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Pink Boas and Pirates commandeer Vision of the Seas to Bermuda!

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Trying to at least Emmy. I've hit more bumps in the road trying to get this one done than ever before. Makes it a bit challenging to keep my audience.


You have a captive audience. We all know how difficult it is to work (especially after a cruise) and do an extensive review. Thanks for taking the time and we will patiently wait (well as patient as we can be...LOL)


I'm glad to hear the dock areas are safe. I love taking an evening stroll around the ship.


About the bus -- is it like boarding a 'regular' bus in the US? Mom has a walker that can fold up... and she can do steps, but it will take her a little longer... do you think the bus is do-able for us... or should we just to cabs? Also... the walk to the ferry from the ship... is it cobble stones or smooth pavement? When we get off the ferry are there cabs available? Mom would like to go to Mass on Sunday and I'm thinking we would take the ferry (if it runs on Sunday) and then take a cab. Any insight you may have will be greatly appreciated.


Your review is makes me happy!!!

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Still hanging in here with you. I know how tedious this is!! Will be on board Vision in two weeks. Can't wait!

Hope you have as much fun as we did!


You have a captive audience. We all know how difficult it is to work (especially after a cruise) and do an extensive review. Thanks for taking the time and we will patiently wait (well as patient as we can be...LOL)


I'm glad to hear the dock areas are safe. I love taking an evening stroll around the ship.


About the bus -- is it like boarding a 'regular' bus in the US? Mom has a walker that can fold up... and she can do steps' date=' but it will take her a little longer... do you think the bus is do-able for us... or should we just to cabs? Also... the walk to the ferry from the ship... is it cobble stones or smooth pavement? When we get off the ferry are there cabs available? Mom would like to go to Mass on Sunday and I'm thinking we would take the ferry (if it runs on Sunday) and then take a cab. Any insight you may have will be greatly appreciated.


Your review is makes me happy!!!



I'd call it easier than a US bus. They're smaller for starters. A walker will get stashed up front while you are on board, but it's not hard at all to grab seat backs for extra support.


The one thing that might be an issue is that the buses do get relatively crowded with locals so the seats might go fast. However, like I mentioned before, you've got a high chance of someone offering a seat fairly quickly.


Smooth pavement all the way to the ferry dock from the ship. You can see the dock across the way in the same picture with the ferry in it. It's just off center at the peak of the wake from the ferry's turn.


Buses and ferries both run on Sundays.

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We had a couple of things planned for Bermuda. Originally, they were planned with the kid in mind, but it wound up just being myself and Jolene off exploring. We were pretty sure Mimi wasn't going to be up to climbing through caves. Besides, she had her territory staked out on deck 5 and was perfectly content there for the most part.


So off we went. First stop, the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo. A.k.a.. BAMZ. It wasn't heavily visited during the time we were there, but it honestly should have been. It's a small zoo, but it makes up the difference in the quality of its exhibits.


The aquarium is of a decent size and the fish are mostly very healthy in appearance. A few examples....


Scourge of the Caribbean, the Lionfish


P1000274 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Lionfish are pretty but if you ever see one in the Caribbean, kill it. They're an invasive species that is causing some real trouble for the native critters in the Caribbean. Feel free to double check me on that if you want. My source is a buddy who is a regular diver in the Bahamas. He says they kill them and feed them to the reef sharks very commonly.


Sea Urchins in the touch tank


P1000285 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

This is one of the things that makes the BAMZ a good place to take your kids if they're cruising with you. This particular tank had several urchins, sea cucumbers, and a starfish or two that won't be bothered by a little hands on from the kids. Got a kid that grabs things hard? The urchin will teach a lesson on that very quickly, so be aware of that.


Monster sized Lobster


P1000268 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Hello dinner! Maybe two dinners... This guy makes the MDR lobster look like a crawdad with delusions of grandeur.


Mid-sized Grouper


P1000277 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Let's go outside to the zoo itself now....

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Outside the aquarium you come into the zoo itself. Not at all bad for a small zoo. The animals are relatively close. None are large (except a pair of Galapagos Tortoises) and you are in a near nose-to-nose meeting with more than a few. Possibly a shoulder landing monkey if the tamarin takes a liking to you.


They have signs up warning people not to grab at the animals as they will bite. Be aware of this is you take your kids. But don't let that prevent you taking you kids. They will enjoy it.


Posing for a close up


P1000302 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Golden Lion Tamarin


P1000309 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Note that this is not a zoom shot. He was literally that close and nothing between us but the air.


Ring tailed Lemur


P1000320 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

There are two of these guys. They pretty much ignore the people wandering through.


Flamingo Pond


P1000295 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Noisy birds! There was a constant racket from this flock the whole time we were in the park.


Overall, I'd give the BAMZ good marks for being more than you would expect and not being terribly expensive considering the costs on Bermuda.


Our next stop however, was something of a disappointment.

Edited by Darkwolfe
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Flamingo Pond


P1000295 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Noisy birds! There was a constant racket from this flock the whole time we were in the park.


Thank you for that photo. I love flamingos and am a flamingo collector, so I really enjoyed this one. Yes they can be noisy, but that's part of the fun. If I ever get to Bermuda, I'm going to go meet these pinkies!!

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I'll have more from Bermuda either late this evening or in the morning.


Spelunking and getting well "Swizzled"... Well not too swizzled. Just enough to enjoy.


I do really appreciate the feedback and encouragement.

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I'm going to redub this the "Cursed Review". *bang head on desk*


After we left the BAMZ, we took a moment to take a nice long look at the inlet Flats surrounds. It's very much the perfect image of Bermuda many people see.


Very colorful





After these two pictures we went back to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to take us on to our next destination, Crystal and Fantasy Caves.


As it turns out, these caves, while pretty, aren't really worth the price of admission. Sure the grounds are nice, but they're pretty much one room caves. If their admission was half what it is, it would be of reasonable value. I'm quite fond of the caves really, but I think I've reached a point where I'll be skipping caves on islands for the foreseeable future.


And I have a very strong suggestion for folks wanting to take pictures in caves. DON'T use a flash. All you are going to get is a washed out image and irritated companions. At the very least, use a shutter timer to take out jitter from your hands and a forced ISO of 200. It does work. I'm certain our real camera experts on CC can give much better advice on this than I can, but here are my results.


Fantasy Cave



Crystal Cave



Time to "Get Swizzled!" (When I get to the house in about an hour.)

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After leaving the caves, it was time for something nibble on and a cold drink of some sort. Bermuda is one of the most expensive places on earth to live, so I knew ahead of time that food wasn't going to be cheap. However, this was planned for and since we didn't really need all that much, it wasn't going to break the bank.


That being said, a soda, a rum swizzle (two small glasses worth), and a single order of chicken fingers will still set you back over $20! Still, even at that cost, the Swizzle Inn didn't skimp on any of the above. The chicken fingers were not little dinky ones. They were a good size and the split order fueled us well enough to run until dinner that night.


That Famous Sign


P1000330 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


The Swizzle Inn


P1000371 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Comfortable Pub Atmosphere


P1000369 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


The Oh-so-tasty Rum Swizzle


P1000370 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Got a bit of a chuckle out of our waiter here too. Talking a bit about our overall impression of the island and he commented that he was originally from Venice. Not California, Italy. He'd come out to Bermuda for a visit some years back and never went back to Italy. Just fell in love with Bermuda and stayed put.

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Great pictures of Bermuda! Looking forward to finally going there next year :)


Sent from my HTC smartphone using Tapatalk


You're going to love it, the island has a very different feel from the Caribbean.

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After we finished up at the Swizzle Inn, we got back on the bus and headed back to Hamilton to catch the ferry.


We learned something too, if you want to buy anything duty free in Hamilton, cut off time for your purchase is 3pm (They deliver to the ships like Grand Caymen). Unless you are leaving on a Sunday, in which case the cutoff is on Saturday! Thus I did not come home with any Bermudan rum. :mad: A lesson learned for next time.


A few random pictures from the day...



P1000373 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr



P1000375 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr



P1000380 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr



P1000383 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

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Our last morning in Bermuda has arrived. Mimi had plans to join us this time and we headed up to the National Museum. So also did most of the Pink Boa contingent aboard. The walking was relatively easy and Mimi had no issues getting around at all.


The Museum is set up so that people bound to wheelchairs will not have any major difficulty either. If there's a stairway, there's very likely either a ramp or an elevator very close by.


The grounds are kept very neat. The buildings themselves are clean and as close to pristine as one could reasonably expect for an historical site. Go and enjoy. It is well worth the price of admission.


Entrance to the National Museum if Bermuda


P1000384 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Statue of Poseidon with Mimi and Jolene


P1000386 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Comissioner's House


P1000392 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


If you look at the near corner of the roof, you'll see a camera enclosure. That's where the Port Bermuda webcam (That I know many of us have watched more than once) is located.


Jolene and Mimi getting somewhat windblasted


P1000393 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Coming up, more around the National Museum of Bermuda, Pink Boa Cruisers, and "Oh heck, we have to leave now".

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Our last morning in Bermuda has arrived. Mimi had plans to join us this time and we headed up to the National Museum. So also did most of the Pink Boa contingent aboard. The walking was relatively easy and Mimi had no issues getting around at all.


The Museum is set up so that people bound to wheelchairs will not have any major difficulty either. If there's a stairway, there's very likely either a ramp or an elevator very close by.


The grounds are kept very neat. The buildings themselves are clean and as close to pristine as one could reasonably expect for an historical site. Go and enjoy. It is well worth the price of admission.


Entrance to the National Museum if Bermuda


P1000384 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Statue of Poseidon with Mimi and Jolene


P1000386 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Comissioner's House


P1000392 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


If you look at the near corner of the roof, you'll see a camera enclosure. That's where the Port Bermuda webcam (That I know many of us have watched more than once) is located.


Jolene and Mimi getting somewhat windblasted


P1000393 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Coming up, more around the National Museum of Bermuda, Pink Boa Cruisers, and "Oh heck, we have to leave now".



Hello David ~ I LOVE the museum and the grounds there. Agree worth the price of admission. Enjoying your photos :)

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As we wandered the grounds around the National Museum, lo and behold, we find Pink Boa Cruisers out having a good time this day. Which happened to be Father's Day as well.


Well well....


P1000412 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Kathy, "Flat" Tom, Wendy, and Bill in the back. This is assuming I recall all the names correctly!


Found another Pink Boa!


P1000415 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Rick, Emmy, Willy (Harbormaster at King's Wharf), and Devina ( I believe that is her name. Someone correct me if I am wrong.)


Motley Crew


P1000422 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Jolene on the left, Mimi on the right, and your humble (if slow) review host in the back. Naturally I am maintaining my piratical style. ;)


Vision from just below the Port Bermuda webcam


P1000390 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

The web cam was literally about 3 feet above my head when I took this.


Next up, a glimpse into High Cave, the walk back, and leaving Bermuda.


Soon to come, entertainment on board, Nassau, an old friend to many, and one scalawag that gets into a wee nip of trouble....

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Thanks again for answering all my questions... you are the best!! I have a few more questions if you have time... :)


Is there a post office at the port? My Brother In Law is a stamp guy... and if there isn't one at the port I'll plan to get to the one in Hamilton before it closes on Saturday.


Did you walk to the National Museum from the ship?


Do they accept US money or should we bring some BD$.


Thanks for all the great pictures and information... just over a month before we leave!!

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As we wandered the grounds around the National Museum, lo and behold, we find Pink Boa Cruisers out having a good time this day. Which happened to be Father's Day as well.


Well well....


P1000412 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Kathy, "Flat" Tom, Wendy, and Bill in the back. This is assuming I recall all the names correctly!


Found another Pink Boa!


P1000415 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Rick, Emmy, Willy (Harbormaster at King's Wharf), and Devina ( I believe that is her name. Someone correct me if I am wrong.)


Motley Crew

P1000422 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Jolene on the left, Mimi on the right, and your humble (if slow) review host in the back. Naturally I am maintaining my piratical style. ;)


Vision from just below the Port Bermuda webcam


P1000390 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

The web cam was literally about 3 feet above my head when I took this.


Next up, a glimpse into High Cave, the walk back, and leaving Bermuda.


Soon to come, entertainment on board, Nassau, an old friend to many, and one scalawag that gets into a wee nip of trouble....



David you got all the names correct.:) :) Willy is actually the Dockmaster. The photo of me by the cannons is a capture off the Port Bermuda webcam :) It was 1 month ago that we were there enjoying Bermudaful weather


Linda O the National Museum of Bermuda is an easy walk from the ships although they do provide a complimentary shuttle that goes to various stops at the dockyard. US dollars can be used.

Edited by emmy
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David you got all the names correct.:) :) Willy is actually the Dockmaster. The photo of me by the cannons is a capture off the Port Bermuda webcam :) It was 1 month ago that we were there enjoying Bermudaful weather


Linda O the National Museum of Bermuda is an easy walk from the ships although they do provide a complimentary shuttle that goes to various stops at the dockyard. US dollars can be used.


Thanks Emmy for the quick reply.. .the shuttle is a perfect option for us. I know you posted a picture of it earlier... and I think that is so do-able for mom!! Thanks!

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David you got all the names correct.:) :) Willy is actually the Dockmaster. The photo of me by the cannons is a capture off the Port Bermuda webcam :) It was 1 month ago that we were there enjoying Bermudaful weather


Actually that one is one I shot, I was standing under the camera at the time so the viewpoint is similar. It still has the default file name assigned by my camera. It's also a MUCH larger resolution than the webcam. :)


Post office.. Well, not at the port no. However there is one down Malabar road a ways.




Then there's another one less than a block from the Hamilton Ferry Terminal.




Emmy covered the other ones for you quite well. :)

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The Perot Post Office in Hamilton is a doable walk from the ferry dock. It is not open on weekends - but was interesting to visit. Last year, the General Post office in Hamilton was open from Sat 8 am - Noon.

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While we were out and about Norwegian Dawn docked behind us, bringing more people eager to enjoy Bermuda. However, I heard tell that either Monday or Tuesday after we left, the local transportation workers union threw a strike and parked the buses and ferries for a day or so. That created some rather nasty headaches for quite a few people. I am quite glad we missed that little event.


Norwegian Dawn


P1000391 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


After walking the grounds around the Museum quite thoroughly, we began to work our way back to Vision. I went ahead and pointed Jolene and Mimi towards the entrance while I ducked around for a quick glance into High Cave.


High Cave


P1000427 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

Had we had the time or energy, I'd have been quite tempted to explore the passages behind that open grating. I believe they had an armory down there.


Returning to Vision


P1000432 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Just a scant few hours later, it was time to leave. The lines were cast loose, and Vision made a stately turn to leave Bermuda. The weather too, began to turn towards rain.


"Faithful" ready to assist


P1000437 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

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Entertainment aboard Vision was actually quite good. Singer/Impressionist Paul Boland was on board for a show one night and that led to some fun with the Pink Boa crowd. Paul made several new friends on Vision and I know he makes time to keep up with people where he can.


Pink Boa Cruisers Add a New Member!


P1000034 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Kathy, Paul, Emmy, and Wendy after the show.


The Royal Singers and Dancers 70s show was rather "meh" to me. But they rebounded with the Broadway themed show a couple of nights later.


Broadway Rhythm and Rhyme


P1000446 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


And not to be left out at all, Cruise Director Steve Davis staged the Thriller dance with a group of passengers. Amazingly it went off very well. Those involved did three one hour practices and then the performance after we left Bermuda. For a pure amateur performance, they did a great job!


Look close, you'll see Steve's glitter glove in the middle there somewhere.


Thriller "cast"


P1000458 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Of course, for me, I always find entertainment in what the wide open seas and skies can bring. On to Nassau!


Distant Storm


P1000467 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

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On an earlier review, someone had made remarks about railings missing in various places around the ship. I noticed the same thing myself. Turned out someone had not done a proper chemical strip and refinish on a number of the railings so they were being redone in the ship's shops.


I found a couple of good examples.


Here's a railing with a bad finish. You can see where the varnish simply didn't bond with the wood. Perhaps it got rained on while the finish was still wet?


P1000470 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


And here's one that was refinished during our cruise. Big difference.


P1000471 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Better to take care of details like that than let them turn into rotted woodwork I think.

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