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My AMAZING Birthday Cruise on The Valor June 8-15


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Great review; thanks for posting! I remember reading your review from your cruise with your mom recently. Funny that you saw a taxi/tour driver that you had previously... The same thing happened to us a few years ago:

In 2009, we had a wonderful taxi driver in St. Thomas. Fast forward to 2011--the weather in St. Thomas was overcast and dreary so we took our time getting off the ship. Hardly anyone was disembarking at that moment and most taxies and tours had long since departed. No sooner than we step off the ship, we see our driver from 2009!
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[quote name='KFinTx']I loooooove the Strawberry Bisque! I admit that I ordered it the first time just out of curiousity. I'm glad I did because it's yummy! :p[/QUOTE]

Funny, so did I & when they first brought it out I was like what the hell is this. lol

[quote name='alreadypacked']Great review; thanks for posting! I remember reading your review from your cruise with your mom recently. Funny that you saw a taxi/tour driver that you had previously... The same thing happened to us a few years ago:

In 2009, we had a wonderful taxi driver in St. Thomas. Fast forward to 2011--the weather in St. Thomas was overcast and dreary so we took our time getting off the ship. Hardly anyone was disembarking at that moment and most taxies and tours had long since departed. No sooner than we step off the ship, we see our driver from 2009![/QUOTE]

Thanks for reading!! I'm going back to St Thomas in Sept & if I get the same driver again, I'm labeling him a stalker;) oh wait he might think the same about me:eek:
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[quote name='babsee101']Subscribing. Loving your review! Looking forward to the rest! Thanks for putting it together.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for reading & sticking with me...its a work in progress. The next couple of days were so great, its hard to sum it.

[quote name='pbmsmile']I had this cruise booked but ended up switching and I have been kicking myself ever since...great review so far !:p[/QUOTE]
Thanks!! I was eyeing this cruise for a while & the original plan was to book it for my honey & I, but that fell thru. I had forgotten all about & then when I saw it again, I made up my mind I was going & I am soooo glad I did. My best cruise to date!!
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[quote name='y7anks3']Great review so far..... going to be abroad on the Valor in 6weeks.... any chance u have the Funtimes.... would love to see them if u do
Thanks in advance[/QUOTE]

Thanks!! I'm sure I have them somewhere in my scrapbook pile, will try to find them & scan soon.
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[SIZE="3"]This is the day I was looking forward to the most, I did my HW & after lots of research I decided I was going to The Boatyard & snorkel with Neville. Breakfast was on lido again & once again it was very good. So here we go again, the plan is to meet up at 10 to get off the ship. Its 10 & they're not ready, need about a half hour so I say ok I’ll meet you outside. Well after I got off & checked out the surroundings, I went back to the gangway to meet them. Its now 10:45 & I said to my self they have 15 minutes & I’m gone…well they must’ve been reading my mind cause here they come. And of course in order to get to the taxi’s you have to pass the shops, so that takes another 15 minutes or so. Once we get to the taxi & I tell them we want go to the Boatyard he asks why… because that’s where I wanna go. Now he goes on to say why pay $15 to get in when you can go to a free beach right next door & only pay $15 for a chair….yeah umm OK, whats the difference???

[B]OK sorry but here is where I need to vent… I know a lot of people don’t like certain islands because the vendors are too pushy & well that doesn’t bother me one bit, I know how to deal with them. I also know how to deal with PIA taxi drivers, but it really pisses me the BLEEP off when I tell you where I wanna go & you tell me where you think I should go…I’m paying the fare not you take me where I said!!![/B]

Ok so now the attitude is full blown on & I don’t wanna hear jack. Of course there is only the 5 of us in his cab & hes parked all the way in the back, so after sitting in a hot van for 15 minutes he comes back & says he knows I want to kill him, but he has to wait for all the taxi’s in front of the line the leave. I don’t say anything [I](only because there is no nice way to say what I’m thinking & after all its vacation…the witch, spelled with a B needs a break too)[/I], but my face must have said it for me because he came right back & said he found a driver ready to leave. So now we’re in the new taxi & he tells her we want to go to the Boatyard & once again I gotta hear the same speech, but this time she adds the owner doesn’t like black people so why should we give him our money… yeah ok whatever, just shut up & drive!!! Another couple that was in the taxi also wanting to go there, but her sales pitch worked on them & they said they wanted to go to the free beach. So now we’re driving & she rides past Boatyard & I think to myself ok she must be dropping them off first. We get to whatever beach, which was not next to the Boatyard & from the front looked like a shack, but anyway she asks what time do you want me to pick you up & I politely informed her I never said I wasn’t going to Boatyard. She started her speech again, but again my facial expression speaks volumes, so she stopped & said OK well at least she had us to keep her company on the ride back. Now don’t get me wrong she was very nice & we actually enjoyed talking to her, I just knew where I wanted to go.

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[SIZE="3"][B]The Boatyard…[/B]we are finally here, pay our fee, get our bracelets & go on our way. Well once we get on the beach there are no more umbrellas available & the gang is livid. [I]Oh well we should’ve left on time[/I]. There was however a beach bed available so we took that & put 2 loungers next to it, which they never used because they sat at the bar to use the free WiFi. OMG, that was the prettiest water & sofest sand I’ve ever seen. And just as I read, there were vendors approaching as soon as we got on the beach asking if you wanted swim with turtles & jet skis. I declined but only because I hadn’t worked up the courage yet & I was looking for Neville’s yellow boat. You see I can’t swim to save my life, but fellow FB cruising friends all praised Neville, said he was great & would take care of me. After playing around in the water for a while I decided it was now or never, so I put on my girl panties & asked about Neville. The guy I spoke with said he was the Black Sylvester Stallone…I have know idea why he calls himself that but whatever. He said Neville was on vacation, he has guy with a boat. Damn now what am I suppose to do? As I was getting ready to walk back, Sly assured me his guy was just as good & I’d be OK with him. After thinking “what if I pass it up & never have the opportunity again” I decided to go for it. Unfortunately there was no one else going at the time & while most would love to have a private trip, I did’t. I need someone in the water with me there’s no way I’m going in by myself, so I said oh hell no never mind!! Sly said don’t worry his guy would go in with me, I was hesitant but agreed. Now of course it appeared as if I was traveling alone & I wasn’t about to go off nowhere with no strange man thinking so, so I got the sole man in our group who’s about 6‘5“ ish (maybe more) & introduced him to Sly. Well he dug down to his roots, put on his Jamaican accent & asked where they were they taking me & how long would I be gone. You see I don’t have a problem leaving the gang, I always let it be known where I’m going. So I waited for the boat for what seemed like forever which was only 10 or so mins, but fear was starting to take over & I was ready to back out. I cant remember his name now or if he even told me it, but that’s probably because I was scared to death & busy focused on surviving. Sly told him he had to go in the water with me & I told him he no he had to hold on to me while in the water like I was the love of his life. Once we get to the turtles I was able to see some right from the boat. Oh boy... now its time to get in the water, first attempt I panicked & had to come back up. Had to hold on to the boat just so I could relax & control my breathing. Once calm we went back under & it was great, like nothing I’ve experienced before. The turtles were so big & swimming around me, I love it. He did let go a couple of times, the first time I panicked, but then I was OK with it as long as he was within arms reach. After the turtles we went to a shipwreck & to be honest I was happy with just the turtles, but he insisted & once again I was amazed. On the way back I had a cup of well deserved rum punch & we see Sly who came out on a jet ski check on me.

Once on the shore I was making my way back to the gang when I hear someone calling for me. It’s the original taxi driver asking if I regretted going to Boatyard. I told him nope that I was very happy with my decision, then he said I was mean & bossy. Had to let him know yes I might be mean but I wasn’t mean to him & that I’m not bossy, said those are grown folks who could have gone anywhere they wanted & he said nope because they’re too scared of me. I’m like whatever man, you just looking for a fight, he said you know a little mean can be sexy…OK, time to go!! In all honesty the free beach he wanted to take us to was adjacent to Boatyard, but that’s not where I researched & I only go where I research, maybe next time. Once back with the gang I go to the bar to get my free drink, which was ok but a little on the weak side, then we caught the next shuttle back to the ship. Despite the start it was a great day at the beach. Back at the port area, they headed back to the ship, while I stoped to buy some Cockspur Rum Punch & mailed my postcard. I also decided to stop by the bar for one last Bajan Rum Punch & a beef patty. Both were very good, especially the punch.






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OMG I love your review and how you write!

I went on this cruise last year and loved it (review below).

I missed 4 pages worth so at the end of each I am going to make comments. I hope that is ok.

First - LOVE your nails! I do my own nail art and love shots with people's nails in them! We went to Barrachina on the tail end of our trip and loved their mufungo. But we were there early and didn't know they had a show.

Good on you for finding your big girl panties too. I love reading it when people overcome their fears and have a blast!!

Your pictures as great too! And I woulda lost my $h!t on my group is they went to be by 10pm ON MY BIRTHDAY!

Looking forwarding to reading the rest! Edited by JennN
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[SIZE="3"]More Pics!!![/SIZE]

Yep...he left me!!

Oh look...I found divers

Looking like I know what I'm doing

Oh yeah he's still holding on!!! Edited by teetee6263
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Ok - now for the rest!

I am totally subscribing to this. First - your bravery astounds me! I've never been afraid of the water but when I was on this cruise before, we had a couple scared of the water in St. Martin. In fact, they got sea sick (?!?!) on the motor boat we were on and never got off the ship again. Had they gotten off each time we stopped, I think they woulda been fine!

Anyway, kudos to you and amazing pics.

Again, I woulda been pissed at my travel mates. I have NO time for late.

Looking forward to the rest!
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[SIZE="3"]Back on board time was 4:30 & I swear I must’ve got back on about 4:20. I usually like to be back atleast ½ hour before time, but today was not that day. Dinner was quiet this evening, the other ladies were doing the Chefs table, but we had a new table mate a lady traveling alone from Australia. I had a new soup that I hadn’t seen on the menu before, don’t remenber the name of it but was cucumber, cold & good. Jerk Pork Loin & for dessert Warm Fig Date & Cinnamon Cake...oh so good. So good I should've ordered 2. And then came the shot guys...well if you insist!!! After wards they went to rest while I went to see Gravity Defying Comedy with Dana Tison, his juggling skills were great but I’m not sure where the “comedy” fit in but nonetheless it was a good show. Then it was time for the Mega Deck Party, again Lido was packed. Tomorrow is an early day for me, so I called it a night a litter after midnight but not before getting some tacos at the Mexican Buffet.

Cucumber Soup

Jerk Pork Loin

Warm Fig, Date & Cinnamon Cake


Towel aminals took over Lido after the deck party

Mexican Buffet
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[quote name='JennN']OMG I love your review and how you write!

I went on this cruise last year and loved it (review below).

I missed 4 pages worth so at the end of each I am going to make comments. I hope that is ok.

First - LOVE your nails! I do my own nail art and love shots with people's nails in them! We went to Barrachina on the tail end of our trip and loved their mufungo. But we were there early and didn't know they had a show.

Good on you for finding your big girl panties too. I love reading it when people overcome their fears and have a blast!!

Your pictures as great too! And I woulda lost my $h!t on my group is they went to be by 10pm ON MY BIRTHDAY!

Looking forwarding to reading the rest![/QUOTE]

[quote name='JennN']Ok - now for the rest!

I am totally subscribing to this. First - your bravery astounds me! I've never been afraid of the water but when I was on this cruise before, we had a couple scared of the water in St. Martin. In fact, they got sea sick (?!?!) on the motor boat we were on and never got off the ship again. Had they gotten off each time we stopped, I think they woulda been fine!

Anyway, kudos to you and amazing pics.

Again, I woulda been pissed at my travel mates. I have NO time for late.

Looking forward to the rest![/QUOTE]

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it!! Yeah I've learned to not let fear control me, if that were the case I would have never known how much I love cruising. I always wanted to cruise but was too afraid, so for my 40th birthday I decided it was time. Booked a quick 3 nighter & I was fine while we were still in port, but once we left MIA & all I could see was water I spent the first couple of hours in my room crying. By the time it was time to go I was pissed that I only booked 3 days!! That was 4 years ago & I'm going on cruise #9 in 2 weeks:D

As far as my travel buddies, we've been best friends since kindergarten & travel together yearly so I knew what I was getting into & they know at any given point I will leave them!!

Oh yeah I usually try to go with something Nautical, this time I went with color changing so some pics they're white & others yellow
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[quote name='teetee6263']Thanks, glad you're enjoying it!! Yeah I've learned to not let fear control me, if that were the case I would have never known how much I love cruising. I always wanted to cruise but was too afraid, so for my 40th birthday I decided it was time. Booked a quick 3 nighter & I was fine while we were still in port, but once we left MIA & all I could see was water I spent the first couple of hours in my room crying. By the time it was time to go I was pissed that I only booked 3 days!! That was 4 years ago & I'm going on cruise #9 in 2 weeks:D

As far as my travel buddies, we've been best friends since kindergarten & travel together yearly so I knew what I was getting into & they know at any given point I will leave them!!

Oh yeah I usually try to go with something Nautical, this time I went with color changing so some pics they're white & others yellow

You, in no way, look 44!!!!

LOL - I saw that you've known them for a while but still. It is your BIRTHDAY!!!! LOL

Here is a pic of the nails I did this morning...do you do yours yourself?


Looking forward to the rest of the review!
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[quote name='jaxie001']Awesome review thanks for sharing!! Just booked this for November...super excited!![/QUOTE]

Thanks for reading & have a great cruise!!:D

[quote name='Jenny in TX']I am loving your review! I am hoping to do this cruise next year so I am constantly stalking reviews out of Puerto Rico and researching the ports and what to do. I can't wait to read the rest![/QUOTE]

Thanks for reading:) Do it, you wont regret it!!
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[quote name='JennN']You, in no way, look 44!!!!

LOL - I saw that you've known them for a while but still. It is your BIRTHDAY!!!! LOL

Here is a pic of the nails I did this morning...do you do yours yourself?


Looking forward to the rest of the review![/QUOTE]

Love the nails & no I dont do them myself.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loving your review!! We sail the Valor in November. I have a group of us going. I sound like you do all the research everyone loves what I pick and they just show up. I think based on your waiting and waiting for your people to meet to get off the ship I will tell all mine 30 minutes ahead!! I just hate to wait on people when I am ready to go!!LOL
That really sucks how the taxis were in Barbados. The Boatyard would have been my second choice but we are going on a Catamaran sail. I don't have the patience to put up with what you were dealing with either!! Then to be told the owner didn't like black people?? Sounds like whomever has the bar at the free beach is giving those taxi drivers some sort of a cut to bring people there. Glad you stood your ground and went where you wanted to go!!
Can't wait to red more!![/FONT]
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enjoying your review. About the boatyard snorkeling. What did they charge and did you have to dive down underwater or were you able to just float on the surface face down with your life vest on?
I liked the photo of the Boatyard sign. So they pay for your taxi back? but it is the same driver?

Thanks for all the info!
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[quote name='gracie65'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loving your review!! We sail the Valor in November. I have a group of us going. I sound like you do all the research everyone loves what I pick and they just show up. I think based on your waiting and waiting for your people to meet to get off the ship I will tell all mine 30 minutes ahead!! I just hate to wait on people when I am ready to go!!LOL
That really sucks how the taxis were in Barbados. The Boatyard would have been my second choice but we are going on a Catamaran sail. I don't have the patience to put up with what you were dealing with either!! Then to be told the owner didn't like black people?? Sounds like whomever has the bar at the free beach is giving those taxi drivers some sort of a cut to bring people there. Glad you stood your ground and went where you wanted to go!!
Can't wait to red more!![/FONT][/QUOTE]

Thanks, you're gonna have a great cruise. Yeah they were pushing the free beach hard, so you could be right & at the Boatyard they provide transportation back to the ship, if you go to the free beach you have to take the taxi back.

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