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just joined weight watchers


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Hi, well I must admit, i fell off the wagon :cool: Shortly after joining my mom was hospitalized and with all the time spent at the hospitals with thier yummy food. Not getting home till late, i gave up trying to follow the plan. She is now home from the hospital and I can finally start preparing for my cruise in a few days :eek: :eek: Once I am back from the cruise i will be back following the plan and even making my hubby follow it!! I dont know what his points allowance will be though.


Great to hear everyone doing so well!!

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Another shorty and new to WW here. I'm 4"11ish and have been doing WW (again) for just barely over 1 week. Lost 3.8 doing Simple Start (that's it right?) I too feel the SS program is restrictive as I'm married to a foodie and though he is extremely supportive and cooks to help me, it is more difficult. I don't use the extra pts yet except for today 2pts and yesterday 2pts. I try to stay at the 26 pts as best I can.


I had success with the Points program years ago and Points plus threw me off so I left WW. I'm going to try SS until next weigh-in on Mon and see how it works for me. When I followed the old Points program I almost always stayed within my range and not use the extra. I rarely used the activity points I earned. Figured it would help speed up my loss. If SS doesn't work, I'll switch to PPlus.


I love the advise of eating the salad first and then the entree (duh) but either it was mentioned here or I just thought of it--get my salad first, eat it and then go back for entree. I typically grab it all, then often eat the hot entree first. Fill up on salad first. What a concept!! Silly me.


Sorry for the long post. Great work on the losses and sticking with the program. Good for us!:D


Welcome Aboard (pun intended)!! Congrats on your 3.8 loss your first week, keep up the great work :D

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Hi, well I must admit, i fell off the wagon :cool: Shortly after joining my mom was hospitalized and with all the time spent at the hospitals with thier yummy food. Not getting home till late, i gave up trying to follow the plan. She is now home from the hospital and I can finally start preparing for my cruise in a few days :eek: :eek: Once I am back from the cruise i will be back following the plan and even making my hubby follow it!! I dont know what his points allowance will be though.


Great to hear everyone doing so well!!


Great idea to get back on track after your cruise! You know what you need to do & have the tools to do it............good luck & have a great cruise!

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Another shorty and new to WW here. I'm 4"11ish and have been doing WW (again) for just barely over 1 week. Lost 3.8 doing Simple Start (that's it right?) I too feel the SS program is restrictive as I'm married to a foodie and though he is extremely supportive and cooks to help me, it is more difficult. I don't use the extra pts yet except for today 2pts and yesterday 2pts. I try to stay at the 26 pts as best I can.


I had success with the Points program years ago and Points plus threw me off so I left WW. I'm going to try SS until next weigh-in on Mon and see how it works for me. When I followed the old Points program I almost always stayed within my range and not use the extra. I rarely used the activity points I earned. Figured it would help speed up my loss. If SS doesn't work, I'll switch to PPlus.


I love the advise of eating the salad first and then the entree (duh) but either it was mentioned here or I just thought of it--get my salad first, eat it and then go back for entree. I typically grab it all, then often eat the hot entree first. Fill up on salad first. What a concept!! Silly me.


Sorry for the long post. Great work on the losses and sticking with the program. Good for us!



I always feel like being short just makes me look more rotund, and with the back issues I had, shoes more than an inch in height are reserved for special occasions! Funny....in my family we've always had the salad first, both when I was growing up and with my family now.


I'm actually sticking with the Simple Start for the most part.....it worked the first too weeks and I don't really feel at all deprived, although chocolate does have a way of calling my name. I'm lucky that DH likes to eat healthy and my kids are grown up and out of the house, so I pretty much shop to the plan....thank goodness though for those 49 extra points a week!


Hi, well I must admit, i fell off the wagon Shortly after joining my mom was hospitalized and with all the time spent at the hospitals with thier yummy food. Not getting home till late, i gave up trying to follow the plan. She is now home from the hospital and I can finally start preparing for my cruise in a few days Once I am back from the cruise i will be back following the plan and even making my hubby follow it!! I dont know what his points allowance will be though.


I agree, so close pre cruise not the time to start following plan, just try to take little measures rather than eating everything in sight, thinking you are on vacation....we actually discussed cruising and WW this week at meeting, and our leader told us it's not an "all-aboard" pass to eat everything in sight, but don't deprive yourself completely, and walk stairs and all over the ship! Lots of fresh fruit around.....but a dessert at dinner isn't out of the question! My biggest issue is always those little breakfast pastries and the soft serve ice cream machines calling my name repeatedly!


Glad your mom is home!

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I have always said I am "5 feet tall" but a recent measurement n the doctor's office revealed 5feet 1 inch. Every time I look at the WW goal chart I wish I was 5' 6" lol. I need to lose at least 10 more before I can look at goal setting. Everyone is doing so well, we should be very proud. Hockeyluvr, glad your mom is better. Have a terrific cruise and we'll be looking forward to seeing you back!

Edited by roysue
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Hi I joined weight watchers a month before our cunard cruise. We were on board for 23 days. I ordered fruit/yogurt and tea for breakfast. Had some kind of salad for lunch and mostly ate fish for dinner. The portions are small so it wasn't bad. We stayed out of the buffet. My husband &. I are the only ones who go on cruise and loose weight. We walked a lot & went to the gym a few times a week. It's do able :)



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app ~ Kerry

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I'll have been on WW for just about a year exactly (this go round) and I really hope I'm actually down some weight because right now I've done reallllllly poorly. Thursday is my meeting/weigh in so I'm hoping I did well this week.


And if I reach my goal of pounds lost before the cruise I'm just going to eat whatever I want and not feel bad. I'll gain weight and that'll be okay.

Edited by Hey Tina
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Hello all,

This is my 3rd time around with WW. I had a lot of success in the past but always seem to put the weight back on. This is my 4th month and I've lost 20lbs so far. I'd like to lose another 15 pounds by my next cruise Nov 15. I've fallen off the wagon the last 3 weeks, no exercising, no tracking, not good!! Hopefully I can get back on track and reach my goal.

Nice to meet everyone,


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Hello all,

This is my 3rd time around with WW. I had a lot of success in the past but always seem to put the weight back on. This is my 4th month and I've lost 20lbs so far. I'd like to lose another 15 pounds by my next cruise Nov 15. I've fallen off the wagon the last 3 weeks, no exercising, no tracking, not good!! Hopefully I can get back on track and reach my goal.

Nice to meet everyone,



Shawna!! You are doing so well! Congratulations. Have you been back on the wagon this week? Tracking and/or exercising? I have been back on doing both, did spin yesterday and going again tomorrow and have been tracking everything. I'm taking it one meal at a time. Trying to do it one day at a time means i'm tracking everything before/in bed and I'm forgetting or realizing I went way over! I cooked this week too which was great, yummy healthy food.

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I did weight in today a day early, but I had a commitment for tomorrow that precluded going to my regular meeting, and I didn't want to do an evening weigh in as I've been doing a morning one. Lost .6, which doesn't thrill me, but it's a heck of a lot better than a gain. It just motivated me to do a fast paced half an noir walk around my neighborhood, I'm sitting here cooling down. I agree the tracking is important but sometimes so confusing. I had an entree at Hoolihans before that the menu says is 450 calories, but the WW app and the Hoolihans on line nutriitionals show and point out for out for 565 calories. Was on the early bird menu so maybe a smaller portion. I may just call them tomorrow to ask! Stay strong everyone!

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Shawna!! You are doing so well! Congratulations. Have you been back on the wagon this week? Tracking and/or exercising? I have been back on doing both, did spin yesterday and going again tomorrow and have been tracking everything. I'm taking it one meal at a time. Trying to do it one day at a time means i'm tracking everything before/in bed and I'm forgetting or realizing I went way over! I cooked this week too which was great, yummy healthy food.



Thank you so much! And great job on the exercise and tracking!! I did jump back on the wagon this week and am trying to track after every meal. It is so easy to forget if you wait until the end of the day. I have the same philosophy as you. If I reach my goal then I am going to give myself some freedom on the cruise and not fret over eating too much. As of now any loss is a plus for me. No matter how small, particularly if I am tracking everyday and staying under my points. The plan is to use my elliptical every day and total gym at least 2x a week.



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Just wanted to chime in. Love hearing the small successes everyone has and the support given when needed. These boards are wonderful. I find that tracking is crucial or me or I forget the little bits I have throughout the day. I haven't gotten back into exercising like I want but every time I plan it, something unforseen happens. I know, excuses, excuses.


Last week I had no loss, no gain at weigh-in. Frustrating a bit but appreciate no gain. I decided to go back to tracking points as I fail miserably at deciding when enough is enough. Right now it's best for me to have structure in my meals until I get back in the flow. Hoping my weigh-in tomorrow is better.


Keep up the good work all.

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This is a great thread to find! I joined the online WW a few months ago and fell of the wagon completely. We leave for our cruise in 13 days so at this point I think it will have to be moderation and exercise. Reading all of your posts helps me to see I can do this, thank you! I like the use if Simple Start during the week and points on the weekend. I will be tracking this thread:)



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I just re-joined Weight Watchers today to lose 7-10 pounds before the cruise. Our cruise is a 15 day Panama Canal Cruise with NCL that leaves 1/4/15, but we are starting our vacation on 1/1/2015 in LA three days prior to the cruise.


For those of you that wish you were taller and 5'6", that is my height, but even I must do the WW thing...lol. I was at 130 for my wedding almost 2 years ago and really want to get back down to at least that weight. I know that sounds so stupid, but it is the weight that I am most comfortable at. Sometimes those last 5-7 pounds are the hardest to lose I hear.


I want to lose the weight before the cruise so I started early and gave myself 4 months. I hope this is enough time, but think I will be ok.


If I am not seeing results by November, then I will also start an exercise program to go with WW. My job is building a gym for us but it will not be ready until November. I don't want to join a gym for 2 months before that so I will see how it goes.


I wish you all the best of luck also.

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Sometimes staying on track during he summer is so hard for me. Nice to know that I have an outlet other than my weekly meetings to express my troubles!


Wishing everyone a great week, remember no loss is better than the smallest gain!!


Keep up the great work!!

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Hi everyone,


Well, I ended up with another Tuesday weigh in because the Wednesday meetings were too tough to make although I liked the leader. Since I start work again next week (which is from 10:45 to 3:45, I work in a school, next week I'm going to switch to another center which has an 8:30 am meeting. Only way I can do it, and I'm not switching to an evening weigh in, that will for sure bring me UP and you know the drill....as it is in the morning weigh ins everyone is taking off their belts and watches and earrings...I dread the cold weather wearing JEANS! Someone actually told a story last week about a meeting she went to where a woman took off her pants and stood in her underwear to weigh in!


So, ready for this week? I lost a giant .2. Yes, I know, rah rah, it's not a gain,;) but I was a bit bummed....the first couple of weeks it came off fast and the last two it's been bits and pieces. It's been 5 pounds in a month and I know that's good, but I hope to see a bit more of a loss next week!


So hard staying on track, my DH came home from the diner and both he and his friend didn't want their desserts then so it sat in the fridge here...chocolate covered cheesecake. It taunted me but I didn't break. He told me after he ate it it looked better than it tasted so I feel a bit better. Must have been about 5 points a BITE, at least!


Just a note...my profile pic really is OLD and quite a few less pounds ago!


Have a good week all and I agree being able to vent here is very helpful!

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Did my meeting and weigh-in yesterday and was surprised with another 2.2 lb loss. Surprised it was that much. I know early in the program the loss is often higher than later so I'm expecting the small partial pounds to begin. It's always an up and down over time. I haven't mentioned it before but I'm trying to lose abt 20-25 lbs before our cruise at the end of Feb.


We all need to remember to be happy with whatever loss we have. We can do this. Previously I would lose for 2 or 3 weeks, then up for one week. I'm trying hard to break that cycle, 1 day at a time.

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I haven't mentioned it before but I'm trying to lose abt 20-25 lbs before our cruise at the end of Feb.


We all need to remember to be happy with whatever loss we have. We can do this. Previously I would lose for 2 or 3 weeks, then up for one week. I'm trying hard to break that cycle, 1 day at a time.



I'm looking to lose at least 50 for our cruise next April...........I think 8 months is a good amount of time to lose it, at least I hope so, LOL! I just need to get my DH back on board with me, it's really hard to stay on track when he "forgets" meetings (Wednesday nights after we both get off work) & wants to have something truly decadent for our family dinners with our kids & grandchild. I'm all for indulging here & there, but lately without his support I'm indulging a little too much.


Hoping to get back on track after Labor Day...........I have started walking on my breaks & lunch during the week so at least I'm heading in the right direction.

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Your DH does WW with you? That's great. Mine doesn't (but I keep trying to get him to) but mostly he's pretty supportive on what we eat. If he wants something I don't want to use my points for, I just do my own thing. Like he made us spinach salad with apples, but added walnuts, feta cheese and razberry vinagrette to his. I had mine dry and added tomatoes. Weird, but no points. I tend to use the majority of my points to splurge for my favs like pasta, steak and such once in a while.


I don't do much exercise which will definitely slow my loss down, but wonderful for you to get your walking in at work. I have no legitimate excuses, though plenty of excuses. If you think you can do 50 in 8 months, you can! I'm worried I can get my 20ish in 7. We can try!

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I wish my DH had to do WW with me, even for a few pounds. He's 62, retired, still gets up at 4 AM every weekday to be at the gym when it opens at 5AM. Same thing on weekends except the gym opens at 7. Those he said are his days to relax LOL. Rarely ever misses a day, even when we cruise and are up late he gets to that ship gym at 6 or 7 am and works out. His body looks really good for a man of his age (or for that matter, probably a man of 35). All I hear about is how I need to exercise more (which is very true). He is quite supportive in eating what I eat, he always says we need to eat healthier. Still, it would be less pressure on ME if he had a few pounds to lose too and didn't look so good!

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Last night my DH hurt my feelings..........he told me he'd been talking to two of his female employees & said he's buying me a gym membership so I can work out with these girls that I don't know. #1 why are you talking about me & #2 he's NEVER made a comment regarding my weight before, I've always been the one to bring it up! Never the less, we talked & I told him that if I'm going to work out it's going to be with him, not 2 strangers. He said "I don't have the desire to work out" & I countered "then why should I?". I told him that WE need to be support for each other & he agreed to visit a smaller non-name brand gym around the corner from our house. He liked the setup, liked that we could have personal trainers to help us figure out the best routine for us, likes that it's a 24/7 facility & LOVED the price tag.......only $50/month for BOTH of us (personal trainers extra)!


I think that with both of us going to the gym & utilizing WW (we are going to strictly online for now) that we can & will become healthier, happier people!


Keep up the great work ladies.........and thanks for all the support, wish I could give each & everyone of you a great big hug!!

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Laurie, I always say it's the Y chromosome that makes them say dumb things without listening. That's a great price on the gym. Nothing is cheap around here except Planet Fitness and that's a 15 minute ride. I need something right here, although it's 4PM and I still haven't been able to motivate myself to walk into town to CVS (half mile each way) to pick up a couple of prescriptions and some other stuff.


I'd find doing WW solely on line tough so I give you a lot of credit. The meetings keep me somewhat motivated, and feeling responsible because I know I have to weigh in!

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Men can be so insensitive but usually they don't realize it. I am so sorry this happened to you. My husband is in training, learning to be more sensitive but he can still stomp on my feelings sometimes. The best thing is that you talked aobut it and worked it out - Kudos!

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Men can be so insensitive but usually they don't realize it. I am so sorry this happened to you. My husband is in training, learning to be more sensitive but he can still stomp on my feelings sometimes. The best thing is that you talked aobut it and worked it out - Kudos!


Hi there,


Just found this thread while I was on the treadmill, using my IPad to keep me company. Wow! Didn't know about this thread or I would have been on it sooner. We are leaving in 7 weeks to fly to Newark to get on the Celebrity Summit and sail away to San Juan. There, we have a condo rented for 10 days. Need I say more about the weight gain potential here! Yikes!


Just to let you know that I am a lifer with WW since 1991. You should have seen me on the day I got my life time membership! I walked out the door with my life time pin and said to myself, "I'm not going to be like those other people....I'm never coming back." Yah...you guessed it. I put all the weight back on and then some.


Now, I'm 61 and really finding it difficult, BUT, two weeks ago I was within 2 pounds of reaching my goal weight. My brother came to visit and what do you think? DH and I had to make sure he didn't starve, so we ate out all too often and now I'm 4 lbs away from my goal weight. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have a metabolism like mine, those 4 pounds are incredibly difficult to lose. Sigh...


Gosh, it's so hard to accept the fact that we have to control our eating and so easy to blame other people, like my DH and my brother when we slip up. But, I too shall survive and get down to my goal weight before I board that plane. And yes, I will eat while on the cruise, but I'm determined to keep the gain to a minimum with the help from this board.


So....tomorrow is another day and hopefully will be what I like to call a "perfect WW day" which is one when I have no slips, eat right and do my time on the treadmill. Wish me luck and I'm also here to help the others on this board too. Lots of experience, for sure! (BTW - today was shaping up to be a "perfect WW day", but my neighbour came over with a plate of homemade biscuits and strawberry jam. Cough...cough... thankfully, they were mini sized and I stopped at 2 - Phew!)


Dale from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

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Hi everybody. I'm just checking in after a not so successful week. I am back to exercising. So that is a plus. I have 2 and a half months to lose 10lbs. It's not my final goal but it's what I feel is doable for me by cruise time.


It's nice to see so many people on here also using WW. Good luck with the weekend ladies. Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I know I've gained a bit this week so I need to just brush it off and move forward.

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