially since I like strong coffee. After dinner we head back to the casino. Did I lose? Nah! I don't gamble. Can't lose that way, so I am always a winner. DId others lose? Did other win? Yep! Thursday get better. trust me

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Is Colin Kerr STILL on the Dawn?!?!?! I went this time last year and he was there and he was sooo much fun!!! I'm leaving tomorrow on the Dawn. He's still there?!?!?!?!?! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!!!! I'm so excited now!!!


<3 Carly

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