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Pink Boas and Pirates commandeer Vision of the Seas to Bermuda!

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Thank you so much for taking the time for such a great review. I was lucky enough to tour the military ships with my old boss... who was a heavily decorated Korean Conflict pilot... he flew the Vought F4U Corsair... and was more than humble about his accomplishments... but he could tell stories and was very knowledgeable. I enjoyed seeing your pictures....


But, I have a few questions... mom and I are on the August sailing. I'm afraid your self-tour is just too much walking for her. Can you give me an idea on how far a walk it is from the ship to where the tours meet the buses? I'm looking at one of the plantation (bus) trips. She isn't quite as old as your Grandmother, but she has quite a bit of arthritis in her foot that causes her pain if there is a good bit of walking.


I hear there were alot of D and above C&A members on board... how did they handle the evening events?


Thanks for taking the time to report... I'm looking forward to the next installment~!

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Thank you so much for taking the time for such a great review. I was lucky enough to tour the military ships with my old boss... who was a heavily decorated Korean Conflict pilot... he flew the Vought F4U Corsair... and was more than humble about his accomplishments... but he could tell stories and was very knowledgeable. I enjoyed seeing your pictures....


But, I have a few questions... mom and I are on the August sailing. I'm afraid your self-tour is just too much walking for her. Can you give me an idea on how far a walk it is from the ship to where the tours meet the buses? I'm looking at one of the plantation (bus) trips. She isn't quite as old as your Grandmother, but she has quite a bit of arthritis in her foot that causes her pain if there is a good bit of walking.


I hear there were alot of D and above C&A members on board... how did they handle the evening events?


Thanks for taking the time to report... I'm looking forward to the next installment~!


I'm mentally assembling the next bit myself. Ducked out for a last minute two night camping trip and just got back a few hours ago. Wow.. Still tired. Oh well.


Most tours will leave from the pier or very close to it. There will be some variation due to the difference between ship tours and private tours. Ship tours will leave closer. However, even at that, it's not even 100yards (>100m) to get out of the pier area proper. My suggestion is that you contact your tour operator if you are doing a private tour. Ship tours will tell you where they leave from in the tour description.


Anybody that had the guts to fly F4Us in Korea (likely the -1N version hunting "Slow Boys") has my respect and then some. By that point the Corsair was starting to be a relic and the North Koreans were covering the "Slow Boys" with early MiGs. Against a MiG, a Corsair had little to no chance.


They split the C&A events down into "Gold" and "Everybody Else" and held them in the theater. Over half the passenger manifest was C&A.


Incidentally, Capt Lis was going to join the M&M, but it got rescheduled and no one told her until too late. She tried, showed up when it was originally scheduled even.

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Way too much history to explore in Charleston for one day. We explored the ships at Patriots Point, but that was it and it was plenty. This was one of the days Mimi elected to enjoy a deck chair on a quiet ship so it was just myself and Jolene climbing through the ships. Got quite a workout doing that too.


In Charleston, if you are going to be doing things on both sides of the harbor, getting the day pass on the water taxi there is worth it. There's only four stops, plus one special. The regular four make a neat loop around the harbor once per hour and the day pass is only $10.


They're good with the boat handling too. I enjoyed the Fort Lauderdale guys, but they could take lessons from the Charleston team when it comes to small/medium craft. I never felt a bump when docking; there was never more than one attempt to dock (FLL guys seemed to need two approaches on average); and the Charleston boats are quiet. Much much quieter than the FLL boats.


Just a few from around the Charleston harbor.


Ft Sumter Ferry


P1000159 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


A very nice Three-Master under sail


P1000163 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


USS Yorktown as evening approaches


P1000167 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Our Favorite Mimi enjoying the breeze with Ft Sumter in the background


P1000183 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Thus ended our day in Charleston. It was one of those remarkable days where everything went pretty much according to plan. We were tired from all the walking, but we had a sea day coming and Bermuda to follow. Things were definitely going well.

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You'd think I'd catch a little break time to work on the review this week. Well, not really. Going to refocus and get on with it.


Now on our way to what will arguably be the biggest destination of this trip, Bermuda. But we have a sea day and a half to relax on the ship before we get there. This means lots of time watching water go by or wandering the decks since I don't typically do too much of the poolside events and I avoid the art auctions like the plague.


Mimi parked herself on her usual deck 5 location with her iPad and simply enjoyed the weather. At random times I would join her, but if I sit too long without doing something I go to sleep. So lots of walk the decks time for me. Which was fine.


No real jams at any of the bars, Windjammer was reasonably busy but never so busy as boarding day. The overall atmosphere was pretty relaxed. I did notice some chair hogging going on about mid-day, but there were still open ones scattered around.


G1 cabin for three


Yes, Mimi cheerfully claimed the top bunk. She remarked that her only complaint about it was getting down in the mornings. We told Marta just to leave it down for the duration of the cruise.


Towel critters were present every other night


As it turns out, one of the reasons that the towel animals have been reduced is that people were packing them and taking them home. I found that rather amusing, but a bit odd as well.


Marta, our cabin attendant


Marta could regularly be heard singing in the hallway while she did her rounds. Never failed to have a smile and a hello for her guests.


First sight of Bermuda


And land appears!


Coming up, the strange and long approach to King's Wharf Bermuda.

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The approach to Bermuda is an interesting thing. You com up from the SW and have to go all the way around the island the long way to the NW point to dock at King's Wharf.


I wondered why at the time. Found out why soon enough. The reefs around Bermuda are very numerous and very treacherous. There's only one safe path in for a cruise ship and not that many other safe paths for smaller vessels.


That was also one reason we were delayed an hour actually docking. Two other ships had to get clear before we could pull in. It didn't hurt anything really since we were arriving relatively late in the day.


Pilot coming out to meet us


P1000207 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Fort St. Catherine


P1000217 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Celebrity on the way out


P1000222 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


King's Wharf at last!


P1000235 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


I do believe that's Emmy's boa drifting into my picture too! :)


While the approach is rather long you do get something of an "Around the Island" tour in the process. Not at all a bad thing really. Bermuda is really quite a nice place despite being heavily populated. Take in the views anywhere you can.

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During our approach to Bermuda, the C&A event for Platinum on up was held in the theater. With so many C&A members on board, they had to do two separate events. One event for the Golds and one event for everybody else. It wasn't as personal an event as maybe we'd like to see sometimes, but it wasn't bad either. The champagne was better for certain. But there were a few drinks of various shades that were not so good. I'll stick to my usual rum punch.


An unusual addition to the event was a balancing act. Now I have forgotten this fellow's name so if anyone remembers, please chime in and aid my fuzzy brain. In the meantime, enjoy as few stills from his performance. Keeping in mind that we are on a moving ship while he is doing this!





P1000226 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Right after I entered this picture, Flickr went down. I will continue tomorrow.. Uh, make that later today since it's nearly 2am at my desk.

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Ya'll let me know if there's anything specific you want to know about. Keep me motivated! :)


Pictures, pictures, pictures!! I love seeing cruise pictures. I know several of the Pink Boa Ladies on your cruise and have seen some of their pics on Facebook so I'm looking forward to seeing more of yours.

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Pictures, pictures, pictures!! I love seeing cruise pictures. I know several of the Pink Boa Ladies on your cruise and have seen some of their pics on Facebook so I'm looking forward to seeing more of yours.


Bermuda is coming and I have several of the Pink Boa crowd hanging around the National Museum


More pictures of Mimi please. :) She's motivational to us all.


And has been to our family for many years. I don't think she consciously tries to be an example, but as she put it on the trip "I'm still enjoying life a great deal". If I have half her energy when I'm past 90, I'll likely feel pretty good!

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Whew! My entire neighborhood is now recovering from Independence Day. We have very relaxed rules when it comes to fireworks in my area (read that as- practically none) so booms, bangs, and zip-zowwees went on until very late last night. So much gunpowder smoke in the air that it looked like a fog. All normal!


Flickr is behaving this morning, so on we go. Starting up with the rest of the shots from the balancing act.


It takes concentration


P1000227 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Look Ma! One hand!


P1000229 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

... plus two wine bottles and squishy ball..


Ok Ma! No hands!


P1000232 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

But let's spin some things too!


Talking about inspirations, this guys gets bit as well. He's 78.:eek:

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Pink Boa Cruisers and Friends were all up top on deck 9 under the VCL for our arrival to Bermuda. Once again, much fun was had by all.


Jolene and Mimi.. Up to no good


P1000240 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Pink Boa Cruisers plus an extra


PBC at Bermuda by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


From left to right, Wendy, Emmy, Kathy, Mimi, Jolene, and some scruffy dude with a pirate flag.


As Vision was docking, this fellow was walking along he dock. He didn't seem to have anything very pressing to do so he stopped, looked up at the ship and called out nice and loud....


"Welcome to Bermuda!!"


P1000242 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


That was a good start to an island visit for certain. I'd been told by a friend at work (who lived there for a few years) that Bermuda was an island that was very welcoming and very polite. This fellow set the expectations and everyone else we encountered reached or exceed those expectations.


Even the sunset was a good hint at things to come.


Clouds Aflame


P1000247 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


Coming up.. Vision puts on her night glow... Who's party is that?... What superstitions?

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Bermuda has made the point that islanders are to be very welcoming to tourist , and if you hurt tourist expect to be thrown in jail for the rest of your life. Cozumel is another island that operates on that mantra/island law.


Darkwolf might you happen to know who fills in for captain Lis when she goes on holiday? Might this person know the Vision class and all that goes with the Vision class and Vision routes.

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Bermuda has made the point that islanders are to be very welcoming to tourist , and if you hurt tourist expect to be thrown in jail for the rest of your life. Cozumel is another island that operates on that mantra/island law.


Darkwolf might you happen to know who fills in for captain Lis when she goes on holiday? Might this person know the Vision class and all that goes with the Vision class and Vision routes.


I would expect Capt. Sreko Ban. He and Capt. Lis are the two regulars that trade off command on Vision. Sailed with him the first time on Vision. Saw him around the ship quite a bit.

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I would expect Capt. Sreko Ban. He and Capt. Lis are the two regulars that trade off command on Vision. Sailed with him the first time on Vision. Saw him around the ship quite a bit.


Hi, I am still enjoying your thread and the pictures.


I have seen in few different posts that was mentioned that Capt. Shrecko Ban was going to Quantum - but when I look at the list of current captains maintained by another poster , Quantum has two captains listed already and capt. Shrecko is still listed with capt. Lis as captains of Vision ....... so I am a little confused.

Edited by wieslaw
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I am looking forward to learning of your adventures in Bermuda.


Please post lots of photos and all of the gory details... :D


I don't know about gory, but there was lots to do. Far more than could be possibly be covered in a two night stay. Still, that's more time than most places get on a cruise.


After dinner, I switched back to shorts and sandals and headed off the ship. I had a quest in mind for this night. Perhaps a silly one, but it was an opportunity I'd not had on any cruise before. So off I went, even though it was well past 10pm. It's Bermuda, there's really not much to worry about there.


I had that new camera to play with and this was a prime place to catch Vision all lit up after dark. Voila!...


Vision's Lights at Night


P1000258 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


There was quite a party going on at the Bonefish Bar and Grill there at the pier. I saw a couple of familiar faces in the crowd and realized that at least part of Vision's crew was taking a well deserved break. Looked like quite a party. That being said, nothing like a curious passenger to put a damper on their fun, so I stayed out of their way and let them cut loose a bit.


I have no idea how many of the crew were actually there, but the ones that were apparently had a very good time. More power to that, they need a little fun just as much as the pax do.


Just getting started...


P1000259 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


We could have also call this the "Cruise that Tempted Fate". After all, we were plowing through the Bermuda Triangle on Friday the 13th, WITH a full moon. There was a bit of humor about that on our roll call. One of our members quipped, "Glad I have travel insurance". Naturally, being the smart aleck I am at times, my reply was "If we're off in some other dimension, how are you going to collect?" Just sayin'.....


Full Moon Friday the 13th in Bermuda


P1000262 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


And one more of just Vision herself from a slightly different angle...




P1000263 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


For the shutterbugs that don't want to carry tons of gear: These were shot on a Panasonic Lumix DMC-SZ8. Use the normal picture mode and force your ISO to either 100 or 200. Use a pocket tripod (can get them online for $1) and set a two or ten second timer. Top two pictures are at 200 ISO and the bottom two are at 100. On my camera, ISO 200 seemed to be the better setting. Yes this is the camera I bought on the ship. This version of the Lumix series seems to have a much more sensitive sensor than the previous version.

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Hey David! So glad you, Jolene and Mimi had such a great time. Your review is terrific. I am so glad you were able to take Mimi along and that she had a good time. Pics are great--especially the ones of the ship at night. Just beautiful! Best regards to you and Jolene from David and me.

Edited by KeywestK
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I wonder if Captain Lis realized what kind of minor mayhem she allowed on her ship? Probably not, but we had a good time anyway.


Welcome to my second review of Vision of the Seas on a long cruise. This run was the first of three trips to Bermuda. In addition to Bermuda, the cruise included stops at Charleston, SC, Nassau, Bahamas, and Coco Cay, Bahamas.


The trip had its ups and downs, some service hiccups in the MDR, but those were taken care of in a reasonable fashion and nothing was going so wrong that it would ruin anyone's vacation.


(A fast note for friends that were on board, the migraine problem was likely found and solved this morning. Neck was thoroughly locked up. Chiropractor made me sound like a rice crispy treat, but way better now. Thanks for concern on board. :) )


A bit about myself and those with me. I am a mid-forties robotics technician with a tendency to tinker with scale models, video games, and computers. And of course, cruising.


My GF is close to 40, but I'm not saying which side of it. She has one of the world's most stressful jobs. She assists in a daycare of pre-school and younger kids. Needless to say there are job hazards there that most people would avoid like the plague.


And lastly but way far from least is my own grandmother, aka "Mimi". Ninety three years young, she happily filled the spot vacated by the 11 year old that was supposed to go, but did herself out of the trip. Oh well. Quite frankly, Mimi had an excellent time. Her only complaint was that she didn't feel like she was on a ship. Well, her last cruise may well have been on Stella Solaris, which was a toy even next to Vision.



P1000241 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

From Left to Right, my GF Jolene, your humble host on this review, David, and Mimi.


I am going to unabashedly swipe Emmy's screen grab from our sail away at Fort Lauderdale. It was one of those moments you just can't let go.



As can easily be told this was a group that was going to have a good time.


Also, first launched the "Rum Raiders". Yep that's me trying to keep the now notorious pirate flag in line. I just don't do pink at all, so I came up with that bit of silliness to make things a bit more fun. Of course, Jolene and Mimi went for the boas. Jolene actually did both.




That's most of the folks that were at sail away. There's a few missing. Mimi had by this point claimed a deck chair.

CONGRATULATIONS to the men in the picture who were brave enough to wear pink. REAL MEN WEAR PINK! You do all of the breast cancer survivors PROUD! THANK YOU.


And to the man with the white shirt. That's OK too, Next time we want to see you with a pink shirt on.

Edited by lady_cruiser
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Thanks guys, on we go! But no pink for me, just doesn't work out.


Friend of mine at work who lived on Bermuda said "Get the bus and ferry pass and go get lost" when visiting Bermuda. He lived there for three years so I took him at his word.


He was right, that is simply the best way to get around the island if you want go local style. Simple, clean, and quite frankly, reasonably fast.


There are several bus and ferry routes. There's literally nowhere on the island you can't get within walking distance of if you have the pass.


There are two different places to get the transit pass right there at King's Wharf. The price is the same no matter where you get it.


Bermuda Ferry (Shot the evening before)


P1000239 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


On the ferry


P1000372 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


A walk of just a few blocks (with signs) will get you from the ferry dock in Hamilton to the central bus station. The bus station is simply a long carport type arrangement. Each bus will come in from its last route and update the number on its marquee board to show what route it is on next. Just keep your eyes open and know which route you need.


City Hall and Arts Centre


P1000265 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr

The central bus station is off to the right of this picture, out of view. It's not very photogenic. Just useful.


Let your driver know where you are getting off and they will call it out as the destination gets close. Say your "Hellos" and "Thank yous" too. This isn't a US city bus, these folks are far more personable. That's part of Bermuda, so you are respecting the local culture as well.


On the bus


P1000329 by Wulfgar28, on Flickr


On the bus was one of the most noticed examples of Bermuda's hospitality. On several occasions a seat would open up. At that point, even the teen boys on board the bus would check to see if any of the ladies (first, then anyone else) that were standing wanted to sit down. They would quite cheerfully offer to stand and let them sit.


Can we get some of that exported back to the States?? Never seen a more polite collection of people on one island before.

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Part of the problem I've been having with this review is that we had a security change at work and my usual hosting page (Flickr) is now rather difficult to use from there. That being the case, I'll do question answering during the evenings and photo posting in the mornings, or late at night after I get home.


Not my preferred method for a review, but that's the breaks.

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Hi, I am still enjoying your thread and the pictures.


I have seen in few different posts that was mentioned that Capt. Shrecko Ban was going to Quantum - but when I look at the list of current captains maintained by another poster , Quantum has two captains listed already and capt. Shrecko is still listed with capt. Lis as captains of Vision ....... so I am a little confused.



David you continue to do a great job with the review...thank you :)


Re Capt Shrecko Ban ~ one of the officers we had lunch with on this sailing said he was not returning to Vision and was going to Quantum. I am on the inaugural sailing of Quantum so I am interested in whom might be the master...Capt Patrik was supposed to be.

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